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LifeFuel I will give a girl my number tomorrow, wish me luck.



Mar 5, 2024
This angel. I don't know her that well but she went out of her way to help me find an item I was looking for. She's perfect: curvy, smart, and has ocean-blue eyes.

I admit I am nervous. I have turned into a disgusting new creature after being an incredibly spiteful person for many years due to being ugly and short; yet my encounter with her gave me a sense of warmth far different from the familiar embers of hate. She even cracked a joke with me. I was blown away by this as well.

I don't know how to flirt with her or if she's single (no ring on her fingers :feelsokman:) but I do know I have the upper hand because I can leave the ball in her court. The plan is once she hands me my receipt I will write my number down and hand it back to her. Then it's up to her to reply and for me to accept the outcome.

If I don't do anything and just stay in my head I will not evolve as a human. I shall not be afraid of pain.

Wish me luck and updates will be soon. :hax:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OIDQqnUO6s
Hope you ascend bro
She's getting ready to preemptively reject you right now but good luck.
the bitch is paid to be nice bro
I gave this one white girl my number at special olympics because i had asked her out she rejected me she seemed to like this one normie she all all over him which felt like sui mog. I was to scared and cowered to even call back kept simping over her picture she took with me and eventually gave up even though i cried alot ended up alone always will be.
My life is brilliant
My love is pure
I saw an angel
Of that I'm sure
She smiled at me on the subway
She was with another man
But I won't lose no sleep on that
'Cause I've got a plan
do it she is your soulmate

good luck
Good luck! Btw do you have autism?
This angel. I don't know her that well but she went out of her way to help me find an item I was looking for. She's perfect: curvy, smart, and has ocean-blue eyes.

I admit I am nervous. I have turned into a disgusting new creature after being an incredibly spiteful person for many years due to being ugly and short; yet my encounter with her gave me a sense of warmth far different from the familiar embers of hate. She even cracked a joke with me. I was blown away by this as well.

I don't know how to flirt with her or if she's single (no ring on her fingers :feelsokman:) but I do know I have the upper hand because I can leave the ball in her court. The plan is once she hands me my receipt I will write my number down and hand it back to her. Then it's up to her to reply and for me to accept the outcome.

If I don't do anything and just stay in my head I will not evolve as a human. I shall not be afraid of pain.

Wish me luck and updates will be soon. :hax:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OIDQqnUO6s

This is going to go so badly
This angel. I don't know her that well but she went out of her way to help me find an item I was looking for. She's perfect: curvy, smart, and has ocean-blue eyes.

I admit I am nervous. I have turned into a disgusting new creature after being an incredibly spiteful person for many years due to being ugly and short; yet my encounter with her gave me a sense of warmth far different from the familiar embers of hate. She even cracked a joke with me. I was blown away by this as well.

I don't know how to flirt with her or if she's single (no ring on her fingers :feelsokman:) but I do know I have the upper hand because I can leave the ball in her court. The plan is once she hands me my receipt I will write my number down and hand it back to her. Then it's up to her to reply and for me to accept the outcome.

If I don't do anything and just stay in my head I will not evolve as a human. I shall not be afraid of pain.

Wish me luck and updates will be soon. :hax:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OIDQqnUO6s

It’ll be funny as fuck though, please keep us updated
This angel. I don't know her that well but she went out of her way to help me find an item I was looking for. She's perfect: curvy, smart, and has ocean-blue eyes.

I admit I am nervous. I have turned into a disgusting new creature after being an incredibly spiteful person for many years due to being ugly and short; yet my encounter with her gave me a sense of warmth far different from the familiar embers of hate. She even cracked a joke with me. I was blown away by this as well.

I don't know how to flirt with her or if she's single (no ring on her fingers :feelsokman:) but I do know I have the upper hand because I can leave the ball in her court. The plan is once she hands me my receipt I will write my number down and hand it back to her. Then it's up to her to reply and for me to accept the outcome.

If I don't do anything and just stay in my head I will not evolve as a human. I shall not be afraid of pain.

