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Story I had an absolutely terrible experience with a foid



shackled with blackpill chains
Sep 5, 2024

Back in high school there was a foid that approached me and pretended to be my friend, she made it look like she was into me. She would compliment the clothes, Versace cologne that I wore and we talked a lot. She would even do my school chores like cleaning the cafeteria sink. I really loved her, I couldn’t stop thinking about her and always helped her the best I could. I would give her the answer keys to her work and she’ll always get an A+ (yes, I even couldn’t do shit without cheating). During lunch I always brought a water bottle full of pure tequila and we would get drunk together. I also drank by myself during every period, it was disgusting and unpleasant, but it sure helped us get through the day. I loved her so much, every morning I would wait for her in the hallway to give her some weed and money to buy other drugs. Back then I was a bluepilled turecel and didn’t even know it, I didn’t know anything about incels, blackpill, redpill and such. A month later she started talking to another guy, he was like 6’3, jacked, blond, curly hair, very ugly. She got his number and would rarely spent time with me, whenever she did she would invite him and her female friends to the table and tell me that she speaks to other guys and even to ones out of state. She would even text them in front of me and her friend would bring over a Chromebook and look they would look at different men together, then they would ask me if I’m in a relationship, I said “no”, and I was very disappointed with her. Some time passed by and we slowly distanced from each other. One day she randomly asked me what kind of pictures I had on my phone, I didn’t answer her. She said she was very concerned about me sending nudes to women because I can get in big trouble for that. Then she started telling me that my face is ugly and that I’m short because I’m only 5’9 and not over 6ft and for that I’m considered very ugly. She’s my height even I’m a bit taller, she never let us take a selfie together and I never asked what’s on her phone or anything about the men she’s talking to so she has no right to ask what’s on mine! Later she posted on Instagram that without her I will always be a scummy incel and that’s what I will always be. She never gave me her social media profiles, but I had my ways of finding them. Everyone in school saw that post and people were making fun of me, even the teacher started calling me a spoiled brat in front of everyone. I decided to drop out of school, but unfortunately for me I was on parol and my bitch mom made up stuff and got me send in a mental hospital for a week and did my school work so I can graduate. I got a diploma and ripped it up immediately and I never needed that shit. I have no respect for my mom and hate her like I hate every woman. I had to grow up alone because my family was dysfunctional and I never had father just a mom I hated my entire life and she always called me a failure. Months passed by and the foid unexpectedly messaged me asking if she could hang out with me and I agreed. When we met she said she’ll give me a 5 second hug, but I will need to pay her $400 and not press my body against her boobs, I agreed not because I love her, but because I wanted to know what it’s like to hug a girl. She gave me that hug and it felt like the best 5 seconds of my life and I immediately handed over the $400. Money was never a problem for me, now I somewhat regret doing it because nothing changed and I still feel like a truecel even worse. Later we went to the beach and she told me how happy she was that her step sister and her friend passed in a car crash. Later she told me she broke up with that 6’3 blond guy because he was wired, he made posters of her saying how much he loves her and hung them in his room. We spent a few hours talking about random thing and then she got picked up by her step dad and that was the last time I saw her. 2 years late I checked her Instagram and found out she when to Michigan and met some guy who she got married to, and moved back to my stare with him. It’s been 4 years now and not a day goes by where I don’t think about her, everyday I search her name hoping I will read some article that she has passed somehow. Lately I haven’t been sleeping well, I’ve been prescribed Temazepam to help me sleep and Lexapro during the day to help with my depression, but they haven’t been doing much and I can’t stop thinking about all this. I haven’t cleaned my house or vacuumed important spaces for 4 years+, just rarely clean spaces I use frequently like my room and kitchen. I’ve lost complete contact with my family and I will never speak to them again because they’re bluepillers that treat me like a small child. I have no energy or motivation even if I sleep for 14+ hours. I’ve lost interest in everything, I’m just livin' day to day.


Below is a Valentine's Day note she wrote and a keychain she made for me later, also some messages she send me back then. I have what she wrote about me on Instagram, just need to find it and I’ll make a new post.


