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Blackpill I Watched Buck Breaking... It's Not Really About Black Slaves, It's About Non-Chad Men. [AnarchyPill]

Sparrow's Song

Sparrow's Song

Violent Convicted Chomo
Dec 14, 2017
First off, if you haven't seen it you might have went by the memes and thought it was some Antebellum themed gay domination film but it's actually not. The gay rape shit is just covered in the beginning and the rest is about other shit. The reason I am saying that this film is blackpilled is because I think what Tariq Nasheed was trying to do was make a film about male disposability and male on male oppression but he had to make it about black slaves because if he didn't then it would have gotten cancelled for being "toxic, homophobic, and misogynistic". That being said, one issue with the film is the depiction of white cavemen being civilized by black Africans which just isn't how it happened in history. Also, the idea that the one of the most powerful human forces behind the growth of the colonies was the desire for European men to have free range homosexual world outposts away from the crowns and churches doesn't make much logistical sense.

The film covers the brutal mistreatment of men at the hands of gynocentric authority figures like slavemasters, the police/military, and moggers and the systematic assault on the masculinity of non-chad men. The film talks about physical bullying, eunuchs, house niggas cucks, manufactured degenerate culture, prisons and mental hospitals, corporate LGBT propaganda, chemicals and drugs, women being worthless whores, corporate Leftism and ConIntelPro being used to redirect and sabotage movements away from class struggle, feminism as a tool of warfare against non-chad men and more. Most of the film was basically stuff that incels and stormcels talk about on 4chan but since it was black people it was allowed to slide.

"Buck breaking" is stronger then ever before and it's not just something white men did to black men, "buck breaking" goes back eons and eons and has existed before civilization. "Buck breaking" is the hallmark of a gynocentric culture and the exploitation of non-chads by chads, normcucks and femasites. Non-chads need to wake up and realize that every aspect of modern Western life is a form of buck breaking. The buck breaking is literally all around you my brothers and me must rise up and escape.

Comrades, we are in bondage in the land of Egypt.
The United States of Buck Breaking

Single mothers, a form of buck breaking. Learning language, mannerisms, morality, and life from a single mother is a poison experience. We must also remember that we are slaves in Pharaoh's Egypt and he has made the cost of living for a single income household too high. Being raised by a single mother makes you more poor growing up which leads to you being more likely to be poor when you are older. The Freemasons purposely keep rent/home prices high and wages low to make certain that single low status males cannot live with a comfortable standard of living anymore. You literally cannot save the few pennies leftover after rent, groceries, and utilities on a single income. This is why it's laughable when normies with girlfriends and capitalist shills tell you "financial security is easy bro". Being a couple means paying have the cost to live as an incel. Incels are literally economically oppressed.

Giving male children harmful pharmaceutical drugs, a form of buck breaking. The single mothers and cucked fathers betray their sons in the most heinous way, allowing small children to undergo permanent brain and central nervous system damage so the can "behave". They will obey the wishes of karen school teachers who want their non-chad sons put on gyno inducing and nerve damaging poisons like Risperdal. Isn't it funny how a poison designed to oppress "schizophrenics" is also used against male children with ADHD? When our single mothers agreed to allow us to be poisoned in childhood by Ahriman, they sacrificed us to the cruelty of Pharaoh.

Circumcision at birth, instead of males having a free choice when they are old enough to decide, a form of buck breaking. Maybe we should start tattooing newborn babies and and raping them too? Maybe we should start skull binding newborns and putting neck rings on them as well? Modifying the body of a baby without it's consent and for non life-threatening reasons like American circumcision is fucking brutal. If you never wanted to be circumcised, you have been physically injured and have had your flesh robbed from you and when you realize how wrong that is when you're older... you are not entitled to any compensation. I'm not against circumcision for those who make the choice themselves after puberty, I'm against retards acting like they know what's right for a newborn by slicing part of their dick off while it hasn't even fully developed.

