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If you're not wealthmaxxing, you're wasting your life

  • Thread starter Blackpill Bishop
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Not interested
Useless post. Tells me whats obvious and doesn't provide any solutions
Cope, no amount of money can make you young again and give you true teen love.
Living in a 3rd world country is ALL THE MORE REASON to wealthmaxx. What's the other option anyways, to live a life of destitution and quiet desperation in a 3rd world dump?

You don't have to betabuxx

You think you're spending your time and money on yourself, but the reality is we've simply been brainwashed to give all our time, energy and money to these big corporations.

You're simply making them rich while your life situation is not improving
I find it amusing that you don't simply see wealthmaxxing as a way to have even more money and time to spend on yourself?

That's literally the point of wealthmaxxing, to increase your quality of life and allow you to do more of what you enjoy

You are coping and lying to yourself if you are saying that what you have now "is enough", that's literally what every person tells themselves, from the person struggling to pay bills to the guy working a dead end job he hates, its all just an excuse

Exactly, these guys are using mental gymnastics to rationalize everything

If where you live is so bad, you should be even more desperate to escape it
If I started to work like crazy what exactly would that change? If I would sacrifice my 8 to 10 hours per day for 200 Euros per month what would exactly change? House costs around 35k eur so no chance for that, I would still live in the same house, eat the same food, cope with the same shit, only thing that would change be nicer clothes and shoes but I would still be ugly midget virgin. Mental gymnastic my ass, you guys cope too much.
If I started to work like crazy what exactly would that change? If I would sacrifice my 8 to 10 hours per day for 200 Euros per month what would exactly change? House costs around 35k eur so no chance for that, I would still live in the same house, eat the same food, cope with the same shit, only thing that would change be nicer clothes and shoes but I would still be ugly midget virgin. Mental gymnastic my ass, you guys cope too much.

I honestly would always recommend starting your own business, whether thats an online business or a physical/service based business
I am trying to moneymaxx but recruiters(who are mostly foids) never look at my resume :feelsbadman::feelsbadman::cryfeels:
If I started to work like crazy what exactly would that change? If I would sacrifice my 8 to 10 hours per day for 200 Euros per month what would exactly change? House costs around 35k eur so no chance for that, I would still live in the same house, eat the same food, cope with the same shit, only thing that would change be nicer clothes and shoes but I would still be ugly midget virgin. Mental gymnastic my ass, you guys cope too much.

Are you retarded, who the fuck said anything about spending the money on clothes and shoes, are you seriously saying there's no way to make money online?

You could literally turn $100 euro into $10000 if you found the right path online and it would be passive income, monthly, but you aren't even bothering to look, suit yourself
I agree, but try to wealthmaxx in a third world shithole, even having a degree is worthless in here. Jobs are shit and pay peanuts, of course, if you are lucky to have a job, since you need connections most of the time to get one.
Are you retarded, who the fuck said anything about spending the money on clothes and shoes, are you seriously saying there's no way to make money online?

You could literally turn $100 euro into $10000 if you found the right path online and it would be passive income, monthly, but you aren't even bothering to look, suit yourself
I could make 10000 online, are you a scammer of some sort? Do I need to buy your book or something. Whatever, I don't know where you guys live, I'm starting to think in lala land.
One day I might need to wageslave for survival. I'm not against work, yeah money can buy you better copes. Money is very important, it's your life credit but unless it's serious money there will be no noticeable change in life quality.
Tera coping turds JFL how about u idiots shut the fuck up an become rich already then u can come back here and share your precious knowledge with us and you might as well share your money too since you care so much about incels' financial situation
yeah money can buy you better copes

JFL dude based on how you speak, anyone can tell you don't really desire money nor do you understand the true value of money, if one of the things that comes into your mind is "more copes" you are already in a defeatist mindset because all you want is more money to simple get more distractions from your failure of a life

unless it's serious money there will be no noticeable change in life quality.

