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RageFuel I hate how dipshits say hypergamy is "natural selection"

  • Thread starter Deleted member 18214
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Deleted member 18214

Deleted member 18214

Becoming the perfect being
Apr 24, 2019
You don't need to be 6"5 with a solid jawline to survive, all this does is give joint problems and a higher risk of cancer etc. A 5"8 man is going to be healthier than a 6"5 man. Humans are built in such a way that being too tall has draw backs, otherwise all humans would be super tall.

Take a look at this

This species "fangs" as described in the video GROW INTO THEIR SKULL KILLING THEM!!! There is no way this is from natural selection rather it is from sexual selection.

I could give more examples but I am too lazy. I am sick of this natural selection argument to dismiss all incels. A 150 iq curry manlet is better for the human species than a Chad that is 6"5 with hunter eyes and a strong jaw line, yet the 150 iq curry manlet gets cucked beta buxxing or remains an incel. Women's selection IS FLAWED. And don't forget that most women have shitty genetics themselves....

Go to 0:35 in this video

SEE HOW SUB HUMAN THE WOMEN LOOK AS MALES?! Yet they are allowed to have partners with incel tier genetics. And most people arnt even having children these days ANYWAY, they have sex for pleasure. So "natural selection" goes out the window again. Isnt it flawed not to have a species reproducing because of birth control etc? Seriously the natural selection argument is ragefuel.
TRUE. Foids are gonna drive humanity extinct :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Also jaws aren’t sexually dimorphic, I hate it when retards say “masculine jawline”
Sexual selection and natural selection are the same thing lol.
Ya in nature the manlet 150 IQ curry could outsmart the tall dumb Chad and possibly win. Also the super tall big guys usually have severe joint and mobility problems. A bunch of little curries could throw rocks at these giants and then run away when the giant tried to move through his joint problems and catch them.

Beta males could also work together and kill a Chad who was keeping all the women.

Intelligence is a big advantage in nature, like in plans to store food, plans for planting trees and for working together. But in our cucked unnatural selection society its just the biggest men who win, even if they are on welfare.
Sexual selection and natural selection are the same thing lol.
If sexual selection results in fucking bones growing into your skull then I think we should limit hypergamy don't you think?
Natural selection has to do with survival, and sexual selection is only about superficial traits. This video shows a good example of natural selection.

If sexual selection results in fucking bones growing into your skull then I think we should limit hypergamy don't you think?
tbqh I'm not even sure if the modern standard of beauty is social conditioning or instinctual.
Wow, even non-human females are a total joke JFL. negative IQ mate selectors.
Natural selection has to do with survival, and sexual selection is only about superficial traits. This video shows a good example of natural selection.

"These mice are the snickers bar of the desert"
Sexual selection and natural selection are the same thing lol.

The end result of the current trajectory of 'natural selection' is literally a bunch of hypersexual, hyper-violent, sociopathic apes. It is not the same fucking thing, you blithering idiot. This is pure sexual selection based on dimorphism and not naturally selective adaptation based on survivalist pressures. The average western whore is blissfully detached from matters of survival. Look to any impoverished country and you will see how quickly the dynamic changes. Each successive generation is becoming more and more debased, with bastard children becoming the norm, instead of children reared in intact families.

Social media, feminism, the lack of restriction upon women, etc. has catalyzed and accelerated our descent into barbarism. We are DE-EVOLVING.
it's a cucked argument which sounds good to retards because it's 'science'. yet species have gone extinct from fisherian runaway. any species where the male can not physically reproduce by rape is bound to be cucked. just look at birds where the foid can just fly away. the retards have to dance and sing to impress the foids :lul: force and wise patriarchal selection should be the ultimate test of reproduction, not how 'hot' someone is to a fucking peanut brain foid :feelswhat:
The end result of the current trajectory of 'natural selection' is literally a bunch of hypersexual, hyper-violent, sociopathic apes. It is not the same fucking thing, you blithering idiot. This is pure sexual selection based on dimorphism and not naturally selective adaptation based on survivalist pressures. The average western whore is blissfully detached from matters of survival. Look to any impoverished country and you will see how quickly the dynamic changes. Each successive generation is becoming more and more debased, with bastard children becoming the norm, instead of children reared in intact families.

