Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious I like 99% of the posters on this board but in real life, hanging with incels is pretty shitty



Dec 28, 2017
Simply put: Allies infected with fear are worse than enemies

Fellow losers usually are looking for ways to put you down to advance their position. Unless they're ultra blackpilled and truely believe looks are 100%, they're always looking to fuck over other men to be white knights and heroes.

Older incels, i.e. boomers want to take down young men because they blame other men for women being typical whores.

At the end of the day, being in a losing position compounds your problems and you have no allies.
A few months back I might have disagreed, but this forum has become trash and a lot of the users are blue pilled, I can easily see most users doing a complete 180 at a 5% chance of getting pussy, and completely renouncing the black pill and throwing fellow incels under the bus
Looks aren't 100%
Fellow incels usually bully me in real life.
A few months back I might have disagreed, but this forum has become trash and a lot of the users are blue pilled, I can easily see most users doing a complete 180 at a 5% chance of getting pussy, and completely renouncing the black pill and throwing fellow incels under the bus

Most guys can't relax socially if they think shit isn't predetermined by their genes

so they're always trying to seem cool if the possible of a female is there
you don't like my Personality? :whatfeels::whatfeels::whatfeels:
I wouldn't try to put anybody down, I'd just make it painfully uncomfortable because I wouldn't know what to say or would rarely speak
Simply put: Allies infected with fear are worse than enemies

Fellow losers usually are looking for ways to put you down to advance their position. Unless they're ultra blackpilled and truely believe looks are 100%, they're always looking to fuck over other men to be white knights and heroes.

Older incels, i.e. boomers want to take down young men because they blame other men for women being typical whores.

At the end of the day, being in a losing position compounds your problems and you have no allies.
hanging with incels is pretty shitty
Hanging with bluepilled incels
hanging with incels is pretty shitty
Hanging with bluepilled incels

I agree, but as I have sadly learned with my time on this forum, ironically most incels are blue pilled, they like to go on and on about how different they are to normies, but pretty much all incels have a "blindspot", a blue pilled concept/belief they hold onto like their life depends on it and they never let go

I call this VBS or "Vestigial Blue pill Syndrome"

Think of the most simplest black pill ever, there are many incels on this site that will disagree, heck there are RELIGIOUS incels, how the fuck can you be religious and incel, it makes no sense, though I'd say there is an exception

If you are a "religionmaxxer" then you are black pilled, as you don't really believe, you are just using your affiliation within a religious community to try and get something you want (a virgin wife), whereas all men who are actually religious are blue pilled
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id be down to go drinking with incel bros
The fact that many users attack one another due to height or race or political views or copes and hell even avatars, really shows how fucked we truly are. If it's difficult for us to get along here on the forum, how can we get along in real life?
I'm a cool guy
High IQ post OP.

I find that even though I share your sentiments about our community being great and likeable individuals to add my own two cents into why I personally would not want to hang out in real life with people like us or any other groups of people society deems “losers” is because...

1. It would be a depressingly symbolic reminder of myself having fully given up and acquiescing to this horrible inescapable lifestyle.

2. I’ve always strongly been against the idea that society seems to embrace in its lazy, irresponsible, dereliction of duty (to others and itself) mindset and nature that seems to believe or more likely at least be ok with (and I’m using an analogy to start off making my point here) sticking severely mentally ill people in insane asylums with other severely mentally ill people thinking that’s going to do them any good. I’ve always believed it’d be better for such people to rather be exposed to people without their mental problems such as mentally stable normies for example as I believe some of that stability just might rub off on the person at least, whereas being stuck around a fellow group of crazies is just going to keep the mentally ill person batshit crazy since the negative behavior of the group just feeds into more negative behavior.

So my point is a group of us getting together in the real world would only bring us down further and prevent those who may have a chance at ascending from doing so and others well...it’d just bring them down to realize how truly fucked they/we all are and I’d argue our lives are bad enough as it is to the point where we don’t need anymore reminders.

