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Blackpill If You Are Self Conscious About Your Appearance (Especially Around Women) You Are Still Coping



Feb 28, 2018
The reason why you feel so self conscious is because somewhere deep down you are still latching onto a thin thread of hope, that you have a chance, so you are thinking about how you appear because you don't want to "look weird" and "ruin your chances", be it chances of "being accepted", making friends, attracting a female, etc. I admitted to myself years ago that I have no chance, and even if I did I'm not bothering to try anymore (the effort is not worth the reward). Until you truly give up on the normie world your heart will always waver, at the slightest hint of a chance you will abandon all your principals and then when you fail again, you'll be even more depressed than before, and hate yourself even more for being so spineless and stupid

There are so many guys on this site who I am sure would fall for that cliche trick we see in TV shows, some cute girl lures the nerd to a supposedly secluded area with the implied promise of intimacy, and then when he goes in for the kiss out jumps out some normies to laugh and tease him, sometimes with cameras to capture the memory and spread around. I could never see myself falling for this shit, or any variation of it, because I don't think I have a chance at all, I'd refuse to even follow her, why bother, I'm not gonna get laid anyways, in fact I'd expect it was a prank, but a lot of youngcels on this site that are still in school would easily fall for this shit, because they aren't fully black pilled yet, they still have hope

A lot of people are on this site parroting "its over" but when it comes down it, they don't really believe that deep down, because they are still self conscious about things, and actively trying to "self correct" to appear better, they get stylish haircuts, they try to dress stylishly rather than just wear plain colours, they are conscious about their lack of eye contact and their ability to maintain it, they try not to come off as cheap or frugal when around normies (especially women) as though they are trying to present themselves as a "good partner material".

I blatantly tell co-workers, even female co-workers that I'm cheap, and not to expect anything from me lol, I dress plain as hell, I barely get any haircuts, I barely talk to anyone at all, I focus on my work and mostly ignore everyone, etc. I've already admitted to myself that it is truly over, so I completely stopped trying to present myself as anything other than "guy #2342352" on the planet, the only people I want to impress are my bosses with my work ethic

Now don't get me wrong and exaggerate the point I'm making, I'm not saying I can show up at work buck naked and be unshaped by it because I care so little lol, but what I am saying is if you are still self conscious about the tiny quirks you have (how you walk, how you eat, clothing, hair, speech patterns, etc) then you have not truly accepted that its over, if you had these things would not be bothering you
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low iq

self improvement is never a bad thing, even if it doesnt get you a girl you can still feel better than u did before knowing you got better at something.
Mostly true, though the halo and failo effects do affect things outside of dating, especially people-oriented work like sales. I can see an incel cognizant of that being self-conscious about his looks even if he knows it's over for him in the dating world, specifically.
low iq

self improvement is never a bad thing, even if it doesnt get you a girl you can still feel better than u did before knowing you got better at something.

Self improvement is called coping if youre ugly, coping is pointless and pathetic

Its pride and ego that is low IQ, what is the point of self improvement that doesn't yield results, its just wasted effort, one should improve the aspects of their life that would actually benefit them, when you looksmax you have to HOPE you can make use of the end result, when I wealthmax I KNOW I can make use of the end result, so lets be specific about the kind of self improvement here, I'm talking about self improvement that is geared towards appearances, as in looking better and being more attractive, that's a complete waste of time.

self improvement is never a bad thing, even if it doesnt get you a girl you can still feel better than u did before knowing you got better at something.

Lol you know I argued this same idiotic point with another guy, you are exhibit A of the guys I'm talking about, literally fucking word for word you fit the archtype I parodied in the quote below - "at least I feel better about my self" and "well at least I'm better than before at X"

Pride is for fools, and the proof of that is how you've developed this coping mindset - "at least I feel better about myself"


For doing what 90% of men on the planet have already done, and in most cases, better than you

Pride is illogical, one should not be proud, one should be satisfied, being proud can blind you from making objective decisions that are actually to your own benefit, and worst of all pride breeds COMPLACENCY.

Just as you are proud of what you did, there's some neet who is just as proud for leaving his house for the first time in years, who are you to argue that his single feat isn't equivalent to your many, that's the problem with subjective standards, that's why its better to focus on objective standards, not how proud you are, but how SATISFIED you are.