Social media, feminism, the lack of restriction upon women, etc. has catalyzed and accelerated our descent into barbarism. We are DE-EVOLVING.

Well barbarism/tribalism is basically the natural state of humanity soo we're de-evolving into techno-barbarism.
Sounds funny to me.
There is no way this is from natural selection rather it is from sexual selection.
Sexual selection and natural selection are the same thing lol.

Sexual selection is often times argued in terms of it being a mode within natural selection; women themselves now use this as a argument against dating incels since they're can't help it by being hardwired to chase men with the best genes; It's all fun btfoing incels like this until you put race into equasion, then every liberal will start shitting bricks when confronted with tinder racial preferences across the spectrum.
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It's not just about height, it's about size. The tall Chads usually have a good frame on top of their height and are just naturally bigger than shorter men. A bigger man has many advantages, it's basically a bigger version of a human. What you're saying applies more to lanklets, but they're not really popular with women anyway unless they have a really good face.

If someone is not just taller but also bigger he is going to have stronger joints too.

For example take someone who is healthy and lean and is 5'8'' tall and weighs 160 pounds. If you could "extend" that guy to be 6'0'' tall but still weight 160 pounds then the 5'8'' version of that man would obviously be healthier becuase his body would be more compact. But if you could enlarge this man to 6'0'' in a way that his frame, bones, organs etc. would also get bigger and make him weigh 200 pounds then this version of the 6'0'' tall man would definitely be better and healthier than the 5'8'' version of this same guy.
It's not just about height, it's about size. The tall Chads usually have a good frame on top of their height and are just naturally bigger than shorter men. A bigger man has many advantages, it's basically a bigger version of a human. What you're saying applies more to lanklets, but they're not really popular with women anyway unless they have a really good face.

If someone is not just taller but also bigger he is going to have stronger joints too.

For example take someone who is healthy and lean and is 5'8'' tall and weighs 160 pounds. If you could "extend" that guy to be 6'0'' tall but still weight 160 pounds then the 5'8'' version of that man would obviously be healthier becuase his body would be more compact. But if you could enlarge this man to 6'0'' in a way that his frame, bones, organs etc. would also get bigger and make him weigh 200 pounds then this version of the 6'0'' tall man would definitely be better and healthier than the 5'8'' version of this same guy.

1. Height = size. Literally. So, you're spinning tautologies.
2. It has already been scientifically shown that taller men live less than shorter men.
3. A large man will not necessarily have stronger joints. . . look to the true giants in modern history. A slew of health problems comes with excessive size, particularly with the bones and joints unable to support the weight. There is more weight to distribute. There is much more energy consumption. Whereas a short man lives longer for the very reason that he does not have these problems.
4. Physical conditioning can strengthen joints, bones, and tendons.

What you're trying to find are the benefits that being tall has over being short. Those are obvious: larger size and reproductive preference. The less obvious advantages to being short are 'overlooked'. Pun intended.
1. Height = size. Literally. So, you're spinning tautologies.

No it's not. Size is relative to frame and optimal weight. This is why in combat sports, people are separated in weightclasses and not heightclasses, because the bigger fighters have advantage, and size is measured by weight. Heavyweights are bigger than light-heavyweights even in the cases where the light-heavyweight is taller.

A 6'0'' guy can easily be bigger than 6'2'' guy and can be several weightclasses above him. For example Daniel Cormier is 5'10'' and he's bigger than Israel Adesanya who is like 6'4'' yet fights 2 weightclasses bellow DC in MMA.

When you're talking about taller men being weak you're talking about lanky men and not big men. Chads are generally big and athletic with solid frames.

Bones and joints are bigger in bigger people. You're talking about lanklets who aren't proportional and just have height without having the proper frame to support it.

In combat sports, heavyweight fighters usually have much longer careers than lighter smaller fighters and can fight longer. For example the 6'6'' giant Klitschko was in his prime well into his late 30s and retired in his 40s still being an elite fighter. Meanwhile the 5'8''-ish lightweights are often shot to pieces at 30.

