Do you really think that "Noahs Ark" was the first story like that? hell no, Mesopotamian epics of Ziusudra, Gilgamesh, Atrahasis all have sotries of "great floods" wiping out all of humanity to cleanse. The Sumerians King List relies on the flood motif as well. And all of these stories came before the bible. You can really track anything from the bible back to older regions and stories told from before.
lol this is what your link states, did you even read it???
"[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The Bible presents a standard boat shape - long and narrow. The length being six times the measure of the width, with three decks and an entrance on the side.[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The newly discovered Mesopotamian text describes a large round vessel, made of woven rope, and coated (like the biblical ark) in pitch to keep it waterproof.[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Archaeologists are planning to design a prototype of the ark, built to the specifications of this text, to see if it would actually float. Good luck to them in trying to estimate the weight of its cargo." [/font]