Back in high school there was a foid that approached me and pretended to be my friend, she made it look like she was into me. She would compliment the clothes, Versace cologne that I wore and we talked a lot. She would even do my school chores like cleaning the cafeteria sink. I really loved her, I couldn’t stop thinking about her and always helped her the best I could. I would give her the answer keys to her work and she’ll always get an A+ (yes, I even couldn’t do shit without cheating). During lunch I always brought a water bottle full of pure tequila and we would get drunk together. I also drank by myself during every period, it was disgusting and unpleasant, but it sure helped us get through the day. I loved her so much, every morning I would wait for her in the hallway to give her some weed and money to buy other drugs. Back then I was a bluepilled turecel and didn’t even know it, I didn’t know anything about incels, blackpill, redpill and such. A month later she started talking to another guy, he was like 6’3, jacked, blond, curly hair, very ugly. She got his number and would rarely spent time with me, whenever she did she would invite him and her female friends to the table and tell me that she speaks to other guys and even to ones out of state. She would even text them in front of me and her friend would bring over a Chromebook and look they would look at different men together, then they would ask me if I’m in a relationship, I said “no”, and I was very disappointed with her. Some time passed by and we slowly distanced from each other. One day she randomly asked me what kind of pictures I had on my phone, I didn’t answer her. She said she was very concerned about me sending nudes to women because I can get in big trouble for that. Then she started telling me that my face is ugly and that I’m short because I’m only 5’9 and not over 6ft and for that I’m considered very ugly. She’s my height even I’m a bit taller, she never let us take a selfie together and I never asked what’s on her phone or anything about the men she’s talking to so she has no right to ask what’s on mine! Later she posted on Instagram that without her I will always be a scummy incel and that’s what I will always be. She never gave me her social media profiles, but I had my ways of finding them. Everyone in school saw that post and people were making fun of me, even the teacher started calling me a spoiled brat in front of everyone. I decided to drop out of school, but unfortunately for me I was on parol and my bitch mom made up stuff and got me send in a mental hospital for a week and did my school work so I can graduate. I got a diploma and ripped it up immediately and I never needed that shit. I have no respect for my mom and hate her like I hate every woman. I had to grow up alone because my family was dysfunctional and I never had father just a mom I hated my entire life and she always called me a failure. Months passed by and the foid unexpectedly messaged me asking if she could hang out with me and I agreed. When we met she said she’ll give me a 5 second hug, but I will need to pay her $400 and not press my body against her boobs, I agreed not because I love her, but because I wanted to know what it’s like to hug a girl. She gave me that hug and it felt like the best 5 seconds of my life and I immediately handed over the $400. Money was never a problem for me, now I somewhat regret doing it because nothing changed and I still feel like a truecel even worse. Later we went to the beach and she told me how happy she was that her step sister and her friend passed in a car crash. Later she told me she broke up with that 6’3 blond guy because he was wired, he made posters of her saying how much he loves her and hung them in his room. We spent a few hours talking about random thing and then she got picked up by her step dad and that was the last time I saw her. 2 years late I checked her Instagram and found out she when to Michigan and met some guy who she got married to, and moved back to my stare with him. It’s been 4 years now and not a day goes by where I don’t think about her, everyday I search her name hoping I will read some article that she has passed somehow. Lately I haven’t been sleeping well, I’ve been prescribed Temazepam to help me sleep and Lexapro during the day to help with my depression, but they haven’t been doing much and I can’t stop thinking about all this. I haven’t cleaned my house or vacuumed important spaces for 4 years+, just rarely clean spaces I use frequently like my room and kitchen. I’ve lost complete contact with my family and I will never speak to them again because they’re bluepillers that treat me like a small child. I have no energy or motivation even if I sleep for 14+ hours. I’ve lost interest in everything, I’m just livin' day to day.


Below is a Valentine's Day note she wrote and a keychain she made for me later, also some messages she send me back then. I have what she wrote about me on Instagram, just need to find it and I’ll make a new post.

It's over.
Brother. What did I read
yep, I will never be the same again.
yep, I will never be the same again.
revenge of the sith episode 3 GIF by Star Wars
U read it?
Yeah. He pretty much got mentally fucked by a onietus. Like brutally over type. This is not the "I watched my crush from afar" instead "the last american virgin" tier nearly bad.
Is that you in your AVI?
It’s ovER for George
Damn that's brootal.
This shit can't be real. What a BPD cunt, she was teasing u the whole time.
Holy fuck.
This is brutal stuff man.
GigaOvER dear brocel.
yes, that's me irl
The worst part is that you are not really that ugly compared to me

And it makes me think if this is what the average looking guy has to go through then i wonder how bad does it get for me?
You know what's really fucked up? Back when I was in HS, 5'9 would have been average or even above average height. I doubt you're even ugly. You should have been born 20 years earlier.
It's hard man, I don't understand why these things happen, I've never gone that deep but I've had these type of delusions.