Combat sports prove that being bigger (in terms of height AND frame) is an advantage not just in fighting but also in durability. Women want heavyweight-ish men because they're the ultimate moggers.
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Human progress essentially consists in avoiding natural selection. Women are unbelievably hypocritical when they invoke that argument. Medicine, which they heavily rely on to fuck around without getting pregnant all the time, and not to die in childbirth when they do get pregnant, is basically the opposite of natural selection.

Besides, sexual selection is not natural selection. Sexual selection does not improve the species, it rather makes it stagnant, because it's based on koinophilia.

Having blue eyes, being 6 ft tall, Caucasian with a big dick does not in any way improve our species, so fuck off.

Besides, I don't know about other guys here, but I don't want children. I want to do what sex havers do : enjoy sex (by paying since I can't do it for free). Sex havers have sex mostly for hedonistic purpose, they barely have kids, so sexual selection has very little to do with this.

If sexual selection was truly a concern of theirs, they would ban all forms of birth control.
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Natural selection = bs
No it's not. Size is relative to frame and optimal weight. This is why in combat sports, people are separated in weightclasses and not heightclasses, because the bigger fighters have advantage, and size is measured by weight. Heavyweights are bigger than light-heavyweights even in the cases where the light-heavyweight is taller.

A 6'0'' guy can easily be bigger than 6'2'' guy and can be several weightclasses above him. For example Daniel Cormier is 5'10'' and he's bigger than Israel Adesanya who is like 6'4'' yet fights 2 weightclasses bellow DC in MMA.

When you're talking about taller men being weak you're talking about lanky men and not big men. Chads are generally big and athletic with solid frames.

Bones and joints are bigger in bigger people. You're talking about lanklets who aren't proportional and just have height without having the proper frame to support it.

In combat sports, heavyweight fighters usually have much longer careers than lighter smaller fighters and can fight longer. For example the 6'6'' giant Klitschko was in his prime well into his late 30s and retired in his 40s still being an elite fighter. Meanwhile the 5'8''-ish lightweights are often shot to pieces at 30.

Combat sports prove that being bigger (in terms of height AND frame) is an advantage not just in fighting but also in durability.

Agree. . . there is a distinction. Looking over my post. Contains alot of illogical cope. The most successful reproductive human type (the pure cro-magnon) is defined by his physical superiority. I am of course referring to the ball-players, who just as easily could have been warriors in the ancient world (see: NBA, NFL, etc.) or professional fighters in today's time. These people are certainly not lacking in health and from what I can tell, need good joints etc. to be able to compete that that level.
Ya in nature the manlet 150 IQ curry could outsmart the tall dumb Chad and possibly win. Also the super tall big guys usually have severe joint and mobility problems. A bunch of little curries could throw rocks at these giants and then run away when the giant tried to move through his joint problems and catch them.

Beta males could also work together and kill a Chad who was keeping all the women.

Intelligence is a big advantage in nature, like in plans to store food, plans for planting trees and for working together. But in our cucked unnatural selection society its just the biggest men who win, even if they are on welfare.
Sexual selection is often times argued in terms of it being a mode within natural selection; women themselves now use this as a argument against dating incels since they're can't help it by being hardwired to chase men with the best genes; It's all fun btfoing incels like this until you put race into equasion, then every liberal will start shitting bricks when confronted with tinder racial preferences across the spectrum.
High iq thread. Sexual selection is cucked
Genetics are everything
You don't need to be 6"5 with a solid jawline to survive,
all this does is give joint problems and a higher risk of cancer etc.
A 5"8 man is going to be healthier than a 6"5 man.
Humans are built in such a way that being too tall has draw backs, otherwise all humans would be super tall.
The error you are making is that you are perceiving natural selection as happening on an individual level rather than a group level.

The shorter guy may well live longer in a peaceful world, but when disaster strikes, the tall guy will probably beat him to death, drown his children, and then rape his wife and impregnate her with his seed, and then feed your corpse and your children's corpses to his new babies.

