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I think women aren't as easy to rape as they seem

  • Thread starter Deleted member 31869
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Deleted member 31869

Deleted member 31869

Just pass me the rope
Dec 25, 2020
Btw since I fear this thread will be misinterpreted and deleted by the mods: I'm not saying it's ok to rape women or that we should do it, just that even if we wanted to, which we don't bc we're just harmless lonely guys, it wouldn't be that easy.

We talk shit like "women deserve to be raped" but I think it's not that easy in practice. Idk how rapists do it, but I think it's probably really hard to pull off, bc there's no telling how a woman will react. It could go very wrong, you could end up full of scratches or she could hit you with something, or even just fight back as hard as she could, and despite you being stronger, she could probably hurt you if she's really angry tbh. And a rape isn't like a normal fight, you're supposed to take her clothes off, penetrate her, while fighting her every step of the way, and somehow get hard. :feelswhat:
high iq.
she would fight back with all her might, and there would be injuries on her body to show proof of that.
JFL at this nigga competing to become new IT superstar.:dab:
the hell, nobody would try to do it that way in our times, it's too dangerous

mostly people use some substance to calm her down and then they do it
a lot of females dont fight it because their shellshocked. it also depends how the rape is conducted. if its done at gun or knife point , many are too shocked or afraid to do anything. it varies from womyn to womyn.
use some substance to calm her down
a lot of females dont fight it because their shellshocked. it also depends how the rape is conducted. if its done at gun or knife point , many are too shocked or afraid to do anything. it varies from womyn to womyn.
according to some googling i did, most rapists dont carry a weapon, bc if you do you'll get a lot more jail time. they just carry scissors to cut their clothes sometimes.

also ofc a lot of them don't fight them, but you dont know who will
JFL at this nigga competing to become new IT superstar.:dab:
i already was IT superstar for a while. for some reason they just kept digging up my threads, misinterpreting every one of them, and ofc learning nothing from them

one time i even made a larp ITer account to link based threads there, to show them the other side of the coin since they only screenshot what suits them, but they just missed the point every time, they're hopeless
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True, how do you even go about doing all that shit and come out in mint condition?
If most women have the same strength of my mother, then it would be easy as taking a piss. My mother has tried hitting me as hard as possible multiple times and she is super fucking weak. Her hits felt like flies.
Its easier with a bunch of bros
Cope, most women would just cry and not resist at all. The ones who'd fight back are the high T legbeards you wouldn't want to fuck anyway.
If I was a foid and got raped I would be like sweet free sex but then that never happens to men. Imagine getting free sex and complaining I bet all the """""femcels""""" have rape fantasies ngl
If most women have the same strength of my mother, then it would be easy as taking a piss. My mother has tried hitting me as hard as possible multiple times and she is super fucking weak. Her hits felt like flies.
If most women have the same strength of my mother, then it would be easy as taking a piss. My mother has tried hitting me as hard as possible multiple times and she is super fucking weak. Her hits felt like flies.
same with my mom and sister, but its not the same, they're family, its not like if they got actually angry (i assume)
Women call the smallest shit rape nowadays such as when a dude playfully smacks her butt or some shit.
same with my mom and sister, but its not the same, they're family, its not like if they got actually angry (i assume)
I wasn’t angry either. I didn’t use any force to try and overwhelm her, and I easily pushed her aside multiple times.
i've thought about this before. imo the optimal situation is coming up from behind them and surprising them by wrapping your arm around them around the stomach level and restricting both their arms that way, while using your free hand to undress them. it would only really go wrong if you're a pathetic weak loser that can't even overpower a woman.
i've gotten into "fights" with women before twice in my life and both times i lost
though to be fair I am a failed beta manlet so take that into consideration