This forum I’d say is only different in that it gives us all a mental out ie while we can safely admit what we are here status wise the other half of our minds can still assure us that there’s hope for us “some day”.

Yes, that ever mythical “some day” that we deep down know will never come but for a few fleeting moments at least we can imagine the wonderful and glorious life that we could have had if only we were born a genetic Chad.

It’s that hope no matter how false it may be that keeps us going from one day to the next.

We destroy that comforting lie that helps us cope and maintain our composure and dwindling mental stability and self respect by associating with others that are like us in real life which is why it’s so important and vital even to stay far away from them.

Without this cope there is no hope and from there we rope, lol.

At least that’s how I see things fellas.
At the end of the day you are alone
A few months back I might have disagreed, but this forum has become trash and a lot of the users are blue pilled, I can easily see most users doing a complete 180 at a 5% chance of getting pussy, and completely renouncing the black pill and throwing fellow incels under the bus

followed by

Looks aren't 100%

:feelskek: :feelskek:

I have quite a few Incel Friends IRL and weve been hanging out since early college.
They're all extremely BLue Pilled though, even though theyre all reaching 30 year soon with never having kissed or seen a girl naked.
I tried to get them into escorts but they refused wanting to wait for the right ''one''.

One is chinese, the other is Cambodian.
Coincidence? I think not.
I think it really depends on the users. If you take two people who fucking hate each other on the forum they’d probably fight irl, bu pt if you had two people who are okay with each other it’d be neutral at worst.

No matter how truthful and rational the BlackPill is; most guys here just want a girlfriend though.
That's all we want.

Feminism bashing Lookism Talk or Hypergamy Discussion set aside; it's all just COPE to the core problem; we want a relationship but we can't.
We want sex but we can't. We want love but we can't. We want emotional validation but we can't. That's all there is to it. We want something most normies have but we can't. That's all there is to being an Incel.

BlackPill only shows you the why and the reason but it doesn't teach you how to actually COPE and resolve the issue properly.
BlackPill might even mean nothing in the end, since even Chad can be blackpilled (they often are). BlackPill is just the visible reality, only hidden to you when you have a normal fulfilling life with a partner.

I love your posts but making 10 pages thesis about Normies and BlackPill won't and will never change the fact that we are lonely human beings who simply want to find intimacy with a partner.
It's nothing personal, life has just taught me to be paranoid around pretty much everyone except my parents.
All the incel friends ive had IRL usually had my back and never betrayed me or back stabbed me. Only normies do that shit, and it happened alot with them.

Normies, especially insecure low tier ones, are the most vicious backstabbers with no honor.
I can easily see most users doing a complete 180 at a 5% chance of getting pussy, and completely renouncing the black pill and throwing fellow incels under the bus
Yea i think so too, it's sad shit man
I'm an oldcel. I've seen a lot of anti-oldcel stuff online. I have hardly seen any anti-zoomercel stuff online, especailly coming from oldcels. I blame the tech companies for the incel problem and not young incels. Clearly young incels had nothing to do with what is going on in the dating market today. They were never a part of it.

I just don't like morons who give money to thots on twitch etc, thus elevating that kind of behaviour into the acceptability range. Older cuckcels do the same fucking thing on Seeking Arrangements and escort sites, though.
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Older incels, i.e. boomers want to take down young men because they blame other men for women being typical whores.
I only blame chads for that, not other incels.
Unless they're ultra blackpilled and truely believe looks are 100%, they're always looking to fuck over other men to be white knights and heroes.
Jfl at posting here and thinking whiteknighting and putting down other incels will help get you pussy. I figured out that stuff doesn't work since high school.
A few months back I might have disagreed, but this forum has become trash and a lot of the users are blue pilled, I can easily see most users doing a complete 180 at a 5% chance of getting pussy, and completely renouncing the black pill and throwing fellow incels under the bus
cels in real life don't realise that they are incels and keep to themselves or even worse are bluepilled

No matter how truthful and rational the BlackPill is; most guys here just want a girlfriend though.
That's all we want.

