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Gaming I give you a POKEMON based on your personality type



Jun 14, 2023
I'll use your MBTI type as the basis for assigning you a Pokemon with whom you're most likely to form a strong bond based on your personality.

You can determine your MBTI using this website:
It's based on "cognitive functions", and there are even examples available to help you complete the questionnaire.

You'll end up with a multitude of results, so post the one with the most points, or the one you consider the most accurate.


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Incel personalitY
Incel personalitY
Mimikyu , he only wants to make as many friends as Pikachu (he wants to look like him too), despite its dark secret and its true, visibly frightening appearance

Pokemon mimikyu
I'll use your MBTI type as the basis for assigning you a Pokemon with whom you're most likely to form a strong bond based on your personality.

You can determine your MBTI using this website:
It's based on "cognitive functions", and there are even examples available to help you complete the questionnaire.

You'll end up with a multitude of results, so post the one with the most points, or the one you consider the most accurate.
Sweet, one of the few types of Pokémon I like
You will get along well :feelsokman:because Gengar despite his mischievous appearance and his few pranks, seeks a faithful friendship.

Jfl at @PixyCHAD with the most successful and charismatic personality type, meanwhile I have the most beta and effeminate one possible. I stg when does this man not mog :dafuckfeels:

Jfl at @PixyCHAD with the most successful and charismatic personality type, meanwhile I have the most beta and effeminate one possible. I stg when does this man not mog :dafuckfeels:
Sylveon !
you know what... i'll take it
This pokemon has the innate ability to sense emotions in addition to its kind and gentle personality. It's a good match for you :feelsokman:
Jfl at @
@PixyCHAD with the most successful and charismatic personality type, meanwhile I have the most beta and effeminate one possible. I stg when does this man not mog :dafuckfeels:
The only reason I haven't lost my virginity is because I never lose.
I get the feeling the 'roons love this 'mon
The only reason I haven't lost my virginity is because I never lose.

I get the feeling the 'roons love this 'mon
They want to appropriate anything that exudes excessive femininity, which is paradoxical given that according to their ideology, gender identity is a social construct and we shouldn't perpetuate clichés (man = blue and woman = pink).
My MBTI type is FUCK
They want to appropriate anything that exudes excessive femininity, which is paradoxical given that according to their ideology, gender identity is a social construct and we shouldn't perpetuate clichés (man = blue and woman = pink).
Number of stars in the andromeda galaxy IQ analysis. Crazy that I got paired with the one pokemon that has the same color scheme associated with that jflll. It’s unfortunate though that (((they))) can’t let us have nice things

Be that as it may, Sylveon has one of the best eeveelution designs and is just a visually appealing pokemon outright. Even though I’ve always admittedly overlooked fairy types, I’m more than happy with what I got :feelsautistic:
>ad for his self improvement course not even 4 minutes in


The norman said what constitutes as feminine and non feminine are extremely subjective, but I only believe that to be true to an extent. I view the social roles and certain characteristics prescribed for women as feminine. But generally, attributes and behaviors that are typically categorized as feminine traits, like:
  • Being verbal and communicative
  • Being emotive or effusive
  • Having an appreciation for beautiful or aesthetically pleasing things
  • Displaying strong emotions, especially negative ones such as sadness
  • Adopting a moral/ethical framework that values mercy and cooperation over punishment and self-reliance
  • Putting the needs and feelings of others before one's own
I don't think the majority of these are particularly feminine; rather, I think they are just neutral qualities that all people have to some extent. Being submissive and temperamental, on the other hand, is feminine.

Okay, I'm going to stop playing devil's advocate for a second and give you a straight reply. I'm admittedly new to Jung Typology, and I've yet to sit down and actually read his work—or any psychology, for that matter—but here are some things I know for certain. I can agree that ESFJs and ISFJs are the most feminine, but to group them in with ENTPs and INTPs just feels like clickbait. ENTPs embrace the importance of conflict and enjoy confidently engaging in an weighty and intellectually stimulating discussion, often favoring logic and facts over feelings. To me, everything about the ENTP sounds like the furthest thing from femininity, even if you ignore their propensity for arguement because women love to do that (even if it's mostly because of their insatiable thirst for sparking pointless drama with the men they sleep with or other women they don't like. lol yeah, how intellectually stimulating).

On the other hand, the biggest antithesis of femininity is unquestionably the most peculiar, logical, and socially awkward personality type. It is believed that INTPs, who enjoy using other people as a sounding board for their theories and concepts and who aspire to comprehend the world in all its glorious complexity, are the most intellectually gifted MBTI types. Literally the jungian functions introversion, thinking, perceiving, and intuitiveness lean towards men, which is why INTP is seen as male centric, if anything.

I hope you realize what I'm getting at now. These two personality types are defined by a single trait that makes it nearly impossible for this meme "life coach" to classify them as specifically feminine: intelligence. I know what I'm saying has nothing to do with your post, so you probably feel like I'm directing scathing criticism at you, but I just wanted to get this out because wtf. INFP and ENFP are vastly more feminine than INTP and ENTP.

