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RageFuel Iceland: More Than a Quarter of the Population Participated in Retarded “Women and Non-Binary Strike”



May 24, 2022

Iceland: More Than a Quarter of the Population Participated in Retarded “Women and Non-Binary Strike”​

Snake Baker October 26, 2023

Oh, haha.
Hey guys!
Cool country!
Very serious!
The Guardian:
The prime minister of Iceland has said she wants to achieve full gender equality in her country by 2030 as she joined an estimated 100,000 women and non-binary people in an all-day strike, the biggest protest the country has ever seen.
Speaking outside her office before the start of a huge gathering in the centre of Reykjavík on Tuesday, Katrín Jakobsdóttir said the world was dragging its feet on gender equality but that Iceland was doing its best to deal with “huge issues” around the gender pay gap, gender-based violence and sexual harassment.

She told the Guardian: “My dream is that we will do that [achieve full gender equality] before 2030, but I know it will take a lot of effort.
“We have been making changes in legislation when it comes to both of these issues and hopefully we will see us continue to move forward.”

Citing UN estimates that at the current pace of progress it will take 300 years to achieve this goal, Jakobsdóttir added: “This is just not acceptable that women around the globe will have to wait for full equality for 300 years.”
Organisers of the strike, the first full-day action of its kind in 48 years, said an estimated 100,000 people attended the event in the capital – more than a quarter of the nation’s total population of 376,000, making it the biggest crowd Iceland has ever seen.

They said the action had caused widespread disruption across the country, with schools and kindergartens closed across Iceland and just one bank staying open.
The protesters descended on Reykjavík city centre calling for the country’s wage gap to be closed – women on average earned 21% less than men in 2022, according to Statistics Iceland – and for an end to gender-based and sexual violence, which affects 40% of women in Iceland during their lifetimes.
Yeah, I’m sure 40% of Icelandic women are beaten and raped or whatever.
This shit is so retarded.
They don’t even have immigrants.
You want me to believe Icelandic men are going around raping bitches on a mass scale?
All of this stuff is just cartoonishly retarded. Like, everything is. Ukraine, women, Jews, trannies, global warming – everything is retarded on its face.
But we’ve destroyed Christianity, so we live in a world of lies. There is no measure of the truth. People can just say anything.
In towns around the country, including Húsavík, Akureyri and Sauðárkrókur, thousands more women took part in protest events under the slogan Kallarðu þetta jafnrétti? (You call this equality?)
But the biggest event was on Arnarhóll, a hill in Reykjavík city centre, held near the site of the first full-day women’s strike in 1975, which had the energy and crowds of a huge music festival.

Crowds attended with friends, family and colleagues, many carrying placards, cheering speakers and singing along to performers.
An anthem of the 1975 strike, Áfram Stelpur (Onward Girls), originally sung by radical women’s movement the Redstockings, was bellowed.
The first women’s strike led to pivotal change in Iceland including the establishment of a women’s political party, the Women’s Alliance, and the election of the world’s first female elected president of a country.
But Jakobsdóttir said that, even though the world saw Iceland as a world leader for gender equality, “Icelandic women are very conscious about the fact that we still have huge issues dealing with the gender pay gap, gender based violence, sexual violence and harassment.”
Her government was committed, she added, to driving through further reforms to tackle these issues. “Our experience is that gender equality is not just the right thing to do – it’s obviously the right thing to do – but it’s also good for the economy and society,” said the prime minister.
“Obviously the world is not doing enough,” she said, adding: “There are very few of us who are female world leaders, [and] we have lost a few in the last few years.”
There was high-level backing for the strike. Along with Jakobsdóttir, the country’s first lady, the author Eliza Reid, shared her out of office message, which said that she would not be responding to emails because she was on strike.
“This is the seventh strike, but the first all-day strike of its kind since 1975, when 90% of Iceland’s women took a day off, with results that resonated for years throughout society,”
she wrote.