Old hag karen roasties in early childhood education, they try to plant the seeds of mental cuckoldry and submission to authority and consensus on impressionable young children, a form of buck breaking. These are the heartless beasts who tell us and out parents that something is "wrong" with us. They are often the first to introduce foid worship and obedience to state/social authority. Leucosticte Leucosticte is more trustworthy in a classroom for of kids than some cunty karen hagbeast.

The public school industry is a ruthless system of hierarchical genetic supremacy and barbaric oppression against non-chad males, bullying and genetic superiority/inferiority are focused heavily in the culture and experience, a form of buck breaking. This is where low status males are first exposed to male competition and sexually motivated violence and intimidation. The main reason bullying is so common in Western schools is because boys and foids are not separated. This gives non-ugly and non-manlet males a reason to bully and beat up ugly and manlet males. Bullying is an expression of dominance intended to impress potential breeding mates. When the bully throws trash at you or pushes you down in the hallway, it's the foids who giggle the most and seem the most pleased. The PTSD that sticks with a truecel for life begins in the public school system. It is there that were are first made aware that we are genetic scum and worthless plebs. It's there that the mogging begins and the rope gradually starts to beckon.

Wageslavery, having virtually no other outlet of monetary acquisition other selling your time and labor for a price so cheap it's exploitation. If you're born poor then there is never anything but "picking yourself up by your bootstraps" because there is no escape from lower class life through wageslavery because you have been priced out of the market for escaping. Capitalism, whether you are for or against it, is a form of buck breaking. In conservauck states, a low status male is expected to be happy doing back breaking work for $10/hr. NEETs exist because Pharaoh pays his slaves so little that it's better to just NEET or even hobomaxx than degrade yourself working a humiliating job for a humiliating pay.

Police and military, you need to know that these are the same thing in America. These are the people who hunt to capture, kill, or brutally maim and disfigure mainly low status males. Everything they are trained to do is to hurt men in the most heartless ways possible. There are no more battlefields though because America has turned the world into a prison labor camp and the police and military of almost every nation are the prison guards of Planet Buck Breaking. The entire power structure of the world is chads vs non-chads. Everything police and military do is eugenics. These are the barbarians npcs who are armed branch of feminism, Gog and Magog, a form of buck breaking.

Prisons, jails and mental hospitals are where low status males are sent to be tormented and abused by the state. In prisons and jails non-chads are bullied by guards and they are forced to LDAR in a place that is both boring and stressful. Mental hospitals literally designed to be the most severe form of buck breaking. They are there to buck break your mind and your soul. The trauma and poisoning that happens in those places are unspeakable. The lobotomies and pharmaceutical based demasculization and central nervous system damage. The "mental health" industry is really a brute force eugenics operation run by actual terrorists who destroy your bodies and minds, a form of buck breaking.

The American healthcare system is designed to break low status bucks with injuries, ugliness, and health issues... Wageslaves work paycheck to paycheck, they do not have the income to afford surgery and medicine. Chad comes from slavemaster genes, he has access to medical care and surgery whenever he needs it. The lifestyle of poverty and wageslavery is taxing on the body and leaves one more vulnerable to health issues related to stress and doing tons of physical labor for $10/hr knowing you'll die alone ugly with nothing. The Freemason eugenicist capitalists put poison in the food and water to damage the bodies of the poor and make them more helpless and hopeless. You can't even trust doctors in America because everyone who isn't poor is basically a gang stalker and will happily botch a surgery or prescribe a drug that might accidentally shut your organs down as long as the FBl tells them you're a wrongthinker. The Hippocratic Oath is Greek and civilized, the barbaric West is not civilized.

Social media and modern Western culture in general is a massive form of buck breaking. The Freemason eugenicist elite planned Tinder decades in advance as part of their agenda to psychologically torture undesirables and cull us from the gene pool. Hatred of poor people in America is at an all time high, partly because foids and zoomers are used to following richfags on social media who have good lives so when they see a real human, a low status male in poverty... they see him as an absolute subhuman and an abomination before their god (chad). Instagram and Tinder allow foids to browse through a catalog of chads that they order to their rooms like Domino's for pump and dumps while non-chads are ignored or banned for being ugly. The tool of eugenics is also the tool of psychological operations against the oppressed. In the social media age, looks and wealth are not only all the matters (they always have been) but our current generations use it for gang stalking as well. Freemason chads and roastie femasites want incels to see richfag chads and roasties living happy lives on social media so we commit suicide. The FBl uses social media to control the discourse in incel communities. The fedcucks used social media to create the MAGAtards and libcucks. Social media in America is a psyop.

