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Serious I dont see escortcels as incels

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
It just doesnt feel right to call them that, sure youre paying for sex and anyone who wants to could too but youre definitely not celibate if you do, the cel bit is not there and so the whole word loses its punch

I see escortcels as being superior to me, Im also poor so its not like I could afford to fuck girls on the reg, if you escortcel just go to r/mgtow
It just doesnt feel right to call them that, sure youre paying for sex and anyone who wants to could too but youre definitely not celibate if you do, the cel bit is not there and so the whole word loses its punch

I see escortcels as being superior to me, Im also poor so its not like I could afford to fuck girls on the reg, if you escortcel just go to r/mgtow
I agree, if you are able to have sex with females regularly that means you have money, and status isn't that downstream from money, and we know what attracts a female is Looks, Money, and Status. If you have a decent amount of any, you're not Incel.

Sometimes I wonder if people just larp as escortcels so they can humblebrag about sex. I mean there are posts about people talking about excessive escortcelling, etc.

"How do you do fellow Incels just had sex 8 times with week", an Escortcel. It's a joke at this point, doesn't matter how many people point out this hypocrisy, nothing will change unless there's massive pushback, and many Incels are too high inhib, and hedonistic escort"""cels""" will be vocally against them being removed despite them being the biggest braggers on this website.
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I agree with this. But bringing this up will only be getting the dam reaction as JBW from people
While I don't necessarily agree with the title of this thread, I do agree that certain types of bragging that should be banned are slipping through under the escortcel umbrella. Mostly it's posters who brag about hurr durr banged a 8/10 stacyescort. I've been to the Red Light District in Amsterdam. I walked up and down the streets looking at the prostitutes displaying themselves in their windows and the hottest one was probably a 6/10. Most of them were 4's and 5's.

If someone claims to have fucked an 8/10 escort, they're either lying, or, if they really did fuck her, they're not incel because real 8/10 prostitutes are the super-expensive, high-class ones who are picky about their clients and reject low-status men just like any other 8/10 stacy.
I agree, if you are able to have sex with females regularly that means you have money, and status isn't that downstream from money, and we know what attracts a female is Looks, Money, and Status. If you have a decent amount of any, you're not Incel.

Attraction from money and status is more on the artificial side of the attraction spectrum (lol sounds like autism spectrum). It is not the RAW arousal and attraction a physically attractive man get from women; physical attractiveness is a marker of quality genetics.

Women appease men with high status and/or abundant wealth for material gain. Unless he is also physically attractive, the 'attraction' he gets is just an act.
Attraction from money and status is more on the artificial side of things. It is not the RAW arousal and attraction a physically attractive man get from women; physical attractiveness is a marker of quality genetics.

Women appease men with high status and/or abundant wealth for material gain. Unless he is also physically attractive, the 'attraction' he gets is just an act.

Plus the term "regularly" negates escortcels being non Incels as seeing an escort is expensive & can't be maintained regularly. Plus. No validation. No raw sex. Sex is conditional upon monetary transaction.

Some Escortcellers are braggards & they should be called out upon it but a mod has already shown the rules of how bragging is punished within the Escortcelling narrative.
Attraction from money and status is more on the artificial side of the attraction spectrum (lol sounds like autism spectrum). It is not the RAW arousal and attraction a physically attractive man get from women; physical attractiveness is a marker of quality genetics.

Women appease men with high status and/or abundant wealth for material gain. Unless he is also physically attractive, the 'attraction' he gets is just an act.
Except females being attracted to resources/status in a partner is basic biology, we can track how this evolutionarily developed, there's nothing artificial about it. Nowadays women just have more freedom to steal and gain resources than they ever have in the past, so some people might think that because women have the means to get away with stealing resources from men, aswell as being allowed to make money via sexwork/online, this means its only an artificial attraction.

If women had the means to steal looks from Chad to increase their own looks at the detriment of Chads looks, they'd do that aswell.
Plus the term "regularly" negates escortcels being non Incels as seeing an escort is expensive & can't be maintained regularly. Plus. No validation. No raw sex. Sex is conditional upon monetary transaction.
A lot of this is semantics, as with a lot of things on this forum. It really depends on your definition of what is an incel, escortcel, and how it all fits together.
I've been to the Red Light District in Amsterdam. I walked up and down the streets looking at the prostitutes displaying themselves in their windows and the hottest one was probably a 6/10. Most of them were 4's and 5's.
I was there too. The foids in the windows are not that hot. The girls walking in the streets looks better, lol.
Except females being attracted to resources/status in a partner is basic biology

You neglect the fact that men's method of obtaining resources is different from past to present. In prehistoric times and maybe even early history, men obtained resources from the environment that he is in. The lifestyle of a hunter-gather-killer requires rugged physique and features. Strength, endurance, and athleticism consisted of the majority of men's ability to tame his environment/survive. A good deal of what we find 'handsome' in a man correlates with this fact.

On the other hand, in modernity, we have our white collar professional corporate salary-mans. This lifestyle generates more resources than hunting-gathering because of technology. This lifestyle, when compared to hunting-gathering, requires much less physical fitness and athleticism. You will often find that your average office worker is grossly out of shape.

Women's sexual attraction towards men have not evolved in parallel with the advances in civilization and technology. This attraction is geared towards physically imposing and rugged men. Women are instinctively attracted to archaic means of obtaining resources and its aesthetics. This is why the rule of thumb of, 'alpha fucks, beta bucks' is statistically valid. It is the separation of the physical/aesthetic aspect from the actual ability to obtain resources by modernity.

