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If you saw a rostie get slapped by a weak manlet, would you whiteknight for her...

Would you intervene?

  • I'd restrain the manlet until the police come (soy)

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I never help roasties. :ahegao:
She wouldn’t help me if i was in trouble so why would i help her?
I've seen it in other countries
I minded my own business
She wouldn’t help me if i was in trouble so why would i help her?
Definitely not, even though she has the power to stop cucks from beating a guy easily. But they enjoy seeing non chads get beat up. You'd have to be really low iq to whiteknight for whores.
I've seen it in other countries
I minded my own business
Based, I've done it in america a few times. The rostie was visibly pissed from my refusal to whiteknight for her. Rosties feel entitled to the protection of all non chads.
I have no interest in getting involved with random fights and endangering myself.
Especially for some foid who would be ungrateful with my ugly ass.
I would mind my own business.
I have no interest in getting involved with random fights and endangering myself.
Especially for some foid who would be ungrateful with my ugly ass.
I would mind my own business.
If I wouldn't help a random guy in the same situation there's no reason for me helping a rostie, we already know it won't get you pussy by helping them, so you'd be risking your safety for nothing besides a pat on the head by a chad chasing cum bucket who sees you as her free bodyguard.
To avoid being locked up in the ZOG gulag over not obeying Michigan’s possible Good Samaritan law I’d at most call the cops and inform them of the situation but I’m damn sure not putting my own life on the line to help out some useless roastie. :feelsokman:

They’ve never done a damn bit of good for me so they can be Chad or Tyrone’s punching bag for all I care. :feelsUgh:

Also even white knight cucks should think twice about involving their dumb asses in these scenarios as it’s a very good way to get shot and not by the cops mind you but by the angry boyfriend who understandably wants you to mind your own business. :feelsthink:
I used to have a similar stance akin to this, but I have since revised that. Honestly, now days if I did come across a situation like this in the West, I wouldn't even want to inconvenience myself by calling the police. Generally speaking in the States, when you make a 9-1-1 call and provide information, to have it be effective you have to provide more information and take time talking to the police. Later if the whole thing goes to trial then you may even be called as a witness. Why waste our time, energy and effort on any of this?

If I was back in the States, unless I saw a literal pool of blood and serious bludgeoning of a foid by a large sized man, I wouldn't lift a finger.

If a Stacy/Becky/Karen saw my ugly ass getting robbed, 95% chance bitch would walk the other way too. Even if we were in a pool of our own blood, 9/10 foids today would likely do the same.
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I used to have a similar stance akin to this, but I have since revised that. Honestly, now days if I did come across a situation like this in the West, I wouldn't even want to inconvenience myself by calling the police. Generally speaking in the States, when you make a 9-1-1 call and provide information, to have it be effective you have to provide more information and take time talking to the police. Later if the whole thing goes to trial then you may even be called as a witness. Why waste our time, energy and effort on any of this?

If I was back in the States, unless I saw a literal pool of blood and serious bludgeoning of a foid by a large sized man, I wouldn't lift a finger.

If a Stacy/Becky/Karens saw my ugly ass getting robbed, bitch would 95% chance walk the other way too. Even if we were in a pool of our own blood, 9/10 foids today would likely do the same.
Astronomical iq.
im referring to the dragon ball super intellau

I see.

Re: Scenario: Australia, Canada, Mexico, and UK become US states

Join Date: 2016-03-08
Post Count: 157
#190386651Friday, June 03, 2016 5:39 PM CDT
Why Should Mexico Fuse With States That Are Predomintely European? Multiculturalism Is Not Good.
Re: muhammad ali on life support

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#190387133Friday, June 03, 2016 5:47 PM CDT
"is that the leader of al Qaeda or something" No, He Was Just A Work-Horse With Gloves.
Re: OT's Favorite Song(s)?

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#190388268Friday, June 03, 2016 6:02 PM CDT
I Listen To This Song Daily:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua8Zeo0yH8M
Re: i gotta do geo honors online as well as health

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#190388532Friday, June 03, 2016 6:06 PM CDT
Judging By Your Avatar, You Are Negroid. If This Is So, Do Not Bother Completing Geometry/Health. Your IQ Is Lesser Than Ninety.
Re: i gotta do geo honors online as well as health

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Post Count: 157
#190388683Friday, June 03, 2016 6:08 PM CDT
"IF YOU WANT HARD, TAKE CALCULUS!" You Are Caucasian, Calculus Should Be Child's Play For You. Complete Basic Topology/Abstract-Algebra Problems.

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#190388836Friday, June 03, 2016 6:11 PM CDT
I Am A 2016 User However My Account Is Greater Than Yours, Mathematics Amateur.
Re: First poster gets

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#190388938Friday, June 03, 2016 6:12 PM CDT
Jewish Individuals Are Imbeciles.
Re: @ my fellow ot girls

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#190623094Monday, June 06, 2016 9:53 PM CDT
Yes, I apply cosmetics regularly. Although, my natural appearance is more than beautiful enough.
Re: people say whites have no culture

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#190641970Tuesday, June 07, 2016 7:40 AM CDT
Only Negroid liberals seeking to conquer Caucasian society would make such a claim.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua8Zeo0yH8M


Re: yo guys what does SBing stand for

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#190668408Tuesday, June 07, 2016 4:01 PM CDT
"Script Building," perhaps?
Re: Poll: Are U Good At Maths?

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#200236802Monday, October 17, 2016 1:58 PM CDT
You should define "Maths." There are Geometric Maths, Algebraic Maths, et cetera. Also, the person who stated that "You should learn proper spelling and grammar before studying Maths" is an imbecile who should learn the definition of Ad-Hominem.

Re: Anyone watching Dragonball Super?

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#200238730Monday, October 17, 2016 2:48 PM CDT
"Zam worn out" Hmm. I'm not so sure about this. Makaioshin is immortal, yes? I would think that this extends to Ki consumption as well.
Re: I made up this poem in my class today

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#200239080Monday, October 17, 2016 2:56 PM CDT
"Eczema"? This is more applicable to "Epidermolysis bullosa."
Re: Anyone watching Dragonball Super?

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#200245416Monday, October 17, 2016 5:03 PM CDT
"But how would Vegito separate if they do use the potara earrings? The fusion from them lasts forever, even if you take off the earrings. They were only able to separate in the Buu saga because of the weird aura inside his body." They could surely use the Super Dragon Balls in the "Main" time-line.
Re: have any OTers been or are currently in the military?

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#200245501Monday, October 17, 2016 5:05 PM CDT
"not me obviously" Huh? Why is it "not you obviously"?
I’d just turn 360 degrees and walk away

That's a weird move.

Man sees fight, motions himself in a circle, and then continues to walk in his original direction.
I will help my manlet bro.
if i saw a manlet with 5 foids lined up and him holding a gun in an alleyway i would walk away as if i saw nothing

if these vile foids want equal rights, they can fend for themselves
if i saw a manlet with 5 foids lined up and him holding a gun in an alleyway i would walk away as if i saw nothing

if these vile foids want equal rights, they can fend for themselves
High iq. I wouldn't help those random foids either.
I'd pull a Dindu move and record it for Worldstar.
I'd look then walk away.

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