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Venting I dont wanna get a job, I dont wanna be a wageslave, if you hvae a job GTFIH

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
I cant see myself working 8 hours a day, incels with jobs how do you cope and how much do you work? I am terrified of 40 hour work weeks let alone 40+, just as Im about to graduate and potentially lose all my freedom I cant stop thinking about it

Imagine working from 9 to 5, 5/7 of your days would look like this:

7 am - wake up early to eat, shower, get ready
8 am - brush teeth, leave at 8:30 so you make it to work in time
9 am - work
5 pm - last hour of work
6 pm - get home by 6:30
7 pm - spend time making dinner, eating, decompressing
8 pm - do chores
9 pm - time for yourself
10 pm - time for yourself
11 pm - go to sleep if you wanna wake up early and rested so you dont get fired for performing poorly at work

I cant, Id rather sui than live like this wtf, when are you supposed to get a gf or how do normies even make time to have sex if they have one
Its why some men go ER honestly
ive been working + studying 6 days a week for the past 1.5 years

this will become 7 days a week next month

Still have lots of free time though because I don't have a social life
Sounds like my day ngl
I only work part time

Cant work full time because of health

I hate it but i get a lot of free time

And im not a big spender so money isnt a big issue
Better keep working that job so shaniqua and her twelve nigg- I mean children can have a nice home, free money and food, and dont have to work for it.
>not working part time night-shifts

You gotta figure out how to get water, food, shelter, internet etc without paying for it. Then you won't need a job anymore. I want to live completely off the grid at some point.
start your own business
PA/MD/DO/PT, open your own clinic, bro.
I see it as a decent cope tbh. Rotting at home with my thoughts gets pretty awful after a while.

And look, we all dream of winning the lottery so we can LDAR in peace, but the reality is most of us need a job to buy food, clothes etc

What I will say is this - NEVER drink the koolaid. You have these fucking morons on social media posting shit like “rise and grind!”, “love my work!”, etc... JFL at these grade A cope artists. Working sucks balls, and don’t you EVER fucking forget it.

Trying to break into a high wage industry myself, so I can make bank and GTFO as fast as humanly possible.
ive been working + studying 6 days a week for the past 1.5 years

this will become 7 days a week next month

Still have lots of free time though because I don't have a social life
You should do like your name suggests.
Having money of your own is a very nice tradeoff, but being a neet with autismbucks is probably better.
I work 35-45 hours a week, also while taking courses. It is a cope in all honesty, because there are many normies at work and school who do far less than I, but have active sex lives which I envy them for. But I eventually want the funds to lauch a business and stop being a wageslave while paying the taxes on all of tyrone's and rico's bastard children. Just bidding time in the meantime till that dream can be reality.
I work 35-45 hours a week, also while taking courses. It is a cope in all honesty, because there are many normies at work and school who do far less than I, but have active sex lives which I envy them for. But I eventually want the funds to lauch a business and stop being a wageslave while paying the taxes on all of tyrone's and rico's bastard children. Just bidding time in the meantime till that dream can be reality.
you're not gonna be a successful business man unless you're at least a 6/10
I cant see myself working 8 hours a day, incels with jobs how do you cope and how much do you work? I am terrified of 40 hour work weeks let alone 40+, just as Im about to graduate and potentially lose all my freedom I cant stop thinking about it

Imagine working from 9 to 5, 5/7 of your days would look like this:

7 am - wake up early to eat, shower, get ready
8 am - brush teeth, leave at 8:30 so you make it to work in time
9 am - work
5 pm - last hour of work
6 pm - get home by 6:30
7 pm - spend time making dinner, eating, decompressing
8 pm - do chores
9 pm - time for yourself
10 pm - time for yourself
11 pm - go to sleep if you wanna wake up early and rested so you dont get fired for performing poorly at work

