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SuicideFuel I have Come to an Extremely Disturbing Conclusion About Myself and My Life (Plz Read)



Nov 8, 2017
For most of my life, I have spent time wondering how other people could get "relationships" and I couldn't. No, it's not because I'm ugly, I've had different reasons. I'm a volcel now who is not interested in a "relationship" with some shitty foid, but for probably 5-6 years I was suicidal in large part due to loneliness and not having a "girlfriend".

For all that time, I never understood how to get one. I have posts from long ago wherein I express my bewilderment at how other people find "relationships". Like, how thhe fuck do people get to that level with another human being? It just completely confused me, since I never came anywhere close to that. But last night, I really did some thinking, and it left me very disturbed.

For years and years I tried texting random girls I never really talked to. I tried flexing on social media for a while (Still am), but it doesn't really get you the type of foid you might want. I never really had the opportunity to flirt with bitches in classes. I hardly ever saw anyone else do this. So I was in complete bewilderment: If other people don't flirt in class (Like me), if other people flex on sm (Like me), how come they have "girlfriends" and I don't?

Then I found the answer: Other people, from childhood on, socialized. I didn't. I was a somewhat social kid when I was young, but I had a very difficult adolescence that completely demolished any confidence I might have had, and made me become an extremely reclusive loner. I began suicide attempts at age 13. I was scared of people. Other people met girls by interacting with them in normal settings. Me? If a girl said "Hi" to me in passing I took it as an extreme IOI. I''d text a girl on Facebook once and expect a "relationship" out of it. If it didnt happen, Id rack my brain for weeks trying to figure out what went wrong and why I'm such a fuck-up. I literally never understood that "relationships" form from being social. I thought it was as simple as seeing someone in the hall, thinking that they're attractive, talking a few times, and going on a "date". I never learned that friend groups are crucial to meeting people because I hardly even had friends. I'd give my dumb method a try, and then get suicidal if it didn't work because I felt there was something wrong with me for me to be single while EVERYONE ELSE got a "relationship". In reality I was just extremely anti-social and clueless with no one to help me out. TO PUT IT IN SIMPLEST TERMS: I TRIED TO BUILD A PERSONNA BEFORE I EVEN HAD A READABLE PERSONALITY. I DID THIS BECAUSE I WAS TOO SCARED TO DEVELOP A REAL PERSONALITY BASED ON REAL INTERACTIONS. I TRIED TO MAKE MYSELF A FANTASY CHARACTER AND PLAY UP TO IT INSTEAD. IT DIDN'T WORK. PEOPLE DIDN'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME, BUT I EXPECTED THEM TO COME UP TO ME AND BE WARM JUST BASED ON AN OUTWARD PERSONNA I GAVE, WHEN IN REALITY THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ME.

All that time, people were going to fires. People were going to bowling alleys. People were going to parties. People were just hanging out with one another. And they did all of this in mixed sex groups. I didn't experience any of this, not one lick. None of it. I just rotted at home contemplating suicide, homicide, and only interacting with people on forums.

This completely warped my sense of reality. I never understood that you have to actually meet girls at social gatherings, and via friend groups, and get to know them in order to get with them. That was never a part of my life, never ever did I engage in that shit for years and years during my adolescence, probably from 12-17. I always thought there was something wrong with me. I spent nights and days crying due to loneliness. I developed extremely exaggerated and idealistic images of people in my head because that's all I had to go on. I wasn't able to formulate true analysis on people because I never interacted with them. In my mind, two people saw each other's Instagram, and magically fell in love forever and ever, 100% loyal. I literally never understood that socializing was required to meet people because I was never given that opportunity. Other people fell in love with a girl they met at a bowling alley with a friend group, or at a fire, or with a girl they hung out with in the local neighborhood. I never fell in love with a girl because I never interacted with a girl. I was a loner to the extreme. Instead, I fell in love with images of girls I conjured up in my head based on a scroll through their Twitter.

The reason I didn't interact with people is because: A.My confidence was extremely low. B.I didn't understand how. My dad was physically and verbally abusive to me throughout my entire childhood; this completely ruined my confidence and turned me into a shell. He never taught me social skills either, and I never really learned how to interact with other people.

For basically my entire life, I've been living a lie. I've been living in a world full of false images of people I've conjured up in my head rather than real humans. I've always wondered why I couldn't have success, and it's because I was making full assumptions of people's character based on a scroll through their Twitter rather than real-life interaction. I always took it as a personal slight when girls wouldn't come after me, yet they would go after other guys. What the fuck is this for? Well I know why that happened now: Other guys hung out around the neighborhood, other people went to social events, I just sat in my room scared to death of people, waiting for a miracle, but not understanding how to make it happen.