Wish me luck and updates will be soon. :hax:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OIDQqnUO6s

Looks like you are getting hunged up about random women you met two seconds ago again but i wish you the best and that you leave this behind forever
Sounds like you’ve concocted a fantasy in your mind based on an attractive girl being friendly to you (in a situation where that’s her job).

But there’s no harm in trying (so long as you can handle the rejection). I wouldn’t give her your number, though, it’s a bit cowardly. I’d ask for hers instead, or ask if she wants to do something later or something.

It would be better to try to engineer situations where you can talk to her a few times though. Randomly asking girls out you’ve barely spoken to is what incels who watch movies think happens in real life. It doesn’t. Girls don’t like it (unless you’re chad).

If you’re going to do it I’d try to keep it natural, light-hearted and try to be confident. Just say something like “this is random, but can I get your number?”. But you also need to have had some conversation with her as a preamble. If you just randomly blurt it out, having said nothing else to her, you’ll look retarded.
Foids are slightly nice to a sub5 and suddenly he forgets the blackpill
Foids are slightly nice to a sub5 and suddenly he forgets the blackpill
We get betrayed by our own gender even best friends/family would kill you for a crumb of rotten whore granny pussy filled with STD's & Chad cum
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Reminds me when i met this blue eyed girl at work and was so pumped up. Even gave her a ride home cause she was living not too far from me but then when i asked her out she said she was a lesbian :foidSoy: she really was though. Well officially i mean cause we know they're chadsexuals :feelskek: then i tried to just be her friend but she ended up ghosting the stinky inkie :feelsLightsaber:

Maybe you'll be more lucky but ngl it would make me jealous :feelsUgh: good luck tho.

J Jonah Jameson Laughing GIF
Note: She wasn't working when I came over the next day. I will try again @ the same day and time. :hax:
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Note: She wasn't working when I came over the next day. I will try again @ the same day and time. :hax:
She used her psychic abilities, foids like to brag about, to get out of the fishy situation.
Good luck, you'll need it!
Nigger, her duty is to appear nice and friendly
What happened?
As GØD I can see all things my Son. She smiled at you as you reminded her of her best friends chocolate Labrador which she and her friend copulate with on a regular basis.

The degenerate foid will take your number and communicate with you. However, to entice her to do so, it is imperative you display dog like behaviors. Wear dog like clothes or a costume, Scratch incessantly at your neck. Sniff at the items in the vicinity and make small, dog like noises. This will tickle her degenerate fancy.

Remember, before ascending, insist she clean to remove previous dog residue.

You are meant to be soulmates, just under no circumstances wear cat ears.

If this does not work, get a large dog from the shelter, entice her outside with it. Get her to hold a toy bear so she feels safe (Foids feel safe in the company of bears) and throw her into the dog cage in the back of a van. Degenerate foids love this kind of dog play. Rehoming them is good for everyone.

I, GØD, will be watching
This angel. I don't know her that well but she went out of her way to help me find an item I was looking for. She's perfect: curvy, smart, and has ocean-blue eyes.

I admit I am nervous. I have turned into a disgusting new creature after being an incredibly spiteful person for many years due to being ugly and short; yet my encounter with her gave me a sense of warmth far different from the familiar embers of hate. She even cracked a joke with me. I was blown away by this as well.

I don't know how to flirt with her or if she's single (no ring on her fingers :feelsokman:) but I do know I have the upper hand because I can leave the ball in her court. The plan is once she hands me my receipt I will write my number down and hand it back to her. Then it's up to her to reply and for me to accept the outcome.

If I don't do anything and just stay in my head I will not evolve as a human. I shall not be afraid of pain.

Wish me luck and updates will be soon. :hax:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OIDQqnUO6s

what happened? Spoiler: leave me alone you creep before i call the police for sexual assault
wear bear costume
Hope this doesn't end with a AVO against u
She went out of her way to help me find an item I was looking for.....The plan is once she hands me my receipt I will write my number down and hand it back to her.

On one hand this is just sad.