Isn't the point of the black pill to change that mindset, if you are seriously saying that the black pill itself is a cope and none of these guys even care about it, then wtf are they even doing here, there's plenty of forums like "loveshy", etc to fulfill their needs and they won't have to waste time pretending like they believe in the black pill, that shit is just confusing

I love your posts but making 10 pages thesis about Normies and BlackPill won't and will never change the fact that we are lonely human beings who simply want to find intimacy with a partner.

It won't make a difference to the people who aren't worth appealing to, and to those that are it will

No different that Elliot Rogers manifesto (which is what turned me to the black pill), I'm sure there are a bunch of users on this site who would say those writings made no difference to them either because all they want is a GF, those idiots will just be doomed to endlessly chase after a dream, posting on this forum into their 50's about where their life went
I know what you mean. There's loads of backstabbing rats out there who are in fact incel. I know many low tier or even incel looking normies who actually believe in shit like 'just wait for the right girl' and other bullshit cope phrases.

I never felt stronger hatred than towards people who need to shit on others in effort to gain individual benefits. I might be an Incel but I've never ever acted a white knight or fucked someone over to gain a toilets sympathy. Fuck that. I've got some dignity left. I ain't competing for no foid.
i'm a 7'9" Chad and fucking jacked, I'm just here to laugh at the wreckage I leave behind for all you sub-8's
Why not have your prejudices, but also let people prove you wrong?

I try to be empathetic, I might not always succeed but that is not from a lack of trying. I can think of a few others here similar to myself.
Why not have your prejudices, but also let people prove you wrong?

I try to be empathetic, I might not always succeed but that is not from a lack of trying. I can think of a few others here similar to myself.

Sounds good:

@BlkPillPres :
I am baffled how an intelligent person see first every faith or belief as cope aka religionmaxx. It is like bashing every lifestyle choice (besides that I think, that real faith is no matter of choice) in life as "cope". You eat now pizza instead of burger because you felt so. Cope. You changed from wearing black T-Shirts to white T-Shirts because they look better on you. Cope. You are into good looking cars and wants get a mercedes? Cope, you are bluepilled by thinking deep down, that is what attracts females. And only because of this you want this car. Cope. Aka not worthy. Stupid. In your eyes.

And religion is not a "we have conservative values and a few virgins"-club. How narrow must your vision be to think that way? Transcendence, truth, meaning, life, righteousness? Just a few terms associated with "religion". This can't give you a female genital.
A few months back I might have disagreed, but this forum has become trash and a lot of the users are blue pilled, I can easily see most users doing a complete 180 at a 5% chance of getting pussy, and completely renouncing the black pill and throwing fellow incels under the bus

No matter how truthful and rational the BlackPill is; most guys here just want a girlfriend though.
That's all we want.

You will never get rid of this want fully, but a blackpilled incel should actually have much, much lower desire for a girlfriend, than his fellow bluepill-incel, imo.
I wanna be left alone.
@BlkPillPres :
I am baffled how an intelligent person see first every faith or belief as cope aka religionmaxx. It is like bashing every lifestyle choice (besides that I think, that real faith is no matter of choice) in life as "cope"

If you aren't getting anything of OBJECTIVE value out of a religion, then you are coping and blue pilled, for example those preachers that collect tides from idiots and live well because of it, they may be blue pilled in other aspects of life, but they aren't blue pilled when it comes to religion, they are getting something OBJECTIVE out of it

Transcendence, truth, meaning, life, righteousness? Just a few terms associated with "religion". This can't give you a female genital.


"Yo BlkPillPres, why I being so narrow minded bro, toooootally not coooool, what about Nirvana, Tranquility, "Becoming one with the universe", "Opening your third eye", "Finding your true self", Evolving, Etc"

None of those things mean anything as they are too open to interpretation and everybody has their own version of it, with their own personal ruleset to attain it, and their own criteria for how it makes them happy and what attaining it means as a "goal"

To some whore, she attains nirvana everytime Chad cums in her, who are you to say otherwise when its all subjective BS, as far as she's concerned, she attained Nirvana and you didn't JFL
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A few months back I might have disagreed, but this forum has become trash and a lot of the users are blue pilled, I can easily see most users doing a complete 180 at a 5% chance of getting pussy, and completely renouncing the black pill and throwing fellow incels under the bus

I could see myself sitting down for coffee and chess and having deep discussions with a handful of members, but with most people here I'd probably just chillax and cope with vidya, movies, or some physical, outdoor cope like ziplining or hiking.