When you put a ton of effort in, and you have nothing to show for it, that should be one's logical reality check to stop wasting their effort, and to pour that time and energy into things that would actually improve the aspects of their life that are "lacking", but a prideful person will tell themselves - "well at least I'm better than before at X" and that's good enough for them, they'll keep investing wasted time and effort because they are proud of that insignificant thing, because pride has blinded them as to how insignificant it is.
I would like to point out that, human decisions(neurology) are governed by probability curves, and not two atomized binary points that would give you yes or no answer.
The probability curves never reach the "complete confidence interval"... They may go to the extremes of "highly improbable/not worth investing energy in" or to "highly probably/worth investing energy in".

I think when we say "it's over", we are not talking about it in the absolute mathematical sense, of where the confidence interval tanks to 0 or to 1, we are talking about the numbers in-between.

The only two times when I can imagine the confidence interval reaching the ceiling or the floor are death, confidence interval goes to 0. Or when an organism moves between different orders of being, like metamorphosis of larva turning into a butterfly.

Inb4 cope
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I would like to point out that, human decisions(neurology) are governed by probability curves, and not two atomized binary points that would give you yes or no answer.
The probability curves never reach the "complete confidence interval"... They may go to the extremes of "highly improbable/not worth investing energy in" or to "highly probably/worth investing energy in".

I think when we say "it's over", we are not talking about it in the absolute mathematical sense, of where the confidence interval tanks to 0 or to 1, we are talking about the numbers in-between.

Inb4 cope

That seems like a lot of semantic BS to basically say nothing, also it has nothing to do with confidence, it has to do with levels of delusion, if you are truly an incel, then you have to be deluded to think you still have a chance, appearance should only matter to you, to an extent, but not to the extent where you are basically still trying, your effort should be going towards other things
I just take the path of least resistance every single time.

Looking uglier, dirtier and more ridiculous than I need would only make things harder, but at the same time, putting too much effort would not be worth it. I do the bare minimum about my appearance nowadays.
Now don't get me wrong and exaggerate the point I'm making, I'm not saying I can show up at work buck naked and be unshaped by it because I care so little lol, but what I am saying is if you are still self conscious about the tiny quirks you have (how you walk, how you eat, clothing, hair, speech patterns, etc) then you have not truly accepted that its over, if you had these things would not be bothering you
Not entirely true, a lot of the reason that stuff bothers me is because I'm reminded that I'm undesirable. It's not so much that I fool myself into thinking I have a chance, but rather that the idea of a romantic experience with a real foid isn't something that exists for me, and consequently I cease to devote energy to thinking about them. However the moment I see some qt foid, I'm reminded that I'm an undesirable virgin, and that other men get to experience all kinds of physicality with her on the regular, and then I get depressed again.
There is no hope anywhere for the truly hideous such as myself. Some guys here aren't even ugly, therefore they should stop being faggots and go find someone to fuck
There is no hope anywhere for the truly hideous such as myself. Some guys here aren't even ugly, therefore they should stop being faggots and go find someone to fuck

Its not all about looks. Try being an 4/10 ambiguous ethnic mutt in a red state city thats 85% white foids.
There is no hope anywhere for the truly hideous such as myself. Some guys here aren't even ugly, therefore they should stop being faggots and go find someone to fuck
Its not all about looks. Try being an 4/10 ambiguous ethnic mutt in a red state city thats 85% white foids.
Yeah, but still, face > everything
Its not all about looks. Try being an 4/10 ambiguous ethnic mutt in a red state city thats 85% white foids.
If you're only a locationcel, aspire to move if you really want to ascend
If you're only a locationcel, aspire to move if you really want to ascend

I am trying to move believe me. White foids here wont even make eye contact with me. THey wont even acknowledge my existence. Every once in a while ill catch a black or mexican girl looking at me not romantically but out of curiousity because of my ambiguous race. Never ever does a white foid do that. I am completely invisible to them. And no im not thirsty for a white foid, the problem is they are 85% of the population here.

im planning to move to southern california where i can blend in somewhat and my chances of ascending will move up from 0.
However the moment I see some qt foid, I'm reminded that I'm an undesirable virgin, and that other men get to experience all kinds of physicality with her on the regular, and then I get depressed again.