My lack of success in the past has nothing to do with looks or game. I simply literally cried in my room all day while other people interacted. Maybe this doesn't sound like much, but you guys don't understand, my ENTIRE PERCEPTION OF REALITY from ages 12-19 has been completely skewed due to my extremely low self-esteem, lack of social interaction, and overall fear of other human beings that was ingrained in me via an abusive father and terrible social experiences at ages 12-13 they made me go into a suicidal shell. I've literally been living in a false reality.

My entire adolescence has been stripped away from me because I was dealt a shit hand and never learned how to socialize or cope. While other people developed as normal human beings, with social and romantic interactions to form them as human beings, I built myself upon a broken foundation, a brain permanently damaged from neglect and abuse and ridicule from family and peers.

You don't understand how big this is. It's been proven time and time again that socializing during those formative years is crucial to a brain's development (https://www.noisolation.com/global/...ocial-isolation-for-children-and-adolescents/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3800115/). I spent those years in a false reality. Other people grew with those around them. I never had those experiences and always wondered why. I spent years and years wondering why no one liked me, when in reality I was just a loner. These years of isolation just completely fucked up my brain, it's almost like being in solitary for all that time. Imagine living in a fantasy for 7-8 years with no realization that you are doing so while everyone else around you advances at a normal pace? My brain is permanently warped and I will never get those days back. I wish I learned how to not be so scared, how to socialize, and how to be a normal person. Oh well.
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No, it's because you're ugly.
Volcel is fakecel. Either you're ugly or you're fakecel. "Just put yourself out there" is cope. What the hell is "going to fires"?
For most of my life, I have spent time wondering how other people could get "relationships" and I couldn't. I'm a volcel now

Why are people like this even allowed here

Didn't read the rest but from looking at the bold parts it sounds like some normie shit.

"My low-self esteem warped my perception blah blah blah..." lol
Volcel is fakecel. Either you're ugly or you're fakecel. "Just put yourself out there" is cope. What the hell is "going to fires"?
o you not know what the fuck fire is? And yeah, obviously if you're a 0/10 putting yourself out there won't make much of a difference, but not everyone is in that situation.
No matter how hard your life was, or how many problems you faced in the past. The real reason is ,''you are simple not good looking '' that's why you are here. It was never your fault to be born ugly to begin with. People socialize or get attention because of their looks or status. You don't need to socialize or have crazy social skills if you are a Chad, it will just happent by itself. So don't accuse yourself or your past.
o you not know what the fuck fire is? And yeah, obviously if you're a 0/10 putting yourself out there won't make much of a difference, but not everyone is in that situation.
You from fucking Somalia or Detroit where they light a trash can on fire and dance jigs around it?
No matter how hard your life was, or how many problems you faced in the past. The real reason is ,''you are simple not good looking '' that's why you are here. It was never your fault to be born ugly begin with. People socialize or get attention because of their looks or status. You don't need to socialize or have crazy social skills if you are a Chad, it will just happent by itself.
Jesus Christ, you people are really close-minded retards. Not every single romantically challenged person ever is ugly. Believe me, if I was ugly I'd just fucking admit it, I'm already calling myself a pussy and a retard in this thread anyway. People like you should be nuked.
No matter how hard your life was, or how many problems you faced in the past. The real reason is ,''you are simple not good looking '' that's why you are here. It was never your fault to be born ugly begin with. People socialize or get attention because of their looks or status. You don't need to socialize or have crazy social skills if you are a Chad, it will just happent by itself.
This. Introverted crying in his room Chad is just "mysterious" Chad
This. Introverted crying in his room Chad is just "mysterious" Chad
Yes because I'm sure every girl sits outside Chad's house watching him cry thinking "He's so dreamy and mysterious". It's not like females are too busy sucking other dicks and going to parties right? God some of you people are fucking retarded. Fems are way to social to give a flying fuck about "Crying Chad" if all crying Chad does is sit in his room and isolate himself.
damn. i can relate tbh. I dont have a social group, never go to social events, am always alone. I dont know how to do any of these things normal people do.
Tbh I see all you went through and recent studies show brain has plasticity so if u really wanna get better or some other shit it’s not impossible.

