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I now understand why the world clings to religion



Nov 11, 2017
Despite there being no factual basis for any of them. I have officially hit rock bottom. 21 years of suffering with nothing to show for it but mental illness, pain, loneliness, and grief. As a youngun I never understood what it meant to truly be hopeless. I do now and I wish Allah really was real. I wish all I had to do was pray and pull through life for eternal happiness. I wish there was some hope.
Yeah, I've been there myself a couple of times. I wish this life would just be a prelude, a test, something you have to ENDURE to start your ACTUAL life in paradise. Judgement: the evil ones, the imperialist billionaires being punished, the oppressed being rewarded and having the tears wiped off their faces and so on.
NegroKing said:
Despite there being no factual basis for any of them. I have officially hit rock bottom. 21 years of suffering with nothing to show for it but mental illness, pain, loneliness, and grief. As a youngun I never understood what it meant to truly be hopeless. I do now and I wish Allah really was real. I wish all I had to do was pray and pull through life for eternal happiness. I wish there was some hope.

People who are exposed to it early have genuine experiences of "rapture" when they congregate in church. The brain, without consuming anything, lights up as if they just dropped an e tab. To them, God is real not because of factual basis or anything like that - it's real because they genuinely feel God. You can get the same experience if you start going to church/temple/mosque/whatever the fuck and try to believe just for the sake of believing. Eventually you will experience rapture and thus starts your new path.
blickpall said:
You can get the same experience if you start going to church/temple/mosque/whatever the fuck and try to believe just for the sake of believing. Eventually you will experience rapture and thus starts your new path.

Nah, you can't. If you didn't really grow up religious and don't have a strong faith now, you can't simply "achieve" it. I once read an interview with former Pope Ratzinger/Benedict and being asked about the health effects of faith (people who pray regularly less often have problems with their blood pressure and so on) he replied that all of this might very well be the case, but once you simply try to use religion as a psycho-medical "trick" to help you with your blood pressure or your depression, it doesn't work anymore. 

Instead of getting a "new path", you get all these channers who are Buddhists for two months, devouring all kinds of Alan Watts videos, then they are suddenly SSPX Catholics, then Orthodox, then Neo-Pagans binge-watching Varg, then they consider giving atheism another chance, brown guys maybe Islam and on and on it goes. 

(Ironically, this disregard for truth -they are not motivated by a quest for the truth but just looking for a way to cope and/or to justify their right-wing beliefs- is the quintessence of modernism they otherwise claim to despise so much. Catholic poet Charles Péguy once defined a "modernist" as someone who "doesn't believe what he believes" - and this definition of modernism fits to a T to all these Return-of-Kings-8-chan-frogtwitter "reactionaries", monarchists, "converts" to Orthodoxy and Jihadi-LARPers among brown incels.)
More and more factual evidence will come with due time, we already know that a 400ft level in sea rise did happen and that ancients civilizations across the world talked about a great flood like Noahs flood from the bible. Scientist have found bones of Giant humans, like the bible also mentioned. I know God exist. When i was back in middle school, i remember my mom took me to a some bible study where the guy was calling out names of people in the room, people who'd he never met or seen before. He called my name, he'd never seen me before, and started praying over me. Another time i went to another bible study my mom took me too and the preacher was making people fall over the ground and shit. He put his hand over there heads and they started speaking in tongue's or whatever they were speaking in, they sure as hell didnt know what the language was beforehand.
Red Shambhala said:
Nah, you can't. If you didn't really grow up religious and don't have a strong faith now, you can't simply "achieve" it. I once read an interview with former Pope Ratzinger/Benedict and being asked about the health effects of faith (people who pray regularly less often have problems with their blood pressure and so on) he replied that all of this might very well be the case, but once you simply try to use religion as a psycho-medical "trick" to help you with your blood pressure or your depression, it doesn't work anymore. 

Instead of getting a "new path", you get all these channers who are Buddhists for two months, devouring all kinds of Alan Watts videos, then they are suddenly SSPX Catholics, then Orthodox, then Neo-Pagans binge-watching Varg, then they consider giving atheism another chance, brown guys maybe Islam and on and on it goes. 

(Ironically, this disregard for truth -they are not motivated by a quest for the truth but just looking for a way to cope and/or to justify their right-wing beliefs- is the quintessence of modernism they otherwise claim to despise so much. Catholic poet Charles Péguy once defined a "modernist" as someone who "doesn't believe what he believes" - and this definition of modernism fits to a T to all these Return-of-Kings-8-chan-frogtwitter "reactionaries", monarchists, "converts" to Orthodoxy and Jihadi-LARPers among brown incels.)