That has nothing to do with the thread, if what you do when you are reminded, is continue to waste time trying to adjust your appearance, THEN that would relate to the thread, the thread is not about feeling bad for being an incel, the thread is about still putting in effort to try as though you "have a chance".

I made no arguments about not feeling depressed because you stopped caring, my arguments are about not wasting effort and time trying to "improve your appearance" because you stopped caring.
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I put little to no effort into everything I do these days, I occasionally have feelings of hope but they're far and few between and they become less potent as the years go by
I'm self conscious because I'm scared of being bullied or made fun of
The reason why you feel so self conscious is because somewhere deep down you are still latching onto a thin thread of hope, that you have a chance, so you are thinking about how you appear because you don't want to "look weird" and "ruin your chances", be it chances of "being accepted", making friends, attracting a female, etc. I admitted to myself years ago that I have no chance, and even if I did I'm not bothering to try anymore (the effort is not worth the reward). Until you truly give up on the normie world your heart will always waver, at the slightest hint of a chance you will abandon all your principals and then when you fail again, you'll be even more depressed than before, and hate yourself even more for being so spineless and stupid

There are so many guys on this site who I am sure would fall for that cliche trick we see in TV shows, some cute girl lures the nerd to a supposedly secluded area with the implied promise of intimacy, and then when he goes in for the kiss out jumps out some normies to laugh and tease him, sometimes with cameras to capture the memory and spread around. I could never see myself falling for this shit, or any variation of it, because I don't think I have a chance at all, I'd refuse to even follow her, why bother, I'm not gonna get laid anyways, in fact I'd expect it was a prank, but a lot of youngcels on this site that are still in school would easily fall for this shit, because they aren't fully black pilled yet, they still have hope

A lot of people are on this site parroting "its over" but when it comes down it, they don't really believe that deep down, because they are still self conscious about things, and actively trying to "self correct" to appear better, they get stylish haircuts, they try to dress stylishly rather than just wear plain colours, they are conscious about their lack of eye contact and their ability to maintain it, they try not to come off as cheap or frugal when around normies (especially women) as though they are trying to present themselves as a "good partner material".

I blatantly tell co-workers, even female co-workers that I'm cheap, and not to expect anything from me lol, I dress plain as hell, I barely get any haircuts, I barely talk to anyone at all, I focus on my work and mostly ignore everyone, etc. I've already admitted to myself that it is truly over, so I completely stopped trying to present myself as anything other than "guy #2342352" on the planet, the only people I want to impress are my bosses with my work ethic

Now don't get me wrong and exaggerate the point I'm making, I'm not saying I can show up at work buck naked and be unshaped by it because I care so little lol, but what I am saying is if you are still self conscious about the tiny quirks you have (how you walk, how you eat, clothing, hair, speech patterns, etc) then you have not truly accepted that its over, if you had these things would not be bothering you
Highest IQ cel, I am not ashamed to admit that Iam a youngcel with hope, until I see that it's truly over for me I'll keep trying, but I must say I would never fall for those retarded pranks (anymore) Because ik my place in society and I almost never bother to second guess when foids particularly attractive ones look my direction, until I can hear it from the foids mouth and see it in her actions I'll never even think about vague IOIs
tbh I think its only cope if you care about what foids think, I wanna make my voice deeper tbh
Unfortunately many posters are likely fakecels underestimating their appearance to fit in on the forums. Everyone should pursue looksmaxxing once, but beyond that it is coping.
High iq,but the thing is that most of this forum is of average or above looking mentalcels
low iq

self improvement is never a bad thing, even if it doesnt get you a girl you can still feel better than u did before knowing you got better at something.
This. This is something that incels should do.
Self improvement is called coping if youre ugly, coping is pointless and pathetic
isn't some self improvement worth it to make your own personal reality more pleasant?
This is something I realized as well. I would ask myself why I still care about how I'm perceived by girls around me and I realized I still have a deep subconscious grain of hope. It can't be helped although conciously I know it's over
isn't some self improvement worth it to make your own personal reality more pleasant?