But here’s the thing, if you were a Chad you wouldn’t have those years. People would still approach you and try to get you to join them. Teachers would care more, trust me being hot will bring you all the help you need whether you want it or not. I think you’re just an incel in denial, trying to make yourself believe being an incel is your choice when it really isn’t.
damn. i can relate tbh. I dont have a social group, never go to social events, am always alone. I dont know how to do any of these things normal people do.
I've learned how to do all of this but it's just a facade. I am a loner at heart who has learned to camoflauge myself into whatever group I decide to be around. A true psychopath in that I can twist my personality into whatever I want it to be depending on circumstance. It's too late for any of this to matter now anyway.
Yes because I'm sure every girl sits outside Chad's house watching him cry thinking "He's so dreamy and mysterious". It's not like females are too busy sucking other dicks and going to parties right? God some of you people are fucking retarded. Fems are way to social to give a flying fuck about "Crying Chad" if all crying Chad does is sit in his room and isolate himself.
No, they say "Hey, Chad, come to the party on Saturday." If you don't exist to girls, they're not going to think about you whether you're at the party or not. It's not like the car dealership where you go and stand around in the lot and the salesmen rush out to pounce on you. Plenty of truecels have been to parties. The only difference between them and you is they got to watch Stacy suck Chad's dick in person instead of just hearing about it.
Tbh I see all you went through and recent studies show brain has plasticity so if u really wanna get better or some other shit it’s not impossible.

But here’s the thing, if you were a Chad you wouldn’t have those years. People would still approach you and try to get you to join them. Teachers would care more, trust me being hot will bring you all the help you need whether you want it or not. I think you’re just an incel in denial, trying to make yourself believe being an incel is your choice when it really isn’t.
Tbh I see all you went through and recent studies show brain has plasticity so if u really wanna get better or some other shit it’s not impossible.

But here’s the thing, if you were a Chad you wouldn’t have those years. People would still approach you and try to get you to join them. Teachers would care more, trust me being hot will bring you all the help you need whether you want it or not. I think you’re just an incel in denial, trying to make yourself believe being an incel is your choice when it really isn’t.
I'm not an Incel in denial, if you knew me (I've been on these forums for over 18 months), you would know that.
No, they say "Hey, Chad, come to the party on Saturday." If you don't exist to girls, they're not going to think about you whether you're at the party or not. It's not like the car dealership where you go and stand around in the lot and the salesmen rush out to pounce on you. Plenty of truecels have been to parties. The only difference between them and you is they got to watch Stacy suck Chad's dick in person instead of just hearing about it.
No, they don't just walk up to random people in a hallway that they've never talked to before and invite them to their house. That's not how any of this works, although that's what I believed for years. You are truly as stupid as I was for all those years. And I'll say it again, I'm not an Incel in denial, if you were an actual Og on this site you would know that about me by now.
Sticky this thread tbh. I think most kids intrinsically know the importance of socializing at a subconscious level. But there are those like you, OP, who need it explicity explained to them that socializing is the foundation of relationships, it is the cause and not the effect. It may just be a difference in cognition or maybe all those other kids did have it explained to them.

I am in the same boat as you and the worst part is realizing part 2: How to go about forming social circles and learning to socialize only after you had connected these dots in your late teens/20s/30s(heaven help you)and beyond. As you say, the mind is damaged from isolation and in addition to that everyone around you already has labeled you a weirdo loner and it would be weird to them for a guy like you to suddenly become socially cognizant.

inb4 any mouth breathing tards boast "mentalcels aren't real hurr durr!".
I'm not an Incel in denial, if you knew me (I've been on these forums for over 18 months), you would know that.

To me volcel is fakecel if you’re not blackpilled, (although I’m new and so idk if I can get myself across) and if ur here for 18 months I think you’re just an incel
To me volcel is fakecel if you’re not blackpilled, (although I’m new and so idk if I can get myself across) and if ur here for 18 months I think you’re just an incel
Ithe is arguably the most intelligent, blackpilled user here. He's legit.
So you are a mentalcel. What are you going to do about it? How old are you?
I'm not an Incel in denial, if you knew me (I've been on these forums for over 18 months), you would know that.
Well i don't see the point to socialize and go to parties or things like that if you are ugly. Would it make any difference if you could change your past ? Would that make you a better person ? Also volcels are fakecels...And being here for 1 day or 18 moths or 20 years won't make any difference, You said your story you got oppinions and answers.
I've learned how to do all of this but it's just a facade. I am a loner at heart who has learned to camoflauge myself into whatever group I decide to be around. A true psychopath in that I can twist my personality into whatever I want it to be depending on circumstance. It's too late for any of this to matter now anyway.

if you can twist your personality like that, isnt that a good thing? i struggle to socialise because of anxiety andme being a retard.