It's hard to say, it's destructive because it makes it seem like it's your fault, society tries to force you to look that way, but you know you were just fooled and that there was never anything really
I became more and more avoidant because of this and nowadays I just want to not be seen
Holy fucking shit :worryfeels:

I thought nothing could top the severe oneitis i had back in highschool. This is on a whole another realm... Unironically i feel like this is a saint tier backstory like hall of fame type shit.

Though you look exactly like my last geography teacher and he has a long term wife so i can assure u still have potential :feelshehe:
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Not reading all of that sorry
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Lately I haven’t been sleeping well, I’ve been prescribed Temazepam to help me sleep and Lexapro during the day to help with my depression
Ditch the pharmaceuticals, they're making your situation worse. Cut back or eliminate drinking alcohol, and don't eat a meal three hours before bed.

Before sleep, take 200mg-300mg magnesium, 2g trimethylglycine, a melatonin tablet and if you really want to sperg out add in 500mg of myo-inosotil. All off the shelf supplements.
Bro don't even blame yourself, she's a cluster B histrionic disorder/narcissist. Clearly her own daddy issues made her insecurely attached to assholes, doubt her marriage is 'all that' any way. Maybe you've suffered, but at least you don't have to live life as that foid. She's the real miserable one. chin up soldier
Also, it's clear she used you as her training simp so she could develop her personality to attract Chad.
Bro don't even blame yourself, she's a cluster B histrionic disorder/narcissist. Clearly her own daddy issues made her insecurely attached to assholes, doubt her marriage is 'all that' any way. Maybe you've suffered, but at least you don't have to live life as that foid. She's the real miserable one. chin up soldier

Back in high school there was a foid that approached me and pretended to be my friend, she made it look like she was into me. She would compliment the clothes, Versace cologne that I wore and we talked a lot. She would even do my school chores like cleaning the cafeteria sink. I really loved her, I couldn’t stop thinking about her and always helped her the best I could. I would give her the answer keys to her work and she’ll always get an A+ (yes, I even couldn’t do shit without cheating). During lunch I always brought a water bottle full of pure tequila and we would get drunk together. I also drank by myself during every period, it was disgusting and unpleasant, but it sure helped us get through the day. I loved her so much, every morning I would wait for her in the hallway to give her some weed and money to buy other drugs. Back then I was a bluepilled turecel and didn’t even know it, I didn’t know anything about incels, blackpill, redpill and such. A month later she started talking to another guy, he was like 6’3, jacked, blond, curly hair, very ugly. She got his number and would rarely spent time with me, whenever she did she would invite him and her female friends to the table and tell me that she speaks to other guys and even to ones out of state. She would even text them in front of me and her friend would bring over a Chromebook and look they would look at different men together, then they would ask me if I’m in a relationship, I said “no”, and I was very disappointed with her. Some time passed by and we slowly distanced from each other. One day she randomly asked me what kind of pictures I had on my phone, I didn’t answer her. She said she was very concerned about me sending nudes to women because I can get in big trouble for that. Then she started telling me that my face is ugly and that I’m short because I’m only 5’9 and not over 6ft and for that I’m considered very ugly. She’s my height even I’m a bit taller, she never let us take a selfie together and I never asked what’s on her phone or anything about the men she’s talking to so she has no right to ask what’s on mine! Later she posted on Instagram that without her I will always be a scummy incel and that’s what I will always be. She never gave me her social media profiles, but I had my ways of finding them. Everyone in school saw that post and people were making fun of me, even the teacher started calling me a spoiled brat in front of everyone. I decided to drop out of school, but unfortunately for me I was on parol and my bitch mom made up stuff and got me send in a mental hospital for a week and did my school work so I can graduate. I got a diploma and ripped it up immediately and I never needed that shit. I have no respect for my mom and hate her like I hate every woman. I had to grow up alone because my family was dysfunctional and I never had father just a mom I hated my entire life and she always called me a failure. Months passed by and the foid unexpectedly messaged me asking if she could hang out with me and I agreed. When we met she said she’ll give me a 5 second hug, but I will need to pay her $400 and not press my body against her boobs, I agreed not because I love her, but because I wanted to know what it’s like to hug a girl. She gave me that hug and it felt like the best 5 seconds of my life and I immediately handed over the $400. Money was never a problem for me, now I somewhat regret doing it because nothing changed and I still feel like a truecel even worse. Later we went to the beach and she told me how happy she was that her step sister and her friend passed in a car crash. Later she told me she broke up with that 6’3 blond guy because he was wired, he made posters of her saying how much he loves her and hung them in his room. We spent a few hours talking about random thing and then she got picked up by her step dad and that was the last time I saw her. 2 years late I checked her Instagram and found out she when to Michigan and met some guy who she got married to, and moved back to my stare with him. It’s been 4 years now and not a day goes by where I don’t think about her, everyday I search her name hoping I will read some article that she has passed somehow. Lately I haven’t been sleeping well, I’ve been prescribed Temazepam to help me sleep and Lexapro during the day to help with my depression, but they haven’t been doing much and I can’t stop thinking about all this. I haven’t cleaned my house or vacuumed important spaces for 4 years+, just rarely clean spaces I use frequently like my room and kitchen. I’ve lost complete contact with my family and I will never speak to them again because they’re bluepillers that treat me like a small child. I have no energy or motivation even if I sleep for 14+ hours. I’ve lost interest in everything, I’m just livin' day to day.