The feeling of rapture is accessible to any properly functional human brain but is something that requires practice and training to achieve, which really can only happen with guidance and community. You can think of it as an extreme social high. YouTube videos and two months with some Buddhists is not going to achieve that. The Pope is also hardly a specialist on matters of the brain. Not saying that I am a neurologist or anything, but I did read pretty extensively about this. It's not (well, I don't think it is at least) Allah reaching directly into your brain and releasing copious amounts of neurotransmitters, its mind over matter and your natural reaction to your surroundings that you habituate yourself to over time.
Nautica1983 said:
Another time i went to another bible study my mom took me too and the preacher was making people fall over the ground and shit. He put his hand over there heads and they started speaking in tongue's

Yeah, this is a big thing in Charismatic/Pentecostal circles where they preach this "Prosperity Gospel" to impoverished brown people, telling them how Jesus will make them rich if only they do this and that, and then they get hysterical attacks from all the built-up psychological problems they have, rolling around on the floor and speaking gibberish: 


So sad...
The whole reason religion exists is because people either want an explanation for the unknown or something to cling to in desperate times. A lot of the people I know who became religious did so after going through some form of depression. In a way, it gives them comfort that some deity must have some plan for them and that that the'll enter paradise after death. It's like a really ancient cope.
Minjaze said:
The whole reason religion exists is because people either want an explanation for the unknown or something to cling to in desperate times. A lot of the people I know who became religious did so after going through some form of depression. In a way, it gives them comfort that some deity must have some plan for them and that that the'll enter paradise after death. It's like a really ancient cope.

Um, im pretty sure religion comes from the earliest humans who had close contact to their God or prophets and spread their Gods or prophets teaching to their followers. Its not a cope.
Don't fall for the religion meme, seriously, DON'T FALL FOR IT!
blickpall said:
The feeling of rapture is accessible to any properly functional human brain but is something that requires practice and training to achieve, which really can only happen with guidance and community. You can think of it as an extreme social high. YouTube videos and two months with some Buddhists is not going to achieve that. The Pope is also hardly a specialist on matters of the brain. Not saying that I am a neurologist or anything, but I did read pretty extensively about this. It's not (well, I don't think it is at least) Allah reaching directly into your brain and releasing copious amounts of neurotransmitters, its mind over matter and your natural reaction to your surroundings that you habituate yourself to over time.

Well yeah, okay, but this is something Sam Harris or any other secular Buddhist could have said as well about the effects of extensive meditation on the brain etc. But is that really religion? I think at least you'd have to separate "spirituality" from "religion" then. The latter is much more than jut a "feeling" of rapture but involves a certain philosophy, certain values, morals, truths, canons, etc. You might get a "feeling of rapture" with practice and training, but for a feeling of the lamb and the tree of life in the heavenly Jerusalem ... this is religion.
I'm not iffy and stringent about religions, as long as it doesn't get pushed into secular spaces.
Red Shambhala said:
Well yeah, okay, but this is something Sam Harris or any other secular Buddhist could have said as well about the effects of extensive meditation on the brain etc. But is that really religion? I think at least you'd have to separate "spirituality" from "religion" then. The latter is much more than jut a "feeling" of rapture but involves a certain philosophy, certain values, morals, truths, canons, etc. You might get a "feeling of rapture" with practice and training, but for a feeling of the lamb and the tree of life in the heavenly Jerusalem ... this is religion.

You're definitely right, I guess I was answering more to OP's desire for "Allah to be real," by saying that he is about as real as you make him to be.
Any culture that achieved any semblance of civilization had religion. You know where there's no religion? Africa, the same place there's no development. They worshipped ass then just like they do now, and like too many of the people here do.

Get past it; fucking some stupid slut that's had a bunch of other dicks before you wouldn't make you happy. Any woman who is legal in the modern western world couldn't love you, because they're all broken on a dozen dicks before they're out of high school. That's why they're all frigid bitches making duckfaces on insta and snapchat to show the next few Chads what they look like sucking dick.
sepelion said:
Any culture that achieved any semblance of civilization had religion. You know where there's no religion? Africa, the same place there's no development. They worshipped ass then just like they do now, and like too many of the people here do.

Get past it; fucking some stupid slut that's had a bunch of other dicks before you wouldn't make you happy. Any woman who is legal in the modern western world couldn't love you, because they're all broken on a dozen dicks before they're out of high school. That's why they're all frigid bitches making duckfaces on insta and snapchat to show the next few Chads what they look like sucking dick.

legit post
sepelion said:
Any culture that achieved any semblance of civilization had religion. You know where there's no religion? Africa, the same place there's no development. They worshipped ass then just like they do now, and like too many of the people here do.

Get past it; fucking some stupid slut that's had a bunch of other dicks before you wouldn't make you happy. Any woman who is legal in the modern western world couldn't love you, because they're all broken on a dozen dicks before they're out of high school. That's why they're all frigid bitches making duckfaces on insta and snapchat to show the next few Chads what they look like sucking dick.

Africa is very religious. Christians and Muslims alike. Not sure about the pagans.

I agree with the gist of it though. Religion is necessary to hold human society together.
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