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I feel bad for Elliot



low iqcel
Nov 8, 2017
Mother had a small get-together at the beach house, and she invited James and his family, along with some other friends.James didn’t show up, but his father Arte did.To my surprise, Maddy Humphreys and her mother came over. Seeing Maddy for the first time in six years was a very peculiar experience. The last time we saw each other, we were just kids. Now, she was a fully-grown teenage girl, and from looking through her Facebook pictures, I knew she was popular. She was a typical pretty girl who had lots of pretty friends. She was one of them, one of the popular kids.My first friend in America, someone I played with innocently as a child, had grown up to represent the type of people who have caused me so much pain in my life.I was very nervous talking to her, as I had no experience with talking to young girls, but I had to make the effort. She seemed weirded-out by my awkwardness. It was cringe-worthy.” - Elliot Rodger, “My Twisted World”

His book is a masterpiece. Extremely relatable. Too bad he never found his way out.
I honestly miss Elliot. I would've loved to hang out with him.
I really liked the book but killing people was a dumb idea. At least he should have only killed women.
Eh sorry for him?
He is in heaven now,away from normies and harm. You should envy him tbh.

Feel sorry for us here tbh.
That dead face of an incel... :-/
"My Twisted World" is a fascinating read. ER was a Trucel till his day of infamy

Zyzz said:
I really liked the book but killing people was a dumb idea. At least he should have only killed women.

He tried to get into a sorority but the doors were locked. I really wonder what would have been the outcome if he got inside
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
He tried to get into a sorority but the doors were locked. I really wonder what would have been the outcome if he got inside

Holy shit where'd you get that pic? Look how far away she is from him. Look how these Stacy cunts are so repulsed to be even around an incel.
JFL at you idiots who think ER was truecel, he mogged 70%+ of the users here. Complete mentalcel
I visited my mother’s house quite often in the Autumn. To my extreme rage, I discovered that my sister now had a boyfriend, and that she had lost her virginity. She had casually “dated” boys in the past, but never to the serious extent that she did with this one. This one was a half White, half Mexican named Samuel, and I immediately took an intense disliking to him when I was first introduced to him. He seemed like the typical obnoxious slob that most young girls are sexually attracted to. Georgia invited him to my mother’s house all the time, and it angered me to watch him lurking about, eating my mother’s food and drinks, and making use of my mother’s house. He was freeloading off my mother, and she didn’t even realize it.
I eventually grew to hate him after I heard him having sex with my sister. I arrived at the house one day, my mother being at work, and heard the sounds of Samuel plunging his penis into my sister’s vagina through her closed room door, along with my sister’s moans. I stood there and listened to it all. So my sister, who was four years younger than me, managed to lose her virginity before I did. It reminded me of how pathetic I was, that at the age of twenty-two, I was still a virgin. I hated her boyfriend as well. My sister said that he’s been with other girls before her, and I’m sure he lost his virginity at a much younger age. It is such an injustice. The slob doesn’t even have a car, and he is able to get girlfriends, while I drive a BMW and get no attention from any girls whatsoever.
My sister even showed me a picture of one of his ex-girlfriends, a pretty brunette white girl. My hatred towards him only intensified after that. I refused to speak to him whenever he came over, and I constantly pestered my mother to ban him from the house, but she refused to heed my demands. Even worse, she constantly talked about him admiringly. He reminded me of Leo Bubenheim, a typical obnoxious boy who has been able to experience a great sex life from a young age. An enemy had now infiltrated the household of my mother, the one place in the whole world where I’ve always sought refuge from injustice. Things were getting too out of hand.
fags will call him fakecel
Pretty_When_I_Cry said:
Eh sorry for him?
He is in heaven now,away from normies and harm. You should envy him tbh.

Feel sorry for us here tbh.
ur a fraud
ItheIthe said:
His book is a masterpiece. Extremely relatable. Too bad he never found his way out.