I cant, Id rather sui than live like this wtf, when are you supposed to get a gf or how do normies even make time to have sex if they have one
Last job was 10 hours and required me to be there every single day and at 7am, I lasted only 3 weeks
Better keep working that job so shaniqua and her twelve nigg- I mean children can have a nice home, free money and food, and dont have to work for it.
then rope tbh there is no other way
I hate it. I’d love to be a neet again but unfortunately I can’t. Hold off on wagecucking as long as you can.
you're not gonna be a successful business man unless you're at least a 6/10
I probably could rate myself a 5-5.5 if I looksmaxx. In my field I am a surrounded by other unattractive men who just bang out code and get paid serious money. I'm not a chad in any sense, but I can see the tech industry for what it is; a stepping stone. You also don't have to work as a businessman in the commercial/hollywood sense of having good looks and charm, because in reality all I ever see those types doing is working in bullsh!t sales, which is not the area I would be basing any business I run off of. Too many other things to choose from.
Wagecucking keeps you sane, I was depressed as fuck when I was rotting at home for 24 hours daily. Also you get paid money vs if you stayed at home ldaring, you would have made 0 dollars compare to making x per day.

You also get a chance to socialize with ppl at work place and there is a higher chance to make friends/gfs cuz you are surrounded by ppl. Compare to rotting at home 24/7.

Everything you said would be true if you are talking about a hard labour job and I’d never do those dumb jobs. Those jobs are for slaves, brutes and drones.

But if it’s a comfy office job where you like the work or if it’s those low effort roastie jobs where you sit on your ass and send emails then you better do that job.

Tbh the schedule you described is too much. That’s true it is for average person, but it’s brutal.

Mine is like.

-Wake up at 8
-Leave house by 8:30
-Get to work by 9
-Work till 11
-Day slows down and lunch is coming up, you eat and watch YouTube videos. Occasionally eat with other co workers. I just sit at my desk tbh.
-Start working again at 1.
-If your mind is in the work then it’ll be 5 and you don’t even know it.
-You can chit chat with other co-workers too.
- At 5 the day is up

Get home by 5:30 or 5:45 if you wana grab a good snack to reward yourself.

Take of clothes and all that by 6.

Now I make food in bulk and store it in fridge. So some days I have time from 6-1am for my self. I just watch movies and play games for 7 hours. Recently I been thinking about starting a business because I have so much free time.

So that’s 6 hours of free time daily. Then you have 2 days for the weekend too. You can catch up on LDARing then.

And when you get your check in your bank every month, you’ll be happy and will be able to afford anything you want.
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I cant, Id rather sui than live like this wtf, when are you supposed to get a gf or how do normies even make time to have sex if they have one

I work more like 50 hours a week, you are not supposed to GET a gf, you are supposed to have her already.
But I like my job I've tried in the past 'normal' job and I lasted 3 days
Wagecucking keeps you sane, I was depressed as fuck when I was rotting at home for 24 hours daily. Also you get paid money vs if you stayed at home ldaring, you would have made 0 dollars compare to making x per day.

You also get a chance to socialize with ppl at work place and there is a higher chance to make friends/gfs cuz you are surrounded by ppl. Compare to rotting at home 24/7.

Everything you said would be true if you are talking about a hard labour job and I’d never do those dumb jobs. Those jobs are for slaves, brutes and drones.

But if it’s a comfy office job where you like the work or if it’s those low effort roastie jobs where you sit on your ass and send emails then you better do that job.

Tbh the schedule you described is too much. That’s true it is for average person, but it’s brutal.

Mine is like.

-Wake up at 8
-Leave house by 8:30
-Get to work by 9
-Work till 11
-Day slows down and lunch is coming up, you eat and watch YouTube videos. Occasionally eat with other co workers. I just sit at my desk tbh.
-Start working again at 1.
-If your mind is in the work then it’ll be 5 and you don’t even know it.
-You can chit chat with other co-workers too.
- At 5 the day is up

Get home by 5:30 or 5:45 if you wana grab a good snack to reward yourself.

Take of clothes and all that by 6.

Now I make food in bulk and store it in fridge. So some days I have time from 6-1am for my self. I just watch movies and play games for 7 hours. Recently I been thinking about starting a business because I have so much free time.

So that’s 6 hours of free time daily. Then you have 2 days for the weekend too. You can catch up on LDARing then.

