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I had a huge fight with my sister

Nobody's worth dying over IMO either but ER obviously didn't think so.

Knowing that some sisters are disgusting is why I asked the question instead of assuming she was cute.
Not only lookwise, you cant be sexually attracted to your sister, at least im not also from most men i heard the same. When you grow up with a female and you know the side that most foids hide you see how disgusting they are, they are bigger pigs than brothers.
you cant be sexually attracted to your sister, at least im not
also from most men i heard the same.
When you grow up with a female and you know the side that most foids hide you see how disgusting they are, they are bigger pigs than brothers.

There can be a lower likelihood of finding her attractive, due to a combination of what you say (them being open about disgusting habits) as well as general familiarity (Westermarck effect)

It's obviously not an absolute rule though, and it's unclear to what degree it actually skews statistics.

A lot of men attracted to their sisters will obviously deny it because of the tabboo/controversiality and fear of persecution, so we can't expect reliable self reports.
There can be a lower likelihood of finding her attractive, due to a combination of what you say (them being open about disgusting habits) as well as general familiarity (Westermarck effect)

It's obviously not an absolute rule though, and it's unclear to what degree it actually skews statistics.

A lot of men attracted to their sisters will obviously deny it because of the tabboo/controversiality and fear of persecution, so we can't expect reliable self reports.
Sure but online people dont care what other think as much in real life, i said bunch of shit here and if i was attracted to my sister i would admit it, i guess similar goes to other brothers online, i think its abnormal to be attracted to your female relatives with whom you grow up with. If suddenly i met as adult some my lost sister im sure i would check her out sexualy.
Sure but online people dont care what other think as much in real life
I used to think that but the more aware you get of potential doxxing the more wary you get

i said bunch of shit here and if i was attracted to my sister i would admit it
I dunno man.
Also you could be lying to yourself to cope.
IE like how it's standard for volcels to say they wouldn't even fuck the 10/10 supermodel they'd never have a chance with

i think its abnormal to be attracted to your female relatives with whom you grow up with. If suddenly i met as adult some my lost sister im sure i would check her out sexualy.
They term it "Genetic Sexual Attraction" (GSA) to be attracted to relatives you jsut met who you didn't grow up with: apparently you're MORE likely to be.

If less than 50% of brothers are attracted to their sisters that might just be due to standards because 50% of women are below-average attractiveness.
I used to think that but the more aware you get of potential doxxing the more wary you get

I dunno man.
Also you could be lying to yourself to cope.
IE like how it's standard for volcels to say they wouldn't even fuck the 10/10 supermodel they'd never have a chance with

They term it "Genetic Sexual Attraction" (GSA) to be attracted to relatives you jsut met who you didn't grow up with: apparently you're MORE likely to be.

If less than 50% of brothers are attracted to their sisters that might just be due to standards because 50% of women are below-average attractiveness.
Dude porn has completely raped your brain and made yoh out of touch with reality
I will NEVER dump my resources into another mans child
Sorry, @Mecoja I'm not with you on this one, I'd leave her to raise the child on her own and if the child dies it dies, I won't cuck myself for anybody or anything in this world

I hate the illogical mindset of feeling like you have to help because its "right in front of you", there's probably some homeless starving kid out there you could help to but "out of sight out of mind" huh? JFL. That's the irony of it all, you are only helping because its in your face, so why bother helping at that point, its just you being illogical and emotional and letting yourself be swayed be FEELINGS of remorse and guilt

You wouldn't go out of your way to find some child to help though

JFL at living an incel life and still taking on responsibilities like this, like a fucking cuck :feelskek:

Normie problems are not our problems, even if its family
Sorry, @Mecoja I'm not with you on this one, I'd leave her to raise the child on her own and if the child dies it dies, I won't cuck myself for anybody or anything in this world

I hate the illogical mindset of feeling like you have to help because its "right in front of you", there's probably some homeless starving kid out there you could help to but "out of sight out of mind" huh? JFL. That's the irony of it all, you are only helping because its in your face, so why bother helping at that point, its just you being illogical and emotional and letting yourself be swayed be FEELINGS of remorse and guilt

You wouldn't go out of your way to find some child to help though

JFL at living an incel life and still taking on responsibilities like this like a fucking cuck :feelskek:

Normie problems are not our problems, even if its family

I feel bad for kids and some animal, i cant help seeing myself in them. I know its pointless and i even cant help myself.

