*normie voice*
'hey so you like starbucks? you have bad taste lol, hey no need to get so defensive I know some people really love that place. you know um so there was this one guy who loved starbucks so much that he went there for a drink in between stabbing his room-mates and going on a shooting spree. crazy guy, right? but it just goes to show how much people like starbucks, and I respect that, I respect that.
'you know, they have a word for it, it's called brand loyalty. my last boss was always on about that, how to get customers to think of our brand as cool and sexy, and I just wanted to say, well maybe if you stopped showing up in the ads... but I didn't say that! I don't know, I think it's not right to say that kind of thing in the workplace. you know, do you straight-talk your boss at work? because you curse like a sailor here, but I think if I talked like you at work they'd think I was a monster.'