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Blackpill "I see average couples all the time"



Pancake-faced viking-cel
Oct 5, 2022
Unless it's a High School love story, a relationship is always a foid settling. In any looksmatched average couple 25+ one has to consider this:

1. The girl has been ran through by Chad since she was 15 and when she couldn't lock one down, she settled for a normie

2. What you're seeing is only a snapshot of a relationship in space and time. They could be two years into the relationship but one more year away from her abusive Chad ex calling her up and dicking her down.

3. You mean to tell me that all that "muh personality", "game", "confidence" mustered throughout that MTN guy's life only landed him a LTB and he's supposed to still worship the ground she walks on, marry her and provide for her until the inevitable divorcerape 20 years later?

"I see average couples all the time" isn't the slick takedown of the Black Pill the bluepillers think it is, it's more of a confirmation that it's true.

Most relationships are based on compromise, settling and convenience, not raw sexual attraction and passionate love. Only Chad can get that.

It's over.
Most likely to be a betabuxx, in those cases.

It's either to be a total incel or a total cuck when you're sub 8 in 2024.

There is no such thing as middle class in the dating market anymore.
Then there is also that most people overrate toilets and underrate men
If theres 1 000 normies and 50 of em get a relationship then you cant say relationships are the norm when they are actually an anomaly.
"Ugly" dude with gf = average height LTN
the "beautiful" girl = LTB or landwhale
“Ugly” dude with gf = 5’10+ htn
“Beautiful” girl LTB or landwhale
yeah well atleast an NT subhuman can have friendships while a non-NT subhuman never can
I never see "average couples" in their teens and early 20s.
Normies and foids underrate Mens looks and overinflate Foids looks
And it doesnt seem like it is gonna change any time soon.
I disagree. Most women date slightly up. It's normally men that have to settle to avoid a lifetime of loneliness.

A relationship is something a man does for a woman. If a man doesn't do it, the woman will find another one.
Cause High SMV chads are a scarcity withing the dating market, and whenever they are available
they most likely rotate options and dont want to commit.
Over for the Normie placeholders.
wish i was avarage looking
there is no such thing as an "average couple"

Either looks matter, or they don't.

And they do.
It is reality, most guys eventually find a girl and its some run through LTB and they worship her and she becomes their boss. Genetic failures find no one and rare lucky guys find nice pussy.
"I see average couples all the time" isn't the slick takedown of the Black Pill the bluepillers think it is, it's more of a confirmation that it's true.

Most relationships are based on compromise, settling and convenience, not raw sexual attraction and passionate love. Only Chad can get that.
Exactly. In my demographic studies, I saw lots of looksmatched couples. But, there wasn't that raw attraction between the majority of them. It was loud, boisterous domineering women and men along for the ride.

It was surprising confirmation (since I thought looks were everything and I'd see a majority of mismatched couples, I was wrong) that if you want your looksmatch, you have to bend over backwards for her. Oofy Doofy. Betabux. All that cuck shit for women who see us as disposable.

This correlates with the rapidly increasing gynocentric behavior we see spreading online. This is what you have to do to win over a woman... and it's always an aged women who ran through other guys beforehand and is settling for you. Rough times for you young lads.
Unless it's a High School love story, a relationship is always a foid settling. In any looksmatched average couple 25+ one has to consider this:

1. The girl has been ran through by Chad since she was 15 and when she couldn't lock one down, she settled for a normie

2. What you're seeing is only a snapshot of a relationship in space and time. They could be two years into the relationship but one more year away from her abusive Chad ex calling her up and dicking her down.

3. You mean to tell me that all that "muh personality", "game", "confidence" mustered throughout that MTN guy's life only landed him a LTB and he's supposed to still worship the ground she walks on, marry her and provide for her until the inevitable divorcerape 20 years later?

"I see average couples all the time" isn't the slick takedown of the Black Pill the bluepillers think it is, it's more of a confirmation that it's true.

Most relationships are based on compromise, settling and convenience, not raw sexual attraction and passionate love. Only Chad can get that.

It's over.
Not gonna lie. I'd simp for a LTB. I'm not proud of it, but it's better than starving.
the people who say this dont know the dynamics and intricacies of said relationships
guy could be getting cucked or be a betabuxx or both
all the average guys i know my ex friends are literally slaves to their average toilet gf
80% i see looksmatched couples among zoomers
80% i see looksmatched couples among zoomers
Not my experience at all. Zoomer couples i see are the worst looksmatched out of any. Very common to see a decent looking 6 or 7 with a 2 or 3 woman.
Then there is also that most people overrate toilets and underrate men
this happens in the forum all the time, they will call the most average woman a stacy and call an average looking dude subhuman
Yeah, it's pretty demoralizing to see. I got kinda close with this one korean guy over the last few years and he mentioned a gf and I thought it was an attraction/loyalty based relationship but the more he spoke of it the more I realized he too was a betabux. :feelsbadman:

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