I can definitely understand why he thinks ESTPs are the most masculine though. Low inhib chad personality type for sure.
Last edited:
introverted / socially inept / disciplined / Physically fit
>ad for his self improvement course not even 4 minutes in


The norman said what constitutes as feminine and non feminine are extremely subjective, but I only believe that to be true to an extent. I view the social roles and certain characteristics prescribed for women as feminine. But generally, attributes and behaviors that are typically categorized as feminine traits, like:
  • Being verbal and communicative
  • Being emotive or effusive
  • Having an appreciation for beautiful or aesthetically pleasing things
  • Displaying strong emotions, especially negative ones such as sadness
  • Adopting a moral/ethical framework that values mercy and cooperation over punishment and self-reliance
  • Putting the needs and feelings of others before one's own
I don't think the majority of these are particularly feminine; rather, I think they are just neutral qualities that all people have to some extent. Being submissive and temperamental, on the other hand, is feminine.

Okay, I'm going to stop playing devil's advocate for a second and give you a straight reply. I'm admittedly new to Jung Typology, and I've yet to sit down and actually read his work—or any psychology, for that matter—but here are some things I know for certain. I can agree that ESFJs and ISFJs are the most feminine, but to group them in with ENTPs and INTPs just feels like clickbait. ENTPs embrace the importance of conflict and enjoy confidently engaging in an weighty and intellectually stimulating discussion, often favoring logic and facts over feelings. To me, everything about the ENTP sounds like the furthest thing from femininity, even if you ignore their propensity for arguement because women love to do that (even if it's mostly because of their insatiable thirst for sparking pointless drama with the men they sleep with or other women they don't like. lol yeah, how intellectually stimulating).

On the other hand, the biggest antithesis of femininity is unquestionably the most peculiar, logical, and socially awkward personality type. It is believed that INTPs, who enjoy using other people as a sounding board for their theories and concepts and who aspire to comprehend the world in all its glorious complexity, are the most intellectually gifted MBTI types. Literally the jungian functions introversion, thinking, perceiving, and intuitiveness lean towards men, which is why INTP is seen as male centric, if anything.

I hope you realize what I'm getting at now. These two personality types are defined by a single trait that makes it nearly impossible for this meme "life coach" to classify them as specifically feminine: intelligence. I know what I'm saying has nothing to do with your post, so you probably feel like I'm directing scathing criticism at you, but I just wanted to get this out because wtf. INFP and ENFP are vastly more feminine than INTP and ENTP.

I can definitely understand why he thinks ESTPs are the most masculine though. Low inhib chad personality type for sure.
I timestamped the important part in my previous post so you don't have to watch too much of his ramblings or advertisements.

This guy taught me how to analyse people and determine their personalities. It's like seeing the tip of the iceberg and the model of cognitive functions will tell you how the rest of the iceberg looks like that is invisible to you. He is analyzing the content of what a person talks about and can then determine within minutes what personality type this person has. Which can look like he has psychic powers and it is definitely a cool party trick. His videos are called "CS Psychic | Typing Random People".

There is also another technique called vultology. By looking at someones facial muscles and body movements while they're talking, you can deduce their first and second cognitive functions as well. In the case of an INFP it would be introverted feeling (Fi) and extraverted intuition (Ne).

The reason why he chose the specific types as most masculine and feminine is because of interaction styles and the most dominant cognitive functions among other reasons. Also, keep in mind he is a redpiller. Which also influences his worldview. I personally think that INTPs are perceived as more asexual than feminine.
He considers informative types as inherently more feminine than direct types and that is fair because that is how society views them as well.
He also considers extraverted sensing (Se) as the most masculine function which is once again because of the society we're living in and what its people value.
"Extraverted sensing is all about getting sensation. It’s about manipulating the physical environment. It’s about being aware of what’s happening right now and it’s also mechanical awareness, being able to utilize tools"
INTPs and INFPs have Se as their trickster function, which is the least developed spot for a function you can have.

Si is more feminine than Se, Si wants to receive a positive experience, while Se wants to give a good experience to others.
Ni is decisive and converging, Ne is expanding, I think he considers Ne as one of the most feminine forces.
Fi is more masculine than Fe. Fe can condition your own happiness on that of others. While Fi (which is I think why INFPs are not one of the most feminine types) is actually a more masculine function. Even though feeling might sound like an inherently feminine thing at first, introverted feeling is masculine because it means you're sticking to your own subjective values and beliefs instead of having an urge to please other people at all times. It gives others, especially women, a person to rely on.
Te is more masculine than Ti although probably not by a lot.

Based on that, ENTJs would be the most masculine type, but ESTPs are considered more masculine which is because Se is the function that determines your perceived masculinity the most. Hence why INTPs and ENTPs would be fairly low in his opinion.

He is also an ENTP himself, atleast that's what he thinks. Although other personality typers don't agree with him and typed him as ESFJ. Which funnily enough is one of the more stereotypically feminine types. I think he considered his past self as rather feminine before he got into the redpill, which taught him more masculine ways but according to him it is all learned behavior. I don't want to discredit his opinions because he knows a lot about these subjects, but his own past and how he got treated by others might have influenced how he perceives his own type, or atleast what he thinks his own type is.

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