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Serious If you still want a girlfriend, you're not truly blackpilled.



Aug 10, 2021
It confuses me to the highest order how someone can take the black pill and still cry about not being able to get a girlfriend.

A girlfriend can only offer you sex or female validation, so if you want a girlfriend you either want one of those things or both of them.

If any of you want sex, just pay a prostitute.

Otherwise, you're just chasing female validation, which is absolutely retarded for two reasons:
  1. No foid will ever love you. Even if you're a Chad, foids won't value the man himself, only his looks. If he loses his looks, she immediately takes back all the validation she gave him. So why would you give a shit about validation from foids when it depends on stuff that you can't control? It's absolutely retarded. It's like receiving credit for an assignment you didn't even do. You get nothing out of it because you didn't do anything to deserve it.
  2. Females are: weaker than us, less intelligent than us, and less attractive than us if you remove makeup and male hormones from the equation. So why the FUCK would you give a single shit about validation from the gender that's inferior to you in every way? That's like a homo sapien wanting validation from a homo erectus. It's backwards and makes no sense.

This forum should be DISGUSTED by on the idea of relationships, female validation, and the idea of "ascending", yet all I see in here is bluepilled cucks crying about not having a girlfriend. It's retarded bluepill faggotry, and I thought we were supposed to be past this nonsense after taking the black pill.

Hire a prostitute and fuck that whore if you have sexual urges, but other than that you shouldn't need a foid for ANYTHING else, and you DEFINITELY don't need a girlfriend.

Rant over. I'm gonna start blocking you bluepilled cucks whenever I see you from now on.
Yeah, lots of girls approach me for wanting to be my gf but I always have to reject them because I'm blackpilled.

/s :soy:
yeah, their nature is not like in the movies, its truly disappointing
That's why I cope with anime
White pill. Its true, women can't love a man. Their "love" is so opportunistic and women are extremely self-absorbed. If only it was possible to take your libido out, doesn't work like that though. As long as women can't love men, men shouldn't love these whores back.
yeah, their nature is not like in the movies, its truly disappointing
Exactly. The disney fairy tale nonsense doesn't exist. Real female nature should permanently turn all men off from wanting a girlfriend.
White pill. Its true, women can't love a man. Their "love" is so opportunistic and women are extremely self-absorbed. If only it was possible to take your libido out, doesn't work like that though. As long as women can't love men, men shouldn't love these whores back.
i want a girlfriend that's a young virgin, sex with a prostitute is just masturbation. i seek intimacy from an untouched femoid, not some random used up whore.
White pill. Its true, women can't love a man. Their "love" is so opportunistic and women are extremely self-absorbed. If only it was possible to take your libido out, doesn't work like that though. As long as women can't love men, men shouldn't love these whores back.
Exactly. Unfortunately we're stuck with our libidos.
I kinda disagree, but I see where you're coming from.
I will forever want a toilet who will spend their life loving me as I would them, but ain't possible for me.

it's over
My fellow mods need to understand-- if you aren't completely traumatized from women like I am, there is a good possibility we might have another Komesarj situation.
i want a girlfriend that's a young virgin, sex with a prostitute is just masturbation. i seek intimacy from an untouched femoid, not some random used up whore.
You're bluepilled, it's okay to admit it. Even your profile is littered with the color blue.
I no longer desire a gf because nearly 30 yrs has shown me it is futile. But to expect younger men to abandon what is a biological urge and calling it “retarded” is a whole lot of cope and delusion
People here don't want the average modern whore as a girlfriend, they want their idealized version of one that was realistic enough decades ago. No, that innocent virgin foid doesn't exist anymore, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't lament the fact that they don't. This topic must be posted here a thousand times a day. :feelsjuice:
People here don't want the average modern whore as a girlfriend, they want their idealized version of one that was realistic enough decades ago. No, that innocent virgin foid doesn't exist anymore, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't lament the fact that they don't. This topic must be posted here a thousand times a day. :feelsjuice:
Fair take
I no longer desire a gf because nearly 30 yrs has shown me it is futile. But to expect younger men to abandon what is a biological urge and calling it “retarded” is a whole lot of cope and delusion
Getting a girlfriend isn't a biological urge. The biological urge is sex. Rape, actually.
I want a girlfriend tbh :feelscry::feelscry::feelscry:
It confuses me to the highest order how someone can take the black pill and still cry about not being able to get a girlfriend.