Let me guess, the "serious money" is just supposed to fall into your lap else its not worth it?
True, money is power
Tera coping turds JFL how about u idiots shut the fuck up an become rich already then u can come back here and share your precious knowledge with us and you might as well share your money too since you care so much about incels' financial situation

I was going to put the effort in to give a proper response but clearly have a loser mindset and you are an absolutely worthless human being, so I'll just block you instead lol
I was going to put the effort in to give a proper response but clearly have a loser mindset and you are an absolutely worthless human being, so I'll just block you instead lol
So u have the winner mindset? Wtf are you doing on an incel forum then? What a delusional piece of shit for fucks sake
Look around, how many individuals are actually wealthy?
Pre-requisites are: Being a boomer, Jew and/or born into inter -generational wealth.

Wageslave jobs aren’t going to cut it. But yeah, just start a online business bro.
130ACAE5 457D 437E A87E CEE01FBDA186
JFL dude based on how you speak, anyone can tell you don't really desire money nor do you understand the true value of money, if one of the things that comes into your mind is "more copes" you are already in a defeatist mindset because all you want is more money to simple get more distractions from your failure of a life

Let me guess, the "serious money" is just supposed to fall into your lap else its not worth it?
I am defeatist and that's the least of my problems, my entire life is a failure. I'm not attacking you it's ok to think differently, we have different life experience.
I'm not attacking you it's ok to think differently

"Lets agree to disagree" is only uttered by those who do not truly believe in their own words, and no it isn't "ok" to think differently, by that logic its ok for normies to be blue pilled (and it isn't). If all normies were black pilled society would admit to our plight and something would be done about it

People "thinking differently" and not agreeing upon what is true or false is exactly the root of all societal problems
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"Lets agree to disagree" is only uttered by those who do not truly believe in their own words, and no it isn't "ok" to think differently, by that logic its ok for normies to be blue pilled, it isn't, if all normies were black pilled society would admit to our plight and something would be done about it

People "thinking differently" and not agreeing upon what is true or false is exactly the root of all societal problems
That means you can't change my mind and I cant change your mind because there is too much variables in what you and me are finding worthy in life, also what I can achieve and what you can achieve.

I'm extreme nihilist and mentally fucked up, in the way my life went there was no other outcome. You don't need to agree with someone to understand not everyone have it the same.

In third world country there is not really a way to earn something unless you already have good education and lots of connection, everything is corrupted to the core, if you are not long time member of the ruling party your chance of finding job is close to zero. I have no education, I dropped the school in 7th grade, here even guys with good college degree struggle to find a job. Factories are opened and closed all the time, there is no stable job you're lucky if you're on the same spot 4, 5 months. Bosses threat you like a shit because they know they can replace you in a nanosecond because thousands people wait to take any job.
I'm extreme nihilist and mentally fucked up, in the way my life went there was no other outcome. You don't need to agree with someone to understand not everyone have it the same.

Stop falsely conflating nihilism and defeatism, they aren't the same thing


Conflating these two things is something I often see done on this site, especially by idiot NEETs

Its also done by normies when I talk about nihilistic perspectives on various issues

I am a nihilist and I despise defeatist rhetoric (which you see all over this forum)

So I think I need to make this clear so that this nonsense can stop:
Nihilism - "The rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless"
Defeatism - "The acceptance of defeat without struggle, often with negative connotations"

Accepting that life is meaningless doesn't mean - "well I have to give up on everything I want now and do nothing"

This is the BS I keep seeing peddled all over this forum, which is 100% false

Nihilism is an observation of reality not a decree of defeatist life choices (which is what defeatism is)
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Stop falsely conflating nihilism and defeatism, they aren't the same thing

I know they are not the same thing but one doesn't negate the other, you can be both.
What's the net worth of @BlkPillPres ?
Yea I am tempted to say I agree with this post. Wealthmaxxing is probably the best source of happiness we can get in life.
I know they are not the same thing but one doesn't negate the other, you can be both.