Gang Stalking, America's favorite, most patriotic form of buck breaking. The Cold War never ended, we are living in The Coldest War. Communists, Socialists, Muslims, Christians, various other religious groups, solidarity groups, and Anarchists are targeted for covert harassment and torture. Gang Stalking is CoIntelPro. Be wary of "patriots" and rednecks, almost all of them are gang stalkers. Really, anyone who has anything to live for or anything to lose is a potential gang stalker. Just look at Cucktears, they openly advocate for gang stalking against incels as if we aren't already being gang stalked. Most TIs are ugly and poor males, that alone should let you know some of the motivations behind the gang stalking. David and Jesus went through similar things. Now more than ever, the public and private sector work together to suppress and persecute the undesirables of society. "You're not that important, why would they do this to you?" the perps and NPCs say... We are not that important as individuals, we are low status males hated by the hierarchy. Since the beginning of gang stalking in ancient Egypt, TIs have been both significant people and unwanted uglies. We should ask ourselves not why we are worthy of being targeted but rather why there are so many fedcucks, snitches, and perps in the West that such resources can be expended on not anyone they want but also everyone who isn't with them and even they themselves? Gang Stalking is a symptom of a species with a high percentage of cucked males who not only submit to the evil hierarchy of blood and bones but worship it.

Normies, NPCs, white knights, cucks, and bluepillers are on a US military approved mission to buck break you and buck break themselves in the process. By worshiping the roastie, their deity, they submit their will not only to the collective cruel will of the femasites, but they also they submit their bodies and minds to the service of the arch demiurge, Chad. It is the ignorant and submissive masses of non-chad men who are the biggest class traitors. Very seldom in history have the masses of low status males been united under a cause and consensus that radically opposes the hierarchy and ruling class. These cucks fulfill the duty of the thought police as much as the government and corporations do. If you are a based and blackpilled low status male, you are surrounded by the enemy and you are a captive in a barbaric land.

Femasites, collectively Jahi, have been buck breaking non-chad men since the days of the bone smashing apes in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The very savage beasts that instinctively contribute to the harshness of the bloodbath battle royale of eugenics based reproductive warfare waged by chads against non-chads are the ones most low status males see as the most valuable members of society (as well as the most valuable physical specimens). Simps, cucks, male feminists, white knights all work enforce the will of Chad Ahriman and roastie Jahi in this world. The ancestors restricted the limits of their socially acceptable sinning and their social power because savage and bloodthirsty beasts must be domesticated in order to properly coexist with huMANity. The rejection, the looks of disgust and disdain, the pleasure they feel from male on male violence, the false accusations, their snobbery... they are trying to buck break low status males.

Movies, TV, and modern Western culture... buck breaking indoctrination that begins at a young age and does not cease. From the chad power fantasy scenes where an apex predator male single-handedly kills multitude of ugly, short, diseased, poor, and often ethnic males in order to save m'lady. Almost every male daydreams about this. Let's not forget all the crime dramas foids are known to watch where the suspect or criminal of a heinous crime is almost always depicted as an ugly manlet or something of the sort. The villain as an ugly male has been a trope since the beginning of writing itself. On the other end of things you have shit like Scott Pilgrim which tries to portray men jumping through hoops for chad's leftover walking fleshlights as something heroic. And then there is The Hunchback of Notre Dame where the truecel dies to save a roastie who never dripped a single drop of pussy slime for him and who immediately gets pounded by the royal chad after the death of the subhuman. The propaganda does DEEP. The more you pay attention, the more you find simpcuck messaging everywhere in all forms of media.