Below is a Valentine's Day note she wrote and a keychain she made for me later, also some messages she send me back then. I have what she wrote about me on Instagram, just need to find it and I’ll make a new post.

yes, that's me irl
people usually lie when they say this but take my word when i say you're not even ugly. if it's over for you it's giga over for everyone else on this forum
people usually lie when they say this but take my word when i say you're not even ugly. if it's over for you it's giga over for everyone else on this forum
He actually might mog me ans I am LTN. He argubly is MTN. Has potential.
Bro don't even blame yourself, she's a cluster B histrionic disorder/narcissist. Clearly her own daddy issues made her insecurely attached to assholes, doubt her marriage is 'all that' any way. Maybe you've suffered, but at least you don't have to live life as that foid. She's the real miserable one. chin up soldier
Yes, they live in poverty, but she’s very happy with him and doesn’t seam like she cares much about that. She was adopted and doesn’t know her parents and had unknown siblings that she recently met. She also has very serious mental issues like self harm, an eating disorder, didn’t want to live and was very insecure about her body. She watches a shit ton of anime and is obsessed with the K-POP models. She’s never told me about what mental illnesses she has, but she’s been hospitalized many times and told me about how she ate a crayon over there. The keychain she made for me is from some kind of anime, I don’t watch anime and haven’t researched which one nor I care about her shit. I hate writing about this so much that I just want to get it out my head, didn’t even paragraph the essay out of disgust and anger.