if one were to speak in pure technical and hypothetical terms: I think the optimal situation for rape would obviously be drugging her beforehand that way her body mechanics are impaired. Best case scenario she falls unconscious and you get to reap the benefits double fold because she won't even know who raped her. But let's take drugs away. What then? Well, then the ideal situation at that point is children or the elderly. If you are going to rape somebody already I doubt you have a conscious to go after the actual physically weak. So then you stalk either a nice lovely child or a gentle smiling grandma. Both child and grandma would probably yell and scream as loud as they could so the first tactic you would need to do is cover their mouth. Once that is done I can't imagine their size or strength would come into play so then you are free to rape them until your hearts content. Now, the option then is which one is better for raping? A child rape will be a very bloody endeavor as she will most likely be a virgin however you get to be inside her first and feel how tight and small a girl in her prime age actually is. This is peak vaginal canal we are talking about. Something that God has denied you. On the other hand you could go for the easier, and less messy, Grandma rape. No blood will be drawn however you may face raping her may not even feel pleasurable because her 80yo hole has been through many men and babies that it is just a vast pocket of air basically. No friction to go against your dick. No grip. No wetness compared to child cunny that is 24/7 dripping wetness. Would rape even be worth it at that point? May as well just stick it in her granny mouth and get a gummy.

But let's take drugs away. Let's take children and grannies away. Let's just say you are going to rape an average 25yo woman. Average height. Average weight. First thing is you have to be fast and discombobulate her because she most likely carries a gun or pepper spray. Some form of self defense is on her person 99% of the time. Maybe a key ring. Maybe knuckles. Maybe she is wearing high heels and is going to stomp your foot so you better be prepared and wear steel toe boots and a cup for groin protection. Glasses also help because all women go for the eyes. 100% of women go for the dick or the eyes so wearing eye protection and groin protection is going to leave her dumbfounded on what to do next. She will not know what to do. She is in your grasp. She is scared. Hopefully she goes into shock. If she does then you are set free to rape her as she just stares at the ceiling without moving. If she does not fall into shock and continues to fight back then you would need to start getting violent. You could threaten her with a, "I'm just trying to rape you. Don't turn this into a murder" comment. I've read that works. If she still resists unfortunately you have to get violent so depending on how much of an awful person you are, you could either start choking her (which works twofold because all women like being choked so may get her juices flowing for easier rape) until she passes out OR punch her in the head. Body shots just make women turtle up. You have to hit her in the head a few times and she will start panicking because majority of women have never been slapped or punched in the face because this weak society always levitates women and puts them on a pedestal. Society bends over backwards for women so when you start beating her face she doesn't know how to react because it's never happened to her before. That is when you capitalize because she will then eventually get the idea that if she continues to struggle you will keep punching her face so after a few seconds she will starfish as to avoid more punches. (Hint: Use lube and condoms to make it look consensual. That has helped some men. Also force her to shower afterwards.) I'm not going to get into weapons such as blunt objects or guns to rape women because that is self-explanatory and honestly you could rape anybody with threats of a blunt object or a gun. I'm sure you could just wield a hammer and start hammering the walls near her person and yell that if she moves that you won't miss next time.

Now all that was hypothetical but I'm going to be honest that there is a third option for rape but none of you faggots can ever use the third option. The third option is to be a man that is so tall and big and intimidating that just simply placing your hand on a female's shoulder or talking in a thounderous voice will get her shivering. Many women comply just from being told to lay down and take her clothes off if you are Chad enough. Look at Mike Tyson.
i've gotten into "fights" with women before twice in my life and both times i lost
though to be fair I am a failed beta manlet so take that into consideration