Im helping my nephew the same way i would help my brother, i see them the same because we all share the same bloodline. Is it cucked to help your brother? Whats the difference. He is already a person and he is grateful for every help he gets. I know you are for everyone fend for themself and eat or be eaten and i know thats logical but i cant be that guy when the family is at stake.
but i cant be that guy when the family is at stake.
Ok, then don't ever call any blue piller that rushes to a woman's rescue a white knight again, because the same way you feel about "muh family" is the same way the average man is conditioned to feel about the average woman (its all mostly conditioning)

Here's the thing that makes me sick about most users on this site (like yourself)

You guys want to conveniently pick and choose which aspects of your life you apply the black pill to

You want to pick and choose when emotional (subjective) reasoning can be used and when logical (objective) reasoning can be used

You can't have it both ways, you can't pick and choose


The black pill isn't a fucking light switch you can flip on and off whenever it suits you, you either accept it or you don't

If you aren't going to go ALL THE WAY with the black pill and APPLY IT TO EVERY PART OF YOUR LIFE

All humans are hypocrites, you are also you just pick your words more carefully.
Nope, don't project your bullshit onto me, that's just you, all of my thoughts and beliefs are logically congruent, and I don't let emotions influence my decisions

You probably think there is some family member or some friend for whom I would go "normie mode" for like you do with your nephew, but for me no such individual exists. Not my mother, or father, or brother, or sister, or anybody.

Men like you have attachments and you are ruled by them, I abandoned all of my attachments, which is exactly why I plan on changing my name and leaving my country, and never going back or contacting anyone I know now, and that plan is never changing

Don't fucking compare me to someone like you who is ruled by their emotions, that's an insult
Dont please, im sick of this thread.
Nope, don't project your bullshit onto me, that's just you, all of my thoughts and beliefs are logically congruent, and I don't let emotions influence my decisions

You probably think there is some family member or some friend for whom I would go "normie mode" for like you do with your nephew, but for me no such individual exists. Not my mother, or father, or brother, or sister, or anybody.

Men like you have attachments and you are ruled by them, I abandoned all of my attachments, which is exactly why I plan on changing my name and leaving my country, and never going back or contacting anyone I know now, and that plan is never changing

Don't fucking compare me to someone like you who is ruled by their emotions, that's an insult
If i didnt had any attachment i would rope long time ago. I dont know if thats good or bad, unlike you i dont pretend i know everything.
Keep us updated please.
Men like you have attachments and you are ruled by them, I abandoned all of my attachments, which is exactly why I plan on changing my name and leaving my country, and never going back or contacting anyone I know now, and that plan is never changing
Whats the point in moving and creating a new persona if you dont care for human attachment and emotions? To meet new friends and hoes who will sell you for a pack of cigarettes. If you dont value the loyalty brothers have between themselves than how will you value a woman which will backstab you at the first opportunity.
Whats the point in moving and creating a new persona if you dont care for human attachment and emotions?
So that I won't have to be bothered with anything from the past, I want a fresh start, I don't understand why any incel wouldn't want that

"Family", "friends", etc, they all just mean weakness, they are concepts that will make you limit yourself mentally and physically, there will be things you "won't do" that would objectively benefit you, and there will be things you "won't think" because "I need to be a good person for X persons sake"

I won't do that to myself

To meet new friends and hoes who will sell you for a pack of cigarettes
Not looking for friends, only associates (business) and acquaintances (pleasure - as in hoes lol)

If you dont value the loyalty brothers have between themselves than how will you value a woman which will backstab you at the first opportunity.
I'm not trying to value women, that's the point, what kind of blue pilled shit is this? :feelskek:

I swear you guys really show your true colors when you get called out

Ironically you will be in other threads after today calling normies "blue pilled" and "cucked" but like I said, guys like you are really no different, because you refuse to abandon your ego and emotions, so you will forever be a slave to it

