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If I can't get laid this year, I'll rope



Nov 12, 2017
If I can't get laid after reaching single digit body fat, then there is really no hope for me.

I will give it a huge attempt once I am done with my diet and If I still can't get laid with my face being that lean, I'll actually rope, 100% serious. Because that means that I'm truly a truecel and I don't want to live a life without any affection. That's just pointless.

I'll be 27 soon, just lol. Who the fuck is a kissless virgin at that age? Unbelievable...
Brother, at least make it until 30.
KyloRen said:
Brother, at least make it until 30.

It's all a lie. We don't have magic powers waiting for us. Get laid this year or rope.
Twisted said:
What about your hair transplant?

I’m here to talk if you need me

I will have a hair transplant if I can get laid first and not rope.

I am not suicidal, just being realistic. It's time to make it or break it.
dude, some roastie is not more important than your life.
Why do you put so much power in getting laid?
Have you ever tried to approach?
I was always under the imperssion you are a good looking mentalcel.

I am a below average mentalcel so i am realy a genetic trash but you probably aren't.
CopingGymcel said:
I will have a hair transplant if I can get laid first and not rope.

I am not suicidal, just being realistic. It's time to make it or break it.

I'd wait awhile after the transplant and after reaching your body goals. Don't make this one year that arbitrary small amount of time.
Ropes are overrated.

Zip ties are where it's at.
NeverSubmit said:
Why do you put so much power in getting laid?
Gives him a higher chance. It would take a femoid less than a day with the same looks to get laid.
pretty much same story, at least few real incels on this board. living like that is extremely painful and excruciating. normans wont ever understand. girlfriends and sex give you motivation to live and develop and grow. without affection and sex u cant ever properly function.

ur body wont change anything tho. it's just the question if u ever tried to approach and date or ull give it a shot for first time in ur life after u max out body fat. if its the latter then u have solid chances of getting laid. however it's significantly abnormal to be at our age and be kissless virgins, which in most cases directly connected with ur face.
You should be able to do it. But if you rope, donate me your face so I can transplant it onto mine and start slaying.
you have the right idea. i should have ended it at 30 but now plan to call it quits at 40.

i will first rape a 10/10 19 year old woman and impregnate her, then jump off a tall downtown building in the nude.

hopefully i land on some young roasties and ruin their families lives
dr-problematic said:
pretty much same story, at least few real incels on this board. living like that is extremely painful and excruciating. normans wont ever understand. girlfriends and sex give you motivation to live and develop and grow. without affection and sex u cant ever properly function.

ur body wont change anything tho. it's just the question if u ever tried to approach and date or ull give it a shot for first time in ur life after u max out body fat. if its the latter then u have solid chances of getting laid. however it's significantly abnormal to be at our age and be kissless virgins, which in most cases directly connected with ur face.

I've never approached or given it a real try before, but will once I get ripped. I am thinking of my face being lean, not just my body. Obviously, body will be a plus, but face will be the deciding factor. I want to see if my face will be good enough at low body fat. If 15% to 8-9% makes a huge difference or not. If women don't find me attractive at that body fat, then I'm really fucked, because that + hair transplant is the further I can looksmax.

I will take good photos for Tinder (I am friends with a guy at work who is super good at photography) and start going out (at least with my brother if I don't make any close friends).

I will be doing the whole tight t-shirts ripped muscles look when I go out.

IronMike said:
dude, some roastie is not more important than your life.

It's not about "some roastie", it's about having any validation and affection as a human being. Those are pretty much essential to living a rich and fulfilling live. Without those, your life will be miserable. You may have some fun copes with some new video games coming out or reading a good manga, but at the end of the day, you'll be miserable.
CopingGymcel said:
I've never approached or given it a real try before, but will once I get ripped. I am thinking of my face being lean, not just my body. Obviously, body will be a plus, but face will be the deciding factor. I want to see if my face will be good enough at low body fat. If 15% to 8-9% makes a huge difference or not. If women don't find me attractive at that body fat, then I'm really fucked, because that + hair transplant is the further I can looksmax.

I will take good photos for Tinder (I am friends with a guy at work who is super good at photography) and start going out (at least with my brother if I don't make any close friends).

I will be doing the whole tight t-shirts ripped muscles look when I go out.

yeah, on tinder a lot is based on quality and angles of pictures, so ideally everyone shud hire photographer for a session, if they want to give tinder a real go. although tinder is probably most challenging platform for men to compete for women. there are many other opportunities out there. very small percentage gets laid only through tinder. 

body is a great plus, but it doesnt matter untill a woman considers ur facial aesthetics acceptable for her threshold. some look worse with leaner faces, so be careful with that.
dr-problematic said:
yeah, on tinder a lot is based on quality and angles of pictures, so ideally everyone shud hire photographer for a session, if they want to give tinder a real go. although tinder is probably most challenging platform for men to compete for women. there are many other opportunities out there. very small percentage gets laid only through tinder. 

body is a great plus, but it doesnt matter untill a woman considers ur facial aesthetics acceptable for her threshold. some look worse with leaner faces, so be careful with that.

I'm 99% sure I will look better at single digit body fat than at 15% tbh. It can only be an improvement, but if enough of an improvement, I'll have to wait and see.
Make sure to take multiple showers a day

and drown yourself in aftershave
Dont kill yourself man you belong here. This is your home now.
I'm very pro-suicide but incelmansion is something that gives me some hope.
There will be escorts plus at least for me a mare. Rest will be fun among likeminded people.
I'm kinda looking forward to it though I'm worried about what to do with my cat.
Surgerycel 1st bro.
CopingGymcel said:
I'll be 27 soon, just lol. Who the fuck is a kissless virgin at that age? Unbelievable...

Me lol
I was planning on doing the same. I’m so glad that it happened honestly.
Nigga just go to asia
CopingGymcel said:
If I can't get laid after reaching single digit body fat, then there is really no hope for me.

I will give it a huge attempt once I am done with my diet and If I still can't get laid with my face being that lean, I'll actually rope, 100% serious. Because that means that I'm truly a truecel and I don't want to live a life without any affection. That's just pointless.

I'll be 27 soon, just lol. Who the fuck is a kissless virgin at that age? Unbelievable...

Octopusgun2 said:
I was planning on doing the same. I’m so glad that it happened honestly.

You got laid?

ItsOver4Me said:


Am I ugly? Teehee.
CopingGymcel said:
You got laid?


Am I ugly? Teehee.

ouch man, I didn't realise it was so bad for you! Surgery needed for sure.
I'm not trying to get laid this year I just wanna get my fucking sanity back
gymcels, when will they learn. I'm feeling the same tbh.
I actually like your posts. You are high IQ. Let's get shredded and don't give up. You can never rope until you got lean and surgerymaxxed.
just ldar you sad fuck

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