It doesn't mean the way you interpreted.
This: The Chinese, by putting a vastly inferior civilization in competition with our own, tend to destroy the population, on whom the perpetuity of free government depends. Without homes and families; patronizing neither school, library, church nor theatre; lawbreakers, addicted to vicious habits; indifferent to sanitary regulations and breeding disease; taking no holidays, respecting no traditional anniversaries, but laboring incessantly, and subsisting on practically nothing for food and clothes, a condition to which they have been inured for centuries, they enter the lists against men who have been brought up by our civilization to family life and civic duty. Our civilization having been itself rescued from barbarism by the patriots, martyrs and benefactors of mankind, the question now is: Shall it be imperilled? Is not Chinese immigration a harm?
Also:It is well understood that the invitation of the new Republic was addressed to the people of Europe, and that the Mongolians were not included in it. In interpreting our naturalization laws the Federal courts have held that the Caucasian race was alone contemplated by them, and by special exception, the negro race; that exception was the result of political necessity. The same necessity will arise, in the course of time, to naturalize the Chinese if they are admitted. But the Chinese do not come in the name of liberty as oppressed, nor are they willing to renounce their old allegiance. They are not even bonafide settlers. They do not seek the land of the free for the love of it. On the contrary, they are attached to their own country by a superstitious bond, and never think of leaving it permanently. It is also plain that, by their mental organization, they have no capacity for or appreciation of the blessings of liberty.