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Brutal I hate being Indian and don’t know what to do with my life



Poorcel manletcel. Non NT and hated by everyone
Feb 21, 2024

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/1hmi940/i_hate_being_indian_and_dont_know_what_to_do_with/

A little backstory about me: I’m a 17 year old Indian American. My dad came to the U.S. in the 60s and my mom came to the U.S. in the 90s. Culturally I’m very American I was born in the U.S. and my parents have been here for a while. I live in the south. Referring to the title I’m so ashamed of my skin color and culture.

I’ve been getting recommend TikToks of people asking someone what race they wouldn’t date and in every single one of these videos they say Indian. I understand people are allowed to have dating preferences but these videos make me feel so devalued and terrible. On my Instagram feed I’ve been getting recommend videos of Indian street food and the comments under these videos are always so horrible and racist.
Last year in my junior year of high school I tried to kill myself. I was tired of all my clsssmates being racist to me. They would openly do Indian accents in front of me and call me a terrorist and other horrible stuff. I remember one time this kid named Landon bought Indian food from a restaurant, came to school and dumped it on my head. This was completely humiliating and all the school did was send Landon home for the day. A girl I was talking to stopped talking to me and called me a pussy for not standing up for myself. After this happened I went home straight away and tried to slit my wrists. I guess I didn’t cut deep enough and passed out for a few hours. I woke up to my parents yelling at me in the hospital. Since then my parents and everyone in my life have been cold and distant.
I’m alone in my room crying while I type this. I have to go to university next year and I don’t think I will be able to handle it. I’m looking for any life advice. How do I keep going?

:lul: :lul: :lul:
rope is the answer
@Diddy @Fevet @wereq
SEEmax, bro!!!
rope is the answer
Foreign curries live like parasites with societal status even below dalits and try to act like they are superior to us
Foreign curries live like parasites with societal status even below dalits and try to act like they are superior to us
jfl its so funny when foreign curries think mainland curries are beneath them. at least we live with dignity :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
arrange marriagemaxx.
@Lv99_BixNood @Biowaste Removal @Kimchicel
jfl its so funny when foreign curries think mainland curries are beneath them. at least we live with dignity :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
Many curries and chinks go mental like this due to the marginalization they face in the west
Many curries and chinks go mental like this due to the marginalization they face in the west
living with the social status of a dalit makes them lose it jfl
living with the social status of a dalit makes them lose it jfl
Like I said if you aren't least 7/10 6'0 you won't even get human treatment as a curry. You need to be Giga Chad as a curry to get the societal status of a LTN white
Like I said if you aren't least 7/10 6'0 you won't even get human treatment as a curry. You need to be Giga Chad as a curry to get the societal status of a LTN white
akash kumar is mogged by 6ft mtn white normies
rope is the answer
Think About It GIF by Identity
I am thankful for the existence of curries. If curries didn't exist, us chinks would become the lowest on the totem pole and therefore replace them as the new victim race
I am thankful for the existence of curries. If curries didn't exist, us chinks would become the lowest on the totem pole and therefore replace them as the new victim race
Chinks get cucked WAY more and rope WAY more but okay look at the pathetic state of curries and feel better about yourself
Chinks get cucked WAY more and rope WAY more but okay look at the pathetic state of curries and feel better about yourself
@Chudpreet is this kid genuinely fucking retarded?

One second chinks mog curries to oblivion, the next second curries mog chinks to oblivion

This fucking race baiting faggot is more annoying then Made in Dog's Asshole at this point

He also now makes a thread EVERY SINGLE DAY complaining about his height
@Chudpreet is this kid genuinely fucking retarded?

One second chinks mog curries to oblivion, the next second curries mog chinks to oblivion

This fucking race baiting faggot is more annoying then Made in Dog's Asshole at this point

He also now makes a thread EVERY SINGLE DAY complaining about his height
I put him on ignore a bit ago. He argues for the sake of arguing and frequently engages in unfunny trolling and harassment
This is why I laughed when you said you wished you looked like a LTN curry once.