if one were to speak in pure technical and hypothetical terms: I think the optimal situation for rape would obviously be drugging her beforehand that way her body mechanics are impaired. Best case scenario she falls unconscious and you get to reap the benefits double fold because she won't even know who raped her. But let's take drugs away. What then? Well, then the ideal situation at that point is children or the elderly. If you are going to rape somebody already I doubt you have a conscious to go after the actual physically weak. So then you stalk either a nice lovely child or a gentle smiling grandma. Both child and grandma would probably yell and scream as loud as they could so the first tactic you would need to do is cover their mouth. Once that is done I can't imagine their size or strength would come into play so then you are free to rape them until your hearts content. Now, the option then is which one is better for raping? A child rape will be a very bloody endeavor as she will most likely be a virgin however you get to be inside her first and feel how tight and small a girl in her prime age actually is. This is peak vaginal canal we are talking about. Something that God has denied you. On the other hand you could go for the easier, and less messy, Grandma rape. No blood will be drawn however you may face raping her may not even feel pleasurable because her 80yo hole has been through many men and babies that it is just a vast pocket of air basically. No friction to go against your dick. No grip. No wetness compared to child cunny that is 24/7 dripping wetness. Would rape even be worth it at that point? May as well just stick it in her granny mouth and get a gummy.

But let's take drugs away. Let's take children and grannies away. Let's just say you are going to rape an average 25yo woman. Average height. Average weight. First thing is you have to be fast and discombobulate her because she most likely carries a gun or pepper spray. Some form of self defense is on her person 99% of the time. Maybe a key ring. Maybe knuckles. Maybe she is wearing high heels and is going to stomp your foot so you better be prepared and wear steel toe boots and a cup for groin protection. Glasses also help because all women go for the eyes. 100% of women go for the dick or the eyes so wearing eye protection and groin protection is going to leave her dumbfounded on what to do next. She will not know what to do. She is in your grasp. She is scared. Hopefully she goes into shock. If she does then you are set free to rape her as she just stares at the ceiling without moving. If she does not fall into shock and continues to fight back then you would need to start getting violent. You could threaten her with a, "I'm just trying to rape you. Don't turn this into a murder" comment. I've read that works. If she still resists unfortunately you have to get violent so depending on how much of an awful person you are, you could either start choking her (which works twofold because all women like being choked so may get her juices flowing for easier rape) until she passes out OR punch her in the head. Body shots just make women turtle up. You have to hit her in the head a few times and she will start panicking because majority of women have never been slapped or punched in the face because this weak society always levitates women and puts them on a pedestal. Society bends over backwards for women so when you start beating her face she doesn't know how to react because it's never happened to her before. That is when you capitalize because she will then eventually get the idea that if she continues to struggle you will keep punching her face so after a few seconds she will starfish as to avoid more punches. (Hint: Use lube and condoms to make it look consensual. That has helped some men. Also force her to shower afterwards.) I'm not going to get into weapons such as blunt objects or guns to rape women because that is self-explanatory and honestly you could rape anybody with threats of a blunt object or a gun. I'm sure you could just wield a hammer and start hammering the walls near her person and yell that if she moves that you won't miss next time.

Now all that was hypothetical but I'm going to be honest that there is a third option for rape but none of you faggots can ever use the third option. The third option is to be a man that is so tall and big and intimidating that just simply placing your hand on a female's shoulder or talking in a thounderous voice will get her shivering. Many women comply just from being told to lay down and take her clothes off if you are Chad enough. Look at Mike Tyson.
shiiiit man this is going to get you banned

extremely based though :feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
i've thought about this before. imo the optimal situation is coming up from behind them and surprising them by wrapping your arm around them around the stomach level and restricting both their arms that way, while using your free hand to undress them. it would only really go wrong if you're a pathetic weak loser that can't even overpower a woman.
In pure hypothetical terms: Do you think this is why women in skirts get raped more often? Because there is no need to take off her clothes? It's just a simple
1) restrain woman
2) slide skirt up and move panties to the side. can easily be done just with body weight alone and a hard dick can move panties aside easily enough
3) ???
4) Profit
shiiiit man this is going to get you banned

extremely based though :feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
No way. I clearly stated it is a hypothetical and I clearly stated you were a "bad man" if you did this. I do not like bad men.
In pure hypothetical terms: Do you think this is why women in skirts get raped more often? Because there is no need to take off her clothes? It's just a simple
1) restrain woman
2) slide skirt up and move panties to the side. can easily be done just with body weight alone and a hard dick can move panties aside easily enough
3) ???
4) Profit

