Please quit moralizing something that is inherently amoral. Sexual attraction is amoral. (According the PUAfags on r/theredpill) Sexual strategy is amoral. Natural selection is amoral. The advances made in civilization are incompatible with human instinct, both are also amoral. Whether this is right or wrong is a completely different debate.
This isn't just about sexual attraction. We can create a system of evolutionary morality by looking at what creates the biggest growth and stability for a species/subspecies. I'm not a Nihilist Hedonist, that's some Reddit Tier Marxism. Things matter, things are black and white, that's reality.
I can without a doubt say Escortcelling is immoral from an evolutionary perspective, it's helping promote the destruction of thousands of years cultural evolution in the west, the more people who escortcel, the more likely it'll get legalized, the more likely women will do it, slopes tend to be pretty slippery, the more women are promiscous and actively allowed to monetize their promiscuity the more hypergamy will rise, and the more Inceldom will rise.
Inceldom typically is a result of the offspring from previous generations who were able to breed being put into a culture/scenario where they will have a harder time breeding because of the devolution of culture. Shit's already pretty bad in places like L.A, where I live for example, I have seen 6/10 men, better looking men than me, above average intelligence, unable to get hired, unable to get a girlfriend, and stuck because of it. This isn't natural selection, there's nothing natural about this. This is Marxism, this is the destruction of evolutionary progress.
You don't think that boomer men don't get cucked? Maybe boomer women work more subtly than millennial women? Are you trying to tell me that Schlomo Corporateberg's wife don't get dick from Chad? Or a courtesy tag team from Juan and Tyrone?
Boomer men got cucked a lot less than men in the modern hyergamous west, i'm sure they got cucked a lot more than the silent generation of course, there's a reason why boomers always give such shitty dating advice, "Just buy her some flowers", trash like that, because that actually worked when they were around, when hypergamy was much less rampant. Old boomer idiots simply can't comprehend how bad its gotten, because it wasn't bad for them, their neurological plasticity is so scuffed that are completely incapable of processing something so out of their reality, such as Inceldom.
For a guy that is supposedly blackpilled, you're coping pretty hard right now.
I believe in many blackpills because I know how biology works extensively, however I also know that if a race or a species is on the right path, as we were before (((outside unnatural influences))), it's very whitepilling, you see if you can examine the track the west was going on before it got destroyed, almost all of the bad primitive traits in both men and women would have wiped out from natural evolutionary eugenics, and assisted eugenics aswell, probably by now.