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RageFuel I present to you the next ER. High school Cerebralpalsycel used as human bridge by bullies and foids so they don’t get wet.



Better incel than jestermaxxing for scraps
Aug 7, 2018

I’m really hoping he doesn’t pussy out and align with all the “muhhh stop bullying” activists or rope.. The only thing that can right this wrong are the bullies’ decapitated corpses slumped at the kids feet.

I hope he’s planning a massacre right now.
If he went ER and then this video was shown wider in the media accompanying the news of school massacre perpetrated by him, would he get sympathy from a lot of people?
A true classmate would go ER on his behalf.
He’s Canadian and too young to rent a box truck.
If he went ER and then this video was shown wider in the media accompanying the news of school massacre perpetrated by him, would he get sympathy from a lot of people?
The still wouldn’t give him sympathy.. theyd blame guns or mental illness or life at home or whatever.. they can’t fathom that normal sane people can be made into murderers by circumstance. Granted alot of mass killers are straight up psychos or fucked up from meds or just trying to be edgelords, but in cases like this, the only thing that can mend that kids heart is his bullies’ lifeless corpses. It’s justfiied. Nobody who’s been bullied before would shed a tear if he shot up those kids tomorrow.
okay. i am totally okay with this. if you're going to go on a killing spree, at least kill people like these. kill your bullies, not clueless innocent folk.
The still wouldn’t give him sympathy.. theyd blame guns or mental illness or life at home or whatever.. they can’t fathom that normal sane people can be made into murderers by circumstance.
What especially pisses me off is that those kids are going to have amazing lives. The consequences they'll suffer for this will be short lived and meaningless, and they're going to go on to university and get good jobs and possibly end up in positions of power.

Like Mitt Romney when he was a kid he bullied someone, he and his friends pinned the kid down and cut his hair... and he went on to become super rich and powerful. Same with Jeremy Meeks, same with Mark Wahlberg, same with John Hamm, all bullies who had amazing lives.

In a society that rewards the bullies rather than punish them, the only justice you can get is one you can deal out.
There are intEResting ways to deal with this kind of bullying.
If he went ER and then this video was shown wider in the media accompanying the news of school massacre perpetrated by him, would he get sympathy from a lot of people?
Absolutely not. He would be demonized.
Bullying is as worse as murder, I would gladly take ERvenge for this kid
Incredible. You know the boys bullying him are the same ones getting all the attention from the girls.

Doesn't change in adulthood.
This is fucking evil. That poor kid.

I hope he fills them with bullets. They deserve to have their blood spilled and their guts splattered.
And people say we're awful human beings for wanting to kill the bullies and their normie collaboraters. Killing them would be an act of heroism and kindness.
This is fucking evil. That poor kid.

I hope he fills them with bullets. They deserve to have their blood spilled and their guts splattered.

Imagine if he was a blackpilled member here... he would turn those kids into Swiss cheese immediately
I really hope he goes ER. picking on disabled kids is what faggots do.
I really hope he goes ER. picking on disabled kids is what faggots do.
I feel like a shooting isn’t enough. They’d be getting off easy.. he needs to get creative with his day of retribution..
I feel like a shooting isn’t enough. They’d be getting off easy.. he needs to get creative with his day of retribution..

shoot them and then eat their bodies? dahmermaxx.
Bullies are just genetic warrior programmed for kill incels and truecels. It's blupill think bullies have low IQ
This is why people shoot up schools. Bullying is always okay to normies unlesss someone has it on camera then its the worst thing in the world.

All fakers and liars and humans never grow out of abusing those with less social status. Let the bodies hit the floor.
hopefully he uses an ar-15 and not a lame handgun. Also should create some bombs tbh. I want to see his entire school blown up to smithereens.
hopefully he uses an ar-15 and not a lame handgun. Also should create some bombs tbh. I want to see his entire school blown up to smithereens.
General Cho used a handgun and got 32 kills.
This is why people shoot up schools. Bullying is always okay to normies unlesss someone has it on camera then its the worst thing in the world.
Society likes to hide its dirty secrets. Of which it has many.
In the video they show a girl jumping on him to o cross over. Does anyone know that girls name?

I bet she supports wamens rights and puts on a good front. But in reality she will use the disadvantaged as a human bridge if it suits her.
The people who done this should have their genitals mutilated & then execution by hanging
This wouldnt happen to a foid.
ER? Most people are too pussy to ever consider it. And the ones who do consider it rarely ever get around to it.

Considering how many angry psychos there are in the world, America especially, it's surprising ER doesn't happen more often.

If angry deviants targeted bullies for revenge, the bullies may think twice before abusing the weak - but I doubt it. I remember reading that implementing a death penalty didn't decrease crime when it was tried somewhere, so I don't know.

I think this type of hazing-monkey behavior is a part of all humanity. It's like how people pet their beloved little doggies whilst eating hamburgers everyday. Some lives aren't worth as much as others. That's why I would target the most beloved parts of society rather than directly aiming for personal enemies. No one gives a shit if you kill a bum, so aim higher.
lets start a gofundme for that kid so he can buy a nice AR-15
I hope he CHOoses to repays them for their sERvices
He will never get pussy.

Hope this faggot gets ERed
JFL, how many times had this shit happened before it got to this point?

Nobody gave a shit until thERe was video evidence.
If he went ER and then this video was shown wider in the media accompanying the news of school massacre perpetrated by him, would he get sympathy from a lot of people?

I highly doubt it, sadly...

They find any excuse whatsoever to say that these people, no matter how justified their actions are, are evil.

Does this person even realise what they are on about? I have no words for this...
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Honestly, this is such cuck bullshit. If he were a true warrior he would fuck up the bully regardless of how badly he would be punished physically. It is better to put up a good fight and lose than to submit to such an ordeal. He has lost his dignity now and will never be able to get it back, no matter what he does.
Unfortunately, he may get all the media sympathy in the world, but he will never feel a woman's touch.
Just the touch of heels on his back
This is fucking evil. That poor kid.

I hope he fills them with bullets. They deserve to have their blood spilled and their guts splattered.
Honestly, this is such cuck bullshit. If he were a true warrior he would fuck up the bully regardless of how badly he would be punished physically. It is better to put up a good fight and lose than to submit to such an ordeal. He has lost his dignity now and will never be able to get it back, no matter what he does.
okay. i am totally okay with this. if you're going to go on a killing spree, at least kill people like these. kill your bullies, not clueless innocent folk.
As expected. Child of a single mother. Mother encourages her humiliated mentally handicapped trucel son to forgive those evil sluts. I have no words. It's truly over.
5 tanks of Zyklon B, chainlock on all exits, tripwire explosives
I hate it when normalfags try to virtue signal bullying when they are the perpetrators of it, what a bunch of hypocrites.

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