But the probability of fedcels infiltrating any IRL event reaches 1, the closer the event comes to fruition. This alone is enough to nope the fuck out.
I could see myself sitting down for coffee and chess and having deep discussions with a handful of members, but with most people here I'd probably just chillax and cope with vidya, movies, or some physical, outdoor cope like ziplining or hiking.
We can play paintball and ride dirtbikes too.
I don't interact with incels or anyone in real life so I don't know
We can play paintball and ride dirtbikes too.

Paintball is fun, though LDARing NEETs and fatcels will feel left out. Guess there's always Call of Duty.
Paintball is fun, though LDARing NEETs and fatcels will feel left out. Guess there's always Call of Duty.
We can have multiple activities for different fitness levels and interests.
I could see myself sitting down for coffee and chess and having deep discussions with a handful of members, but with most people here I'd probably just chillax and cope with vidya, movies, or some physical, outdoor cope like ziplining or hiking.

But the probability of fedcels infiltrating any IRL event reaches 1, the closer the event comes to fruition. This alone is enough to nope the fuck out.

JFL dude I don't want to do any of that shit with incels or do it period by myself tbh, all that shit is "thrill chasing", you don't need to chase thrills if you are having your needs met

I've talked about this before, but the kind of activities you mentioned, hiking, trying to climb mount everest, zip lining, etc, all of that shit is just supplementary thrills people chase because they are trying to "find meaning" or "feel a rush", and its usually done by people who have already had their base pleasures met and they are "looking for more", incels like us see that shit and think - "will this must be fun, an alternative to all the other shit I'm missing" and WE DON'T GET IT, that shit only "has meaning" and is truly enjoyable WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR BASE NEEDS MET

See that guy who went bungee jumping or climbed mount everest, you are going to look at images of him smiling and grinning having a good time, and see that shit on facebook and instagram, and probably yourself into thinking - "maybe if I "go out and live life to the fullest" like this I'll be happy"

Not realizing that all that shit is supplementary, guys who do stuff like that for fun ALREADY HAVE THEIR BASE NEEDS MET, after he's done with that extra bit of fun he's going home to ream the fuck out of stacys ass and creampie her. If he had to choose between that, and going bungee jumping, and could never have both, do you think he would choose bungee jumping or climbing mount everest?, I doubt it, if he had to choose between those things and having a home and stable income do you think he would choose those "exciting cool activities", of course not, having a home and resources are way more important

The 5 Base Needs (The 5 S's) are all that really matter, everything else is supplementary.

The only thing I'd do with incels, is plan and enact psyops or go on a mass ER (last resort)
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If you aren't getting anything of OBJECTIVE value out of a religion, then you are coping and blue pilled, for example those preachers that collect tides from idiots and live well because of it, they may be blue pilled in other aspects of life, but they aren't blue pilled when it comes to religion, they are getting something OBJECTIVE out of it


"Yo BlkPillPres, why I being so narrow minded bro, toooootally not coooool, what about Nirvana, Tranquility, "Becoming one with the universe", "Opening your third eye", "Finding your true self", Evolving, Etc"

None of those things mean anything as they are too open to interpretation and everybody has their own version of it, with their own personal ruleset to attain it, and their own criteria for how it makes them happy and what attaining it means as a "goal"

To some whore, she attains nirvana everytime Chad cums in her, who are you to say otherwise when its all subjective BS, as far as she's concerned, she attained Nirvana and you didn't JFL

So at the end there are no objective benefits. You said it: "To some whore, she attains nirvana everytime Chad cums"
So you said here, that even sex is only a subjective benefit ("to some whore"). When the blackpill and this whole forum revolves around having sex with women or better: not having sex with women, which I assume raising the claim that this then is the only or at least greatest "objective benefit", there is a big contradiction ongoing.

