Careful with protein bars as some have soy in them. Avoid anything with soy as that soy in the male body is broken down into estrogen. I recommend to stay away from beer that too can break down into estrogen and cause major build up of fat in the body. Clean out your cabinet and fridge for anything unhealthy or with soy. It helped me. I did the same with my family. Their fridge was a processed food nightmare.
Eat more fresh fruits, veggies, and meat. Grilled chicken or baked is best. Red meat is great too as well seafood. Avoid white bread and/or carbs. Stick with whole grain bread. Stay away from pasta. Avoid going out to eat. You'll save alot of money doing so.
For liquid: Drink water, brewed unsweeten green, oolong, jasmine, camomile. Drink coffee. Avoid soda & energy drinks. I did and I mananged to lose weight and not feel lathargic all the time.
Suppliments: Best Testogen boosters:
Stick with natural suppliments. Tumeric & White Willow Bark is good for inflammation and pain. Zinc is good for raising your T-levels.
For workouts - If you don't have a gym membership or a gym in your area. You want to work out in your home. I suggest getting a weightball of varying weight with a pull-up bar. Very cheap & inexpensive.
Running is good. I'm in the US. So, I at least run about two miles at least in the early morning. Mix & match. Run at least two miles M/W/F with morning wake up work out mixed with push-ups, crunches, pull-ups, stretching. Tuesdays & Thursdays: Same thing, but with yoga. As with any workout, diet is key. I at least do 10-15 at night with pull-ups and sit-ups cruntches with the weight ball I have before bed.
Need help with running, listen to Army cadence songs.