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I hate how people treat pregnant femoids, didn't give up my seat to one today



Nov 19, 2017
I rarely take public transport, but today I was so tired I figured I'd likely fall asleep on the wheel so I took the train. The train was full and some pregnant roastie asked me if she could sit down. I said no. She looked at me like I was the devil incarnate, some old women around me also gave me dirty looks, fucking lol. Then some wk got up and told her she could take his seat.

Being pregnant and having a spawn is absolutely nothing special, pretty much anyone can do it, yet you see these bitches getting treated like princesses because they took hot cum inside their cunts and now have a deformed abdomen.

No I won't give up my seat to you cunt. I hope you miscarriage and die in the process.
normiesgunnurm said:
I rarely take public transport, but today I was so tired I figured I'd likely fall asleep on the wheel so I took the train. The train was full and some pregnant roastie asked me if she could sit down. I said no. She looked at me like I was the devil incarnate, some old women around me also gave me dirty looks, fucking lol. Then some wk got up and told her she could take his seat.

Being pregnant and having a spawn is absolutely nothing special, pretty much anyone can do it, yet you see these bitches getting treated like princesses because they took hot cum inside their cunts and now have a deformed abdomen.

No I won't give up my seat to you cunt. I hope you miscarriage and die in the process.

What if she gives birth to an incel. lol
Agreed, im sick and tired of weak cucky men giving into this feminist agenda bs worldview that suits women and only women. any whiteknight from cucktears or any beta site who is reading this now, Man up, use your fucking brain and be a fucking man for once and stop giving into womens demands.

They arent entitled to our seats, if they cant find a seat then thats there fucking problem. Just because they are carrying a baby doesnt mean they should automatically be allowed to have a seat. The problem is that these women use the pregnant card just to get a free seat so they dont have to stand.


There is no physical difficulty between a pregnant woman and a fat woman. Both are carrying pre much the same weight.

DO we give our seats up to fat people? no. so why should we do the same to pregnant?
Women must pay for having sex. Why should we pay for not having it anwyay?
If it's a single mother, I really have to fight myself from executing a gunt punt.
The parasite inside her has nothing to do with it dude its a life but I agree getting creampied by Chad is nothing special and I have no respect for people who has sex and beg for special benefits.
I stayed in texas years ago and had a pregnant woman try to make me give up my seat.
I asked her was that my kid she was carrying and told her next time get knocked up by a man with a car who sticks around.
Got dirty looks but white knights are all cowards so they left me the fuck alone.
The fuck I care what people who do nothing for me think of me.
Darthmat said:
I stayed in texas years ago and had a pregnant woman try to make me give up my seat.
I asked her was that my kid she was carrying and told her next time get knocked up by a man with a car who sticks around.
Got dirty looks but white knights are all cowards so they left me the fuck alone.
The fuck I care what people who do nothing for me think of me.
Mirin the low inhibition
Mothers are the worst, they are arrogant as fuck. At least white mothers. They read all these articles about the white birthrate and you can really see the arrogance on their face when they push their strollers around.
I noticed that this happens to incels more than anyone. She would never ask a masculine Chad to give up his seat.
Excellent job. Here in the cuckcity of New York, people would force me to get off the seat.
Enigmatic93 said:
I noticed that this happens to incels more than anyone. She would never ask a masculine Chad to give up his seat.

it's like they are all wired to use Chads as dominant toys to impregnate them and weak betacucks to serve them.
Respect to you, OP. I don't think even I would have the balls to do that. Fortunately the situation has never come up as usually some other cuck vacates their seat unbidden.
I did that too

but she was not a preggo

I do not know what I would have done in OP situation, probably it would depend on my mood

respect for OP for his decision
I remember making a thread back in the summer because some pregnant teenage femorrhoid eyed me in the mall and I talked about how she just wanted me to be a beta provider if she was implying anything. IncelTears sperged out hard at that.
Darthmat said:
I stayed in texas years ago and had a pregnant woman try to make me give up my seat.
I asked her was that my kid she was carrying and told her next time get knocked up by a man with a car who sticks around.
Got dirty looks but white knights are all cowards so they left me the fuck alone.
The fuck I care what people who do nothing for me think of me.

mission passed. +100 respect
I couldn't do that in my area If i wanted to. Too many white knights that would intervene
Nice job.

Fuck this chivalry shit. Men die years earlier from every known disease, pay the vast majority of taxes, do almost all of the physically intensive jobs. The cunt will be sitting on her sofa for the next 5 years eating cookies.
And they call *us* 'entitled' lmao.

They shouldn't expect us to treat them like queens just because some Chad came inside them. Good work op.

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