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If you hate "tall incels" then you're an asshole

Height is the biggest fucking cope, i'm so sick of these stupid manlets that keep using it as an excuse.

Being 6'1 has literally given me nothing, in fact it's made my life worse since my head stands out among crowds which exposes my ugly subhuman face even more.

5'5 goodlooking manlet > 6'1 ugly lanklet. Face trumps all.
you're just autistic as fuck. Most manlets are somewhat NT because society requires them to be to make it this far.
tallfag cope
At 5 foot 5 you are screwed unless your face is 7.5-8/10.

you're just autistic as fuck. Most manlets are somewhat NT because society requires them to be to make it this far.

Cope harder manlets.

Cope harder manlets.

LOL we have resorted to cartoons now have we, the manlet has a 8 plus face and they tallfag is sub 3. Jfl at using these extreme examples to prove your point
posting a comic, ala IncelTears does nothing to refute our claims and only confirms you're autism

LOL we have resorted to cartoons now have we, the manlet has a 8 plus face and they tallfag is sub 3. Jfl at using these extreme examples to prove your point

JFL at you manlets getting fired up over a comic which perfectly encapsulates your senseless coping.

Goodlooking manlet will always be more desirable than a ugly lanklet. Face > Everything.
JFL at you manlets getting fired up over a comic which perfectly encapsulates your senseless coping.

Goodlooking manlet will always be more desirable than a ugly lanklet. Face > Everything.
Tallfags saying height doesn't matter is like chad saying looks don't matter.
Keep coping fakecel
Who says we hate them? It's just pure envy. Being a manlet is hell.
I do hate those tallcells who need to downplay the importance of height to a manlet's face though.
Stacies Society treats us like shit for something we can't control, our looks. Yet you hate tall incels for being tall, something they can't control...thats some kek hypocrisy. Being tall doesn't matter when you've got a dogshit face, I'm 6ft1, I would know.

If you hate Tall Incels you are no better then Stacy who hates you!
Being tall is an advantage as man. I've seen tall ugly guys getting laid just because they played their height game.
Tallcel = Vocel

At least you always have the fall-back strategy of dating a landwhale or warpig...manlets don't have this option.
[Face=Height] We mustn't hate each other.We have same problem.
Being tall is an advantage as man. I've seen tall ugly guys getting laid just because they played their height game.

I know and I have seen white tall lanklets with 5/10 long face but good eye area that date and LTR 8/10 blonde stacies.
It's either a glitch in the matrix or JBW, tall and not deformed.
i dont hate them but i envy them if i were a few inches taller along with higher T/lower inhib i would be able to run tough guy game.
Height is the biggest fucking cope, i'm so sick of these stupid manlets that keep using it as an excuse.

Being 6'1 has literally given me nothing, in fact it's made my life worse since my head stands out among crowds which exposes my ugly subhuman face even more.

5'5 goodlooking manlet > 6'1 ugly lanklet. Face trumps all.

other way round.
Height is the biggest fucking cope, i'm so sick of these stupid manlets that keep using it as an excuse.

Being 6'1 has literally given me nothing, in fact it's made my life worse since my head stands out among crowds which exposes my ugly subhuman face even more.

5'5 goodlooking manlet > 6'1 ugly lanklet. Face trumps all.
SimplisticBlindAndalusianhorse poster
I can't imagine the suffering of ugly turbomanlets. My heart bleeds for guys with a sub 4/10 face and are shorter than 5'5. As a 3.5/10 tallcel I have every right to claim incel, but I admit those unfortunate souls experience another level of suffering. Sub 2/10 tallcels belong there too.
That's not hypocrisy at all. Being tall gives you advantages in life e.g. they earn more and are less depressed, where as being ugly gives you no advantages in life. All tallfags are volcel e.g. framecel rejecting a fat girl, or have gotten laid before e.g. grotesque and invisible, unless sub 2.
I would love to see one of these tall"cels" wake up as a Manlet one day. Or even my height, 5'9, still a Manlet. Then they would realize they took their easier life for granted!
Lol this thread is from the stone age
I would love to see one of these tall"cels" wake up as a Manlet one day. Or even my height, 5'9, still a Manlet. Then they would realize they took their easier life for granted!

We're not trying to argue against the fact that tall people have it easier in general. We're trying to kill the meme that height alone is enough to attract women.
tallfag cope
At 5 foot 5 you are screwed unless your face is 7.5-8/10. All girls explicitly mention how uncomfortable they are dating somebody shorter than them.

6 foot 1 5/10 > 5 foot 5 7.5/10
An example
The guy to the left of the screen in front of the tripod has a much better face than the tall guy, who everyone is calling hot. In fact, if he was shorter, we'd say he has a punchable face (round and puffy, features look bunched together)

Tallcels still exist of course, assuming they have damn ugly faces, and not just sub-8.

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