When truth has no worth, but is vague bullshit how even can you call you blackpilled?
If the (own and universal) life is not an object of consideration, then what is this forum worth, every post here. LDAR 404
If this world is only an illusion or a fallen world, the heaven itself, the hell itself, with God (and with which), without God, only a matter of molecules and atoms or something greater, determined or nondetermined, where we came from, where we will go etc. changes the view of everything like the blackpill itself.
These are questions every human is asking. This makes us human and no black pill will answer these.

And still, you have not understood the matter of how real believers come to faith. Not for searching benefits, but by persuasion. But its the thinking of probably 60% of atheists, (the most of the rest things, thinks that religious are just plain stupid.)
So at the end there are no objective benefits. You said it: "To some whore, she attains nirvana everytime Chad cums"
So you said here, that even sex is only a subjective benefit ("to some whore"). When the blackpill and this whole forum revolves around having sex with women or better: not having sex with women, which I assume raising the claim that this then is the only or at least greatest "objective benefit", there is a big contradiction ongoing.

There is no contradiction, I never said sex was subjective, I said her idea of what Nirvana is is what's subjective, english obviously isn't your first language and right now I'm too tired to explain what I mean in detail to you when it was obvious, so read it over, I have to go sleep

I'l say it again, my argument was not that the value of sex was subjective, my argument was that ANYBODY can say that Nirvana means ANYTHING to them personally, and in that particular example (hypothetical) some stacey decided that Nirvana is when Chad cums, my point is that Nirvana is a subjective thing not sex

I really don't see how you got your interpretation, you are grasping for straws
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JFL dude I don't want to do any of that shit with incels or do it period by myself tbh, all that shit is "thrill chasing", you don't need to chase thrills if you are having your needs met

I've talked about this before, but the kind of activities you mentioned, hiking, trying to climb mount everest, zip lining, etc, all of that shit is just supplementary thrills people chase because they are trying to "find meaning" or "feel a rush", and its usually done by people who have already had their base pleasures met and they are "looking for more", incels like us see that shit and think - "will this must be fun, an alternative to all the other shit I'm missing" and WE DON'T GET IT, that shit only "has meaning" and is truly enjoyable WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR BASE NEEDS MET

The only thing I'd do with incels, is plan and enact psyops or go on a mass ER (last resort)

raises a good point

having good genes as a man and people fawning over you for it probably makes you feel more alive than any of the above shit or even doing drugs
JFL dude I don't want to do any of that shit with incels or do it period by myself tbh, all that shit is "thrill chasing", you don't need to chase thrills if you are having your needs met

I've talked about this before, but the kind of activities you mentioned, hiking, trying to climb mount everest, zip lining, etc, all of that shit is just supplementary thrills people chase because they are trying to "find meaning" or "feel a rush", and its usually done by people who have already had their base pleasures met and they are "looking for more", incels like us see that shit and think - "will this must be fun, an alternative to all the other shit I'm missing" and WE DON'T GET IT, that shit only "has meaning" and is truly enjoyable WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR BASE NEEDS MET

The only thing I'd do with incels, is plan and enact psyops or go on a mass ER (last resort)

Are you a legit autist and/or psychopath? I'm not trying to insult you, I'm honestly curious.
I've witnessed Incel type men shit on bros just for a tiny pinch of normie validation! Not just for a microscopic potential for sex, but literally just a pat on the head!

So yeah, BEWARE of everyone.

Are you a legit autist and/or psychopath? I'm not trying to insult you, I'm honestly curious.

Probably just an autist, I have some of the indicators, but I don't think anything I said there was psychopathic, I think its common sense, its just normal for humans today to pretend and sugar coat everything, so someone who is straigtforward and brutally honest by default seems "mean" or "angry" or "crazy"

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