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It's Over I don't think I can ever not hate females



Apr 22, 2024
Every single day they do something so stupid that just annoys or pisses me off. I'm not even trying to hate females but my god, I truly don't think I can ever not have hate for them. Like they're genuinely so stupid and one way to see this is that they applaud each other for doing basic stuff like retarded children. Or like, they always have to slip their retarded feminist talking points into conversations and ruin it. There so many other things I can mention but I'm not trying to write a book.

Like I was out yesterday, and this stupid female just had to throw in "we'll we're in a patriarchy" when the conversation was not even about that, we were talking about traveling and countries in general. I wanted to just walk away and just leave so badly, it just reminds me how stupid they are and how they always have to say some retarded shit just for the sake of speaking.

I'm genuinely screwed now cause I will never be able to see them in any other way other. When I get a gf or married (idk maybe) I truly think i'm going to have hate for her. Only hope is to find some woman that speaks some third world shit language so I can't be annoyed by whatever stupid thing she says when she opens her mouth.
Foids are nothing but a bunch disgusting parasitic bitches with nothing to offer except terrible attitudes. These toilets are petty, passive aggressive cunts who do nothing but make the wirld and life miserable for whoever they feel like. Originally, I wrote 137 reasons but nobody wants to read all of that. So I covered the general gist of the reasons and broke it down.

1. They have terrible taste in men. That's why most of us are here.

They go for Chad and Tyrone, but ignore men who want to marry them until they're single moms with tunnel sized vaginas and 8 kids by 8 other men. Foids even know they're getting into red flag relationships and will stay with them if they're getting their asses beat and let them abuse their kids, because 'I wuve hyim. Onwe I cun fix him" and let everyone around the suffer the collateral damage.

2. They are incredibly high maintenance and except you to do everything for them.

They want you to do the heavy lifting, drive them, get them food, pay for everything and give them gifts in return for their worn out vaginas. The term passenger princess is even used to describe toiletw who don't want to drive, but do nothing but be back seat drivers at the same time. Foids glorify being lazy while soaking in luxury and are parasitic in nature.

3. Near damn impossible expectations from men.

They want Chad. They need Chad. They crave Chad like a drug even if it means getting used in every single way left and right. A man could be over 6 feet, make 6 figures, have more than a 6 inch cock, and look, smell, and have the status of a God, but they'd still reject him for being too nice or giving them 'the ick'. Their freaking icks could be any minor thing like not knowing how to parallel park, having an Android phone, loving their moms too much, or even being vulnerable like they beg men to be.

4. Foids have little to nothing to offer.

The only thing 90% of modern foids have to offer are their bodies then wonder why men only want to pump and dump. They can't make a man feel comfortable, they can't cook, can't clean, can't be honest, can't have good personalities, can't text back and put effort into a relationship, and can't scratch a man's back and return the endless favors they get. Toilets could be given the world, but complain you didn't give them the moon, but you can't even be given a rock.

5. Their double standards are unbelievable.

If they want Chad, it's just a preference. If you don't want a landwhale or a single mom, you're a sexist pig. They think they can hit you but you can't hit back, they can wear heels but get mad if you use inserts in your shoes, they hate short men but love their fatass friends, and they hate being bodyshamed while calling you a small dick incel.

6. They are evil and manipulative.

They shed crocidle tears to get what they want, they accuse men of assualt, rape or abuse to ruin his life, they tell their kids to lie and say their dad was abusive, and make everyone think they're precious angels. Whenever they get faced about their bullshit and what they've done, they either 'don't remember' say you remembered it incorrectly, or go through hoops and hurdles to make it your fault.

7. Foids have no accountability.

Just like the gaslighting, nothing seems to be their fault and they find the nearest person or something convenient to blame. It's 'the patriarchy, society, men, the internet, their period or menopause. The only time I ever hear a foid saying sorry to a man is if she bumps into him, or if she got caught cheating but says, 'the fire from our relationship was gone'. They are so childish but want to be treated like adults.

8. Foids lie about everything, inside and out.

They lie with makeup, wigs, weave, push up bras, padding, waist trainers, heels, and plastic surgery to manipulate their appearance. They lie about being abused, about their body count, if they got railed by Chad and Tyrone, why they're breaking up with you, and if the baby is yours or not. Their existence is a lie and they say, "I'm not angry you did it. I'm angry you lied to me" if you lie. GTFO shemon.

9. Foids are passive aggressive, petty little bitches.

Communication is key is their favorite relationship motto, but when it comes to finding out what's wrong with them, they give you the cold shoulder and you need to figure it out. Not only do you have to be a mind reader, but they'll give you the silent treatment then get mad when you don't talk to them during it. Even worse, they bring up stuff you did to them from years ago during arguments, start arguments but say 'don't argue with me', get mad when you don't talk to them, get mad when you walk away, get mad when you apologize, or try to explain yourself, they get mad about something you did in a dream, they spill your secrets after you piss them off, mock you during arguments, and they use your insecurities against you after begging you to open up to them amongst other bullshit things.

10. They keep changing their mind and are so indecisive.

Foids never know what they want from what they want to drink at a restaurant to which beta male boyfriend they want to cut off in favor of Chad. They insist on taking control but then lose it and beg you to do it. Foids change their minds at the last and the most crucial minute inconveniencing everyone around them and can't even decide what mood they want to be in. Then they can't choose which age they want to find themselves and settle with a beta male boyfriend before their eggs shrivel and die. Must be another reason they freeze their eggs; they don't even know when they'll have a baby, if the egg doesn't fail.

Foids in general are just evil, disgusting cunts who only exist to make life harder for everyone around the. They are vile, repugnant, evil creatures who play with people's minds to get what theg want while being a bunch of raging bipolar cunts. They should all be used as sex slaves and we should take their eggs since that's the only thing these toilets are good for these days. Just a bunch of worthless sacks of shit and garbage.
Like they're genuinely so stupid and one way to see this is that they applaud each other for doing basic stuff like retarded children.
The fact, that foids get praised for stuff man can do easily just proves, that women are biologically inferior.
I mean, how can you not despise them after learning their true nature
Once you take the blackpill, you can't go back.
Like I was out yesterday, and this stupid female just had to throw in "we'll we're in a patriarchy" when the conversation was not even about that, we were talking about traveling and countries in general. I wanted to just walk away and just leave so badly, it just reminds me how stupid they are and how they always have to say some retarded shit just for the sake of speaking.
A lot of this is due to your looks level. I seen Chads shut down yappy blue-haired feminist women with right-wing talking points. It's not about what you say, it's how good you look saying it. Chad could state the earth is flat and foids will be taking him seriously.

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