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Discussion I hate the faggots on this site who are obsessed with “glowies” or “GrAY cels”



Toilet Clogger
Aug 21, 2021
It pisses me the fuck off every time some faggot on this site will not engage with what you’re saying and just call you a graycel. Seriously please fuck off and die already. Same thing with people screaming about gLoW pOsTinG.
Ok GrAYCelmango
Joined Aug 21, 2021
Posts 221
Maybe you should've posted more when you first joined instead of being a sleepER
Grays only get called GrAY if they post something retarded any longtime user would recognize as being obvious or stupid.

Like this thread, GrAY, kys

The glowy paranoia does get a bit delusional sometimes tho
Grays only get called GrAY if they post something retarded any longtime user would recognize as being obvious or stupid.

Like this thread, GrAY, kys

The glowy paranoia does get a bit delusional sometimes tho
Nah you faggots just want to feel like you're better than others despite being a subhuman. I genuinely hope a homeless man rapes you and slits your throat. Worthless cocksucker
Nah you faggots just want to feel like you're better than others despite being a subhuman. I genuinely hope a homeless man rapes you and slits your throat. Worthless cocksucker
Hahah you know nothing you dipshit retard. Fuck off back to looksmax or wherever you came. Jfl at having only 200 posts being here since 2021 you fakecel loser smoothbrain
Hahah you know nothing you dipshit retard. Fuck off back to looksmax or wherever you came. Jfl at having only 200 posts being here since 2021 you fakecel loser smoothbrain
if I am truly a fakecel then that literally means I'm superior to your useless subhuman pathetic existence. "haha you actually get laid unlike me" do you hear how fucking retarded you sound? You should consider putting a bullet in your skull and streaming it on instagram live. I think we could all use a chuckle
if I am truly a fakecel then that literally means I'm superior to your useless subhuman pathetic existence. "haha you actually get laid unlike me" do you hear how fucking retarded you sound? You should consider putting a bullet in your skull and streaming it on instagram live. I think we could all use a chuckle
There are plenty of subhuman sexhavers who are truly disgusting and pathetic people, just like you. Foids choose the most braindead retarded dipshits to breed with. In the eyes of society and in evolutionary terms i guess that makes them superior. But not necessarily in moral/philosophical sense.

The whole problem of larping blue pilled bitches like you is that they think sex-having MAKES you superior. When all it really means is foids make dumb fucking choices and their mating behavior is detrimental to the long term development of the human race by selecting tall thuggish brutes instead of intellectual gentleman

Not thay you can wrap your head around any of that because youre a retarded GrAY. Take your GrAY pussy ass crying back to reddit you deplorable worthless faggot. Jump off a parking garage and do the world a favor so someone worth a damn can use the air wasted on your lungs. Make sure to tell your mother first she shat out the dumbest motherfucker on incels.is
It's true sometimes gray hatred can get in the way of discussion, but the glowie paranoia is not that bad. Whenever I hear users mention glowies, it's almost always in sus threads.
There are plenty of subhuman sexhavers who are truly disgusting and pathetic people, just like you. Foids choose the most braindead retarded dipshits to breed with. In the eyes of society and in evolutionary terms i guess that makes them superior. But not necessarily in moral/philosophical sense.

The whole problem of larping blue pilled bitches like you is that they think sex-having MAKES you superior. When all it really means is foids make dumb fucking choices and their mating behavior is detrimental to the long term development of the human race by selecting tall thuggish brutes instead of intellectual gentleman

Not thay you can wrap your head around any of that because youre a retarded GrAY. Take your GrAY pussy ass crying back to reddit you deplorable worthless faggot. Jump off a parking garage and do the world a favor so someone worth a damn can use the air wasted on your lungs. Make sure to tell your mother first she shat out the dumbest motherfucker on incels.is
if you are able to maintain healthy relationships that make your life better, then yeah your life is superior you triggered queerfag little shitstain. Reproduction leaves an actual long lasting impact on the world. When you eventually slit your pathetic tiny wrists, nobody will give a fuck. You'll leave no impact on this planet and you'll be forgotten within one generation. Your petty, irritating existence will amount to jack shit. Why don't you jump in front of train and make some fucking immigrant have to clean it up. Please kill yourself. You are a net negative to this world.
everyone's called a GrAY at one point, don't be a fag
if you are able to maintain healthy relationships that make your life better, then yeah your life is superior you triggered queerfag little shitstain. Reproduction leaves an actual long lasting impact on the world. When you eventually slit your pathetic tiny wrists, nobody will give a fuck. You'll leave no impact on this planet and you'll be forgotten within one generation. Your petty, irritating existence will amount to jack shit. Why don't you jump in front of train and make some fucking immigrant have to clean it up. Please kill yourself. You are a net negative to this world.
Reproduction leaves lasting impact on shit. Humanity existed for tens of thousands of years and will continue to exist with or without your shit genes. People like Newton and Tesla who never reproduced have had much greater impact on the world than most breeders ever will. At most you'll create one or two more retarded fuckheads in a world of billions of retarded dipshits like you. In the long run humanity will nuke itself into extinction or the entire Earth will be consumed in hell fire when the sun explodes and none of it will matter anyway.