Taxes, brutal buck breaking that forced low status males to pay for the very manpower and tools of oppression and destruction that are used against us. Do our taxes go towards healthcare, facial surgery, affordable housing, investment in the poor to create businesses, or anything that really benefits low status males? Fuck no, your taxes go to the police and military so they can be an overwhelming barbaric Gog and Magog force of ruthless violent destruction and oppression against the very low status males whose taxes pay for their "jobs" (extreme bullying privileges). We are forced to labor to live, and not only do we have the profits of our labor bloodsucked by the capitalist slavemaster class, we are forced to pay taxes to the very people who exist to kill us and imprison us. This is what the people of Galilee were facing under Roman occupation. Pigs and military pigs are literally the christ-killers of today.

Private property, the buck breaking that makes the entire Western world, especially America, an inescapable prison of exploitation and intimidation. I find it funny when I see conservacucks talking about going off grid and living in the wilderness... You mean the wilderness that is some richfag or bank's "private property". Private property has existed as long as civilization, however unlike in the past, in today's world almost the entire surface of the earth in the Western world is private property or state/federal property. So there is no option for low status males who would rather band together like gypsies far from the cities and towns to escape the persecution and exploitation of society. In the past, the oppressed could at least temporarily escape to the mountains to flee from persecution, today even the most isolated forests and mountains in the West have black helicopters and infrared aircraft flying overhead to spot "escapees". If you choose to live without wageslaving and dervishmaxx as a hobo in the cities and towns, you'll face the angry barks of roided up pigs pointing guns at you the whole time or until one decides it would be fun to magdump you. The fact that both the private property wilderness and the urban areas are both off limits to the homeless free aspiring men means that Pharaoh wants to FORCE you to work and give your life to his wicked hypocrite will.

Disbelievers, the buck breaking within. Affirmative belief and prayer are mandatory for all based and blackpilled rebels. In China, some believing that chanting "already happened" during a difficulty can have an unseen effect that grants favorable results to the chanters. I'm not here to argue whether this and other forms of "chaos magic" work. All I'm saying is that when you say and believe that the Beta Uprising will never happen or will not be successful, you are saying and believing what Pharaoh wants you to say and believe. Honestly, I'm not the only one who lives only to see the day Pharaoh is defeated and our people are set free and I'm not the only one who would rather die than live a lifetime where such a blessed event does not occur. The Beta Uprising is the only true LifeFuel. Be wary of those who seek to spread demoralization, division, and doubt among our brotherhood. You have the authority to curbstomp upon snakes and scorpions.

In conclusion, every fucking aspect of society is a weapon against you. This is The Coldest War and those fallen from attrition are all around you. The enemy enslaves us and imprisons us in one way or another. In America, being "free" is a privilege only for chads, richfags, and femasites. I don't know how low status males can look at the society around them and not be anarchists. This is bigger than a race war, this is the truest form of class warfare and the line in the sand is between low status males and everyone else. The world is against us, we are the only righteous side. Everyone who is not on our side 100% is an enemy. That's the cold truth. We are up against brutal opposition. When we are liberated, it will be remembered as an act of God because it will not easily be explained any other way.


Every aspect of society is a form of buck breaking. America and The West seeks to destroy your body and mind in every way they can get away with.
At least blkpillpress makes his essays readable and pretty using different colours and font sizes etc.
At least blkpillpress makes his essays readable and pretty using different colours and font sizes etc.
This shit is academic bro.

It's not supposed to catch the eye.
sorry for your designated fbi agent having to read through all that :feelshaha:
I read some parts, very interesting.
Every aspect of society is a form of buck breaking. America and The West seeks to destroy your body and mind in every way they can get away with.
I'd say humans as a whole are a demonic entity, and jewmericans and westerners specifically.
I read some parts, very interesting.

I'd say humans as a whole are a demonic entity, and jewmericans and westerners specifically.
thx brocel

I'd say there is no divinity in the human body, that is for sure.
Breaking buck
Brutal, I've read everything and it's based and blackpilled but I disagree with you on two points
1) this
Communists, Socialists, Muslims, Christians, various other religious groups, solidarity groups, and Anarchists are targeted for covert harassment and torture.
I don't find that similarity between our group and these groups, None of these groups would be necessarily better toward ugly men.