WHAT? Elliot has his own book?
lil youngling said:
JFL at you idiots who think ER was truecel, he mogged 70%+ of the users here. Complete mentalcel

He was a framecel, manletcel, tiny dicked, ugly nose, fish like subhuman lips, autistic death eyes, and an appearance of a 12 year old boy in a 22 year old's body. Lol at Elliot mogging anyone. He was a 4-5/10. INCEL. Some of you guys are so obsessed with jawlines when it means nothing. He was nothing special.
Weed said:
WHAT? Elliot has his own book?

anincelforlifelol said:
He was a framecel, manletcel, tiny dicked, ugly nose, fish like subhuman lips, autistic  death eyes, and an appearance of a 12 year old boy in a 22 year old's body. Lol at Elliot mogging anyone. He was a 4-5/10. INCEL. Some of you guys are so obsessed with jawlines when it means nothing. He was nothing special.
That's what mentalceldom usually is. It's a combination of sub par physical features mixed with social awkwardness and other mental issues screwing up any chance of a decent LTR.

Problem with mental issues is you lose the energy to chase disgusting whores below your looks level who have endless NT guys all over them anyways.
Some say I look like a brown Elliot
I don't since he mogs me so hard. Nevertheless he did what was necessary, despite being somewhat decent looking, he could have never gotten a female due to location or at best he could have gotten a fatty or some asian female. There is no way he could have gotten the blondes he desired.
Elliot was extremely racist and just would get 8/10 blond girls if he could, purê mentalcel.

Seriously as a blackcel i cant feel no pity for him.
This autisticcel could've easily gotten girls by impressing them with his dads hollywood connection hell he isn't even ugly I bet some landwhale blonde would've easily fucked him.
Elliot is an overrated spoiled child, never liked him never will
anoncel said:
I visited my mother’s house quite often in the Autumn. To my extreme rage, I discovered that my sister now had a boyfriend, and that she had lost her virginity. She had casually “dated” boys in the past, but never to the serious extent that she did with this one. This one was a half White, half Mexican named Samuel, and I immediately took an intense disliking to him when I was first introduced to him. He seemed like the typical obnoxious slob that most young girls are sexually attracted to. Georgia invited him to my mother’s house all the time, and it angered me to watch him lurking about, eating my mother’s food and drinks, and making use of my mother’s house. He was freeloading off my mother, and she didn’t even realize it.
I eventually grew to hate him after I heard him having sex with my sister. I arrived at the house one day, my mother being at work, and heard the sounds of Samuel plunging his penis into my sister’s vagina through her closed room door, along with my sister’s moans. I stood there and listened to it all. So my sister, who was four years younger than me, managed to lose her virginity before I did. It reminded me of how pathetic I was, that at the age of twenty-two, I was still a virgin. I hated her boyfriend as well. My sister said that he’s been with other girls before her, and I’m sure he lost his virginity at a much younger age. It is such an injustice. The slob doesn’t even have a car, and he is able to get girlfriends, while I drive a BMW and get no attention from any girls whatsoever.
My sister even showed me a picture of one of his ex-girlfriends, a pretty brunette white girl. My hatred towards him only intensified after that. I refused to speak to him whenever he came over, and I constantly pestered my mother to ban him from the house, but she refused to heed my demands. Even worse, she constantly talked about him admiringly. He reminded me of Leo Bubenheim, a typical obnoxious boy who has been able to experience a great sex life from a young age. An enemy had now infiltrated the household of my mother, the one place in the whole world where I’ve always sought refuge from injustice. Things were getting too out of hand.

From the life and times of his grace the holy St Elliot. Circa 2013.
Same, even though he was a mentalcel and he killed 3 ricecels, his manifesto is a 21st century testament against society's superficial crimes.
anincelforlifelol said:
He was a framecel, manletcel, tiny dicked, ugly nose, fish like subhuman lips, autistic  death eyes, and an appearance of a 12 year old boy in a 22 year old's body. Lol at Elliot mogging anyone. He was a 4-5/10. INCEL. Some of you guys are so obsessed with jawlines when it means nothing. He was nothing special.

