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I hate women for not being expected or pressured by society to make the first move in relationship

Darth Nihilus

Darth Nihilus

Oct 29, 2023
I just want to be real about something for a moment, something that's been on my mind for years. I HATE how women especially attractive women are never expected or pressured by society or men to ever make the first move in a relationship. Throughout history it's always been on men and men only which is something that I think is extremely unfair and just cruel. To have this insane amount of pressure put on us men practically since birth to make the first move when it comes to trying to get with a woman. And of course if we're not able to make the first move or talk to women we get fucking nothing, nothing at all, we're left to just suffer with our dark selves and thoughts eating away at us for so many years but starting from when we're teenagers. But then by our 20s it just completely takes off and becomes full on extreme and it eats away at our hearts minds and literally souls as well. Women will never know what it like to have this insane unfair amount of pressure put us men and only men since birth, this is why men commit suicide 4 times more likely then women or it's definitely one of the main reasons. I just find it so unfair that even super hot women who are obviously bursting with confidence pride self worth self love who are so successful and accomplished even those women are not expected or pressured by men women or society to make the first move in a relationship. One thing that makes my blood boil is attractive women because everytime whenever I go out in public to the grocery store with my Mom or any kind of public social gathering or event I'm extremely uncomfortable nervous stressed out shy introverted and intimidated by these women. I've been this way since I was a teenager and it's not like as I got older it got better no it got worse much worse so bad to the point I will never be able to come back from this. And of course women don't make it easier by starting the conversation and walking up to us shy introverted men who are uncomfortable nervous stressed out around and and intimidated by them and how attractive they are. They never try to make us feel welcome like we belong like we are loved cared about and respected, they make us feel like shit they don't care about us or our feelings or the darkness we are going through that we are constantly trying to keep at Bay. I'll end by saying this I never had any girls who were friends with me when I was a kid in elementary school, or middle school, so by the time I got into highschool as a 15 year old teenager I never got used to or normalized to girls I never became comfortable around them because they never talked to me or wanted to be friends with me when I was a kid growing up. And because of highschool I have become scared for life no thanks to those girls who didn't just throw themselves at me and chase me and flirt with me and only go for INCEL MEN.
Sex haver problems, not incel. Therefore, why give a shit GrAY
Welcome my brother

I've read about rock stars who describe women "throwing themselves at them", so it can happen-- I guess with extremely high-status males
Sex haver problems, not incel. Therefore, why give a shit GrAY
It's a men problem. You need to try before realizing you're incel. But the current "state of things" makes it harder to try, compared to the generation of our fathers. This game is far too rigged.
Women do make the first move. Just not to us
Welcome my brother

I've read about rock stars who describe women "throwing themselves at them", so it can happen-- I guess with extremely high-status males
Yeah only with them because they have status and I'm a 26 year blackpilled incel who lives in my parent's basement. I have no job I don't know what the HELL my purpose in life is or why the FUCK I was ever born in the first damn place. I'm a loser and I'm extremely shy introverted uncomfortable nervous stressed out around and intimidated by attractive women and I wish they had to make the first move.
Welcome my brother