2) America is not the worst country that could exist in the world, at least it is still better than feudalism and theocracy.
I don't find that similarity between our group and these groups, None of these groups would be necessarily better toward ugly men.
All of those groups have been targeted in COINTELPRO operations.

2) America is not the worst country that could exist in the world, at least it is still better than feudalism and theocracy.
It is because of who our wageslave economy serves. Nothing Egyptica has to offer can make servitude under chad acceptable.
The buck breakpill held me down and broke my buck
I wish OP was still here, these are great
First off, if you haven't seen it you might have went by the memes and thought it was some Antebellum themed gay domination film but it's actually not. The gay rape shit is just covered in the beginning and the rest is about other shit. The reason I am saying that this film is blackpilled is because I think what Tariq Nasheed was trying to do was make a film about male disposability and male on male oppression but he had to make it about black slaves because if he didn't then it would have gotten cancelled for being "toxic, homophobic, and misogynistic". That being said, one issue with the film is the depiction of white cavemen being civilized by black Africans which just isn't how it happened in history. Also, the idea that the one of the most powerful human forces behind the growth of the colonies was the desire for European men to have free range homosexual world outposts away from the crowns and churches doesn't make much logistical sense.

The film covers the brutal mistreatment of men at the hands of gynocentric authority figures like slavemasters, the police/military, and moggers and the systematic assault on the masculinity of non-chad men. The film talks about physical bullying, eunuchs, house niggas cucks, manufactured degenerate culture, prisons and mental hospitals, corporate LGBT propaganda, chemicals and drugs, women being worthless whores, corporate Leftism and ConIntelPro being used to redirect and sabotage movements away from class struggle, feminism as a tool of warfare against non-chad men and more. Most of the film was basically stuff that incels and stormcels talk about on 4chan but since it was black people it was allowed to slide.

"Buck breaking" is stronger then ever before and it's not just something white men did to black men, "buck breaking" goes back eons and eons and has existed before civilization. "Buck breaking" is the hallmark of a gynocentric culture and the exploitation of non-chads by chads, normcucks and femasites. Non-chads need to wake up and realize that every aspect of modern Western life is a form of buck breaking. The buck breaking is literally all around you my brothers and me must rise up and escape.

Comrades, we are in bondage in the land of Egypt.
The United States of Buck Breaking

Single mothers, a form of buck breaking. Learning language, mannerisms, morality, and life from a single mother is a poison experience. We must also remember that we are slaves in Pharaoh's Egypt and he has made the cost of living for a single income household too high. Being raised by a single mother makes you more poor growing up which leads to you being more likely to be poor when you are older. The Freemasons purposely keep rent/home prices high and wages low to make certain that single low status males cannot live with a comfortable standard of living anymore. You literally cannot save the few pennies leftover after rent, groceries, and utilities on a single income. This is why it's laughable when normies with girlfriends and capitalist shills tell you "financial security is easy bro". Being a couple means paying have the cost to live as an incel. Incels are literally economically oppressed.

Giving male children harmful pharmaceutical drugs, a form of buck breaking. The single mothers and cucked fathers betray their sons in the most heinous way, allowing small children to undergo permanent brain and central nervous system damage so the can "behave". They will obey the wishes of karen school teachers who want their non-chad sons put on gyno inducing and nerve damaging poisons like Risperdal. Isn't it funny how a poison designed to oppress "schizophrenics" is also used against male children with ADHD? When our single mothers agreed to allow us to be poisoned in childhood by Ahriman, they sacrificed us to the cruelty of Pharaoh.

Circumcision at birth, instead of males having a free choice when they are old enough to decide, a form of buck breaking. Maybe we should start tattooing newborn babies and and raping them too? Maybe we should start skull binding newborns and putting neck rings on them as well? Modifying the body of a baby without it's consent and for non life-threatening reasons like American circumcision is fucking brutal. If you never wanted to be circumcised, you have been physically injured and have had your flesh robbed from you and when you realize how wrong that is when you're older... you are not entitled to any compensation. I'm not against circumcision for those who make the choice themselves after puberty, I'm against retards acting like they know what's right for a newborn by slicing part of their dick off while it hasn't even fully developed.