also do you live in london by any chance? the way you described yourself sounds a lot like a guy at my gym lol
Well i don't see the point to socialize and go to parties or things like that if you are ugly. Would it make any difference if you could change your past ? Would that make you a better person ? Also volcels are fakecels...And being 1 day or 18 moths or 20 years won't make any differnce. You said your story you got oppinions.
Being a volcel due to ignoring nonvirgin women should be rewarded in our community, not scorned. Nonvirgin women having SMV is a plague upon our society. These women cuckold their men, and it is better to be an incel than a cuck. Men just openly fucking any option they get is the reason why the number of incels has exploded.
Sticky this thread tbh. I think most kids intrinsically know the importance of socializing at a subconscious level. But there are those like you, OP, who need it explicity explained to them that socializing is the foundation of relationships, it is the cause and not the effect. It may just be a difference in cognition or maybe all those other kids did have it explained to them.

I am in the same boat as you and the worst part is realizing part 2: How to go about forming social circles and learning to socialize only after you had connected these dots in your late teens/20s/30s(heaven help you)and beyond. As you say, the mind is damaged from isolation and in addition to that everyone around you already has labeled you a weirdo loner and it would be weird to them for a guy like you to suddenly become socially cognizant.

inb4 any mouth breathing tards boast "mentalcels aren't real hurr durr!".
Thank you, at least someone here isn't retarded. Not only did I not understand how important social interaction was, I was also afraid of it.
if you can twist your personality like that, isnt that a good thing? i struggle to socialise because of anxiety andme being a retard.

also do you live in london by any chance? the way you described yourself sounds a lot like a guy at my gym lol
It's definitely a good thing from a strategic standpoint, but not necessarily overall. I feel like I can dupe anyone I want just because I've spent so much time in La-La Land that I can become whatever fantasy character I want to be. But no, I'm from the US.
Being a volcel due to ignoring nonvirgin women should be rewarded in our community, not scorned. Nonvirgin women having SMV is a plague upon our society. These women cuckold their men, and it is better to be an incel than a cuck. Men just openly fucking any option they get is the reason why the number of incels has exploded.
It is better to be a incel than a cuck. But there are incels that can't even be cucks. For some it never began.
Thank you, at least someone here isn't retarded. Not only did I not understand how important social interaction was, I was also afraid of it.
Sticky this thread tbh. I think most kids intrinsically know the importance of socializing at a subconscious level. But there are those like you, OP, who need it explicity explained to them that socializing is the foundation of relationships, it is the cause and not the effect. It may just be a difference in cognition or maybe all those other kids did have it explained to them.

I am in the same boat as you and the worst part is realizing part 2: How to go about forming social circles and learning to socialize only after you had connected these dots in your late teens/20s/30s(heaven help you)and beyond. As you say, the mind is damaged from isolation and in addition to that everyone around you already has labeled you a weirdo loner and it would be weird to them for a guy like you to suddenly become socially cognizant.

inb4 any mouth breathing tards boast "mentalcels aren't real hurr durr!".

To add to this point, looks make social interaction easy during formative years. The mouthbreathers that cannot realize the importance of NT experiences can't seem to put together the fact that NT experience and looks are DIRECTLY CORRELATED. I was ugly and fat as a child and teen, so I didn't have good formative years.

People will blindly blame their issues on looks, but don't realize that because of said looks, you are also have no NT experiences and not social skills. You can't just "get" social skills like IT might suggest, you have to be good looking to even get the chance to learn them. Some may claim then that Ithe must be good looking, because he got chances to socialize, which is probably correct. Good looking male teens get the chance to learn social skills and have healthy formative years, but it's not an automatic thing.

"mentalcels" just have a bad name because it is misused and abused by people who do not actually fit the description, because its easy to fraud and hard to prove.
So you realized you have autism.
I have been contemplating how to resolve this problem. How to get a social circle when starting with literally zero friends. Perhaps take a fake interest in some recreational activity which forces people to meet on a regular basis. And once you have gotten to know somebody on an acquaintance level, begin to move laterally through their connections. By the time you arrive at a social circle not directly attached to your original "in", then it should appear to everyone there that you have had a social history even though you hadn't.
To add to this point, looks make social interaction easy during formative years. The mouthbreathers that cannot realize the importance of NT experiences can't seem to put together the fact that NT experience and looks are DIRECTLY CORRELATED. I was ugly and fat as a child and teen, so I didn't have good formative years.

