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Blackpill If you approach and get rejected, approaching was the wrong decision



Nov 27, 2019
Spoiler: you will be rejected, and it's obvious because of your genetics that the fantasies you have of being with a femoid will not come true.

"I have to be redpilled and approach despite being ugly, because I'll get laid despite my looks" that's not blackpilled, that's redpilled/bluepilled, if you were blackpilled you wouldn't approach while knowing you're ugly.
Spoiler: you will be rejected, and it's obvious because of your genetics that the fantasies you have of being with a femoid will not come true.

"I have to be redpilled and approach despite being ugly, because I'll get laid despite my looks" that's not blackpilled, that's redpilled/bluepilled, if you were blackpilled you wouldn't approach while knowing you're ugly.
You said nothing of substance.
Approaching is last resort of socially isolated men
You are right 100%, but some bluepill copers will still disagree with and try to debate you on this.

Just imagine still being bluepilled while being an active poster on here jfl.
Prime examples of "just approach bro!" are @Ropemaxx and @speedtypingincel . Obviously there are more users that spread bluepill flase hope BS, but those are the first two users that come to my mind.
You said nothing of substance.
Approaching is last resort of socially isolated men

How is it a last resort when it's something promoted as "do this and you'll get a gf" when doing it will only result in rejection, how are you getting around looks theory by approaching?
I guess a 1% chance is better than a 0% chance
I guess a 1% chance is better than a 0% chance
No buddy boyo the chance is waaaaaaaaaaaaay less than 1%. More like 0.000000000001%. You have a better chance at winning the jackpot mega millions than ascending as a sub5 male. JFL
I didn't encourage cold approach. You should meet women through friends.
Bruh THATS EVEN HARDER THAN COLD APPROACHES. The only friends I could get are other virgins like me and I have never ever had a foid friend. JFL its sooooooooo over for me. I might as well just stack up on my copes now. Fucking hell, it never even began :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
No buddy boyo the chance is waaaaaaaaaaaaay less than 1%. More like 0.000000000001%. You have a better chance at winning the jackpot mega millions than ascending as a sub5 male. JFL

Bruh THATS EVEN HARDER THAN COLD APPROACHES. JFL its sooooooooo over for me. I might as well just stack up on my copes now. Fucking hell, it never even began :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
You miss 100% of shots you don't take.

-Wayne Gretzky Micheal Scott
Bruh THATS EVEN HARDER THAN COLD APPROACHES. The only friends I could get are other virgins like me and I have never ever had a foid friend. JFL its sooooooooo over for me. I might as well just stack up on my copes now. Fucking hell, it never even began :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
Don't be silly. Getting friends is much easier than cold approach.
And honestly, even Chads have to hit on women to bed them. Normies do try a lot in order to make a girl their girlfriend. You have to hit on a woman to make her your girlfriend. It's how the world works.
At least you tried.
You'll never win lottery if you don't play
You miss 100% of shots you don't take.

-Wayne Gretzky Micheal Scott
Even if I approached the entire female population it would still be over for me. I would still miss 100% of the "shots I took"

Don't be silly. Getting friends is much easier than cold approach.
And honestly, even Chads have to hit on women to bed them. Normies do try a lot in order to make a girl their girlfriend. You have to hit on a woman to make her your girlfriend. It's how the world works.
You still need to meet a minimum looks/SMV threshold. A foid would never fuck a trucel, no matter how much he hits on them.
Even if I approached the entire female population it would still be over for me. I would still miss 100% of the "shots I took"
I just wanted an excuse to use that line lol
Teen girls of this new generation not approaching first. Hopeless generation
Doesn't matter. The main goal of a sub5 approaching foids is to annoy them, not to get laid. Plus, nothing is more emasculating than seeing a sexy foid walk by and not saying anything. Even if you know you'll not ascend, you still annoyed her and made her think you were on her level for a moment. If more sub5s approached slutty dressed foids then they'll learn to cover up.
Doesn't matter. The main goal of a sub5 approaching foids is to annoy them, not to get laid. Plus, nothing is more emasculating than seeing a sexy foid walk by and not saying anything. Even if you know you'll not ascend, you still annoyed her and made her think you were on her level for a moment. If more sub5s approached slutty dressed foids then they'll learn to cover up.
Cope. Approaching as a sub5 or even sub7 is a crime in 2020. We would go to jail and put on the sex offender list for "harassment"
Jfl at approaching if you look like shit
You still need to meet a minimum looks/SMV threshold. A foid would never fuck a trucel, no matter how much he hits on them.
No doubt.
Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935, though the idea originated from Albert Einstein.[1] It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects. The scenario presents a hypothetical cat that may be simultaneously both alive and dead,[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] a state known as a quantum superposition, as a result of being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.
Shouldn't you hit on women to see if you can get them or not?
No doubt.

Shouldn't you hit on women to see if you can get them or not?
I already know the answer to that. If I tried approaching a foid, they would just ignore me because I'm not tall, white, and nero typicall. Manlet autistic deathnics are automatic truecels. The best response would be "go away virgin". Anything else would be either complete ignoring or a report for "harassment". Fucking clown world man... Approaching as a low SMV male is basically a crime in 2020
How is it a last resort when it's something promoted as "do this and you'll get a gf" when doing it will only result in rejection, how are you getting around looks theory by approaching?
You're not getting around looks theory and there's no guarantee. It's the last resort
You're not getting around looks theory and there's no guarantee. It's the last resort
Exactly. It's your last attempt at escaping your inceldom, if that doesn't work out, you're officially incel.
Exactly. It's your last attempt at escaping your inceldom, if that doesn't work out, you're officially incel.
Just risk a HIGH CHANCE of going to prison and going on the sex offender list for that ASTRONOMICALLY SMALL 0.00000000000000000000000001% chance at "ascension" bro! Its totally worth it bro!
ASTRONOMICALLY SMALL 0.00000000000000000000000001%
The number of people here who have an astronomically small chance at ascending is at single digits. And even then I would need proof of an ugly face to declare you an honorary incel who has never tried but couldn't get laid even if he did try.
Cope. Approaching as a sub5 or even sub7 is a crime in 2020. We would go to jail and put on the sex offender list for "harassment"
Jfl if you're afraid of the cucked cops, or just be sitting around waiting for them after approaching a foid in a hostile way.
Being rejected doesn't feel that bad tbh
Being rejected doesn't feel that bad tbh
Unless it's a very impolite or aggressive rejection, you're right.