Yes you can be both, but don't speak is if nihilsm is your reasoning for defeatism, people who are defeatists, are defeatists regardless of being nihilists

In third world country there is not really a way to earn something unless you already have good education and lots of connection, everything is corrupted to the core, if you are not long time member of the ruling party your chance of finding job is close to zero. I have no education, I dropped the school in 7th grade, here even guys with good college degree struggle to find a job. Factories are opened and closed all the time, there is no stable job you're lucky if you're on the same spot 4, 5 months. Bosses threat you like a shit because they know they can replace you in a nanosecond because thousands people wait to take any job.

Ok so kill yourself then, everytime I see a response like this is just sounds stupid, because the worse off your circumstances the more you should want to do whatever it takes to get out of it

You literally just described a hell hole and your conclusion is - "See how bad things are, that's why I have to do nothing and remain in this shitty life" :feelskek: (makes perfect sense I guess, the more you suffer the better it is to just remain in suffering - retard tier logic)

The truth is its all just excuses and you are actually content with your circumstances, because if you weren't content you would do everything in your power to escape it (including crime)

If a guy was coming over to your house everyday to rape you, would you seriously just be like - "Look at how bad these circumstances are...... oh well I have no choice but to accept it"

The problem is you don't see your life as "intolerable", if you were actually in REAL dire circumstances (daily sexual assault) you wouldn't be using these BS excuses, you'd have killed yourself, or you'd be crimemaxxing to get out, you'd be doing anything and everything you had to

So at the end of the day its all just pointless excuses



In the same way that you would struggle to get air if you were drowning, that's the same way you should be treating this scenario, but you are as calm as if you can breathe underwater because you don't really care if you're being honest

You are trying to make your circumstances sound so bad but the contradiction in that is you are very accepting of your circumstances

Now I'm done with this, its your life, you can remain in a ditch if you like, but stop complaining if you are going to be so accepting of it
I know they are not the same thing but one doesn't negate the other, you can be both.
"Only a dumbfuck fights a battle he knows he can't win"

-Genghis Khan
I really dislike your posts. They sound like you're a bluepilled cuck or femoid. Just be rich bro
He's right though, we all have to take breaks to repair mental fatigue and go back to wealthmaxxing, but we really are wasting time in those moments, if we could function like an AI we'd never take breaks and we'd be 100% efficient
I wouldn't say it's breaks that we need. But time to enjoy ourselves with all that money.

What's the point of accumulating all the wealth in the world if you don't enjoy it yourself?.
I never said I'm defeatist because of nihilism

You're right I accepted my poverty because
1: there is no point, for 20, 30 years I'll be under ground and nothing make any difference
2: I'm not into crime for one reason only because I don't want to be raped in prison
3: Nothing really makes me happy anymore

Hellhole is the every third world country, should everyone rope? Only reason I don't rope is because I'm too high inhib coward.

I don't get how you can't understand not everyone's mind works the same, I'm borderline mentally deranged with depression and anxiety.

I don't like talking about myself, I feel now as a fucking narcissist. Please don't waste your time with me.
I wouldn't say it's breaks that we need. But time to enjoy ourselves with all that money.

What's the point of accumulating all the wealth in the world if you don't enjoy it yourself?.

I mean't breaks in the process of trying to make money, not when we already have it, of course if you are already rich you should make time to enjoy it, I'm talking about right now though, as in the process of wealthmaxxing
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Yes you can be both, but don't speak is if nihilsm is your reasoning for defeatism, people who are defeatists, are defeatists regardless of being nihilists

Ok so kill yourself then, everytime I see a response like this is just sounds stupid, because the worse off your circumstances the more you should want to do whatever it takes to get out of it

You literally just described a hell hole and your conclusion is - "See how bad things are, that's why I have to do nothing and remain in this shitty life" :feelskek: (makes perfect sense I guess, the more you suffer the better it is to just remain in suffering - retard tier logic)

The truth is its all just excuses and you are actually content with your circumstances, because if you weren't content you would do everything in your power to escape it (including crime)