I won't even tell you to kill yourself this time because your brain matter is of less value than a bullet.
Reproduction leaves lasting impact on shit. Humanity existed for tens of thousands of years and will continue to exist with or without your shit genes. People like Newton and Tesla who never reproduced have had much greater impact on the world than most breeders ever will. At most you'll create one or two more retarded fuckheads in a world of billions of retarded dipshits like you. In the long run humanity will nuke itself into extinction or the entire Earth will be consumed in hell fire when the sun explodes and none of it will matter anyway.

I won't even tell you to kill yourself this time because your brain matter is of less value than a bullet.
Ok that's nice that you won't tell me that, I will however tell you to kill yourself. There is no world where you existing brings any amount of value. In fact, you subtract value every day you continue living, You waste food and oxygen that should be reserved for people. I actually do think you are worth a bullet, target practice increases talent and skill. Watching your head burst like a fucking watermelon would be fun. Maybe after I can take a dump in your mouth.
Ok that's nice that you won't tell me that, I will however tell you to kill yourself. There is no world where you existing brings any amount of value. In fact, you subtract value every day you continue living, You waste food and oxygen that should be reserved for people. I actually do think you are worth a bullet, target practice increases talent and skill. Watching your head burst like a fucking watermelon would be fun. Maybe after I can take a dump in your mouth.
:feelskek: real fun chat but youre not worth my keystrokes anymore. Keep working on that post count GrAY :feelsYall:
This gray glows....

It pisses me the fuck off every time some faggot on this site will not engage with what you’re saying and just call you a graycel. Seriously please fuck off and die already. Same thing with people screaming about gLoW pOsTinG.
smells like a fakecel
I hate everyone here, regardless if they’re a graycel or not.
Not as bad as the “dnr” guys. But caring about your status on a incel fourm is cringe.
I’m not active enough on this site to care if my name has a pretty color
I mean, I can understand why they do it.

It doesn't take time to realize that the vast majority of gray names on here go through a process like this:

Is a TikTard, sees other TikTards discussing things they don't understand vis-a-vis the blackpill
Ends up learning some incel lingo, assumes he's a cool incel now and that it's a super cool identity that's fun to identify with
Makes an account while making up some BS to get accepted
Comes onto forum and starts putting in zero effort in the posts
Starts spewing retarded takes because he doesn't actually understand the blackpill despite what his fellow TikTards told him about it
Abandons the account after a while, starts claiming that he's a formal incel who escaped the toxic mindset
Turned out to be a normie all along.

You have to show SOMETHING in order to prove that you're serious about what you're saying. It's pretty easy to tell who's genuine about their inceldom and who's not if you're a trucel. Incels just act differently. There's this type of connection that you can feel with them.
:feelskek: real fun chat but youre not worth my keystrokes anymore. Keep working on that post count GrAY :feelsYall:
alright good day to you, thanks for the discussion you autistic little prick
I agree with the OP because there are new incels who have recently discovered this forum.
It pisses me the fuck off every time some faggot on this site will not engage with what you’re saying and just call you a graycel. Seriously please fuck off and die already. Same thing with people screaming about gLoW pOsTinG.
@Spooky_Heejin Look at this grAY :feelshaha::feelshaha:
It pisses me the fuck off every time some faggot on this site will not engage with what you’re saying and just call you a graycel. Seriously please fuck off and die already. Same thing with people screaming about gLoW pOsTinG.
Yeah ngl grayposting and dnrposting is really annoying, especially in ID. I understand the purpose grayposting serves though, helping to keep out infiltrators, so its not entirely bad
I only call greycels GrAYs if they are obvious fakecels or foids

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