If he dies a decade earlier, it doesn't matter, he's procreated and he's fed his offspring up until adulthood before he expired. He doesn't need to be around after that.

It's basically the elves vs. humans problem. Yes, elves live longer, but they reproduce slower, so they don't spread/replenish their population as quickly as humans.

species have gone extinct from fisherian runaway.
Which means natural selection works EVENTUALLY even if it doesn't in the short term.

any species where the male can not physically reproduce by rape is bound to be cucked.
just look at birds where the foid can just fly away.
the retards have to dance and sing to impress the foids
I think you've lost track of what "cucked" means, if you think it applies when you are actually spreading your genes to the next generation of eggs.

"Whipped" might be a better analogy, to men who need to suck up to women to get what they want.

It's not "cucked" unless you're contributing towards someone else's eggs though.

IE the cuckoo bird cucks other bird species by destroying their eggs and laying their own eggs in the nest, and neither parent knows any better.

Even though both male/female birds were traditionally the victims of cucking, it became male-associated because humans don't lay eggs, so a woman always knows she gives birth to her own young, while a man doesn't know.

What would also be cucked is when male birds (like penguins) keep their eggs warm, but for some reason they start warming some other guy's egg instead of their own.

Natural selection = bs
It makes complete sense, eventually. But it doesn't function perfectly in the short term. It applies moreso in longer viewpoints.

In a way it's a self-fulfilling prophecy (the survivors had an advantage) but you can always argue about what is and isn't an advantage before nature actually decides for you.

Sometimes whether or not something is advantageous/disadvantageous depends completely on circumstances, ie the setting you're in. IE aspects of nature (weather, for example) which favor some species' adaptations over others.
did someone say natural selection?

It makes complete sense, eventually. But it doesn't function perfectly in the short term. It applies moreso in longer viewpoints.

In a way it's a self-fulfilling prophecy (the survivors had an advantage) but you can always argue about what is and isn't an advantage before nature actually decides for you.

Sometimes whether or not something is advantageous/disadvantageous depends completely on circumstances, ie the setting you're in. IE aspects of nature (weather, for example) which favor some species' adaptations over others.

Humans have never obeyed natural selection anyways that's why the argument is BS, we use medicine, science, technology, etc to circumvent the laws of nature
the tall guy will probably beat him to death, drown his children, and then rape his wife and impregnate her with his seed, and then feed your corpse and your children's corpses to his new babies.

If he dies a decade earlier, it doesn't matter, he's procreated and he's fed his offspring up until adulthood before he expired. He doesn't need to be around after that.

It is a crime against every other civil person to let such a person live, much less sire offspring. This is Chad strategy. I strongly suspect this is what happened 7,000 - 8,000 years ago when agriculture flourished and allowed vast populations to arise. This struggle is as old as history itself.
A 6'0'' guy can easily be bigger than 6'2'' guy and can be several weightclasses above him. For example Daniel Cormier is 5'10'' and he's bigger than Israel Adesanya who is like 6'4'' yet fights 2 weightclasses bellow DC in MMA.

When you're talking about taller men being weak you're talking about lanky men and not big men. Chads are generally big and athletic with solid frames.
Many of the top fighters in all the weight classes are lanklets like israel adesanya.
"Whipped" might be a better analogy, to men who need to suck up to women to get what they want.

It's not "cucked" unless you're contributing towards someone else's eggs though.

IE the cuckoo bird cucks other bird species by destroying their eggs and laying their own eggs in the nest, and neither parent knows any better.
Cuck means a lot of things now. Being a cuck can range from posting on reddit to eating tyrone's semen from your wife's gaped holes with a spoon.
If it means too many things, it becomes meaningless.

A male eating semen is somewhere between homosexual and exploiting a free protein source, I guess.

It's basically anti-cuck though because your stomach acid is destroying another man's seed PREVENTING that seed from creating a pregnancy.

We shouldn't just be blindly calling all pathetic/disgusting stuff cuck. We should be faithful to etymology and come up with NEW terms.
Those who say it’s natural selection are the ones that get to fuck
If it means too many things, it becomes meaningless.