But on the other hand, you have to learn from experience. And I'm all for foids feeling uncomfortable at work. :feelsokman:
Did you try again since then? Or does it have to be the same day of the week?
At work, I was looking at myself in the cold and grimy mirror. The same slouched back. The weird head shape. The lack of self esteem was obvious. I looked disgusting. "What are you doing looking at yourself," my coworker chimed in, "only narcissists do that." The constant chatter of normies, who will voice their opinion on just about anything.

Today was the day I promised myself and the universe I would give her my number. Because the universe will not take you seriously unless you take yourself seriously and follow through. My heart was beating thinking about it, since every past rejection I faced showed no mercy. I also promised on .is and well, I don't want to be a no-show. The other problem protruding in the back of my mind was if the angel in question was even going to be present at work. Driving to her workplace (store) is far and directions aren't easy.

I passed her store but made it eventually. The parking lot was empty and I got thrilled thinking that if she was in there, only a few customers would bother us. I hastily grabbed a shoddy pen from my car and walked to the entrance. The first sight greeting me was this feminine beauty, alone at the counter - and a random old customer prancing around too, kek.

She perked up when she saw me. I walked up to her. "Remember me? I was here before asking you to help me find some items." "You look familiar," said the beauty, leaning over the counter like a bartender but with a smile. I asked her yet again to help me find another item. "Sure." Fuck, I was already nervous. My ego is calling me a pussy. How do I make her accept my number? I did small talk with her, asked her if she studied anything, and glanced her fingers again to make sure she wasn't wearing a ring.

We got to the counter and she handed me my receipt. I joked that I would short her till by giving her a hundred to cover a six dollar transaction and she smirked. "Here is your receipt, anything else?" her eyes pierced mine. "No. But this is for you," I fumble and grab the pen, set its dirty tip to the thin white paper, and scribble my number as clearly as possible and hand it back to her. "Thank you, I appreciate it," said the babe with a smile. "Well, I thought you had nice eyes, and you look beautiful," I muttered. She giggled and I walked away, knowing the deed was done.

Now I will wait to see if I get a callback. Fingers crossed boyos. Updates soon. :hax:

@NeverEvenBegan @Epedaphic @Tacomonkey @IncelGolem @Fifita @cripplecel @giveup @Audley Porter @SoycuckGodOfReddit @Zozizo @JuliusEvola @dirlewanger88 @Simba @suicidecase @foidrapist69 @Nagger @Izayacel @Friezacel @Kamanbert @Bianor @Alexander400 @Ellsworth @Adolf Kitler @HomicidalSuicidal88
Boyo's winning :worryfeels: :feelsLightsaber:
dive into the faggery
At work, I was looking at myself in the cold and grimy mirror. The same slouched back. The weird head shape. The lack of self esteem was obvious. I looked disgusting. "What are you doing looking at yourself," my coworker chimed in, "only narcissists do that." The constant chatter of normies, who will voice their opinion on just about anything.

Today was the day I promised myself and the universe I would give her my number. Because the universe will not take you seriously unless you take yourself seriously and follow through. My heart was beating thinking about it, since every past rejection I faced showed no mercy. I also promised on .is and well, I don't want to be a no-show. The other problem protruding in the back of my mind was if the angel in question was even going to be present at work. Driving to her workplace (store) is far and directions aren't easy.

I passed her store but made it eventually. The parking lot was empty and I got thrilled thinking that if she was in there, only a few customers would bother us. I hastily grabbed a shoddy pen from my car and walked to the entrance. The first sight greeting me was this feminine beauty, alone at the counter - and a random old customer prancing around too, kek.

She perked up when she saw me. I walked up to her. "Remember me? I was here before asking you to help me find some items." "You look familiar," said the beauty, leaning over the counter like a bartender but with a smile. I asked her yet again to help me find another item. "Sure." Fuck, I was already nervous. My ego is calling me a pussy. How do I make her accept my number? I did small talk with her, asked her if she studied anything, and glanced her fingers again to make sure she wasn't wearing a ring.