And when you get your check in your bank every month, you’ll be happy and will be able to afford anything you want.

When you put it like that it sounds much more bearable, though Im afraid of ending up in a position thats understaffed so you really have to give it 110% or even a position where theres the unwritten rule that you must take extra hours/unpaid overtime

I also dont think work has to be physical to be tiring tbh, though maybe just b/c Im a college students Im thinking about it wrong. When youre in school you have to spend lots of extra time studying because youre always learning new concepts, but I assume when you have a job you know what youre doing so youre much more efficient rather than your weeks being a total mess and you spending every waking moment thinking OH FUCK I HAVE SHIT DUE
Working is a nightmare tbh. I’ve been a full time employee for 4 years now and I’m so burned out of my job that I think about suicide daily. Don’t get me wrong, my job isn’t hard but I’ve literally been doing the same things over and over again for 1,044 days. (5 days a week x 4)

Not counting weekends, I’ve had 20 days off in 4 years years, that’s a average of 5 days a year. I work every holiday, rain or shine and I use PTO payouts to make ends meet.

Might be more bearable if my job paid well.
it's shit and you never get used to it

as for time normalfags can even sustain long distance relationships lol, let alone ones where they don't have a lot of time for each other, they arbitrarily decide that they love each other and then the relationship goes on for a while, even if the guy is a poorfag that rarely spends the night, that's all there is to it
I cant see myself working 8 hours a day, incels with jobs how do you cope and how much do you work? I am terrified of 40 hour work weeks let alone 40+, just as Im about to graduate and potentially lose all my freedom I cant stop thinking about it

Imagine working from 9 to 5, 5/7 of your days would look like this:

7 am - wake up early to eat, shower, get ready
8 am - brush teeth, leave at 8:30 so you make it to work in time
9 am - work
5 pm - last hour of work
6 pm - get home by 6:30
7 pm - spend time making dinner, eating, decompressing
8 pm - do chores
9 pm - time for yourself
10 pm - time for yourself
11 pm - go to sleep if you wanna wake up early and rested so you dont get fired for performing poorly at work

I cant, Id rather sui than live like this wtf, when are you supposed to get a gf or how do normies even make time to have sex if they have one

I've got mixed feelings about wage cucking.

When I left the autistic school, all I wanted to do was be normal.

I wanted to wage cuck, meet people (females), have money, have friends, go live a happy life from 18-30.

It didn't turn out like that, I ended up over pursing education in the belief that it would lead to walking into an easy job when I earnt the degree, but it didn't.

I think wage cucking for you're late teens up until mid 20s is fine.

Unfortunately, after uni I was 23 so already in my mid 20s and I have only had part time dead end jobs which has resulted in the worst of both worlds. Low self esteem because of no proper job/associated money and depression because of not being able to have sex.

When you are young you need a job to make the most of you're time, a job gives not only money but self esteem.

I had a job last year that was 50 hours per week, cleaning vans. That wasn't too bad in terms of work load, but it was the amount of time that I was there that was depressing.

I have also wage slaved in a supermarket, 10 hour shifts with 45 mins break. When you are not on you're break you are filling shelves. Literally slaving. It was horrible.

Now I am approaching 30 I can't bear the idea of full time work due to having my 20s mostly in and out of part time work with a lot of free time in between.

I just want to settle into a nice easy office job where I can work an easy 8 hours, do something on a computer and then go home.

I want to take over my mom's house mortgage and bills, there is no point in me moving out at 30+ anyway.
I don't understand how anyone can think sacrificing 8-10 hours a day is humane.
I don't understand how anyone can think sacrificing 8-10 hours a day is humane.
Those in power consider anyone who isnt financially independent subhuman tbh
My friend used to work 75 hour weeks
Wagecucking keeps you sane, I was depressed as fuck when I was rotting at home for 24 hours daily. Also you get paid money vs if you stayed at home ldaring, you would have made 0 dollars compare to making x per day.

You also get a chance to socialize with ppl at work place and there is a higher chance to make friends/gfs cuz you are surrounded by ppl. Compare to rotting at home 24/7.