If a guy was coming over to your house everyday to rape you, would you seriously just be like - "Look at how bad these circumstances are...... oh well I have no choice but to accept it"

The problem is you don't see your life as "intolerable", if you were actually in REAL dire circumstances (daily sexual assault) you wouldn't be using these BS excuses, you'd have killed yourself, or you'd be crimemaxxing to get out, you'd be doing anything and everything you had to

So at the end of the day its all just pointless excuses



In the same way that you would struggle to get air if you were drowning, that's the same way you should be treating this scenario, but you are as calm as if you can breathe underwater because you don't really care if you're being honest

You are trying to make your circumstances sound so bad but the contradiction in that is you are very accepting of your circumstances

Now I'm done with this, its your life, you can remain in a ditch if you like, but stop complaining if you are going to be so accepting of it
Galileo IQ post ngl
Based and PeñaPilled

"If you don't have access to mass NUCLEAR weaponry you are a cuck."
This is actually true but yall not ready for the yellowcakepill

Hed be truecel without
As an Incel, if you're not spending EVERY SINGLE WAKING HOUR of your day wealthmaxxing, you're simply wasting air and space

Wealthmaxxing is the only viable solution that offers the highest level copes available like Betabuxxing, Seamaxxing, Escortmaxxing, Sugarbabymaxxing, not to mention Sugerymaxxing as well

There's a million different ways to wealthmax and it all comes down to every single individual - finding OR developing an edge and continuously hammering that edge with persistence

Every single thing you do besides wealthmaxxing, like playing video games, watching tv shows, movies, Netflix, sports, YouTube, spending time on social media - you are basically CUCKING YOURSELF

You are freely giving your time, energy, resources and transferring money to the pockets of the already wealthy monopolistic corporations who wouldn't blink an eye if you died tomorrow
>yeah bro just become a millionaire bro!

top kek
I don't agree at all, not only you can't wealth Maxx in 3rd world country but also jfl wasting and slaving every minute of your life to betabuxx a woman that despise you but wants your money while lusting for every cock she sees.

How exactly spending your time and money on yourself is cucking yourself? you are robbing yourself of what? A used up dead inside roastie that can't stand you and bitch about you on internet with her simps.
It's all to do with IQ, luck and timing. JFL at some of the retarded arguments and examples I've read. "just become a book writer bro, just get into graphics design bro, just start your own e-commerce company bro, just learn how to program bro". This is just simple wagecucking and will never get you rich. Also you can learn the basics of any skill, but mastering something to the point that's going to make you employable and in the position to wealthmaxx will take years. And even then you may never even "wealthmaxx" become rich. All depends on luck. You can't just go do a coding bootcamp and think you're going to become the next Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates. Or invest in stocks/crypto and think you're going to become the next Warren buffet of Roger Ver.. No that's not how it works. All these people either had IQ and/or were incredibly lucky and capitalized on the situation at the time (eg the bitcoin rise and crash in 2017). Funny how these so called "blackpilled" incels here have such unbelievably naive bluepilled fantasies of ever thinking they'll become rich and ascend kek.
Cope, no amount of money can make you young again and give you true teen love.

So since we've missed out on our youth and teen love, we should be relegated to a life of poverty and destitution?
Funny how these so called "blackpilled" incels here have such unbelievably naive bluepilled fantasies of ever thinking they'll become rich and ascend kek.
To be expected tbh
The blackpill doesn't necessarily entail being knowledgeable about anything besides what foids are attracted to and why society treats nonchad males so badly compared to foids and chads.
Also you can learn the basics of any skill, but mastering something to the point that's going to make you employable and in the position to wealthmaxx will take years

And those years will pass anyways

So why not spend that time truly mastering a skill/craft that is going to have a huge pay off for the remainder of your life?

You can't just go do a coding bootcamp and think you're going to become the next Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates. Or invest in stocks/crypto and think you're going to become the next Warren buffet of Roger Ver..