Being ignored after confessing your feelings for someone feels worse.
Cold approach is suifuel.
You'll never win lottery if you don't play

Please don't compare approaching to the lottery, that's an insult to the lottery, the lottery is blind and chaotic, and random chance, if the lottery itself was consciously biased against men who look a certain way and made sure they lose a lot, then I'd agree with you, women are like a lottery that goes out of its way to make certain men lose, don't compare the actually lottery to that, I have one a good few small prizes, I've never gotten even a handjob or a french kiss from a woman
Spoiler: you will be rejected, and it's obvious because of your genetics that the fantasies you have of being with a femoid will not come true.

"I have to be redpilled and approach despite being ugly, because I'll get laid despite my looks" that's not blackpilled, that's redpilled/bluepilled, if you were blackpilled you wouldn't approach while knowing you're ugly.
You are right 100%, but some bluepill copers will still disagree with and try to debate you on this.

Just imagine still being bluepilled while being an active poster on here jfl.
Prime examples of "just approach bro!" are @Ropemaxx and @speedtypingincel . Obviously there are more users that spread bluepill flase hope BS, but those are the first two users that come to my mind.
But you can't know you are ugly if you havn't been rejected in a good sample size. Do you think normies slay after 1 approach? :feelskek:
If you have never talked to women, you are a mentalcel. Period
If you are a sub8, approaching is a bad decision
I guess a 1% chance is better than a 0% chance
lol @ thinking you have a chance as high as 1%
But you can't know you are ugly if you havn't been rejected in a good sample size

You can easily know and you can get non-verbally rejected and treated badly by femoids, "if you've never approached in your life you're a volcel" is not blackpilled.
You can easily know and you can get non-verbally rejected and treated badly by femoids, "if you've never approached in your life you're a volcel" is not blackpilled.
You are the one who is not blackpilled.
Like i said, do you think normies get laid on a sample size of 10 women?
You have to agree that alot of people here are mentalcels. They are incel because they lack social skills, not because they are ugly. That is my point.
Pictures from members here have proven this again and again.
You are the one who is not blackpilled.
Like i said, do you think normies get laid on a sample size of 10 women?
You have to agree that alot of people here are mentalcels. They are incel because they lack social skills, not because they are ugly. That is my point.
Pictures from members here have proven this again and again.


That's the redpill/bluepill saying that you need to approach and have social skills despite being ugly which is what you're saying, and that your looks aren't the problem. Even if those members are above average standards in 2019 are very high.

"Like i said, do you think normies get laid on a sample size of 10 women?"

So you should just approach more, knowing you'll be rejected due to looks? That's just something PUAs spread.

That's the redpill/bluepill saying that you need to approach and have social skills despite being ugly which is what you're saying, and that your looks aren't the problem. Even if those members are above average standards in 2019 are very high.

"Like i said, do you think normies get laid on a sample size of 10 women?"

So you should just approach more, knowing you'll be rejected due to looks? That's just something PUAs spread.
No, im not saying approaching works for a truecel. Im not saying social skills will save a truecel. But it will perhaps save a mentalcel.

Dont dodge this question: why is autism a death sentence if personality doesnt matter?
If you are between a 5/10 and below 8/10 you will need social skills and a high sample size of women.

Also if your rating of yourself is from some PSL forum then you are fucking moron.
No, im not saying approaching works for a truecel. Im not saying social skills will save a truecel. But it will perhaps save a mentalcel.

Dont dodge this question: why is autism a death sentence if personality doesnt matter?
If you are between a 5/10 and below 8/10 you will need social skills and a high sample size of women.

Also if your rating of yourself is from some PSL forum then you are fucking moron.

I said approaching is not gonna work if you're ugly and you disagreed, saying if you have never approached then you can't know you are ugly, but like I said you don't have to approach to know that.

Personality doesn't matter in the way inceltears portrays it, but if you're autistic that's a disadvantage because femoids don't want someone who is non-NT.
I said approaching is not gonna work if you're ugly and you disagreed, saying if you have never approached then you can't know you are ugly, but like I said you don't have to approach to know that.

Personality doesn't matter in the way inceltears portrays it, but if you're autistic that's a disadvantage because femoids don't want someone who is non-NT.
I never said approaching works for truly ugly men. Im saying its hard to know if you are ugly if you have not tried. Normies don't have women approaching them like Chad. They have to work for it.
No buddy boyo the chance is waaaaaaaaaaaaay less than 1%. More like 0.000000000001%. You have a better chance at winning the jackpot mega millions than ascending as a sub5 male. JFL

Bruh THATS EVEN HARDER THAN COLD APPROACHES. The only friends I could get are other virgins like me and I have never ever had a foid friend. JFL its sooooooooo over for me. I might as well just stack up on my copes now. Fucking hell, it never even began :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:
You don’t want to do that anyway, as that only works for other normie tier males. If an incel subhuman did this, he would immediately lose all his friends, as he would make everyone uncomfortable. It’s over.

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