Another oppressed bitch
But, she added: “Almost half a century later, equality is still far from being achieved, hence this reminder.”
There’s that old question: “what do women want?”
Supposedly you can’t ever answer it. That’s the joke.
But I’ve got an answer: “more.”
Women always want more.

its already illegal to make porn in Iceland, I knew this tall icelandic motherfucker, and he was a feminist cunt who thinks people who watch porn are misogynists. This is already the norm for icelandic men. Knowing already how insanely feminist the average guy in iceland is, this is not surprising.
what a bunch of cucks. boomers really never taught anything to their kids.
its already illegal to make porn in Iceland, I knew this tall icelandic motherfucker, and he was a feminist cunt who thinks people who watch porn are misogynists. This is already the norm for icelandic men. Knowing already how insanely feminist the average guy in iceland is, this is not surprising.
so called Stormfront's nordic ubermenschen are all cucks!!! :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
Balkan Slavic uttermenschen on the other hand!:chad::chad::chad::chad:
“huge issues” around the gender pay gap
Doesn't exist
, gender-based violence
80% of victims of violence are male and men get FAR longer sentences for the same violent crimes.
and sexual harassment.
Is both trivial and already illegal (overly illegal).

Meanwhile, men have no reproductive rights, women outlive men by 4-10 years the world over, men pay 80% of taxes, are 90% of the homeless, do 95% of hard and essential jobs. Women have complete access to men's bodies but men have no access whatsoever to women's bodies.

This cunt should be raped to death with blunt instruments.
nuke all scandinavian countries
Weird how jews earning more than whites never means that a country is anti-white and that we need to fight against this jewish power. No all of a sudden the left learns common sense arguments like "maybe they have better degrees, maybe they work harder, maybe they have a culture of hard work and learning harder, maybe they work nightshifts or work more hours".

Leftists are the fucking scum of the earth.
U could take over Iceland with like 50 guys, think about it
I don’t really care about what they do in their little cuckland as long as they don’t try to implement this shit in my region.

Iceland: More Than a Quarter of the Population Participated in Retarded “Women and Non-Binary Strike”​

Snake Baker October 26, 2023

Oh, haha.
Hey guys!
Cool country!
Very serious!
The Guardian:

Yeah, I’m sure 40% of Icelandic women are beaten and raped or whatever.
This shit is so retarded.
They don’t even have immigrants.
You want me to believe Icelandic men are going around raping bitches on a mass scale?
All of this stuff is just cartoonishly retarded. Like, everything is. Ukraine, women, Jews, trannies, global warming – everything is retarded on its face.
But we’ve destroyed Christianity, so we live in a world of lies. There is no measure of the truth. People can just say anything.

Another oppressed bitch

There’s that old question: “what do women want?”
Supposedly you can’t ever answer it. That’s the joke.
But I’ve got an answer: “more.”
Women always want more.

Islam is right about women.
its already illegal to make porn in Iceland, I knew this tall icelandic motherfucker, and he was a feminist cunt who thinks people who watch porn are misogynists. This is already the norm for icelandic men. Knowing already how insanely feminist the average guy in iceland is, this is not surprising.
Icelandic men are feminized and exist to serve women, they are bred that way by their women. Statistically Icelandic women are the sluttiest women in Europe, and it shows. The people are attractive and the men are tall, but they are slaves to their women. The women have been breeding their men for submission and physical attractiveness.
Iceland's Coronavirus Vaccination Rate is at 77.82% (boosters and all). They aren't even capable of independent thought, like pack animals.
They are a dead culture and people. Iceland really disproves Nazi ideas on eugenics. If a whole people are so easily tricked into poisoning themselves, what was all that "eugenic" breeding for?
Strange that men being tall and beautiful usually means they have genetics bred by females to serve them better.
They don’t even have immigrants.
You want me to believe Icelandic men are going around raping bitches on a mass scale?
Very common in cynical accelerationist circles is the view that the invitatin of immigrants leads to a sudden burst of crime because of their contrast with the current liberal society. This spike is an argument for progressives to finallyreach towards more revolutionairy and authoritarian/revolutionairy policies.