I've read about rock stars who describe women "throwing themselves at them", so it can happen-- I guess with extremely high-status males
Yeah only with them because they have status and I'm a 26 year blackpilled incel who lives in my parent's basement. I have no job I don't know what the HELL my purpose in life is or why the FUCK I was ever born in the first damn place. I'm a loser and I'm extremely shy introverted uncomfortable nervous stressed out around and intimidated by attractive women and I wish they had to make the first move
And you've never tried, is that right?- Some here will say that if you've never even tried, you're volcel.- That philosophy says that you're only considered incel if you've asked out many girls over a period of several years, and were rejected every time.
Its all changing. I dont know why, as a sub5, in 2023, you'd cold approach a foid. Just look what happened to wheat waffles... Of course men are gonna be called cowards when women start to notice a decline in approaches. Even some chad and normies are choosing to interact as little as possible with women, in a professional setting.
It's a men problem. You need to try before realizing you're incel. But the current "state of things" makes it harder to try, compared to the generation of our fathers. This game is far too
It's a men problem. You need to try before realizing you're incel. But the current "state of things" makes it harder to try, compared to the generation of our fathers. This game is far too rigged.
No it's definitely a woman problem not man's problem or fault, although I will definitely agree with you on the fact that the game is far too rigged.
Muh it takes a man to make the move, bro.
That's bullshit women should do it or at least the attractive ones should and nobody can tell me otherwise.
Throughout history it's always been on men and men only which is something that I think is extremely unfair and just cruel
It is, since when you ask out a woman it is very scary to our sub conscious, back in days of the tribe, rejection from one woman meant rejection from all women in the tribe which meant your genes died out.
And you've never tried, is that right?- Some here will say that if you've never even tried, you're volcel.- That philosophy says that you're only considered incel if you've asked out many girls over a period of several years, and were rejected every time.
Well I personally have a different opinion on what a true incel is. The only reason I myself identify as an incel or what some would say a mentalcel is because of the fact I've never developed social skills when it comes to talking to women especially if they're attractive. Like I can talk to ugly or average looking girls like a piece of cake not hard because I'm not attracted to them one damn bit. Also many times ugly and average looking girls and women already have boyfriends and husbands just like the hot ones do.
Its all changing. I dont know why, as a sub5, in 2023, you'd cold approach a foid. Just look what happened to wheat waffles... Of course men are gonna be called cowards when women start to notice a decline in approaches. Even some chad and normies are choosing to interact as little as possible with women, in a professional setting.
Oh believe I know and I'm well aware of that too it's extremely depressing and breaks my heart.
It is, since when you ask out a woman it is very scary to our sub conscious, back in days of the tribe, rejection from one woman meant rejection from all women in the tribe which meant your genes died out.
I agree
I can talk to ugly or average looking girls like a piece of cake
Yep, yep...- a good friend of mine is a lady at work who's around 60 years old; she's funny and smart and I could talk to her for hours

But god help me if she were 20 and cute, pshhh
It's biology. It's always been like that and has nothing to do with society. Women always were the choosers
The amount of gynoslavery from this post is unreal...
Yeah only with them because they have status and I'm a 26 year blackpilled incel who lives in my parent's basement. I have no job I don't know what the HELL my purpose in life is or why the FUCK I was ever born in the first damn place. I'm a loser and I'm extremely shy introverted uncomfortable nervous stressed out around and intimidated by attractive women and I wish they had to make the first move.
Are you the blackpilled joker
Very good point and very instructive...- I think in all primates, the male pursues the female
For all mammals, probably even for all animals. I can't think of a single animal where the female isn't the chooser
Yeah only with them because they have status and I'm a 26 year blackpilled incel who lives in my parent's basement. I have no job I don't know what the HELL my purpose in life is or why the FUCK I was ever born in the first damn place. I'm a loser and I'm extremely shy introverted uncomfortable nervous stressed out around and intimidated by attractive women and I wish they had to make the first move.
Bro im convinced youre the blackpilled joker i miss your vids fuck youtube for deleting your channel
Yep, yep...- a good friend of mine is a lady at work who's around 60 years old; she's funny and smart and I could talk to her for hours