Even a deformed 2/10 white would have more societal status than a MTN curry
Link to thread:feelswhere:? I just wanna check what I said out of curiosity:feelshmm:.
Link to thread:feelswhere:? I just wanna check what I said out of curiosity:feelshmm:.
I see, so I said that the dude has a similar face like mine, I noticed that the other dude looks better, so I said that if I could make my facial anatomy more like the second guy's instead of looking like the first guy then I'd do it, and for some reason that had you losing it:feelskek:. I wasn't even bringing race or skin color into it, literally just the bones lol:feelshaha:.
Private message him and tell him to join here
@Chudpreet is this kid genuinely fucking retarded?

One second chinks mog curries to oblivion, the next second curries mog chinks to oblivion

This fucking race baiting faggot is more annoying then Made in Dog's Asshole at this point

He also now makes a thread EVERY SINGLE DAY complaining about his height
Even now I didn't say curries mogg chinks. But feeling better about yourself looking down on curries as a chink doesn't make any sense when chinks also have problems just different ones to what curries have.

Still objectively speaking being associated with curries gives the biggest falio
I see, so I said that the dude has a similar face like mine, I noticed that the other dude looks better, so I said that if I could make my facial anatomy more like the second guy's instead of looking like the first guy then I'd do it, and for some reason that had you losing it:feelskek:. I wasn't even bringing race or skin color into it, literally just the bones lol:feelshaha:.
You even said a 5'5 curry moggs you on that thread. Come on, you're white :feelsseriously:
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Just change the state, poft
He's /ourguy/
This is what I mean. Curries are the top earners in US, despite that they have the dalit tier societal status. No careermaxxing for your race, brutal. I don't think curries have ever formed respected dignified members of any society, we are universally hated
You even said a 5'5 curry moggs you on that thread. Come on, you're white :feelsseriously:
Seth Meyers I Give Up GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Alright, I miscalculated the SMV of a guy just because he had better facial anatomy than me and I thought that that could be enough:shock:. From the power given to me as a person that was once randomly considered for maybe a possible mod, I award the curries here yet another victory in this site's endless rat race to prove who here is da biggest inkwell:feelsYall:.

Also, bruh, the fact that the thread you quoted and the post you are referring to literally has me calling you out for misrepresenting and taking out of context what I said two hours before that post is hilarious:lul:. Not that you are doing the same here, of course not... but it's still hilarious:feelshaha:.
I award the curries here yet another victory in this site's endless rat race to prove who here is da biggest inkwell:feelsYall:
It's not even about SMV, but dignity. White people (and whiteness in general) are universally valued and desired across all cultures. Curries exactly the opposite of this are hated and resented EVERYWHERE universally.

Even uglier white has high SMV and dignity than gl curry
@bcroger this is what I mean when I said curries will never be respected in societies. Do you think something like this could happen to spics or blacks?
I've seen lots of real rape videos from India. Seems like those guys get away with it pretty easy.
I genuinely don't understand what there is to like about indians (as a group) , india or indian culture. Like every single thing I know about them is either mildly annoying or outright revolting.
Betabuxmaxx :feelskek:
it's only beta bux if she's not a virgin. women are essentially property so of course the average man needs money to get one. only Chads can seduce women with looks alone.
it's only beta bux if she's not a virgin. women are essentially property so of course the average man needs money to get one. only Chads can seduce women with looks alone.
Fucking foids have love and care for chad, the others are just toilet paper for them
There is no life for a currycel. Only death.
But I thought living among whites would be better for our mental well being!
Tag @Mystorious nigger. He has me on ignore. White worshiping fags like that need to be eradicated
Until I came to this forum, I thought curry's SMV was better than rice's. This is because actors in Bollywood movies generally have Caucasian traits, and there are no Indians in the country where I live. Some of the problems that currymen face are problems that ricemen also face, so I sympathize with them. Being ridiculed by their women and having less preference for dating... What is truly tragic for currys is that, unlike rices, currys are perceived as culturally inferior(e.g. cow dung worship), so they suffer greater insults.

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