We got to the counter and she handed me my receipt. I joked that I would short her till by giving her a hundred to cover a six dollar transaction and she smirked. "Here is your receipt, anything else?" her eyes pierced mine. "No. But this is for you," I fumble and grab the pen, set its dirty tip to the thin white paper, and scribble my number as clearly as possible and hand it back to her. "Thank you, I appreciate it," said the babe with a smile. "Well, I thought you had nice eyes, and you look beautiful," I muttered. She giggled and I walked away, knowing the deed was done.

Now I will wait to see if I get a callback. Fingers crossed boyos. Updates soon. :hax:

@NeverEvenBegan @Epedaphic @Tacomonkey @IncelGolem @Fifita @cripplecel @giveup @Audley Porter @SoycuckGodOfReddit @Zozizo @JuliusEvola @dirlewanger88 @Simba @suicidecase @foidrapist69 @Nagger @Izayacel @Friezacel @Kamanbert @Bianor @Alexander400 @Ellsworth @Adolf Kitler @HomicidalSuicidal88
Low inhib mogs ne
"Here is your receipt, anything else?" her eyes pierced mine. "No. But this is for you," I fumble and grab the pen, set its dirty tip to the thin white paper, and scribble my number as clearly as possible and hand it back to her. "Thank you, I appreciate it," said the babe with a smile. "Well, I thought you had nice eyes, and you look beautiful," I muttered. She giggled and I walked away, knowing the deed was done.

Now I will wait to see if I get a callback. Fingers crossed boyos. Updates soon. :hax:

Is this the first time you ever did something like this?
At work, I was looking at myself in the cold and grimy mirror. The same slouched back. The weird head shape. The lack of self esteem was obvious. I looked disgusting. "What are you doing looking at yourself," my coworker chimed in, "only narcissists do that." The constant chatter of normies, who will voice their opinion on just about anything.

Today was the day I promised myself and the universe I would give her my number. Because the universe will not take you seriously unless you take yourself seriously and follow through. My heart was beating thinking about it, since every past rejection I faced showed no mercy. I also promised on .is and well, I don't want to be a no-show. The other problem protruding in the back of my mind was if the angel in question was even going to be present at work. Driving to her workplace (store) is far and directions aren't easy.

I passed her store but made it eventually. The parking lot was empty and I got thrilled thinking that if she was in there, only a few customers would bother us. I hastily grabbed a shoddy pen from my car and walked to the entrance. The first sight greeting me was this feminine beauty, alone at the counter - and a random old customer prancing around too, kek.

She perked up when she saw me. I walked up to her. "Remember me? I was here before asking you to help me find some items." "You look familiar," said the beauty, leaning over the counter like a bartender but with a smile. I asked her yet again to help me find another item. "Sure." Fuck, I was already nervous. My ego is calling me a pussy. How do I make her accept my number? I did small talk with her, asked her if she studied anything, and glanced her fingers again to make sure she wasn't wearing a ring.

We got to the counter and she handed me my receipt. I joked that I would short her till by giving her a hundred to cover a six dollar transaction and she smirked. "Here is your receipt, anything else?" her eyes pierced mine. "No. But this is for you," I fumble and grab the pen, set its dirty tip to the thin white paper, and scribble my number as clearly as possible and hand it back to her. "Thank you, I appreciate it," said the babe with a smile. "Well, I thought you had nice eyes, and you look beautiful," I muttered. She giggled and I walked away, knowing the deed was done.

Now I will wait to see if I get a callback. Fingers crossed boyos. Updates soon. :hax:

@NeverEvenBegan @Epedaphic @Tacomonkey @IncelGolem @Fifita @cripplecel @giveup @Audley Porter @SoycuckGodOfReddit @Zozizo @JuliusEvola @dirlewanger88 @Simba @suicidecase @foidrapist69 @Nagger @Izayacel @Friezacel @Kamanbert @Bianor @Alexander400 @Ellsworth @Adolf Kitler @HomicidalSuicidal88
>Sees mass tag
>Didnt get tagged
>Memories of being excluded in HS come back.

