Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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Venting I never asked for more.



Let the Poor thing just DIE
Sep 30, 2018
Literally don't give a shit about how ugly, fat or deformed she is. Can't care less about her looks or intellect or anything for that matter. Only thing I ever wanted was a girl to LIKE me, WANT me and CRAVE for me and me only. All I ever wanted from a prospective partner was to be TRULY DESIRED, that's it.

I am planning to start gymcelling, mewing, keto diet and everything possible to change my fate and I am ready to go a deep down the bottom of the barrel as one can but in return I wanna see the glint in her eyes, the blush in her cheeks and the gigglyness in her speech, indicating she truly desires me. I wanna be her oneitis. That's all. If I ever sense that I am a girl's oneitis that enough for me to call myself ascended after that I will gladly leave her for her sake to find a better mate then me and spare the world from more of my defected gene. By 2020 I will either be a girl's oneitis or I will gladly accept the rope.

I am a 5'8, skinny, curry with normie jawline, narrow horizontal eyes with neutral tilt, cheekbones similar to supreme gentleman, chin to philtrum ratio a bit lower then that desirable for men, mesocephalic skull, among facial thrid my lower third is a bit small due to that chin to philtrum but not bad enough to be truecel tier, norwood 0, moreover traingular face with a bit narrow palette giving a tomahawk shaped face. 15 years back in the early 2000s I would have been a normie thanks to hypergamy that seems impossible now. But yet I will roll my dice for one last time.

This is it boyos. Ban me, call it a brag but I laid out my plan and everything I am armed with right now. This is at least way better then LDAR and neetbuxcels. I was highly inspired by @uninstall work. Wish me luck and I will definitely let you know the results.
Literally don't give a shit about how ugly, fat or deformed she is. Can't care less about her looks or intellect or anything for that matter. Only thing I ever wanted was a girl to LIKE me, WANT me and CRAVE for me and me only. All I ever wanted from a prospective partner was to be TRULY DESIRED, that's it.
It's over for you!
I am aware of it. But there has to be someone at the very bottom who'll appreciate my affection. I wanma see how low do I have to go find it. I will stoop lower then any man ever has only to feel that I am loved. Being accepted by NO ONE at all is the ultimate suifuel for an incel. If it comes to that I will not hesitate once.
Its rage fuel.
Do you really feel proud of the fact that you're a khhvforu stuck in this forum ? We are all just here to laugh at each others and our misery.
Do you really feel proud of the fact that you're a khhvforu stuck in this forum ? We are all just here to laugh at each others and our misery.
Cope, that's crabs in a bucket mentality. We're here to make fun of cucks and whores.
Why is my avi bashed so hard?
You don't see the irony of posting on an incel website, then your avatar is some dark skinned foid hanging on a lighter skinned chad? While being a currycel yourself?
good luck tomahawkcel
I am aware of it. But there has to be someone at the very bottom who'll appreciate my affection. I wanma see how low do I have to go find it. I will stoop lower then any man ever has only to feel that I am loved. Being accepted by NO ONE at all is the ultimate suifuel for an incel. If it comes to that I will not hesitate once.
Bro I am sorry to tell you this but women can not love sub 8 men. Even if you get a GF, as soon as she has the chance to leave you for a chad she will do it. Fuck foids and focus on other things in life. Do hobbymaxxing and get some good copes.
You don't see the irony of posting on an incel website, then your avatar is some dark skinned foid hanging on a lighter skinned chad? While being a currycel yourself?
I was looking at more like manlet getting a tall foid as I am a manlet how has usually fell for tall foids (but not taller then me). It's about perspective I guess. Also um pretty light skinned myself and felll for darker girls even black girls at some point. But never saw it like that.
Bro I am sorry to tell you this but women can not love sub 8 men. Even if you get a GF, as soon as she has the chance to leave you for a chad she will do it. Fuck foids and focus on other things in life. Do hobbymaxxing and get some good copes.

This. This is why i will go escortcelling in the future. Foids are not worth it. Focus on hobbies/entertainment and make the best out of life no matter how shit everything might seem right now.
Bro I am sorry to tell you this but women can not love sub 8 men. Even if you get a GF, as soon as she has the chance to leave you for a chad she will do it. Fuck foids and focus on other things in life. Do hobbymaxxing and get some good copes.
I know but for girls who can not get Chad and has accepted to have sth less then Chad will at least have sth for non-Chads I hope. If your statement turns absolute truth I won't be surprised but at least I wanna see it first hand.
Literally don't give a shit about how ugly, fat or deformed she is. Can't care less about her looks or intellect or anything for that matter. Only thing I ever wanted was a girl to LIKE me, WANT me and CRAVE for me and me only. All I ever wanted from a prospective partner was to be TRULY DESIRED, that's it.
Would you take her if she loved you?

Screen Shot 2018 12 01 at 53229 AM
This. This is why i will go escortcelling in the future. Foids are not worth it. Focus on hobbies/entertainment and make the best out of life no matter how shit everything might seem right now.
I have been turned down by only two foids in my life. One of them was a 8/10 other around 6. Only approaching and getting turned down by 2 foid feels like throwing in the towel without even trying. I will at least try to get 18 more foid and all sub5. If I fail with 20 foid I think it's good enough proof to call myself an incel.
Would you take her if she loved you?

View attachment 68584
Question is will she LOVE ME or SETTLE FOR ME ?
I'm not bashing btw.
All right man. Thanks.
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JB max with me. I'm looksmaxxing and then getting a nice car n shit gonna park in front of schools and get myself a fresh virgin
good luck tomahawkcel
Thanks boyo.
JB max with me. I'm looksmaxxing and then getting a nice car n shit gonna park in front of schools and get myself a fresh virgin
Don't think I have a chance at that. I am aiming more towards the bottom of the totem pole. Of course she's on top of the highest totem pole in her mind but there has to be a foid who doesn't have goddess complexity. There has to be a foid who had to go through some shit in her life due to her ugly looks.
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