Its funny how most people always associate starting a business with starting a tech company/building an app and becoming the next bill gates, or they assume investing/trading and becoming the next Warren Buffet

That's like saying I'm never going to go to the gym, cause I'm never going to look like Arnold

You don't even need a fraction of what these guys have to wealthmaxx and live a fulfilling and content life
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when will you understand that health is wealth, and your looks are simply a reflection of your health. When you break the mainstream sciense brainwashing.

I've watched some of Mark Passio's stuff

He claims that we've all been brainwashed by the religion of money, and that accumulating money is nothing but part of a dark occult religious practice - OKAY SO WHAT? What's next? Live a life of destitution and poverty?

You can spend months going down these conspiracy theories feeling good about yourself because you have access to this 'secret knowledge' and 'insider information' but at the end of the day it is NOTHING BUT MENTAL MASTURBATION which usually results from a lack of winning in life

This is nothing but an ELABORATE COPE

I actually agree with some of the things he's saying in the video, but we are not in positions of power to take down the government or change the concept of money

The Ironic thing is Mark himself is using his Brand to Wealthmaxx lool
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It's all to do with IQ, luck and timing. JFL at some of the retarded arguments and examples I've read. "just become a book writer bro, just get into graphics design bro, just start your own e-commerce company bro, just learn how to program bro". This is just simple wagecucking and will never get you rich. Also you can learn the basics of any skill, but mastering something to the point that's going to make you employable and in the position to wealthmaxx will take years. And even then you may never even "wealthmaxx" become rich. All depends on luck. You can't just go do a coding bootcamp and think you're going to become the next Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates. Or invest in stocks/crypto and think you're going to become the next Warren buffet of Roger Ver.. No that's not how it works. All these people either had IQ and/or were incredibly lucky and capitalized on the situation at the time (eg the bitcoin rise and crash in 2017). Funny how these so called "blackpilled" incels here have such unbelievably naive bluepilled fantasies of ever thinking they'll become rich and ascend kek.
Yeah you explained it well, good will is a good start but without other things is useless. If it was so easy to make money everyone would do it. Nowadays every second guy knows how to write codes and program, for online jobs you also competing with hundreds millions of young smart Chinese and Indians guys. For a low IQ without a useful skills and knowledge like me passive income would be the best, like owning a real estate on good location and rent it but you need a lot of money for investment, money that you can't earn on low paying jobs never.
speed of light IQ post
because everyone has the iQ to wealthmaxx. tell that to some ricecel farmer that gets 20$ a month to live on in the middle of nowhere kek
As an Incel, if you're not spending EVERY SINGLE WAKING HOUR of your day wealthmaxxing, you're simply wasting air and space

Wealthmaxxing is the only viable solution that offers the highest level copes available like Betabuxxing, Seamaxxing, Escortmaxxing, Sugarbabymaxxing, not to mention Sugerymaxxing as well

There's a million different ways to wealthmax and it all comes down to every single individual - finding OR developing an edge and continuously hammering that edge with persistence

Every single thing you do besides wealthmaxxing, like playing video games, watching tv shows, movies, Netflix, sports, YouTube, spending time on social media - you are basically CUCKING YOURSELF

You are freely giving your time, energy, resources and transferring money to the pockets of the already wealthy monopolistic corporations who wouldn't blink an eye if you died tomorrow

i approve this thread
ive made decent money daytrading
if youre ballsy, you can sometimes earn 10k in a single week (but lose it all in a day)
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I agree with everything you say, I’m also trying to wealthmaxx.
all those copes you listed are fucking garbage.
betabuxx ? you fucking idiot, waste all your life to make money only to be divorce raped and become homeless. SEAmaxxing can be done without moneymaxxing too, and its just another form of betabuxxing in most cases. Escortmaxxing? the fuck kind of maxxing is that, fucking a worthless slut that everyone fucks for money is not anything valuable.
shit thread, go fuck yourself you “woke” faggot.

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