A male eating semen is somewhere between homosexual and exploiting a free protein source, I guess.

It's basically anti-cuck though because your stomach acid is destroying another man's seed PREVENTING that seed from creating a pregnancy.

We shouldn't just be blindly calling all pathetic/disgusting stuff cuck. We should be faithful to etymology and come up with NEW terms.



Read my threads. I believe, just from the discourse on this thread, that I have uncovered the truth surrounding human dimorphism and the riddle of reproduction. The truth is, we are different types of hominid, and the hominid with the most reproductive success, the most physical stature, the most dimorphic traits, are the people with predominately cro-magnon admixture. The original cro-magnon were clearly bigger and stronger than the average Out of Africa Human, had their own language and culture, and were likely a war-like people.. The OOA humans may have been able to out-compete the neanderthals but the cro-magnon males, specifically, had harems to spread their seed and breed into the OOA-Neanderthalid population. I don't know what to call the OOA humans because they seem to have been the baseline.
A male eating semen is somewhere between homosexual and exploiting a free protein source, I guess.

It's basically anti-cuck though because your stomach acid is destroying another man's seed PREVENTING that seed from creating a pregnancy.
It's still cucked because when a cuck does that he signals to all the other tyrones that it's ok to fuck his wife, and on occasion he'll taste test the semen to make sure it's up to standard.
A 150 iq curry manlet is better for the human species than a Chad that is 6"5 with hunter eyes and a strong jaw line

In TODAYS day and age, yes. Not during the period when our sexual instincts evolved.
it's a cucked argument which sounds good to retards because it's 'science'. yet species have gone extinct from fisherian runaway. any species where the male can not physically reproduce by rape is bound to be cucked. just look at birds where the foid can just fly away. the retards have to dance and sing to impress the foids :lul: force and wise patriarchal selection should be the ultimate test of reproduction, not how 'hot' someone is to a fucking peanut brain foid :feelswhat:
Based and evolutionary biology pilled.
In TODAYS day and age, yes. Not during the period when our sexual instincts evolved.

Maybe but since then we created this thing called civilization in which sex was taboo.

It's almost as if we knew we should not give up to our primal instincts and instead rise above our animal condition.

It's too late now, though. Sex is not taboo anymore. We're going to behave like the apes we are and it's going to be brutal. It starts with men and women resenting each other and fighting for domination of the world. Currently females are winning but hopefully that won't last.
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They're a day old so I can still bump them. I was recently told not to bump any that've been inactive more than a month.

I believe, just from the discourse on this thread, that I have uncovered the truth surrounding human dimorphism and the riddle of reproduction. The truth is, we are different types of hominid, and the hominid with the most reproductive success, the most physical stature, the most dimorphic traits, are the people with predominately cro-magnon admixture. The original cro-magnon were clearly bigger and stronger than the average Out of Africa Human, had their own language and culture, and were likely a war-like people.. The OOA humans may have been able to out-compete the neanderthals but the cro-magnon males, specifically, had harems to spread their seed and breed into the OOA-Neanderthalid population. I don't know what to call the OOA humans because they seem to have been the baseline.
You'll figure out a good, have faith, keep browsing Wikipedia.

I can't seem to retain in my memory the difference between Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon so I'm due for a refresher.

It's still cucked because when a cuck does that he signals to all the other tyrones that it's ok to fuck his wife,
and on occasion he'll taste test the semen to make sure it's up to standard.
Even the idea that encouraging guys to fuck your wife (or even to impregnate her and raise Tyrone's babies instead of your own) is "cucked" deviates from the origin too much: which is built around DECEPTION.

IE it's at best "cuck roleplay" in the same way that "rape roleplay" isn't actually rape at all.

That's why it's called "cuckold fetishism" instead of ACTUAL cucking, which means the guy is in the dark and doesn't know his wife is fucking other guys.

IE "I'm fucking Bill's wife and he doesn't know" is cucking Bill.
"Bill asked me to fuck his wife so I did" is NOT cucking Bill.