Multiculturalism serves the purpose of building up tensions so that the new leftist order could replace current culture with its ideology and basically make ideology the new culture. Doctrines will become norms, laws will be just the legislative manfestation of goals found in ideological goals etc.

If the main criteria of progress is the liberalization of topics such as "abortion" or "fighting discrimination" and "feminism" then by all means every culture around the world when met with the progressive vector will under its influence become more and more the same. Aesthethics such as food and clothing, language will become pure cosmetics that will be used as tokens of a grand narrative, the supreme lie - that not monoculturalism is the only condition that provides stability.

Since Island promotes the view of equality the data from Europe showcasing crime and instability is very convenient in their narrative, that because eople over the sea are like this, the incelanders are no different.

Nihil novi bro.
men already suicide 6x more than women there. now imagine after they implement "equality"
Doesn't exist

80% of victims of violence are male and men get FAR longer sentences for the same violent crimes.

Is both trivial and already illegal (overly illegal).

Meanwhile, men have no reproductive rights, women outlive men by 4-10 years the world over, men pay 80% of taxes, are 90% of the homeless, do 95% of hard and essential jobs. Women have complete access to men's bodies but men have no access whatsoever to women's bodies.

This cunt should be raped to death with blunt instruments.
hurts so much that they dont address this
So basically the most privileged people on Earth are revolting for more?
Gender Equality can never truly be achieved when studies have shown there is a 4x ingroup bias for women and a bias for women in males. Any attempt at equality is only going to push female supremacy which we are already seeing.

So basically the most privileged people on Earth are revolting for more?
I fucking hate European countries, probably more so than US. Act like alphas in football stadiums but limp-dicks in reality.
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I want to move there. I know I wont contract the soylent.
Isn't the population there only a quater of a million.
dnr is this pro or anti zog protest?
its already illegal to make porn in Iceland, I knew this tall icelandic motherfucker, and he was a feminist cunt who thinks people who watch porn are misogynists. This is already the norm for icelandic men. Knowing already how insanely feminist the average guy in iceland is, this is not surprising.
Isn't it ironic (and kinda sus ngl) how the internet's most misogynistic, heavily racist, and extreme fringe view (according to NPC narrative) free speech website is hosted in a completely CUCKED, FEMINIST, GYNOCENTRIC SHITHOLE?
Isn't it ironic (and kinda sus ngl) how the internet's most misogynistic, heavily racist, and extreme fringe view (according to NPC narrative) free speech website is hosted in a completely CUCKED, FEMINIST, GYNOCENTRIC SHITHOLE?
that is a bit ironic
its already illegal to make porn in Iceland, I knew this tall icelandic motherfucker, and he was a feminist cunt who thinks people who watch porn are misogynists. This is already the norm for icelandic men. Knowing already how insanely feminist the average guy in iceland is, this is not surprising.
I've met people from that nation they are insanely leftist. In fact they give swedish men a run for their money. And i've met swedish men in dresses. It's only a matter of time before most of scandanavia is a islamic califate. I think denmark might be okay. They still have a fighting spirit and masculinity in them. Even though I fucking hate the danish. It's like white people have a death earrant or something. They go out of their way to be fucking pussies and destroy what little that they have.
Apparently, this backfired, because economy didn't suffer, productivity went up and HR received no complaints. Very difficult to find this info though, wonder why. And if the result was negative, I bet it would be talk of the year.

Like everything in feminism, the wage gap is a lie, but it might be the most absurd out of them. The amount of data manipulation, deception, false comparisons and mental gymnastics that goes into it is insane.
Gender Equality can never truly be achieved when studies have shown there is a 4x ingroup bias for women and a bias for women in males. Any attempt at equality is only going to push female supremacy which we are already seeing.
Based. It's very eye opening to link these 2 infos. Not only feminism doesn't seek equality, they couldn't even if they wanted.
Icelandic-Chad-worshipper Tails on suicide watch.
cucks, whores, trannies and faggots :feelsugh:

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