Back in high school there was a foid that approached me and pretended to be my friend, she made it look like she was into me. She would compliment the clothes, Versace cologne that I wore and we talked a lot. She would even do my school chores like cleaning the cafeteria sink. I really loved her, I couldn’t stop thinking about her and always helped her the best I could. I would give her the answer keys to her work and she’ll always get an A+ (yes, I even couldn’t do shit without cheating). During lunch I always brought a water bottle full of pure tequila and we would get drunk together. I also drank by myself during every period, it was disgusting and unpleasant, but it sure helped us get through the day. I loved her so much, every morning I would wait for her in the hallway to give her some weed and money to buy other drugs. Back then I was a bluepilled turecel and didn’t even know it, I didn’t know anything about incels, blackpill, redpill and such. A month later she started talking to another guy, he was like 6’3, jacked, blond, curly hair, very ugly. She got his number and would rarely spent time with me, whenever she did she would invite him and her female friends to the table and tell me that she speaks to other guys and even to ones out of state. She would even text them in front of me and her friend would bring over a Chromebook and look they would look at different men together, then they would ask me if I’m in a relationship, I said “no”, and I was very disappointed with her. Some time passed by and we slowly distanced from each other. One day she randomly asked me what kind of pictures I had on my phone, I didn’t answer her. She said she was very concerned about me sending nudes to women because I can get in big trouble for that. Then she started telling me that my face is ugly and that I’m short because I’m only 5’9 and not over 6ft and for that I’m considered very ugly. She’s my height even I’m a bit taller, she never let us take a selfie together and I never asked what’s on her phone or anything about the men she’s talking to so she has no right to ask what’s on mine! Later she posted on Instagram that without her I will always be a scummy incel and that’s what I will always be. She never gave me her social media profiles, but I had my ways of finding them. Everyone in school saw that post and people were making fun of me, even the teacher started calling me a spoiled brat in front of everyone. I decided to drop out of school, but unfortunately for me I was on parol and my bitch mom made up stuff and got me send in a mental hospital for a week and did my school work so I can graduate. I got a diploma and ripped it up immediately and I never needed that shit. I have no respect for my mom and hate her like I hate every woman. I had to grow up alone because my family was dysfunctional and I never had father just a mom I hated my entire life and she always called me a failure. Months passed by and the foid unexpectedly messaged me asking if she could hang out with me and I agreed. When we met she said she’ll give me a 5 second hug, but I will need to pay her $400 and not press my body against her boobs, I agreed not because I love her, but because I wanted to know what it’s like to hug a girl. She gave me that hug and it felt like the best 5 seconds of my life and I immediately handed over the $400. Money was never a problem for me, now I somewhat regret doing it because nothing changed and I still feel like a truecel even worse. Later we went to the beach and she told me how happy she was that her step sister and her friend passed in a car crash. Later she told me she broke up with that 6’3 blond guy because he was wired, he made posters of her saying how much he loves her and hung them in his room. We spent a few hours talking about random thing and then she got picked up by her step dad and that was the last time I saw her. 2 years late I checked her Instagram and found out she when to Michigan and met some guy who she got married to, and moved back to my stare with him. It’s been 4 years now and not a day goes by where I don’t think about her, everyday I search her name hoping I will read some article that she has passed somehow. Lately I haven’t been sleeping well, I’ve been prescribed Temazepam to help me sleep and Lexapro during the day to help with my depression, but they haven’t been doing much and I can’t stop thinking about all this. I haven’t cleaned my house or vacuumed important spaces for 4 years+, just rarely clean spaces I use frequently like my room and kitchen. I’ve lost complete contact with my family and I will never speak to them again because they’re bluepillers that treat me like a small child. I have no energy or motivation even if I sleep for 14+ hours. I’ve lost interest in everything, I’m just livin' day to day.


Below is a Valentine's Day note she wrote and a keychain she made for me later, also some messages she send me back then. I have what she wrote about me on Instagram, just need to find it and I’ll make a new post.

Sad story but you shouldn't have given her 400$ for a hug, imagine what you could've achieved with that money.
400$ for a hug :lul:. I can't believe that. Oneitiscels always have the craziest and saddest stories. Reminds me a bit of @Darth Aries
400$ for a hug :lul:. I can't believe that. Oneitiscels always have the craziest and saddest stories. Reminds me a bit of @Darth Aries
I did it to revoke my truecel status and to know what it’s like to hug a girl because I might never get such opportunity again and will likely die a virgin.
I did it to revoke my truecel status and to know what it’s like to hug a girl because I might never get such opportunity again and will likely die a virgin.
You could have banged an escort if that was your goal.
This is super cucked
Yes, they live in poverty, but she’s very happy with him and doesn’t seam like she cares much about that. She was adopted and doesn’t know her parents and had unknown siblings that she recently met. She also has very serious mental issues like self harm, an eating disorder, didn’t want to live and was very insecure about her body. She watches a shit ton of anime and is obsessed with the K-POP models. She’s never told me about what mental illnesses she has, but she’s been hospitalized many times and told me about how she ate a crayon over there. The keychain she made for me is from some kind of anime, I don’t watch anime and haven’t researched which one nor I care about her shit. I hate writing about this so much that I just want to get it out my head, didn’t even paragraph the essay out of disgust and anger.
Yeah sounds about toxic. Continue focusing on the big picture. She manipulated & made a fool out of you. Don't let her do it again, ever.
Hard to read without paragraphs, mate.

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