Good luck though mang, rooting for you.
At work, I was looking at myself in the cold and grimy mirror. The same slouched back. The weird head shape. The lack of self esteem was obvious. I looked disgusting. "What are you doing looking at yourself," my coworker chimed in, "only narcissists do that." The constant chatter of normies, who will voice their opinion on just about anything.

Today was the day I promised myself and the universe I would give her my number. Because the universe will not take you seriously unless you take yourself seriously and follow through. My heart was beating thinking about it, since every past rejection I faced showed no mercy. I also promised on .is and well, I don't want to be a no-show. The other problem protruding in the back of my mind was if the angel in question was even going to be present at work. Driving to her workplace (store) is far and directions aren't easy.

I passed her store but made it eventually. The parking lot was empty and I got thrilled thinking that if she was in there, only a few customers would bother us. I hastily grabbed a shoddy pen from my car and walked to the entrance. The first sight greeting me was this feminine beauty, alone at the counter - and a random old customer prancing around too, kek.

She perked up when she saw me. I walked up to her. "Remember me? I was here before asking you to help me find some items." "You look familiar," said the beauty, leaning over the counter like a bartender but with a smile. I asked her yet again to help me find another item. "Sure." Fuck, I was already nervous. My ego is calling me a pussy. How do I make her accept my number? I did small talk with her, asked her if she studied anything, and glanced her fingers again to make sure she wasn't wearing a ring.

We got to the counter and she handed me my receipt. I joked that I would short her till by giving her a hundred to cover a six dollar transaction and she smirked. "Here is your receipt, anything else?" her eyes pierced mine. "No. But this is for you," I fumble and grab the pen, set its dirty tip to the thin white paper, and scribble my number as clearly as possible and hand it back to her. "Thank you, I appreciate it," said the babe with a smile. "Well, I thought you had nice eyes, and you look beautiful," I muttered. She giggled and I walked away, knowing the deed was done.

Now I will wait to see if I get a callback. Fingers crossed boyos. Updates soon. :hax:

@NeverEvenBegan @Epedaphic @Tacomonkey @IncelGolem @Fifita @cripplecel @giveup @Audley Porter @SoycuckGodOfReddit @Zozizo @JuliusEvola @dirlewanger88 @Simba @suicidecase @foidrapist69 @Nagger @Izayacel @Friezacel @Kamanbert @Bianor @Alexander400 @Ellsworth @Adolf Kitler @HomicidalSuicidal88
At work, I was looking at myself in the cold and grimy mirror. The same slouched back. The weird head shape. The lack of self esteem was obvious. I looked disgusting. "What are you doing looking at yourself," my coworker chimed in, "only narcissists do that." The constant chatter of normies, who will voice their opinion on just about anything.

Today was the day I promised myself and the universe I would give her my number. Because the universe will not take you seriously unless you take yourself seriously and follow through. My heart was beating thinking about it, since every past rejection I faced showed no mercy. I also promised on .is and well, I don't want to be a no-show. The other problem protruding in the back of my mind was if the angel in question was even going to be present at work. Driving to her workplace (store) is far and directions aren't easy.

I passed her store but made it eventually. The parking lot was empty and I got thrilled thinking that if she was in there, only a few customers would bother us. I hastily grabbed a shoddy pen from my car and walked to the entrance. The first sight greeting me was this feminine beauty, alone at the counter - and a random old customer prancing around too, kek.

She perked up when she saw me. I walked up to her. "Remember me? I was here before asking you to help me find some items." "You look familiar," said the beauty, leaning over the counter like a bartender but with a smile. I asked her yet again to help me find another item. "Sure." Fuck, I was already nervous. My ego is calling me a pussy. How do I make her accept my number? I did small talk with her, asked her if she studied anything, and glanced her fingers again to make sure she wasn't wearing a ring.