A girlfriend can only offer you sex or female validation, so if you want a girlfriend you either want one of those things or both of them.

If any of you want sex, just pay a prostitute.

Otherwise, you're just chasing female validation, which is absolutely retarded for two reasons:
  1. No foid will ever love you. Even if you're a Chad, foids won't value the man himself, only his looks. If he loses his looks, she immediately takes back all the validation she gave him. So why would you give a shit about validation from foids when it depends on stuff that you can't control? It's absolutely retarded. It's like receiving credit for an assignment you didn't even do. You get nothing out of it because you didn't do anything to deserve it.
  2. Females are: weaker than us, less intelligent than us, and less attractive than us if you remove makeup and male hormones from the equation. So why the FUCK would you give a single shit about validation from the gender that's inferior to you in every way? That's like a homo sapien wanting validation from a homo erectus. It's backwards and makes no sense.

This forum should be DISGUSTED by on the idea of relationships, female validation, and the idea of "ascending", yet all I see in here is bluepilled cucks crying about not having a girlfriend. It's retarded bluepill faggotry, and I thought we were supposed to be past this nonsense after taking the black pill.

Hire a prostitute and fuck that whore if you have sexual urges, but other than that you shouldn't need a foid for ANYTHING else, and you DEFINITELY don't need a girlfriend.

Rant over. I'm gonna start blocking you bluepilled cucks whenever I see you from now on.

The problem is humans aren't driven by cold logic. A relationship may be a state of delusion but a pleasant one. We seek validation, that is 'bonding hormones' like oxytocin.
People here don't want the average modern whore as a girlfriend, they want their idealized version of one that was realistic enough decades ago. No, that innocent virgin foid doesn't exist anymore, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't lament the fact that they don't. This topic must be posted here a thousand times a day. :feelsjuice:
people here want a waifu
Getting a girlfriend isn't a biological urge. The biological urge is sex. Rape, actually.
Pair bonding is part of mammalian nature. You’re just wrong and trying to sound like a tough guy
If you believed all this you would just go rape women yourself or visit prostitutes and not need to go on a forum like this
true but its in human nature to want relationships, intimacy, feeling of being loved. Reality is brutal and different than that. Perhaps we just want the idea of it while being aware of the truth
I get what you are trying to say, but i partially disagree. Either way we are fucked, we can only cope
i want a girlfriend that's a young virgin, sex with a prostitute is just masturbation. i seek intimacy from an untouched femoid, not some random used up whore.
You're in for a rude awakening, son.
If you believed all this you would just go rape women yourself or visit prostitutes and not need to go on a forum like this
I'm not interested in going to prison. I will just pay whore for sex. This forum is mostly entertainment.
It confuses me to the highest order how someone can take the black pill and still cry about not being able to get a girlfriend.

A girlfriend can only offer you sex or female validation, so if you want a girlfriend you either want one of those things or both of them.

If any of you want sex, just pay a prostitute.

Otherwise, you're just chasing female validation, which is absolutely retarded for two reasons:
  1. No foid will ever love you. Even if you're a Chad, foids won't value the man himself, only his looks. If he loses his looks, she immediately takes back all the validation she gave him. So why would you give a shit about validation from foids when it depends on stuff that you can't control? It's absolutely retarded. It's like receiving credit for an assignment you didn't even do. You get nothing out of it because you didn't do anything to deserve it.
  2. Females are: weaker than us, less intelligent than us, and less attractive than us if you remove makeup and male hormones from the equation. So why the FUCK would you give a single shit about validation from the gender that's inferior to you in every way? That's like a homo sapien wanting validation from a homo erectus. It's backwards and makes no sense.

This forum should be DISGUSTED by on the idea of relationships, female validation, and the idea of "ascending", yet all I see in here is bluepilled cucks crying about not having a girlfriend. It's retarded bluepill faggotry, and I thought we were supposed to be past this nonsense after taking the black pill.

Hire a prostitute and fuck that whore if you have sexual urges, but other than that you shouldn't need a foid for ANYTHING else, and you DEFINITELY don't need a girlfriend.