Depends on what you are improving, things related to appearance, or things related to resources

Things related to appearance are a waste of time for an incel and only copers bother with that shit

things related to resources will always improve your life

However when most incels are talking about self improvement, its always BS about appearance, not wealthmaxxing, not investing, just "go to the gym bro, sculpt a peak strength body nobody will fuck"

Peak strength is not required for surivial in this day and age, any of us can down a chad with a simple pull of a trigger, heck we can even fashion makeshift projectile weapons, any of us could even beat the average chad if we have some mace and a baton, strength is overrated in this day and age, and being muscular today is mostly about impressing women, we don't fight wars with swords and shields anymore, endurance and speed is more important that strength

That is why when I start focusing on building my body, it will be more about being "fit" than being "strong"
That is why when I start focusing on building my body, it will be more about being "fit" than being "strong"
yeah Im starting to go down that route tbh, what are you planning to do?
I'm self conscious because I'm scared of being bullied or made fun of

If you got mocked on your looks for most of your teenhood that shit never leaves you
It’s over for many men, man. Just not good.
yeah Im starting to go down that route tbh, what are you planning to do?

TBH I want to try the carnivore diet, can't do that living with my parents though, will start when I move out, i'll then do some kind of cardio programme, likely Athlean X, I downloaded a bit of his content, was hard to find, immediately backed it all up, that dude is the hardest exercise routine guy to find working downloads and torrents for, but his content is good and detailed, he really knows what he's talking about, he isn't some roided genetic freak who is really just strong thanks to genetics and is giving advice, the dude is legit, only "fitness guru" I've ever seen who goes into such detail about affecting key muscle groups, who those muscle groups work and interact with eachother, which exercises are effective on those groups or not, etc. I was surprised a guy like this even exists because all the others that I found were your cliche "just work hard bro" BS shit, no science behind their routines.
Oh so when I give up and literally just LDAR and stop practicing basic hygeine I'm called a Volcel as you're not an Incel if you're not lookmaxxing 24/7, then when I decide to put in a little effort it's cope (and you're right OP) - what's the fucking point in continuing to shower and worrying about my appearance?
Fuck it all.
Although I have given up on looksmaxxing and I'm also just going to give up on anything that may "help" my looks tbh.
Oh so when I give up and literally just LDAR and stop practicing basic hygeine I'm called a Volcel as you're not an Incel if you're not lookmaxxing 24/7, then when I decide to put in a little effort it's cope (and you're right OP) - what's the fucking point in continuing to shower and worrying about my appearance?
Fuck it all.
Although I have given up on looksmaxxing and I'm also just going to give up on anything that may "help" my looks tbh.

Its like you didn't even read the thread, where did I say anything about basic hygeine, you are acting like I said to stop fucing bathing or something, are you retarded.
I laugh when my Mom talks about me wearing a shirt with a stain on it. I say who cares. She gets all upset and does the whole, "But what if a girl sees you! Don't you want to look nice for them?"

im 30+ mom. ive been single my whole life. who the fuck would want me now?

but no. she gets all defensive and acts as if i still have a shot with these vapid cunts.
Isn't life and existence just an entire cope? At this point we're just trying to satisfy our emotions and our desires with minicopes. These minicopes will never allow us to experience the real thing.
Its like you didn't even read the thread, where did I say anything about basic hygeine, you are acting like I said to stop fucing bathing or something, are you retarded.

The reason why you feel so self conscious is because somewhere deep down you are still latching onto a thin thread of hope.

Surely this can also be applied to how you smell and shit?
I'm not having a go at you or criticising any points you made as for the past 6-7 years I've been self-conscious about every aspect of my life for foids.

It got to the point I was spending £60+ on expensive perfumes because I was that self-conscious about what every foid would think of me and ways of increasing my chance with success.

There's been periods where my acne outbreak would just be horrendous but as you've stated is there any point in spending extensive amount of money if when it clears up it does not improve my chances significantly?

As you've stated what's the pointed?
If you're self conscious we still holding onto a glimmer of hope that doesn't exist.
Isn't life and existence just an entire cope? At this point we're just trying to satisfy our emotions and our desires with minicopes. These minicopes will never allow us to experience the real thing.