We got to the counter and she handed me my receipt. I joked that I would short her till by giving her a hundred to cover a six dollar transaction and she smirked. "Here is your receipt, anything else?" her eyes pierced mine. "No. But this is for you," I fumble and grab the pen, set its dirty tip to the thin white paper, and scribble my number as clearly as possible and hand it back to her. "Thank you, I appreciate it," said the babe with a smile. "Well, I thought you had nice eyes, and you look beautiful," I muttered. She giggled and I walked away, knowing the deed was done.

Now I will wait to see if I get a callback. Fingers crossed boyos. Updates soon. :hax:

@NeverEvenBegan @Epedaphic @Tacomonkey @IncelGolem @Fifita @cripplecel @giveup @Audley Porter @SoycuckGodOfReddit @Zozizo @JuliusEvola @dirlewanger88 @Simba @suicidecase @foidrapist69 @Nagger @Izayacel @Friezacel @Kamanbert @Bianor @Alexander400 @Ellsworth @Adolf Kitler @HomicidalSuicidal88
Based. Thank God, someone in this depressing hellscape of a forum has some wholesome interactions to share.
At work, I was looking at myself in the cold and grimy mirror. The same slouched back. The weird head shape. The lack of self esteem was obvious. I looked disgusting. "What are you doing looking at yourself," my coworker chimed in, "only narcissists do that." The constant chatter of normies, who will voice their opinion on just about anything.

Today was the day I promised myself and the universe I would give her my number. Because the universe will not take you seriously unless you take yourself seriously and follow through. My heart was beating thinking about it, since every past rejection I faced showed no mercy. I also promised on .is and well, I don't want to be a no-show. The other problem protruding in the back of my mind was if the angel in question was even going to be present at work. Driving to her workplace (store) is far and directions aren't easy.

I passed her store but made it eventually. The parking lot was empty and I got thrilled thinking that if she was in there, only a few customers would bother us. I hastily grabbed a shoddy pen from my car and walked to the entrance. The first sight greeting me was this feminine beauty, alone at the counter - and a random old customer prancing around too, kek.

She perked up when she saw me. I walked up to her. "Remember me? I was here before asking you to help me find some items." "You look familiar," said the beauty, leaning over the counter like a bartender but with a smile. I asked her yet again to help me find another item. "Sure." Fuck, I was already nervous. My ego is calling me a pussy. How do I make her accept my number? I did small talk with her, asked her if she studied anything, and glanced her fingers again to make sure she wasn't wearing a ring.

We got to the counter and she handed me my receipt. I joked that I would short her till by giving her a hundred to cover a six dollar transaction and she smirked. "Here is your receipt, anything else?" her eyes pierced mine. "No. But this is for you," I fumble and grab the pen, set its dirty tip to the thin white paper, and scribble my number as clearly as possible and hand it back to her. "Thank you, I appreciate it," said the babe with a smile. "Well, I thought you had nice eyes, and you look beautiful," I muttered. She giggled and I walked away, knowing the deed was done.

Now I will wait to see if I get a callback. Fingers crossed boyos. Updates soon. :hax:

@NeverEvenBegan @Epedaphic @Tacomonkey @IncelGolem @Fifita @cripplecel @giveup @Audley Porter @SoycuckGodOfReddit @Zozizo @JuliusEvola @dirlewanger88 @Simba @suicidecase @foidrapist69 @Nagger @Izayacel @Friezacel @Kamanbert @Bianor @Alexander400 @Ellsworth @Adolf Kitler @HomicidalSuicidal88
I'm happy for you and hope it'll be your way to ascend.

But I have a feeling that you made it up. Why would you report an actual event in short post on forum writing it like it's some novel? :feelswhere:
Seems like it didn’t go horribly. Hopefully she texts you.

I’m firmly against cold approaches. But very supportive of the warm approach as long as you have interacted with her AND perceived some type of IOI.

It appears your approach was a mix of the two. Did she show any IOI previously?

Sometimes incels convince themselves that there is a great likelihood of a girl saying yes as long as you like her a whole lot. This is a fallacy, always warm approach and make sure there is an indication of interest.

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