Enjoy your cucked life of raising some other guys orgasm, JFL if you think that child will appreciate anything you do, he will probably just grow up to look down on you and disrespect you, especially when he hits his teens, that's when your cope will be completely crushed and you'll remember our conversation

Even if he never became that, it would still be for nothing, it does not benefit your life, nothing will change in your life by doing this, all you are doing is selfishly using that child but you don't even realize it, that's the pathetic part

You are using him to fulfill your martyr complex, make you feel good about yourself, give you a sense of purpose, he's a distraction from your life that is falling apart all around you, but at some point you are going to have to wake up, and if you wake up too late you will be trapped in your shitty life and truly have no way out of it

Now I'm done with this pointless back and forth, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
I'm not trying to value women, that's the point, what kind of blue pilled shit is this?
I didnt meant value in that sense. Its hard for me to find proper words in english.

Enjoy your cucked life of raising some other guys orgasm, JFL if you think that child will appreciate anything you do, he will probably just grow up to look down on you and disrespect you, especially when he hits his teens, that's when your cope will be completely crushed and you'll remember our conversation
He is my flesh and bones. Nothing you say its new to me, shit you say i know for over 20 years i jfl if you think i live in delusion as some pseudo dad, i know how much to invest myself i just make sure he grows into a normal person.
Even if he never became that, it would still be for nothing, it does not benefit your life, nothing will change in your life by doing this, all you are doing is selfishly using that child but you don't even realize it, that's the pathetic part

You are using him to fulfill your martyr complex, make you feel good about yourself, give you a sense of purpose, he's a distraction from your life that is falling apart all around you, but at some point you are going to have to wake up, and if you wake up too late you will be trapped in your shitty life and truly have no way out of it
You dont know a shit about me, i couldn't care less for sense of achievement and purpose, i lost all that long time ago. Nothing this world haves that is achievable for me couldn't make me satisfied. Im not wasting anything, i just cope like everyone here.
Dude porn has completely raped your brain and made yoh out of touch with reality
If you think internet improves likelihood of honesty then you're the one out of touch bro.

Pretty sure there's more guys pretending to be girls online than in bars, for example.

I expect to see that ratio in all issues of honesty.
I hate the illogical mindset of feeling like you have to help because its "right in front of you", there's probably some homeless starving kid out there you could help to but "out of sight out of mind" huh? JFL. That's the irony of it all, you are only helping because its in your face, so why bother helping at that point, its just you being illogical and emotional and letting yourself be swayed be FEELINGS of remorse and guilt
It's not illogical to want to get in-person fulfillment.

It's like saying "why would you want to have a girl dangle her boobs inches away from your face when you can just watch boobs a mile away with some binoculars"

It can be okay to embrace the emotional fulfillment you get from in-person acts.
@Mecoja you and your sister should team up to fight old men then you will be combat bros instead of enemies

Do you think you can beat the white simp?
You can probably take the kid away from her through cps
@Mecoja you and your sister should team up to fight old men then you will be combat bros instead of enemies

View attachment 625856
One boomer could probably beat us both up :feelshaha:
Do you think you can beat the white simp?
You can probably take the kid away from her through cps
I doubt i could beat up anyone.
She changed a lot. I swear foids do everything wrong if you dont correct them with commands all the time. By scolding, instructing, shaming and guilt tripping her she changed a lot, she now works and takes care of the kid, her bf dumped her so she has a extra time :feelshaha: She loves the kid, no doubt about it, but she loves herself more.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJOi44ockn4

Having a toilet sibling is a fakecel trait because she can introduce you to her toilet friends

She used to have foid friends throughout elementary and high school, in elementary her friends made fun of me, she never introduced me to her high school friends, by that age she was ashamed of me, mainly because im darker than her and probably didnt want to expose herself as an ethnic. Anyway i doubt it would work.
It is Not your responsibility to raiae your Sisters Offspring, thats Just fucked Up. You have emphaty a great weakness in this rotten world.

Move Out If you can. And remove yourself from the Stress.

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