No way. I clearly stated it is a hypothetical and I clearly stated you were a "bad man" if you did this. I do not like bad men.
They will resist subhumans and surrender to Alpha.
In pure hypothetical terms: Do you think this is why women in skirts get raped more often?
Probably because women in skirts seen as more feminine.
I would have no problem getting hard to a hot 14 year old girl :feelscomfy: and they are weaker than fully grown foids :feelsYall:
i've gotten into "fights" with women before twice in my life and both times i lost
though to be fair I am a failed beta manlet so take that into consideration

if one were to speak in pure technical and hypothetical terms: I think the optimal situation for rape would obviously be drugging her beforehand that way her body mechanics are impaired. Best case scenario she falls unconscious and you get to reap the benefits double fold because she won't even know who raped her. But let's take drugs away. What then? Well, then the ideal situation at that point is children or the elderly. If you are going to rape somebody already I doubt you have a conscious to go after the actual physically weak. So then you stalk either a nice lovely child or a gentle smiling grandma. Both child and grandma would probably yell and scream as loud as they could so the first tactic you would need to do is cover their mouth. Once that is done I can't imagine their size or strength would come into play so then you are free to rape them until your hearts content. Now, the option then is which one is better for raping? A child rape will be a very bloody endeavor as she will most likely be a virgin however you get to be inside her first and feel how tight and small a girl in her prime age actually is. This is peak vaginal canal we are talking about. Something that God has denied you. On the other hand you could go for the easier, and less messy, Grandma rape. No blood will be drawn however you may face raping her may not even feel pleasurable because her 80yo hole has been through many men and babies that it is just a vast pocket of air basically. No friction to go against your dick. No grip. No wetness compared to child cunny that is 24/7 dripping wetness. Would rape even be worth it at that point? May as well just stick it in her granny mouth and get a gummy.

But let's take drugs away. Let's take children and grannies away. Let's just say you are going to rape an average 25yo woman. Average height. Average weight. First thing is you have to be fast and discombobulate her because she most likely carries a gun or pepper spray. Some form of self defense is on her person 99% of the time. Maybe a key ring. Maybe knuckles. Maybe she is wearing high heels and is going to stomp your foot so you better be prepared and wear steel toe boots and a cup for groin protection. Glasses also help because all women go for the eyes. 100% of women go for the dick or the eyes so wearing eye protection and groin protection is going to leave her dumbfounded on what to do next. She will not know what to do. She is in your grasp. She is scared. Hopefully she goes into shock. If she does then you are set free to rape her as she just stares at the ceiling without moving. If she does not fall into shock and continues to fight back then you would need to start getting violent. You could threaten her with a, "I'm just trying to rape you. Don't turn this into a murder" comment. I've read that works. If she still resists unfortunately you have to get violent so depending on how much of an awful person you are, you could either start choking her (which works twofold because all women like being choked so may get her juices flowing for easier rape) until she passes out OR punch her in the head. Body shots just make women turtle up. You have to hit her in the head a few times and she will start panicking because majority of women have never been slapped or punched in the face because this weak society always levitates women and puts them on a pedestal. Society bends over backwards for women so when you start beating her face she doesn't know how to react because it's never happened to her before. That is when you capitalize because she will then eventually get the idea that if she continues to struggle you will keep punching her face so after a few seconds she will starfish as to avoid more punches. (Hint: Use lube and condoms to make it look consensual. That has helped some men. Also force her to shower afterwards.) I'm not going to get into weapons such as blunt objects or guns to rape women because that is self-explanatory and honestly you could rape anybody with threats of a blunt object or a gun. I'm sure you could just wield a hammer and start hammering the walls near her person and yell that if she moves that you won't miss next time.