THIS THIS THIS. CASE IN POINT IS @Zyros. I'm not going to expand upon my looks now, because I'd get banned. But during those initial years, 12-13, I was a greasy bastard with poor clothing and some of the worst acne around, plus braces a little later, and I didn't know how to shave. I was a legit 0-1/10, and this truly sapped whatever confidence I had left over from other negative experiences.
For most of my life, I have spent time wondering how other people could get "relationships" and I couldn't. No, it's not because I'm ugly, I've had different reasons. I'm a volcel now who is not interested in a "relationship" with some shitty foid, but for probably 5-6 years I was suicidal in large part due to loneliness and not having a "girlfriend".

For all that time, I never understood how to get one. I have posts from long ago wherein I express my bewilderment at how other people find "relationships". Like, how thhe fuck do people get to that level with another human being? It just completely confused me, since I never came anywhere close to that. But last night, I really did some thinking, and it left me very disturbed.

For years and years I tried texting random girls I never really talked to. I tried flexing on social media for a while (Still am), but it doesn't really get you the type of foid you might want. I never really had the opportunity to flirt with bitches in classes. I hardly ever saw anyone else do this. So I was in complete bewilderment: If other people don't flirt in class (Like me), if other people flex on sm (Like me), how come they have "girlfriends" and I don't?

Then I found the answer: Other people, from childhood on, socialized. I didn't. I was a somewhat social kid when I was young, but I had a very difficult adolescence that completely demolished any confidence I might have had, and made me become an extremely reclusive loner. I began suicide attempts at age 13. I was scared of people. Other people met girls by interacting with them in normal settings. Me? If a girl said "Hi" to me in passing I took it as an extreme IOI. I''d text a girl on Facebook once and expect a "relationship" out of it. If it didnt happen, Id rack my brain for weeks trying to figure out what went wrong and why I'm such a fuck-up. I literally never understood that "relationships" form from being social. I thought it was as simple as seeing someone in the hall, thinking that they're attractive, talking a few times, and going on a "date". I never learned that friend groups are crucial to meeting people because I hardly even had friends. I'd give my dumb method a try, and then get suicidal if it didn't work because I felt there was something wrong with me for me to be single while EVERYONE ELSE got a "relationship". In reality I was just extremely anti-social and clueless with no one to help me out. TO PUT IT IN SIMPLEST TERMS: I TRIED TO BUILD A PERSONNA BEFORE I EVEN HAD A READABLE PERSONALITY. PEOPLE DIDN'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME, BUT I EXPECTED THEM TO COME UP TO ME AND BE WARM JUST BASED ON AN OUTWARD PERSONNA I GAVE, WHEN IN REALITY THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ME.

All that time, people were going to fires. People were going to bowling alleys. People were going to parties. People were just hanging out with one another. And they did all of this in mixed sex groups. I didn't experience any of this, not one lick. None of it. I just rotted at home contemplating suicide, homicide, and only interacting with people on forums.

This completely warped my sense of reality. I never understood that you have to actually meet girls at social gatherings, and via friend groups, and get to know them in order to get with them. That was never a part of my life, never ever did I engage in that shit for years and years during my adolescence, probably from 12-17. I always thought there was something wrong with me. I spent nights and days crying due to loneliness. I developed extremely exaggerated and idealistic images of people in my head because that's all I had to go on. I wasn't able to formulate true analysis on people because I never interacted with them. In my mind, two people saw each other's Instagram, and magically fell in love forever and ever, 100% loyal. I literally never understood that socializing was required to meet people because I was never given that opportunity. Other people fell in love with a girl they met at a bowling alley with a friend group, or at a fire, or with a girl they hung out with in the local neighborhood. I never fell in love with a girl because I never interacted with a girl. I was a loner to the extreme. Instead, I fell in love with images of girls I conjured up in my head based on a scroll through their Twitter.

The reason I didn't interact with people is because: A.My confidence was extremely low. B.I didn't understand how. My dad was physically and verbally abusive to me throughout my entire childhood; this completely ruined my confidence and turned me into a shell. He never taught me social skills either, and I never really learned how to interact with other people.

For basically my entire life, I've been living a lie. I've been living in a world full of false images of people I've conjured up in my head rather than real humans. I've always wondered why I couldn't have success, and it's because I was making full assumptions of people's character based on a scroll through their Twitter rather than real-life interaction. I always took it as a personal slight when girls wouldn't come after me, yet they would go after other guys. What the fuck is this for? Well I know why that happened now: Other guys hung out around the neighborhood, other people went to social events, I just sat in my room scared to death of people, waiting for a miracle, but not understanding how to make it happen.

