Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious Ill also be interviewed by BBC THREE tomorrow.



May 20, 2018
If you have any ideas outside the obvious stuff I'd like to hear it... also I'll be sober unlike Frail
Make sure that they know that we don't demand a 10/10 Stacy. That fat chicks reject us. Tell them about the OkCupid experiment with women rating 80 % of men below average.
Tell them we don't just want sex, we want love.
lmao now everyone is being interviewed what the fuck, do you guys ask to be interviewed or something?
Blackpill them to hell and back @NEETAndTidy :feelsautistic::feelsokman:
Pace yourself
Dont stick to one topic for too long
Drop blackpills
Tell personal stories that dont make you look like a whiny bitch
And the most important thing
:soy:have fun:soy:
This is gonna be such a shit show. I'm gonna have to shove a rainbow flag up my ass and walk around with a limp wrist.

Once this shit hits the air its fucking over.
This is gonna be such a shit show. I'm gonna have to shove a rainbow flag up my ass and walk around with a limp wrist.

Once this shit hits the air its fucking over.

7663D349 C1B9 4049 B68E 029B6AB7D021
Pace yourself
Dont stick to one topic for too long
Drop blackpills
Tell personal stories that dont make you look like a whiny bitch
And the most important thing
:soy:have fun:soy:
Trust me. I'll do my dish to share blackpills
spread the message brother, the new generation is coming they need to know what is their destiny, don't let those reporters cucks shut you up just because they want to show a freak for the audience, put your voice in the heart of the millions of incels that are desperate for a answer, that are blaming themselves right this moment for not being good enough for a society that treat them like trash, talk from your heart brother the blackpill didn't only make you wiser but made you fearless and powerful, we belive in you brother, you are the chosen one
try to
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Everyone is getting the BBC :giga:
if you try and do a cuckbud i will have your head but i trust you boyo dont let us down
I talked to them like a week or 2 ago
if you try and do a cuckbud i will have your head but i trust you boyo dont let us down
Incel Disneyland meetup when? We can drown the mentalcels in the water around Tom Sawyer Island.
Ok, remember that an interview is like an hour long and they only show a few minutes. Why? Cause journalists always, always try to show things out of context to make you look bad. So you might be reasonable for 59 minutes, but you say cunt or roastie or foid one time and sound a little bit extreme, and that's the only part they'll show.
The third interview in a week? What the hell is going on?
Tell them about the collapse! Tell them about the collapse!

seriously though, tell them how cucked men are for wifing up used up public property toilets.

tell them how the current global sexual marketplace is unsustainable and how female genetics based mate selection and civilization can not coexist.
Make ready for my protipps.
Record a imaginary interview and upload it here. (stuff who you explain what the blackpill is why you are a incel...) it will help you if you train that someone will hear you what you say afterwards.
Talk about everyone, not mi mi mi I have problems..... talk about man today!!! incels are only the end of hierarchy a normie dont have it much better.
The amount of retards that are gonna flock here after these BBC interviews is gonna be nuts.
Expect Septembercels to be the worst yet.
Don't call femoids "females" call them "women" instead, acquire trust from normalfags by not making yourself look like a fool, use vocabulary familliar to normalfags, words such as "jocks" instead of "chads" "popular girls" instead of "stacies" and "nerds" to refer to incels(interchangingly).
Good luck.
Also, NEVER mention SMV to refer to attractiveness, do not use words such as "looksmatch" it's convoluted and unfamilliar to them and so they will not get it, all of that=dumb fringe theorism to normalfags, gain their trust and posdibly even their respect by acting in the normalfaggotest way possible.
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Don't say anything that will allow you to be strawmanned, and if they already have strawman arguments from the start, expose them to the blackpill.
Didn't you already make this thread, and it was locked? Not mad, just curious why it is here again.

If I was interviewed I'd just say a lot of ridiculous and obscene stuff. I can't take this whole incel thing as seriously as most of you.

But anyway, let us know when it is posted.
BBC = fake news
For the thousandth time, nothing good will come of these interviews. The BBC is a far left media outlet, why the fuck would anyone assume that they will portray us in a way that even makes us seem human?
Tell them we don't just want sex, we want love.
That will be a main talking point
No, tell them it's not about validation, it's about sex because it's a biological need. And we're for government funded prostitutes and sexbots for NEETS, and changing all the cucked laws and being allowed to freely spread the blackpill to all the cucks and whores. Saying we only want love makes us look like TFL cucks.
Tell them about anime and waifu
Tell them that being ugly should be considered a medical condition and insurance companies should cover some of the cost of plastic surgeries. One could easily prove that being an ugly male has more of an impact on your life than many disabling conditions.
You should be extremely careful in answering touching the subject of mass murder rampage, that the reporter will irremediably address, in order to discredit you and the Incel "movement".

Explain, the very very few Incels that went violent and killed people are overly represented in the medias.
Even though, there is a much bigger chance to be killed in the car accident or during crossing the road, that to be killed in the terrorist attack or mass murder of any kind.

Instead, focus on the goodly advertised old Incels, and how the Inceldom evolved since the 1990's, focus on social medias, internet era, change in societal norms and customs, mass travel, and most of all how society can help Incels, especially women. Try to debunk, Incels are not misogynist, or there is a reason for some of them are. I'm not sure about mental illnesses, and how to address this topic, as it's a sensitive subject. Don't speak too much about politics, and be very prudent in this field. Remember, we're not a political movement.
Make sure that they know that we don't demand a 10/10 Stacy. That fat chicks reject us. Tell them about the OkCupid experiment with women rating 80 % of men below average.

He needs to be more detailed, why get most men laid though?

Betabux needs to be mentioned too.

Explain everything completly or they will just think/claim its bullshit.

Like writing a instruction for a machine or something explain as much in detail as possible. Record the audio yourself too or let them at least give you the raw material of your record
Talk about how guys will fuck anything as long as the girl isn't morbidly obese or anorexic thin with no tits or ass and that girls biologically are more pickier because they will have a baby for 9 months. A 2/10 male will rot alone and a 2/10 girl is getting plowed daily and partying. Also mention that it's a combination of things that fuck us over not just like 1-3 things. For example whenever we talk about height mattering everyone instantly talks about their one friend that's short that gets laid when were just saying that, that is one negative to have. You can be short but have an attractive face and you will get laid. The average incel has severe acne or balding, busted teeth with deformed bite, myopia, late puberty and getting nothing out of it, short height, recessed chin, bug eyes, and some other terrible genetic deformities nobody has ever heard of.
Don't become Cuckbud 2.0
Good Luck
God Speed
Good Pilling
Remember to keep everything short. They don't want an incel having monolouges for several minutes. Blackpill them with with few words as possible.

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