Please stop conflating copes with pleasure, its a misuse of the definition, a cope is something you do as an alternative to what you want to do, we all want to eat, we all want to drink, we all want to breathe, we all want to exist, these acts aren't copes, they are the very thing itself that we want to do

I laugh when my Mom talks about me wearing a shirt with a stain on it. I say who cares. She gets all upset and does the whole, "But what if a girl sees you! Don't you want to look nice for them?"

im 30+ mom. ive been single my whole life. who the fuck would want me now?

but no. she gets all defensive and acts as if i still have a shot with these vapid cunts.

Lol mom acts the same way, I already told her I'm never getting married and I'm not trying to attract anyone so why bother, the only reason I try and look proper in any way is because of my job setting, I want to keep by job.
Depends on what you are improving, things related to appearance, or things related to resources

Things related to appearance are a waste of time for an incel and only copers bother with that shit

things related to resources will always improve your life

However when most incels are talking about self improvement, its always BS about appearance, not wealthmaxxing, not investing, just "go to the gym bro, sculpt a peak strength body nobody will fuck"

Peak strength is not required for surivial in this day and age, any of us can down a chad with a simple pull of a trigger, heck we can even fashion makeshift projectile weapons, any of us could even beat the average chad if we have some mace and a baton, strength is overrated in this day and age, and being muscular today is mostly about impressing women, we don't fight wars with swords and shields anymore, endurance and speed is more important that strength

That is why when I start focusing on building my body, it will be more about being "fit" than being "strong"
I gymcel for the T boost feeling tbh.
I gymcel for the T boost feeling tbh.

I'm sorry placebos don't work on me, nofap doesn't work, and I get no "T boost" feeling from weight lifting, I just feel pain, fatigue, and I see my muscle grow, that's it.
you don't want to "look weird
I think thats pretty common and normal. Social pressure can suck hard tbh. I personally dont want to feel in that way bec. i feel like im getting more attention than the average person and it makes me stressed.
I think thats pretty common and normal. Social pressure can suck hard tbh. I personally dont want to feel in that way bec. i feel like im getting more attention than the average person and it makes me stressed.

I'm no longer even looking to see if others are looking lol
Oh, thats pretty alpha tbh. Maybe its just me.

The best way to emulate confidence as an incel, is to do the extreme exact opposite of confidence, stop giving a fuck, a confident person is aware of and cares about peoples perception of them, they just know that they meet the required standards, one can emulate that in a sense by doing the extreme opposite. Everybody will think you are confident and sure of yourself but they won't realize its more like you don't give a fuck about life anymore and don't care if you die, impress them, please them, etc.
The best way to emulate confidence as an incel, is to do the extreme exact opposite of confidence, stop giving a fuck, a confident person is aware of and cares about peoples perception of them, they just know that they meet the required standards, one can emulate that in a sense by doing the extreme opposite. Everybody will think you are confident and sure of yourself but they won't realize its more like you don't give a fuck about life anymore and don't care if you die, impress them, please them, etc.
Thanks for the tip, it would be really hard for me to adapt that tbh, i lived my whole life as a high inhib person.
I always wanted to be one of the cool guys (low inhib, chilled). I mean, i feel really stressed in certain situations and i always wanted to be the opposite.
The best way to emulate confidence as an incel, is to do the extreme exact opposite of confidence, stop giving a fuck, a confident person is aware of and cares about peoples perception of them, they just know that they meet the required standards, one can emulate that in a sense by doing the extreme opposite. Everybody will think you are confident and sure of yourself but they won't realize its more like you don't give a fuck about life anymore and don't care if you die, impress them, please them, etc.

I verified this in real life, it works like described. Not investing emotional resources in society makes you disconnected and practically impervious to the emotional damage from social shunning. I realized long time ago I'll never be able to gain honest affection from a femoid, whatever thing I do. If the game is that rigged, it's useless even playing. Sometimes they told me "yUr Zo kUnfIndentttt!", and when I told the thing above they were like: :feelsmega:. But this is not confidence, it's absence of it, nontheless normiebrained people see only a black box process yet they notice the result.

When I was looksmaxing to have a "chance", I felt constantly anxious. Now, I feel nothing and a void inside. To win, more correctly, not to lose, you have to surrender.

I've already admitted to myself that it is truly over, so I completely stopped trying to present myself as anything other than "guy #2342352" on the planet, the only people I want to impress are my bosses with my work ethic

The same, only opinions backed up by money or pussy have meaning. For us there's only the money generating opinions left.

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