Old hag karen roasties in early childhood education, they try to plant the seeds of mental cuckoldry and submission to authority and consensus on impressionable young children, a form of buck breaking. These are the heartless beasts who tell us and out parents that something is "wrong" with us. They are often the first to introduce foid worship and obedience to state/social authority. Leucosticte Leucosticte is more trustworthy in a classroom for of kids than some cunty karen hagbeast.

The public school industry is a ruthless system of hierarchical genetic supremacy and barbaric oppression against non-chad males, bullying and genetic superiority/inferiority are focused heavily in the culture and experience, a form of buck breaking. This is where low status males are first exposed to male competition and sexually motivated violence and intimidation. The main reason bullying is so common in Western schools is because boys and foids are not separated. This gives non-ugly and non-manlet males a reason to bully and beat up ugly and manlet males. Bullying is an expression of dominance intended to impress potential breeding mates. When the bully throws trash at you or pushes you down in the hallway, it's the foids who giggle the most and seem the most pleased. The PTSD that sticks with a truecel for life begins in the public school system. It is there that were are first made aware that we are genetic scum and worthless plebs. It's there that the mogging begins and the rope gradually starts to beckon.

Wageslavery, having virtually no other outlet of monetary acquisition other selling your time and labor for a price so cheap it's exploitation. If you're born poor then there is never anything but "picking yourself up by your bootstraps" because there is no escape from lower class life through wageslavery because you have been priced out of the market for escaping. Capitalism, whether you are for or against it, is a form of buck breaking. In conservauck states, a low status male is expected to be happy doing back breaking work for $10/hr. NEETs exist because Pharaoh pays his slaves so little that it's better to just NEET or even hobomaxx than degrade yourself working a humiliating job for a humiliating pay.

Police and military, you need to know that these are the same thing in America. These are the people who hunt to capture, kill, or brutally maim and disfigure mainly low status males. Everything they are trained to do is to hurt men in the most heartless ways possible. There are no more battlefields though because America has turned the world into a prison labor camp and the police and military of almost every nation are the prison guards of Planet Buck Breaking. The entire power structure of the world is chads vs non-chads. Everything police and military do is eugenics. These are the barbarians npcs who are armed branch of feminism, Gog and Magog, a form of buck breaking.

Prisons, jails and mental hospitals are where low status males are sent to be tormented and abused by the state. In prisons and jails non-chads are bullied by guards and they are forced to LDAR in a place that is both boring and stressful. Mental hospitals literally designed to be the most severe form of buck breaking. They are there to buck break your mind and your soul. The trauma and poisoning that happens in those places are unspeakable. The lobotomies and pharmaceutical based demasculization and central nervous system damage. The "mental health" industry is really a brute force eugenics operation run by actual terrorists who destroy your bodies and minds, a form of buck breaking.

The American healthcare system is designed to break low status bucks with injuries, ugliness, and health issues... Wageslaves work paycheck to paycheck, they do not have the income to afford surgery and medicine. Chad comes from slavemaster genes, he has access to medical care and surgery whenever he needs it. The lifestyle of poverty and wageslavery is taxing on the body and leaves one more vulnerable to health issues related to stress and doing tons of physical labor for $10/hr knowing you'll die alone ugly with nothing. The Freemason eugenicist capitalists put poison in the food and water to damage the bodies of the poor and make them more helpless and hopeless. You can't even trust doctors in America because everyone who isn't poor is basically a gang stalker and will happily botch a surgery or prescribe a drug that might accidentally shut your organs down as long as the FBl tells them you're a wrongthinker. The Hippocratic Oath is Greek and civilized, the barbaric West is not civilized.

