I saw a video once, just browsing around the internet. There was an antelope on the African plains, and unbeknownst to it, a hyena was sneaking up dangerously close behind it. The hyena jumped out and bit down on that antelope's testicles. The antelope fought and kicked, but it couldn't fight the hyena off. Every time the antelope pulled forward, I couldn't help but imagine that the pain was immense and immobilizing. The antelope couldn't get away. Eventually the hyena just ripped the entire scrotum clean off and left, and the antelope ran away.
Reading your post made me think about that. That antelope was just chilling, eating grass, enjoying the warm sun, and some cackling asshole had to rip off his balls for nothing. The world really is bullshit. There's little parasites that infect the eyes of children and eat their eyes, leaving them blind so that some degenerate parasite can go on living. That's such bullshit.
At the end of the day, though, we're stuck in the pre-utopia phase of humanity. When I look back at classical society and think about how terrible it would be to live in such a primitive time, so too will the future of humanity look on us. When I think about all the bullshit that entailed being born a serf of the land, toiling in the sun, until some crusade starts up and you get drafted to live the terrible life of a soldier before being killed in battle at the age of 17, that's such bullshit. But the only way to deal with it is to realize that we got dealt the short straw, and them's the breaks. We have to mind what we can control and forget the rest - we can't fix the world, we can't fix other people, hell, we can't even fix ourselves. At least we can still drink until we don't care or whatever copes get you through the day.