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JFL I know this has been posted before but...

Lifefuel if into bestiality. Id never fuck a sheboon tbh ngl.
404 lifefuel is not found
I would impregnate the whole continent ngl. But thoses hoes are probably only after the greencard just like the noodles.
JFL at the song
just get malaria theory
I would impregnate the whole continent ngl. But thoses hoes are probably only after the greencard just like the noodles.
a frenchie has done it before. go ahead boyo it's only rotmaxxing in the west :feelsthink:
Wheres the outrage?

If this had been a video of a black guy matching with white foids cumskincels would have a stroke.

lol i used to have black african friends. I really mean guys who were straight out of some tiny ass villages in africa. They told me everyone there just assumes every white guy is rich. Especially the women.

Look you guys already are overrepresented by media, allow fellow cels to coom over your people
You guys? Your people?

Im not even human LMAO

2020 08 05 13 12 51
Congrats on your new color.
a frenchie has done it before. go ahead boyo it's only rotmaxxing in the west :feelsthink:
He fraudmaxxed into making them think he was rich though, and he was a NT normie.
Btw your sig avi is pure concentrated ropesuifuelium isotope.
Go ahead and risk getting AIDs or worse, getting necklaced by some jealous African cucks, by moving to Africa to ascend. I don't think Africa is a safe place for a white guy, especially one who's looking forward to slaying African foids and cucking the native male population.
ascension by going to africa to find with a 3/10 desesperate nigger is the same as ascension with a 3/10 landwhale single mother.
No its not

At least the African isn't land whale
No its not

At least the African isn't land whale
yeah, she is a fivehead nigger with aids probably and ravaged by all sorts of niggers from the nigger country she lives.
They want a green card
And money. Statistics show black foids, being masculine themselves, only find hype masculine men attractive. They arent particularly attracted to white men. They do this to get out of their aids ridden shithole.
JFL at the fucking monkey sound effects ffs
And money. Statistics show black foids, being masculine themselves, only find hype masculine men attractive. They arent particularly attracted to white men. They do this to get out of their aids ridden shithole.
Yeah you might as well start saying that incels don't exist since anyone can save some money and fuck prostitutes.

Of course there are women out there who want money and are willing to fuck for it. That does not change the fact that BlackOps2cel is a truecel
I would impregnate the whole continent ngl. But thoses hoes are probably only after the greencard just like the noodles.
this is what im thinking but i dont doubt a better looking white man can get black foid to like him.

many of those foids look good tbh.
Black Women are for fags. And this is coming from a blackcel.

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