Rant over. I'm gonna start blocking you bluepilled cucks whenever I see you from now on.
Highly based thread. Calling it "ascending" is essentially worship of foids
Most based thread I've seen in a long time. I really don't give a fuck about a group of people who hate me so much that they find pleasure in watching me get bullied by Chad because they believe It's my place as a beta male to be treated that way. That should tell you all that you need to know about them. Yet people on here still commit the heresy of blatant toilet worship. I just come here for the based parts and the blackpilled parts. I hate when I see people on here saying "I just wish I had someone to cuddle with." :feelspuke:
People here don't want the average modern whore as a girlfriend, they want their idealized version of one that was realistic enough decades ago. No, that innocent virgin foid doesn't exist anymore, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't lament the fact that they don't. This topic must be posted here a thousand times a day. :feelsjuice:
Sex with an escort is not the same as with your virgin hot oneitis from HS.

Female validation does not affect just the way women view you, it affects how men treat you as well. So basically if you're labelled as an ugly creep you'll become a social outcast.

It's not as simple as "muh just go to an escort brooo", "muh don't chase wimin brooo that's cucked i'm gonna block ya".
You’re very right.
On the contrary, a girlfriend / dating someone gets you social status and will allow you to be more successful in other areas of your life.

Once you get to the age of 24+, people will start shunning you if they see that you aren't in a long term relationship. Additionally, most normies have literally 0 interests besides the social drama of their social circle, the drama in their relationships, and their work. Perhaps what's surface level popular (I'm a huge MARVEL AND STAR WARS FAN, I JUST SAW THE LAST OF US); most people will gradually stop relating to who you are as time progresses due to their focus being their work, lovers, friend drama, eventually marriage, kids, a mortgage, investing stocks / 401k, and so on.

You aren't truly blackpilled if you think there is a facet of human society that isn't about endlessly reproducing the species with superior physical genetics.
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Sex with an escort is not the same as with your virgin hot oneitis from HS.

Female validation does not affect just the way women view you, it affects how men treat you as well. So basically if you're labelled as an ugly creep you'll become a social outcast.

It's not as simple as "muh just go to an escort brooo", "muh don't chase wimin brooo that's cucked i'm gonna block ya".
Aside from sex and validation I think there are other reasons to want a girlfriend, and that those reasons are important enough to us for people to be here instead of somewhere like an MGTOW forum for example where people don't desire women and actively change their lives to not involve them.

A desire for companionship for example is a large part of it, which consists of much more than just validation. Desiring physical intimacy (including sex) is another reason. Some men want to become fathers and want to find a woman they can have children with.

Honestly I agree with you that it's naive to want unconditional validation from a woman, and that that's not a good reason to want a girlfriend. Why would that hold any more weight than validation from male friends who accept you for who you are? Or a parent or parent-like figure accepting you? As far as just wanting sex, why go through the trouble of even getting a whore, why not just jerk off?
You can't try and convince us using logical arguments what we didn't believe for logical reasons in the first place. We want a gf because we are emotionally predisposed to wanting one

People here don't want the average modern whore as a girlfriend, they want their idealized version of one that was realistic enough decades ago. No, that innocent virgin foid doesn't exist anymore, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't lament the fact that they don't. This topic must be posted here a thousand times a day. :feelsjuice:
based as fuck. all i can say-...
Aside from sex and validation I think there are other reasons to want a girlfriend, and that those reasons are important enough to us for people to be here instead of somewhere like an MGTOW forum for example where people don't desire women and actively change their lives to not involve them.

A desire for companionship for example is a large part of it, which consists of much more than just validation. Desiring physical intimacy (including sex) is another reason. Some men want to become fathers and want to find a woman they can have children with.

Honestly I agree with you that it's naive to want unconditional validation from a woman, and that that's not a good reason to want a girlfriend. Why would that hold any more weight than validation from male friends who accept you for who you are? Or a parent or parent-like figure accepting you? As far as just wanting sex, why go through the trouble of even getting a whore, why not just jerk off?

