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Serious I don't see too many happy people in "traditional" relationships around me...

  • Thread starter childhoodmemories
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Obesecel dickcel wristcel neckbeardcel mentalcel
May 2, 2018
Random thoughts at 2am - yet another friend of a friend just told us he is getting divorced soon and, most likely, about to be divorce raped (though he doesn't realize it yet kek).

This made me wonder how people who I know (worked with, studied with etc.) live now. I started remembering names and where they are in terms of their life, and came to somewhat a very grim realization...

My current co-workers: 1) 40+, divorced long time ago, never remarried, doesn't seem to be in any relationship; 2) 40+, divorced long time ago, divorce raped brutally, seems to be in random relationships, very redpilled; 3) 60+, never married, no kids, don't know much about him, but prob an incel in disguise; 4) 50+, never married, no kids, lives with parents, incel-tier in terms of looks; 5) 40+, recently married a foreign foid who already made him 2 kids, classic betabuxxing relationship

I don't know much about my former coworkers, but at least a few folks who I know about just got divorce raped within the last 2 years, and most interestingly, I would've NEVER expected this 5 years ago from these guys - they kind of looked happily married with kids, but as we all know, foids never stop looking for a bigger chad even if they already have chad.

People I know from school: 1) divorced, remarried the 2nd time, not sure if happily; 2) divorced almost 5 years ago, never remarried; 3) married happily on a foid he knew from college, 2 kids. Probably the only guy who seems to be genuinely happy (and ironically - he's 6'5" chad lol and she's 5/10 at best).


I know you would tell me: "Childhoodmemories, gtfo with your redpill crap, go to mgtow and write there", but my point is that being an incel is only one of many problems our soyciety is suffering from. Sometimes it makes me think that being incel is questionably a worse fate than being a betabuxx who got used for 10 years and then thrown away, divorce raped on spousal support, child support, alimony, half of all belongings, legal fees and emotionally and mentally destroyed by a useless foid...

I wonder what is the percentage of a population that lives in a genuinely happy relationship? Even those who seem to, are 50+, so not really my generation. I barely know anyone my age who does. No wonder so many folks end up roping every day without any visible reason.
Foids are always unhappy around sub 8 males, hence they will keep bitching about it. In some cases the betabuxx probably has enough resources the foid will just squeezes it out hence making the betabuxx unhappy. We need to stop foids from going after chad cock, via brainwashing and reprogramming.
JFL at incel tier right wing dudes on reddit thinking they can get a trad marriage when half the marriages in the US end in divorce and the other half are nothing like their fantasies at all. even high tier men don't usually get married to a "beautiful virgin tradwife who cooks and cleans and is based and wants white children"
Oops, I actually almost forgot about my friend back from school - he got married, they had a kid, then he got divorce raped a few years later, lived with his mom for almost 10 years and now is in a relationship with a foid that (call me a volcel as much as you want) is insane even with my super-low standards - some junkie who is 5 or 6 years older than him (so he's around 35, she's 40+). I've only seen her pics on soybook and they made me nearly puke - I can't imagine being in the same room with such foid let alone share a bed with her... :feelspuke:
Just jfl at thinking that traditional foids even exist now
Its a funny meme tho :feelshaha:
I wonder what is the percentage of a population that lives in a genuinely happy relationship?
Honestly being completely real with you i dont think happy relationships are a thing now and dont think they will ever BE a thing

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