This is exactly one of the kinds of problem I'm trying to solve. Why should I or anyone have to gain anything? Why can't we simply help our brothers and improve the greater good?
I understand that there will always be cheaters and people looking to take advantage for selfish reasons, and that I could be cucking myself to get exploited by deviating from the game-theoretic optimal strategy, but having enough people with the right mindset (to be determined and defined some other time) will eventually weed out the corrupt.
Selfishness is a quick path to bringing the worst in people. The difficult path is the one where benefits aren't immediate and personal at the expense of others, but steady and strong for all in the long run.
An example would be if people in a society all exercised more and smoked/drank less. In the end, it will burden the doctors and nurses less in addition to all of the other benefits. This in turn will have cascading effects on businesses, lifestyles, social relations, and the workforce. And that is something very major relative to my scope.