My lack of success in the past has nothing to do with looks or game. I simply literally cried in my room all day while other people interacted. Maybe this doesn't sound like much, but you guys don't understand, my ENTIRE PERCEPTION OF REALITY from ages 12-19 has been completely skewed due to my extremely low self-esteem, lack of social interaction, and overall fear of other human beings that was ingrained in me via an abusive father and terrible social experiences at ages 12-13 they made me go into a suicidal shell. I've literally been living in a false reality.

My entire adolescence has been stripped away from me because I was dealt a shit hand and never learned how to socialize or cope. While other people developed as normal human beings, with social and romantic interactions to form them as human beings, I built myself upon a broken foundation, a brain permanently damaged from neglect and abuse and ridicule from family and peers.

You don't understand how big this is. It's been proven time and time again that socializing during those formative years is crucial to a brain's development (https://www.noisolation.com/global/...ocial-isolation-for-children-and-adolescents/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3800115/). I spent those years in a false reality. Other people grew with those around them. I never had those experiences and always wondered why. I spent years and years wondering why no one liked me, when in reality I was just a loner. These years of isolation just completely fucked up my brain, it's almost like being in solitary for all that time. Imagine living in a fantasy for 7-8 years with no realization that you are doing so while everyone else around you advances at a normal pace? My brain is permanently warped and I will never get those days back. I wish I learned how to not be so scared, how to socialize, and how to be a normal person. Oh well.
this just describes me perfectly I'm still scared of people and my dad was also abusive.
THIS THIS THIS. CASE IN POINT IS @Zyros. I'm not going to expand upon my looks now, because I'd get banned. But during those initial years, 12-13, I was a greasy bastard with poor clothing and some of the worst acne around, plus braces a little later, and I didn't know how to shave. I was a legit 0-1/10, and this truly sapped whatever confidence I had left over from other negative experiences.
And from that point, you were behind the 8-ball and couldn't catch up. You missed the starting gun, as David Gilmour would say. I understand man. Happened to me. I was overweight until I was 17/18, and have been climbing out of the hole since. Its been more than 5 years and I'm still climbing.

It is better to be a incel than a cuck. But there are incels that can't even be cucks. For some it never began.
You're thinking backwards.

In our current situation, yes, there are many men here who are ugly and will never ascend. But if feminism had never won, and men had maintained that women be chaste, trustworthy, feminine, etc. and men not give in to everything just to get disgusting pussy, these men would be able to ascend. 100 years ago, ugly men got laid because men controlled the sexual market. it's no longer like that.
Social isolation is the absolute worst for mental disorders. It is absolutely essential to offload one’s thoughts to others regularly because if left unchecked they can stew, fester and ferment in one’s mind until they become compulsive and unhealthy. This process becomes a cycle and dark compulsive thoughts compound each other until they become so strong they can wreak havoc on a personality, and ultimately change one’s character.

I have a friend who’s story resembles your own. I did not know him through those formulative years this destructive cycle established itself within him, but I was there to witness it break and since then I have seen his character transform and flourish into one of the most extroverted and socially successful people I know. It is all about breaking the cycle of self destructive, introspective and self-analytical thoughts that at the time may seem to make sense as a way of rationalising the world or protecting one’s own self-image from what are perceived attacks on are ego, but are in reality irrelevant background noise and unchangeable truths about the world that, although unpleasant, are ultimately unhelpful.

I know you are smart enough to know that if there is a way out it is to increase trivial social interaction, conversations about non-existential or emotionally evocative topics that are generic and light-hearted. What I want to reassure you is that, though it may seem far off and you may feel broken, I have seen this kind of spiral broken before from a case that is possibly more horrific than your own (this guy was anally raped in Catholic school) and he can now even joke about it and make light of it, which is encouraging to see.

I know you and I have clashed on here before but I take no insult personally, especially those I receive anonymously on the internet, so I sincerely hope that you can reprogram your brain by re-engaging the areas of it that control social interaction and break the self destructive cycle that has clearly taken hold.

So good luck, and God bless (;))
Your brain is all over the show. Every week you do some megathread where you come to some big conclusion. Every conclusion is always at odds to what you put the week earlier.

You are an extremely insecure person, and until you get this under control you will never come to any reasonable conclusion about yourself and why things are like they are.
Basically, you took the social circle pill. Now you have to realize that the reason why you don't have a social circle in the first place is because you're ugly
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For most of my life, I have spent time wondering how other people could get "relationships" and I couldn't. No, it's not because I'm ugly, I've had different reasons. I'm a volcel now who is not interested in a "relationship" with some shitty foid, but for probably 5-6 years I was suicidal in large part due to loneliness and not having a "girlfriend".

