Nah, you can't. If you didn't really grow up religious and don't have a strong faith now, you can't simply "achieve" it. I once read an interview with former Pope Ratzinger/Benedict and being asked about the health effects of faith (people who pray regularly less often have problems with their blood pressure and so on) he replied that all of this might very well be the case, but once you simply try to use religion as a psycho-medical "trick" to help you with your blood pressure or your depression, it doesn't work anymore.
Instead of getting a "new path", you get all these channers who are Buddhists for two months, devouring all kinds of Alan Watts videos, then they are suddenly SSPX Catholics, then Orthodox, then Neo-Pagans binge-watching Varg, then they consider giving atheism another chance, brown guys maybe Islam and on and on it goes.
(Ironically, this disregard for truth -they are not motivated by a quest for the truth but just looking for a way to cope and/or to justify their right-wing beliefs- is the quintessence of modernism they otherwise claim to despise so much. Catholic poet Charles Péguy once defined a "modernist" as someone who "doesn't believe what he believes" - and this definition of modernism fits to a T to all these Return-of-Kings-8-chan-frogtwitter "reactionaries", monarchists, "converts" to Orthodoxy and Jihadi-LARPers among brown incels.)