Social media and modern Western culture in general is a massive form of buck breaking. The Freemason eugenicist elite planned Tinder decades in advance as part of their agenda to psychologically torture undesirables and cull us from the gene pool. Hatred of poor people in America is at an all time high, partly because foids and zoomers are used to following richfags on social media who have good lives so when they see a real human, a low status male in poverty... they see him as an absolute subhuman and an abomination before their god (chad). Instagram and Tinder allow foids to browse through a catalog of chads that they order to their rooms like Domino's for pump and dumps while non-chads are ignored or banned for being ugly. The tool of eugenics is also the tool of psychological operations against the oppressed. In the social media age, looks and wealth are not only all the matters (they always have been) but our current generations use it for gang stalking as well. Freemason chads and roastie femasites want incels to see richfag chads and roasties living happy lives on social media so we commit suicide. The FBl uses social media to control the discourse in incel communities. The fedcucks used social media to create the MAGAtards and libcucks. Social media in America is a psyop.

Gang Stalking, America's favorite, most patriotic form of buck breaking. The Cold War never ended, we are living in The Coldest War. Communists, Socialists, Muslims, Christians, various other religious groups, solidarity groups, and Anarchists are targeted for covert harassment and torture. Gang Stalking is CoIntelPro. Be wary of "patriots" and rednecks, almost all of them are gang stalkers. Really, anyone who has anything to live for or anything to lose is a potential gang stalker. Just look at Cucktears, they openly advocate for gang stalking against incels as if we aren't already being gang stalked. Most TIs are ugly and poor males, that alone should let you know some of the motivations behind the gang stalking. David and Jesus went through similar things. Now more than ever, the public and private sector work together to suppress and persecute the undesirables of society. "You're not that important, why would they do this to you?" the perps and NPCs say... We are not that important as individuals, we are low status males hated by the hierarchy. Since the beginning of gang stalking in ancient Egypt, TIs have been both significant people and unwanted uglies. We should ask ourselves not why we are worthy of being targeted but rather why there are so many fedcucks, snitches, and perps in the West that such resources can be expended on not anyone they want but also everyone who isn't with them and even they themselves? Gang Stalking is a symptom of a species with a high percentage of cucked males who not only submit to the evil hierarchy of blood and bones but worship it.

Normies, NPCs, white knights, cucks, and bluepillers are on a US military approved mission to buck break you and buck break themselves in the process. By worshiping the roastie, their deity, they submit their will not only to the collective cruel will of the femasites, but they also they submit their bodies and minds to the service of the arch demiurge, Chad. It is the ignorant and submissive masses of non-chad men who are the biggest class traitors. Very seldom in history have the masses of low status males been united under a cause and consensus that radically opposes the hierarchy and ruling class. These cucks fulfill the duty of the thought police as much as the government and corporations do. If you are a based and blackpilled low status male, you are surrounded by the enemy and you are a captive in a barbaric land.

Femasites, collectively Jahi, have been buck breaking non-chad men since the days of the bone smashing apes in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The very savage beasts that instinctively contribute to the harshness of the bloodbath battle royale of eugenics based reproductive warfare waged by chads against non-chads are the ones most low status males see as the most valuable members of society (as well as the most valuable physical specimens). Simps, cucks, male feminists, white knights all work enforce the will of Chad Ahriman and roastie Jahi in this world. The ancestors restricted the limits of their socially acceptable sinning and their social power because savage and bloodthirsty beasts must be domesticated in order to properly coexist with huMANity. The rejection, the looks of disgust and disdain, the pleasure they feel from male on male violence, the false accusations, their snobbery... they are trying to buck break low status males.

Movies, TV, and modern Western culture... buck breaking indoctrination that begins at a young age and does not cease. From the chad power fantasy scenes where an apex predator male single-handedly kills multitude of ugly, short, diseased, poor, and often ethnic males in order to save m'lady. Almost every male daydreams about this. Let's not forget all the crime dramas foids are known to watch where the suspect or criminal of a heinous crime is almost always depicted as an ugly manlet or something of the sort. The villain as an ugly male has been a trope since the beginning of writing itself. On the other end of things you have shit like Scott Pilgrim which tries to portray men jumping through hoops for chad's leftover walking fleshlights as something heroic. And then there is The Hunchback of Notre Dame where the truecel dies to save a roastie who never dripped a single drop of pussy slime for him and who immediately gets pounded by the royal chad after the death of the subhuman. The propaganda does DEEP. The more you pay attention, the more you find simpcuck messaging everywhere in all forms of media.