If I had his looks I would get laid.
I decided to check out his manifesto a few days ago to see what the fuss is about, and I can't help but empathize with his experiences the more I read it You can almost see him spiral from an awkward young man who just wants to be accepted to the broken murderer he died as. In a different world, he might still be alive and happy with a loving wife beside him.

"In the Spring, something horrible happened that will haunt me forever. We met up with the Bubenheims at the Sagebrush Cantina in Calabasas, and a friend of Pollina’s was there with them, named Nicole, a girl around my age. She sat next to Leo the whole time, and by the end of the dinner, the two of them were making out. Twelve-year -old Leo was making out with a girl who was almost my age. Not only does Leo have a better social life, but now he was making out with girls, AT AGE TWELVE! They made out for a long time, and I could see them tongue kiss. They knew I was watching with envy, and they still did it. I bet that lucky bastard took great satisfaction from my envy. There I was, watching a boy four years younger than me experience everything I’ve longed for… to kiss a girl… to be worthy of a girl’s attraction."

"After being bullied so much in Eighth and Ninth Grade, I became more shy and timid than I ever was in my life. I felt very small, weak, and above all, worthless. I cried by myself at school every day.

The very last day of Ninth Grade was the worst. I was having P.E. at the gym, and one of my obnoxious classmates named Jesse was bragging about having sex with his girlfriend. I defiantly told him that I didn’t believe him, so he played a voice recording of what sounded like him and his girlfriend having sex. I could hear a girl saying his name over and over again while she panted franticly. He grinned at me smugly. I felt so inferior to him, and I hated him. It was at that moment that I was called to the office. When I got there, my mother was waiting for me to take me home. I cried heavily as I told her about what happened earlier. That was the last day I ever set foot in Crespi Carmelite High School. "

Holy fuck, this guy was/is literally me. I can't blame him for eventually snapping considering the mental torture he went through.
Minjaze said:
I decided to check out his manifesto a few days ago to see what the fuss is about, and I can't help but empathize with his experiences the more I read it You can almost see him spiral from an awkward young man who just wants to be accepted to the broken murderer he died as. In a different world, he might still be alive and happy with a loving wife beside him.

"In the Spring, something horrible happened that will haunt me forever. We met up with the Bubenheims at the Sagebrush Cantina in Calabasas, and a friend of Pollina’s was there with them, named Nicole, a girl around my age. She sat next to Leo the whole time, and by the end of the dinner, the two of them were making out. Twelve-year -old Leo was making out with a girl who was almost my age. Not only does Leo have a better social life, but now he was making out with girls, AT AGE TWELVE! They made out for a long time, and I could see them tongue kiss. They knew I was watching with envy, and they still did it. I bet that lucky bastard took great satisfaction from my envy. There I was, watching a boy four years younger than me experience everything I’ve longed for… to kiss a girl… to be worthy of a girl’s attraction."

"After being bullied so much in Eighth and Ninth Grade, I became more shy and timid than I ever was in my life. I felt very small, weak, and above all, worthless. I cried by myself at school every day.

The very last day of Ninth Grade was the worst. I was having P.E. at the gym, and one of my obnoxious classmates named Jesse was bragging about having sex with his girlfriend. I defiantly told him that I didn’t believe him, so he played a voice recording of what sounded like him and his girlfriend having sex. I could hear a girl saying his name over and over again while she panted franticly. He grinned at me smugly. I felt so inferior to him, and I hated him. It was at that moment that I was called to the office. When I got there, my mother was waiting for me to take me home. I cried heavily as I told her about what happened earlier. That was the last day I ever set foot in Crespi Carmelite High School. "

Holy fuck, this guy was/is literally me. I can't blame him for eventually snapping considering the mental torture he went through.

Take a shueuer and b cunfidunt:DDDDD

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