The same problem exists with terms like Oedipus complex / Jocasta complex describing sons who want to fuck their moms and moms who want to fuck their sons. I've actually read "Oedipus Rex" recently which reminded me: these two were only fucking each other when they had no idea who the other was. Jocasta started to have a mental breakdown when she found out, and when Oedipus realized it (he was a bit slow on the uptake) Jocasta killed herself and Oedipus stabbed himself blind.

So what the namesakes actually experienced has nothing to do with willing degeneracy and everything to do with NONCOMPLICIT degeneracy.

What a cuckold means is an innocent man who is not complicit in his own degeneracy. He's getting cheated on, but he doesn't know any better.

A guy actually begging guys to fuck his wife isn't getting cheated on. He is COMPLICIT in his own degeneracy. So he's not actually "getting cucked". He is somewhat metaphorically "cucking himself" which really doesn't make any sense (cuckoo birds do not murder their own eggs) so really we're just misappropriating slang rather than being clever enough to come up with some new slang.

What we really ought to do guys, is find some other animal (doesn't need to be a bird) who actually acts this way and name this shit after them, or name it after some character in a greek tragedy.
A guy actually begging guys to fuck his wife isn't getting cheated on. He is COMPLICIT in his own degeneracy. So he's not actually "getting cucked". He is somewhat metaphorically "cucking himself" which really doesn't make any sense (cuckoo birds do not murder their own eggs) so really we're just misappropriating slang rather than being clever enough to come up with some new slang.
The cucks who are complicit are a million times worse and more cucked than the ones who don't know they're getting cucked.
What we really ought to do guys, is find some other animal (doesn't need to be a bird) who actually acts this way and name this shit after them, or name it after some character in a greek tragedy.
Let me know if you find one that's as catchy and offensive as "cuck."
Yes but usually only old redpill black guys use it.
It's a good word, we should use it and reserve "cuck" to guys who are hosts of a brood parasite.
Rape is "natural selection" too.
The cucks who are complicit are a million times worse and more cucked than the ones who don't know they're getting cucked.
No, they're something else. The "most cucked" has to be whoever is closest to the cuckoo bird's victims.

Let me know if you find one that's as catchy and offensive as "cuck."
Don't leave it up to me, help a bro out.

Let's try and find some other animal who shares their females with other males, raises the young of other males.

It's a good word, we should use it and reserve "cuck" to guys who are hosts of a brood parasite.
Only if unknowingly though. Guys who knowingly adopt other men's children as their own are not being deceived, so they can't be cucks.
Let's try and find some other animal who shares their females with other males, raises the young of other males.
It doesn't exist, because the only way males of a species behaves that way needs to be constructed by (((them))).

elephant seal = females who adopt young that are not their own to replace kid who died

In one breeding season, biologists from Spain's Universidad de Cordoba found nest switching in 40% of broods across three distinct white-stork breeding colonies. That infant birds seek out new digs actually makes sense, since they could benefit from a longer period of parental care. If they moved into nests containing fewer or younger chicks than their previous homes, then they could also receive more food by more easily outcompeting smaller adoptive siblings.

But why would the adoptive parents allow the intruder into their nest, especially to the detriment of their own young? It could simply be that evolution has not endowed the parents with the ability to discriminate their own chicks from strangers.

This lack of discriminatory ability is seen particularly starkly in Lake Erie's ring-billed gulls. Nest invasions are common, but unlike for white storks, there is a significant cost incurred by the foster parents: half as many of their own chicks grow to fledging age than the gulls that did not adopt.

stork/gull = females who let kids who are not their own steal food out of their actual kids' mouths (ie boomers supporting immigration/gibs)

The adult male chimpanzee Freddy carries his adopted son Victor on his back.

One adoptive male, Freddy, literally went out on a limb for his adopted child Victor.

"It was just an amazing sight to see such a big powerful male as Freddy bridging gaps in trees with his body to help the whimpering little Victor to reach the branches with fruits," Boesch recalled.
Chimps? (resembles "chumps") or perhaps "chiumps" to blend it?

Help me look?

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