For all that time, I never understood how to get one. I have posts from long ago wherein I express my bewilderment at how other people find "relationships". Like, how thhe fuck do people get to that level with another human being? It just completely confused me, since I never came anywhere close to that. But last night, I really did some thinking, and it left me very disturbed.

For years and years I tried texting random girls I never really talked to. I tried flexing on social media for a while (Still am), but it doesn't really get you the type of foid you might want. I never really had the opportunity to flirt with bitches in classes. I hardly ever saw anyone else do this. So I was in complete bewilderment: If other people don't flirt in class (Like me), if other people flex on sm (Like me), how come they have "girlfriends" and I don't?

Then I found the answer: Other people, from childhood on, socialized. I didn't. I was a somewhat social kid when I was young, but I had a very difficult adolescence that completely demolished any confidence I might have had, and made me become an extremely reclusive loner. I began suicide attempts at age 13. I was scared of people. Other people met girls by interacting with them in normal settings. Me? If a girl said "Hi" to me in passing I took it as an extreme IOI. I''d text a girl on Facebook once and expect a "relationship" out of it. If it didnt happen, Id rack my brain for weeks trying to figure out what went wrong and why I'm such a fuck-up. I literally never understood that "relationships" form from being social. I thought it was as simple as seeing someone in the hall, thinking that they're attractive, talking a few times, and going on a "date". I never learned that friend groups are crucial to meeting people because I hardly even had friends. I'd give my dumb method a try, and then get suicidal if it didn't work because I felt there was something wrong with me for me to be single while EVERYONE ELSE got a "relationship". In reality I was just extremely anti-social and clueless with no one to help me out. TO PUT IT IN SIMPLEST TERMS: I TRIED TO BUILD A PERSONNA BEFORE I EVEN HAD A READABLE PERSONALITY. I DID THIS BECAUSE I WAS TOO SCARED TO DEVELOP A REAL PERSONALITY BASED ON REAL INTERACTIONS. I TRIED TO MAKE MYSELF A FANTASY CHARACTER AND PLAY UP TO IT INSTEAD. IT DIDN'T WORK. PEOPLE DIDN'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME, BUT I EXPECTED THEM TO COME UP TO ME AND BE WARM JUST BASED ON AN OUTWARD PERSONNA I GAVE, WHEN IN REALITY THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ME.

All that time, people were going to fires. People were going to bowling alleys. People were going to parties. People were just hanging out with one another. And they did all of this in mixed sex groups. I didn't experience any of this, not one lick. None of it. I just rotted at home contemplating suicide, homicide, and only interacting with people on forums.

This completely warped my sense of reality. I never understood that you have to actually meet girls at social gatherings, and via friend groups, and get to know them in order to get with them. That was never a part of my life, never ever did I engage in that shit for years and years during my adolescence, probably from 12-17. I always thought there was something wrong with me. I spent nights and days crying due to loneliness. I developed extremely exaggerated and idealistic images of people in my head because that's all I had to go on. I wasn't able to formulate true analysis on people because I never interacted with them. In my mind, two people saw each other's Instagram, and magically fell in love forever and ever, 100% loyal. I literally never understood that socializing was required to meet people because I was never given that opportunity. Other people fell in love with a girl they met at a bowling alley with a friend group, or at a fire, or with a girl they hung out with in the local neighborhood. I never fell in love with a girl because I never interacted with a girl. I was a loner to the extreme. Instead, I fell in love with images of girls I conjured up in my head based on a scroll through their Twitter.

The reason I didn't interact with people is because: A.My confidence was extremely low. B.I didn't understand how. My dad was physically and verbally abusive to me throughout my entire childhood; this completely ruined my confidence and turned me into a shell. He never taught me social skills either, and I never really learned how to interact with other people.

For basically my entire life, I've been living a lie. I've been living in a world full of false images of people I've conjured up in my head rather than real humans. I've always wondered why I couldn't have success, and it's because I was making full assumptions of people's character based on a scroll through their Twitter rather than real-life interaction. I always took it as a personal slight when girls wouldn't come after me, yet they would go after other guys. What the fuck is this for? Well I know why that happened now: Other guys hung out around the neighborhood, other people went to social events, I just sat in my room scared to death of people, waiting for a miracle, but not understanding how to make it happen.