Now all that was hypothetical but I'm going to be honest that there is a third option for rape but none of you faggots can ever use the third option. The third option is to be a man that is so tall and big and intimidating that just simply placing your hand on a female's shoulder or talking in a thounderous voice will get her shivering. Many women comply just from being told to lay down and take her clothes off if you are Chad enough. Look at Mike Tyson.
beautiful comment :feelsYall:
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Btw since I fear this thread will be misinterpreted and deleted by the mods: I'm not saying it's ok to rape women or that we should do it, just that even if we wanted to, which we don't bc we're just harmless lonely guys, it wouldn't be that easy.

We talk shit like "women deserve to be raped" but I think it's not that easy in practice. Idk how rapists do it, but I think it's probably really hard to pull off, bc there's no telling how a woman will react. It could go very wrong, you could end up full of scratches or she could hit you with something, or even just fight back as hard as she could, and despite you being stronger, she could probably hurt you if she's really angry tbh. And a rape isn't like a normal fight, you're supposed to take her clothes off, penetrate her, while fighting her every step of the way, and somehow get hard. :feelswhat:
yes one kick to the nuts is enough to put the man down. There's a dumb trend on tiktok called the "97%" and it's literally the most delusional shit i ever heard. No way 97% of foids were actually sexually assaulted. In general I'm pretty sure all men wouldn't even try to go near a foid that is butt ugly and in the bottom 20% as far as looks.

Yes. For the IT cucks reading. There are foids out there that are literally too ugly to be raped. Period.
yes one kick to the nuts is enough to put the man down. There's a dumb trend on tiktok called the "97%" and it's literally the most delusional shit i ever heard. No way 97% of foids were actually sexually assaulted. In general I'm pretty sure all men wouldn't even try to go near a foid that is butt ugly and in the bottom 20% as far as looks.

Yes. For the IT cucks reading. There are foids out there that are literally too ugly to be raped. Period.
Just buy and use handcuffs or rope so she wouldn't be able to resist much, in minecraft of course :feelsLSD:
Btw since I fear this thread will be misinterpreted and deleted by the mods: I'm not saying it's ok to rape women or that we should do it, just that even if we wanted to, which we don't bc we're just harmless lonely guys, it wouldn't be that easy.

We talk shit like "women deserve to be raped" but I think it's not that easy in practice. Idk how rapists do it, but I think it's probably really hard to pull off, bc there's no telling how a woman will react. It could go very wrong, you could end up full of scratches or she could hit you with something, or even just fight back as hard as she could, and despite you being stronger, she could probably hurt you if she's really angry tbh. And a rape isn't like a normal fight, you're supposed to take her clothes off, penetrate her, while fighting her every step of the way, and somehow get hard. :feelswhat:
rear naked choke

Once you take the fight to the ground and put your weight on you can start to force them to ease up. You have to hold them down and struggle a bit but once you start precumming they usually stop trying to fight it.

This is just what I have heard, I don't know from experience.:feelsthink:
That's why you do it with your friends.
You beat the living fuck out of her like she stole something from you, and make sure she's incapacitated, then do what you want. The hardest part would be trying to not get caught.
Foids are very easy to rape nowadays, just look at her funny and it is immediately seen as rape according to today's soyciety

shoot her :feelsdevil:
It’s not easy if your physically weak and empathetic.
Once you take the fight to the ground and put your weight on you can start to force them to ease up.

Small and thin foids are easy victims.
Foids are light and very weak, unless you grew up in a concentration camp, it’s very easy to rape a foid (from a physical standpoint), even if she’s heavier.
Oh god I am going to brag
Foids are light and very weak, unless you grew up in a concentration camp, it’s very easy to rape a foid (from a physical standpoint), even if she’s heavier.
I made a thread exposing a "rape" victim. In her video it stated that 9/10 women in UK are "raped" by someone they know. Aka drunken sex, or taking away consent later on. The classic story is; "I had one maybe two beers and then I woke up naked".

A real rape is almost fiction and nearly impossible to get away with while inside a populated area. It's even harder to get away with than murder because the victim is still alive and able to identify you or at least name the date of the attack. From there the cops would look through all street and private surveillance. Even masked you would be exposed by body build and clothes.
I made a thread exposing a "rape" victim. In her video it stated that 9/10 women in UK are "raped" by someone they know. Aka drunken sex, or taking away consent later on. The classic story is; "I had one maybe two beers and then I woke up naked".