THE PROBLEM IS we cant really obtain these things. of course most of us desire companionshit, or having children etc..but its next to impossible to attain for (most) of us , atleast not with our looksmatch...and if you know the true nature of women not being able to truly love a man for himself, aka the blackill..then how can u desire to be with a woman without being a massive cuck? The diffrence to MGTOW is mgtows reject women for mostly financial/ security reasons..but for blackpillers/ incels its female nature itself that is so blackpilling and relationshits nearly unattainable and undesireable
That's why I cope with anime

Anime is simply a medium for us to connect our negative experiences and thoughts with the problems of the anime world. We project ourselves into the character for our own pleasure.



I want kids and a family, can an escort provide this? Fuck no.
It confuses me to the highest order how someone can take the black pill and still cry about not being able to get a girlfriend.

A girlfriend can only offer you sex or female validation, so if you want a girlfriend you either want one of those things or both of them.

If any of you want sex, just pay a prostitute.

Otherwise, you're just chasing female validation, which is absolutely retarded for two reasons:
  1. No foid will ever love you. Even if you're a Chad, foids won't value the man himself, only his looks. If he loses his looks, she immediately takes back all the validation she gave him. So why would you give a shit about validation from foids when it depends on stuff that you can't control? It's absolutely retarded. It's like receiving credit for an assignment you didn't even do. You get nothing out of it because you didn't do anything to deserve it.
  2. Females are: weaker than us, less intelligent than us, and less attractive than us if you remove makeup and male hormones from the equation. So why the FUCK would you give a single shit about validation from the gender that's inferior to you in every way? That's like a homo sapien wanting validation from a homo erectus. It's backwards and makes no sense.

This forum should be DISGUSTED by on the idea of relationships, female validation, and the idea of "ascending", yet all I see in here is bluepilled cucks crying about not having a girlfriend. It's retarded bluepill faggotry, and I thought we were supposed to be past this nonsense after taking the black pill.

Hire a prostitute and fuck that whore if you have sexual urges, but other than that you shouldn't need a foid for ANYTHING else, and you DEFINITELY don't need a girlfriend.

Rant over. I'm gonna start blocking you bluepilled cucks whenever I see you from now on.
giga iq thread
i cant even imagine being in a relationship, its like asking me if I want to be on death row

Anyone who still thinks this is a good deal or EVER WAS a good deal is retarded. Marriage and relationships have always been a huge disadvantage to men.
The biggest pill is genderpill: If you are born male, its over.

Also historically speaking, women were always portrait as sexual predators attacking men, not vice versa. Women were included in lists of vices a man had to avoid like, "gambling, alchocol and women."

Relationships are not real, Masculinity is a social construct created to serve women (there is something to be said about what actual masculinity should be, but its not what they say it is), dating is a joke - its all just hoops for idiots to jump through. Vetting process for dogs. The street mongrel sniffs the air twice and turns his back on such an obvious trap.
It confuses me to the highest order how someone can take the black pill and still cry about not being able to get a girlfriend.

A girlfriend can only offer you sex or female validation, so if you want a girlfriend you either want one of those things or both of them.

If any of you want sex, just pay a prostitute.

Otherwise, you're just chasing female validation, which is absolutely retarded for two reasons:
  1. No foid will ever love you. Even if you're a Chad, foids won't value the man himself, only his looks. If he loses his looks, she immediately takes back all the validation she gave him. So why would you give a shit about validation from foids when it depends on stuff that you can't control? It's absolutely retarded. It's like receiving credit for an assignment you didn't even do. You get nothing out of it because you didn't do anything to deserve it.
  2. Females are: weaker than us, less intelligent than us, and less attractive than us if you remove makeup and male hormones from the equation. So why the FUCK would you give a single shit about validation from the gender that's inferior to you in every way? That's like a homo sapien wanting validation from a homo erectus. It's backwards and makes no sense.

This forum should be DISGUSTED by on the idea of relationships, female validation, and the idea of "ascending", yet all I see in here is bluepilled cucks crying about not having a girlfriend. It's retarded bluepill faggotry, and I thought we were supposed to be past this nonsense after taking the black pill.

Hire a prostitute and fuck that whore if you have sexual urges, but other than that you shouldn't need a foid for ANYTHING else, and you DEFINITELY don't need a girlfriend.

Rant over. I'm gonna start blocking you bluepilled cucks whenever I see you from now on.
You still want pussy?

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