But god help me if she were 20 and cute, pshhh
I hear you
It's biology. It's always been like that and has nothing to do with society. Women always were the choosers
Yeah and they make terrible decisions whenever it comes to them choosing the guys they either wanna date or marry.
Very good point and very instructive...- I think in all primates, the male pursues the female
That's fucked up and maybe in the animal kingdom it's that way doesn't mean it should be that way for humans too.
Are you the blackpilled joker
Yes I am the Blackpilled Joker the YouTuber who's channel got terminated for hate speech even though I had been doing hateful controversial videos for six years.
Yes I am the Blackpilled Joker the YouTuber who's channel got terminated for hate speech even though I had been doing hateful controversial videos for six years.
Yes I am the Blackpilled Joker the YouTuber who's channel got terminated for hate speech even though I had been doing hateful controversial videos for six years.
Oh wow did you save your stuff?- Might repost it somewhere else?
Bro im convinced youre the blackpilled joker i miss your vids fuck youtube for deleting your channel
Yeah I know I fucking hate YouTube being such a sensitive delicate fragile little platform like it is plus very leftwing. And the most messed up part is I had been making hateful controversial videos for six years six whole years almost seven. And just all of sudden out of nowhere no warning not even a single strike and my channel gets terminated just like that is unbelievable.
Yeah and they make terrible decisions whenever it comes to them choosing the guys they either wanna date or marry.
Depends on the point of view. If they get impregnated by Chad they fulfilled their biological duty
Oh wow did you save your stuff?- Might repost it somewhere else?
No I never did never thought I'd ever need to, plus I've only ever had and owned a phone never enough storage on these things.
It's biology. It's always been like that and has nothing to do with society. Women always were the choosers
Yeah, the problem is more how you get treated when rejected, normies and foids alike will be brutal to you, thats the actual social pressure you are talking about, that is a societal problem that could be fixed but unlikely, I dont mind men having to make the first move or whatever but sub5 u get treated like shit.
trucels are not part of society they are excluded from having sex.
Yeah, the problem is more how you get treated when rejected, normies and foids alike will be brutal to you, thats the actual social pressure you are talking about, that is a societal problem that could be fixed but unlikely, I dont mind men having to make the first move or whatever but sub5 u get treated like shit.
Normies are dicks but foids have evolved to be disgusted by sub5 men
Normies are dicks but foids have evolved to be disgusted by sub5 men
Yeah well the normies want to take advantage of the situation themselves, it happened to me when I asked my oneitis out at school and got rejected.
All my other normfag "friends" made fun of me and brought me down, to take me out of the sexual competition entirely and make themselves appear better to have better chance with foids themselves.
I still think women should make the first move only at least the attractive ones should.
Yeah, the problem is more how you get treated when rejected, normies and foids alike will be brutal to you, thats the actual social pressure you are talking about, that is a societal problem that could be fixed but unlikely, I dont mind men having to make the first move or whatever but sub5 u get treated like shit.
Its all changing. I dont know why, as a sub5, in 2023, you'd cold approach a foid. Just look what happened to wheat waffles... Of course men are gonna be called cowards when women start to notice a decline in approaches. Even some chad and normies are choosing to interact as little as possible with women, in a professional setting.
Ah well. Even if it was the standard for women to approach, it wouldn't change anything for me. I would still be alone.
I just want to be real about something for a moment, something that's been on my mind for years. I HATE how women especially attractive women are never expected or pressured by society or men to ever make the first move in a relationship. Throughout history it's always been on men and men only which is something that I think is extremely unfair and just cruel. To have this insane amount of pressure put on us men practically since birth to make the first move when it comes to trying to get with a woman. And of course if we're not able to make the first move or talk to women we get fucking nothing, nothing at all, we're left to just suffer with our dark selves and thoughts eating away at us for so many years but starting from when we're teenagers. But then by our 20s it just completely takes off and becomes full on extreme and it eats away at our hearts minds and literally souls as well. Women will never know what it like to have this insane unfair amount of pressure put us men and only men since birth, this is why men commit suicide 4 times more likely then women or it's definitely one of the main reasons. I just find it so unfair that even super hot women who are obviously bursting with confidence pride self worth self love who are so successful and accomplished even those women are not expected or pressured by men women or society to make the first move in a relationship. One thing that makes my blood boil is attractive women because everytime whenever I go out in public to the grocery store with my Mom or any kind of public social gathering or event I'm extremely uncomfortable nervous stressed out shy introverted and intimidated by these women. I've been this way since I was a teenager and it's not like as I got older it got better no it got worse much worse so bad to the point I will never be able to come back from this. And of course women don't make it easier by starting the conversation and walking up to us shy introverted men who are uncomfortable nervous stressed out around and and intimidated by them and how attractive they are. They never try to make us feel welcome like we belong like we are loved cared about and respected, they make us feel like shit they don't care about us or our feelings or the darkness we are going through that we are constantly trying to keep at Bay. I'll end by saying this I never had any girls who were friends with me when I was a kid in elementary school, or middle school, so by the time I got into highschool as a 15 year old teenager I never got used to or normalized to girls I never became comfortable around them because they never talked to me or wanted to be friends with me when I was a kid growing up. And because of highschool I have become scared for life no thanks to those girls who didn't just throw themselves at me and chase me and flirt with me and only go for INCEL MEN.
Men have to fucking do everything, while these whores get to sit back and watch and look down on us? Fuck these cunts. Things must change. Women should be encouraged to make the first move.

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