My lack of success in the past has nothing to do with looks or game. I simply literally cried in my room all day while other people interacted. Maybe this doesn't sound like much, but you guys don't understand, my ENTIRE PERCEPTION OF REALITY from ages 12-19 has been completely skewed due to my extremely low self-esteem, lack of social interaction, and overall fear of other human beings that was ingrained in me via an abusive father and terrible social experiences at ages 12-13 they made me go into a suicidal shell. I've literally been living in a false reality.

My entire adolescence has been stripped away from me because I was dealt a shit hand and never learned how to socialize or cope. While other people developed as normal human beings, with social and romantic interactions to form them as human beings, I built myself upon a broken foundation, a brain permanently damaged from neglect and abuse and ridicule from family and peers.

You don't understand how big this is. It's been proven time and time again that socializing during those formative years is crucial to a brain's development (https://www.noisolation.com/global/...ocial-isolation-for-children-and-adolescents/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3800115/). I spent those years in a false reality. Other people grew with those around them. I never had those experiences and always wondered why. I spent years and years wondering why no one liked me, when in reality I was just a loner. These years of isolation just completely fucked up my brain, it's almost like being in solitary for all that time. Imagine living in a fantasy for 7-8 years with no realization that you are doing so while everyone else around you advances at a normal pace? My brain is permanently warped and I will never get those days back. I wish I learned how to not be so scared, how to socialize, and how to be a normal person. Oh well.

I can relate to almost everything u said here. I was crippled with extreme shyness my whole life and managed to overcome almost all of it through a ton of hard work and exposure in the last year or so.

I'm Asian, average looking, I dont think my looks are really the thing holding me back tho. I've been a loner all my life. How are girls supposed to like u if I dont even talk to them lol. I agree tho that if you're a 3/10 or below in looks it'll be damn near impossible to get a gf who isn't a whale. Most guys on here think they're more ugly than they really are tho. BDD I think.

I've been going to a lot more social events in an attempt to make friends this year. I find I actually enjoy socializing. While it's gotten a lot easier, I still dont have any close friends. But I'm confident with enough time and practice I can make close friends. Dating tho seems impossible. It's so hard to get a date if not impossible for me. Basically every girl rejects me. I'm not really that scared of girls anymore and I talk to them. I've been on one date this year and even tho she was very unattractive its a start. I still haven't tried as much as I could've this year.

Getting girls is a skill. As long as you're not really ugly. It's hard to get those skills tho when ur a loner all ur life. I'm going to try some more and figure out everything I can. I want to know I tried my best even if I fail.
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Dude. all is not over for you if you're a mentalcel. Let me post on here later. You can still develop your personality. I've got the answer for you OP.
Basically, you took the social circle pill. Now you have to realize that the reason why you don't have a social circle in the first is because you're ugly
He’s not necessarily ugly, people’s confidence can be severely affected by poor home life and bad parenting.
No, it's because you are ugly. One of my friends got his first girlfriend by a girl he didn't know coming up to him and started kissing him. Another friend had a girl he didn't even know get her friend to ask him if he likes her. If you weren't ugly you could just make a tinder.
I have been contemplating how to resolve this problem. How to get a social circle when starting with literally zero friends. Perhaps take a fake interest in some recreational activity which forces people to meet on a regular basis. And once you have gotten to know somebody on an acquaintance level, begin to move laterally through their connections. By the time you arrive at a social circle not directly attached to your original "in", then it should appear to everyone there that you have had a social history even though you hadn't.

Here is the primary obstacle to developing later life social circles assuming your are ugly as an incel ought to be: the first friend you make is often due to consistent exposure due to some circumstance that allows them to get to know you in spite of your looks. The rub happens when they introduce you to their other friends. Those other friends are only going to have their first impression of you. You maybe get a point for being friends of friend, as in they'll try to get along with you, being friendly enough, but you will notice a general lack of interest and subtle awkwardness if they try to force your integration into the group. God help if the group is mixed sex and there was any possible expectation that you were to be set up with on of the foids. She will go the extra distance in rejecting you in as many subtle and socially acceptable ways as possible that are both impossible to ignore by everyone in the group, but no one will want to say orl do anything to end your suffering.

Anyways, there is an answer to the socialization question for incels and it is in community service and volunteering. Everyone that reads that will likely blow it off, like I have for the last two decades, but it is the truth for those of us who have nothing material that others want. All you have to offer others is your service, so give your service to those most in need. They will in tern give genuine praise, gratitude and admiration. You will say it isn't the same thing as being Chad or whatever, but it doesn't matter, you subconscious mind doesn't care what you think about it, it will just pick up that other humans are validating your existence and you will feel somewhat better about being alive in spite of your best efforts to tear yourself down over your looks and status.

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