You are making a mistake.
The flynn effect data can have multiple interpretations - either IQ is rising steadily and IQ can change, or the tests are not detecting actual IQ and are useless.
If we track back in history, following the IQ increases, then boomers in 1900 would have an average IQ of 70, which is disability tier retarded. Thats impossible. Something does not add up.
I would also challenge the idea of IQ correlating to measures of life-outcome. First off, in some critiques of IQ proponents works like "the bell curve" it is pointed out that even the IQ proponents can only provide very silm correlation between life outcomes and IQ.
As blackpillers we also know that life is determined by tons of factors outside IQ, like gender, looks, race, height. None of these are factored into IQ tests. If you are an ugly curry living in mumbai slum, but your iq is 130, good luck nigga

Have fun dreaming about higher level maths while huffin dat jenkem

Definetly get a copy of "the mismeasure of men" - its a classic critique of IQ testing:
copy here
Just a quote, about the power of IQ to predict life outcomes, often touted by IQ proponents ("its the single best measure of life outcomes we have

let me give you another hint that I read about few days ago, and has been talked about on here too
- when they made the IQ tests, they had to select sub-tests that the overall IQ score would be based on right?
What they openly admit is that they removed all the subtests that showed gender difference.
So lets say there was a visual-spatial subtest, something we know women are worse at (i.e. women are shit drivers).
They would remove that test, because it highlights gender inequality.
So the test is fucking designed to make men and women seem to have same IQ, by definition. Thats why its fucking hilarious when people say women and men score same in IQ tests, so you cant say women are retarded - nigga the test is designed to HIDE differences between foids and men.
Another thing - if they openly admit that they can, and have, altered IQ tests to fit their ideological assumption that men and women have same intelligence, then why dont they do the same for race? Why not fuck with the IQ test until you get similar results for all races, by systematically excluding all the sub-tests that show race differnces and including all those that dont?
I will put some sources here:
Quotes from: "THE GENE ILLUSION -Genetic Research in Psychiatry and Psychology Under the Microscope" by Jay Joseph, Psy.D.
Full book
More stuff from this forum:
Russell Warne has a new post: Implications of average group differences for the design of intelligence tests He writes: The implication is that if test creators can force an average difference to disappear for one pair of groups (i.e., males and females), then any differences or lack of differen
And another highly interesting blog dedicated to attacking the connection between physical brain matter and cognition:
philosophy of mind,philosophy of biology,neuroscience,neuroscience critique,mind-body problem, paranormal,brain research,memory,parapsychology
Here are two more articles on IQ, from statistics guys.