Taxes, brutal buck breaking that forced low status males to pay for the very manpower and tools of oppression and destruction that are used against us. Do our taxes go towards healthcare, facial surgery, affordable housing, investment in the poor to create businesses, or anything that really benefits low status males? Fuck no, your taxes go to the police and military so they can be an overwhelming barbaric Gog and Magog force of ruthless violent destruction and oppression against the very low status males whose taxes pay for their "jobs" (extreme bullying privileges). We are forced to labor to live, and not only do we have the profits of our labor bloodsucked by the capitalist slavemaster class, we are forced to pay taxes to the very people who exist to kill us and imprison us. This is what the people of Galilee were facing under Roman occupation. Pigs and military pigs are literally the christ-killers of today.

Private property, the buck breaking that makes the entire Western world, especially America, an inescapable prison of exploitation and intimidation. I find it funny when I see conservacucks talking about going off grid and living in the wilderness... You mean the wilderness that is some richfag or bank's "private property". Private property has existed as long as civilization, however unlike in the past, in today's world almost the entire surface of the earth in the Western world is private property or state/federal property. So there is no option for low status males who would rather band together like gypsies far from the cities and towns to escape the persecution and exploitation of society. In the past, the oppressed could at least temporarily escape to the mountains to flee from persecution, today even the most isolated forests and mountains in the West have black helicopters and infrared aircraft flying overhead to spot "escapees". If you choose to live without wageslaving and dervishmaxx as a hobo in the cities and towns, you'll face the angry barks of roided up pigs pointing guns at you the whole time or until one decides it would be fun to magdump you. The fact that both the private property wilderness and the urban areas are both off limits to the homeless free aspiring men means that Pharaoh wants to FORCE you to work and give your life to his wicked hypocrite will.

Disbelievers, the buck breaking within. Affirmative belief and prayer are mandatory for all based and blackpilled rebels. In China, some believing that chanting "already happened" during a difficulty can have an unseen effect that grants favorable results to the chanters. I'm not here to argue whether this and other forms of "chaos magic" work. All I'm saying is that when you say and believe that the Beta Uprising will never happen or will not be successful, you are saying and believing what Pharaoh wants you to say and believe. Honestly, I'm not the only one who lives only to see the day Pharaoh is defeated and our people are set free and I'm not the only one who would rather die than live a lifetime where such a blessed event does not occur. The Beta Uprising is the only true LifeFuel. Be wary of those who seek to spread demoralization, division, and doubt among our brotherhood. You have the authority to curbstomp upon snakes and scorpions.

In conclusion, every fucking aspect of society is a weapon against you. This is The Coldest War and those fallen from attrition are all around you. The enemy enslaves us and imprisons us in one way or another. In America, being "free" is a privilege only for chads, richfags, and femasites. I don't know how low status males can look at the society around them and not be anarchists. This is bigger than a race war, this is the truest form of class warfare and the line in the sand is between low status males and everyone else. The world is against us, we are the only righteous side. Everyone who is not on our side 100% is an enemy. That's the cold truth. We are up against brutal opposition. When we are liberated, it will be remembered as an act of God because it will not easily be explained any other way.


Every aspect of society is a form of buck breaking. America and The West seeks to destroy your body and mind in every way they can get away with.
All of those groups have been targeted in COINTELPRO operations.

So what? That doesn't make them our allies. Especially as we know from prior experience those same groups have absolutely no qualms shitting on us as well. They would throw us under the bus in a second.

I also find the gist of your post particularly ironic, seeing as you seem to place Christianity and Jesus on a pedestal - yeah, that same cult that grew to prominence based on a ruler finding it useful for political purposes. With a dogma revolving around manipulating low value men to their advantage. :feelswhat:

Not to mention religion (that includes feminism/progressivism/etc) being demonstrably delusional and completely dependent on dogma alone is more than enough to disqualify it for me.

That said, I do largely agree with the point you're making. The system is, by design, made to oppress men like us. Its an open secret.
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