Everything you said would be true if you are talking about a hard labour job and I’d never do those dumb jobs. Those jobs are for slaves, brutes and drones.

But if it’s a comfy office job where you like the work or if it’s those low effort roastie jobs where you sit on your ass and send emails then you better do that job.

Tbh the schedule you described is too much. That’s true it is for average person, but it’s brutal.

Mine is like.

-Wake up at 8
-Leave house by 8:30
-Get to work by 9
-Work till 11
-Day slows down and lunch is coming up, you eat and watch YouTube videos. Occasionally eat with other co workers. I just sit at my desk tbh.
-Start working again at 1.
-If your mind is in the work then it’ll be 5 and you don’t even know it.
-You can chit chat with other co-workers too.
- At 5 the day is up

Get home by 5:30 or 5:45 if you wana grab a good snack to reward yourself.

Take of clothes and all that by 6.

Now I make food in bulk and store it in fridge. So some days I have time from 6-1am for my self. I just watch movies and play games for 7 hours. Recently I been thinking about starting a business because I have so much free time.

So that’s 6 hours of free time daily. Then you have 2 days for the weekend too. You can catch up on LDARing then.

And when you get your check in your bank every month, you’ll be happy and will be able to afford anything you want.

What job do you do? Sounds comfy.

Tfw you do a hard labour job :feelsbadman:. However it has helped improve my fitness.
lol working in accounting is great, life literally stands still doing this boring shit

it's almost like i aint even living

greatest cope i have is this job

only difference between me and an incel is that i have a job :lul:
Eh, working sucks, but someone has to design, provide, manufacture, and support all the things we consume as human beings.

What really sucks is to be a betabuxx who works the 9-5 grind, enduring crap from HR in a tiny ass cubicle, while giving three-fourths of his cash to a used-up roastie who will maybe fuck him once a month?
Learn to trade forex. 30-90 mins a day and you have enough money for many, many things. Spend the other 23 hours LDAR’ing
Better keep working that job so shaniqua and her twelve nigg- I mean children can have a nice home, free money and food, and dont have to work for it.

More likely your tax dollars is going towards big businesses tax breaks and the military industrial complex.
Better keep working that job so shaniqua and her twelve nigg- I mean children can have a nice home, free money and food, and dont have to work for it.
And to pay for me to jerk off all day

I cant see myself working 8 hours a day, incels with jobs how do you cope and how much do you work? I am terrified of 40 hour work weeks let alone 40+, just as Im about to graduate and potentially lose all my freedom I cant stop thinking about it

Imagine working from 9 to 5, 5/7 of your days would look like this:

7 am - wake up early to eat, shower, get ready
8 am - brush teeth, leave at 8:30 so you make it to work in time
9 am - work
5 pm - last hour of work
6 pm - get home by 6:30
7 pm - spend time making dinner, eating, decompressing
8 pm - do chores
9 pm - time for yourself
10 pm - time for yourself
11 pm - go to sleep if you wanna wake up early and rested so you dont get fired for performing poorly at work

I cant, Id rather sui than live like this wtf, when are you supposed to get a gf or how do normies even make time to have sex if they have one

I dont have any cope lately (unfortunately)

My days, from monday to friday:

6:15 Wake up, take a shower, etc...
7:15 Take the bus
7:45 Breakfast
8:15 My job begins. Only 3 hours of class, the other 3 and a half are just to prepare classes, eat, do bureaucacy (tons of it), hide from normie coworkers...
14:45 My job finishes, and i go home.
15:15 Luch and siesta
17:00 studying (i still study by distant education or however its called in english, so i can be a teacher and not a mere substitute)
20:00 Free time (the depressed kind... watching youtube and other sad shiet)
22:00 Dinner
22:30 Meditation for anxiety
23:00 Already in bed, because i know i need more than an hour to forget about my sad life and get fucking fall sleep without weed

At least, that was what i did before holidays. Now, im just depressed since i get out of work. I really need to keep it up... i hope i can find a motivation... or the courage to end it all.

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