A real rape is almost fiction and nearly impossible to get away with while inside a populated area. It's even harder to get away with than murder because the victim is still alive and able to identify you or at least name the date of the attack. From there the cops would look through all street and private surveillance. Even masked you would be exposed by body build and clothes.
Then don't leave her alive maby :feelsLSD:and try to dispose evidence
yeah it is risky. They can scratch, bite and kick. But nk its easy because they literally freeze up . Thats what they do. Because since time immemorial theyw ere fucked without their consent. Tgesea re words of modern society. early humans used to fuck the women in groups one by one. The bitch had no option. She has to enjoy it or die. That is all there isto it. Rape fantasues, domination relates to this. There is no such thing as rape. We are raped too when we have to pay tax for foids welfare. We are raped too when we got bullied for no apparent reason.
Btw since I fear this thread will be misinterpreted and deleted by the mods: I'm not saying it's ok to rape women or that we should do it, just that even if we wanted to, which we don't bc we're just harmless lonely guys, it wouldn't be that easy.

We talk shit like "women deserve to be raped" but I think it's not that easy in practice. Idk how rapists do it, but I think it's probably really hard to pull off, bc there's no telling how a woman will react. It could go very wrong, you could end up full of scratches or she could hit you with something, or even just fight back as hard as she could, and despite you being stronger, she could probably hurt you if she's really angry tbh. And a rape isn't like a normal fight, you're supposed to take her clothes off, penetrate her, while fighting her every step of the way, and somehow get hard. :feelswhat:
Based on most foids stories from chadfishing, most foids told me they got raped. When I ask them why don’t they do anything? They said they are scared for their lives and just go along with what the guy wants cuz they want it to be over, and then next day they cry rape and get the guy in trouble or even they feel safe again.

but sometimes they don’t even snitch on the guy when he is chad, hoping he will want to fuck them again maybe but be more nicer next time and less rapey.

They snitch on sub8s for sure, even 1 year after they might try to get you in trouble.
it’s best not to use any type of force with a foid and stay on her good side cuz when shit goes down then it’s always “your word against hers” and she won’t need to provide proof and everyone will take her side.:feelshehe:
That's why you do it with your friends.
While I think if we are just purely talking from a "how can i easily rape someone" standpoint then I would agree with you however just imagine the level of stress you must have after the rape because you will always be on edge that your "boys" will slip and spill the beans.

Hell, I've seen Dateline or 20/20 and they have had stories where guys were in their 20s and killed someone then in their 50s one of the guys confessed and then implicated the others and they all went to prison. That's the shit you gotta worry about. I even saw a story of two guys raping a girl and one turned out to be a multi millionaire and the other was a drug addict. The drug addict made a plea deal since he was going to go to prison for drugs and was able to do like 2 years or something but he had to get the millionaire on a mic to confess of their rape like 10 years ago. Shit is wild.

They would have to be much more than simple "friends" that you are doing all this with.
idk if this is even a thing but are Flash Mob Rapes a thing? I mean there was a Josh Fight recently. Are there people that get together just randomly to go on a rape spree? (and where can i find these ppl):feelshmm:
If I was a foid and got raped I would be like sweet free sex but then that never happens to men. Imagine getting free sex and complaining I bet all the """""femcels""""" have rape fantasies ngl
This tbh. Never understood why rape was seen as bad, it’s free sex
Idk how rapists do it, but I think it's probably really hard to pull off, bc there's no telling how a woman will react.
Rapists are usually strong Chads.
Massive cope

all the hentai manga I’ve read shows that you just need to rape them enough times until they fall in love with you and it’s no longer considered rape
Women call the smallest shit rape nowadays such as when a dude playfully smacks her butt or some shit.
That's sexual harassment especially if its non consensual

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