Societal alphas are very different from genetic alphas, although the two can be in the same person (eg. Ronald Reagan, JFK, Chad with 'blue blood', Chad with money, etc.). Women's instinctive attraction will almost always prioritize the genetic alpha over the societal alpha. Best case scenario would be for a woman to find a man who 'has it all'.
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You neglect the fact that men's method of obtaining resources is different from past to present. In prehistoric times and maybe even early history, men obtained resources from the environment that he is in. The lifestyle of a hunter-gather-killer requires rugged physique and features. Strength, endurance, and athleticism consisted of the majority of men's ability to tame his environment.

On the other hand, in modernity, we have our white collar professional corporate salary-mans. This lifestyle generates more resources than hunting-gathering because of technology. This lifestyle, when compared to hunting-gathering, requires much less physical fitness and athleticism. You will often find that your average office worker is grossly out of shape.

Women's sexual attraction towards men have not evolved in parallel with the advances in civilization and technology. This attraction is geared towards physically imposing and rugged men. Women are instinctively attracted to archaic means of obtaining resources. This is why alpha fucks, beta bucks is valid. It is the separation of the physical/aesthetic aspect from the actual ability to obtain resources by modernity.
This doesn't matter because as we evolved past hunter gatherer primitivism, we evolved culturally with rules and systems in place which made it so that men who weren't of the warrior chaste could breed, who do you think deserves to breed more? A Manlet Genius, or a 6'6 Gigachad? The manlet genius may have a harder time finding a mate now but he didn't at the peak of cultural evolution in the west, and it would have only gotten easier had thousands of years of cultural evolution, which is something very downstream from biology, hadn't been completely dismantled because of things like Marxism.

Inceldom wasn't really a problem boomers or the silent generation now was it? That's why people always make fun of their bullshit advice that doesn't apply the hypergamous reality we have DEVOLVED into, but the fact is this hypergamy still applies to Money and Status even today, there are still ways to utilize out outside of escortcelling, but the more women are allowed to do this, the more freedom and chaos is allowed to females, the more these options will run out, and the only option will be get rich and escortcel, but the only people who pretend this is what reality is NOW are degenerate hedonists larping as Incel to give some justification to their cope.
I agree, and I don't want to read about their experiences here. Death to all bragging escortcels.
This doesn't matter because as we evolved past hunter gatherer primitivism, we evolved culturally with rules and systems in place which made it so that men who weren't of the warrior chaste could breed, who do you think deserves to breed more? A Manlet Genius, or a 6'6 Gigachad? The manlet genius may have a harder time finding a mate now but he didn't at the peak of cultural evolution in the west, and it would have only gotten easier had thousands of years of cultural evolution, which is something very downstream from biology, hadn't been completely dismantled because of things like Marxism.

Inceldom wasn't really a problem boomers or the silent generation now was it? That's why people always make fun of their bullshit advice that doesn't apply the hypergamous reality we have DEVOLVED into, but the fact is this hypergamy still applies to Money and Status even today, there are still ways to utilize out outside of escortcelling, but the more women are allowed to do this, the more freedom and chaos is allowed to females, the more these options will run out, and the only option will be get rich and escortcel, but the only people who pretend this is what reality is NOW are degenerate hedonists larping as Incel to give some justification to their cope.

degenerate hedonists
Please quit moralizing something that is inherently amoral. Sexual attraction is amoral. (According the PUAfags on r/theredpill) Sexual strategy is amoral. Natural selection is amoral. The advances made in civilization are incompatible with human instinct, both are also amoral. Whether this is right or wrong is a completely different debate.

This doesn't matter because as we evolved past hunter gatherer primitivism, we evolved culturally with rules and systems in place which made it so that men who weren't of the warrior chaste could breed, who do you think deserves to breed more?
You're missing the point here.

who do you think deserves to breed more? A Manlet Genius, or a 6'6 Gigachad?
Neither, only 10 foot tall Primarchs should get to breed.

Inceldom wasn't really a problem boomers or the silent generation now was it?
You don't think that boomer men don't get cucked? Maybe boomer women work more subtly than millennial women? Are you trying to tell me that Schlomo Corporateberg's wife don't get side dick from Chad? Or a courtesy tag team from Juan and Tyrone?

"According to the word of God, the meek would someday inherit the earth. Someday. But God never accounted for the mighty."
For a guy that is supposedly blackpilled, you're coping pretty hard right now.
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There is no argument to be had here

PIV = noncel (fakecel Id argue tbh)

And while youre allowed to post here thanks to the blackpilled normie rule make no mistake youre not one of us, a harcore loser virgin like myself has nothing in common with someone whos sexually active
Please quit moralizing something that is inherently amoral. Sexual attraction is amoral. (According the PUAfags on r/theredpill) Sexual strategy is amoral. Natural selection is amoral. The advances made in civilization are incompatible with human instinct, both are also amoral. Whether this is right or wrong is a completely different debate.
This isn't just about sexual attraction. We can create a system of evolutionary morality by looking at what creates the biggest growth and stability for a species/subspecies. I'm not a Nihilist Hedonist, that's some Reddit Tier Marxism. Things matter, things are black and white, that's reality.

I can without a doubt say Escortcelling is immoral from an evolutionary perspective, it's helping promote the destruction of thousands of years cultural evolution in the west, the more people who escortcel, the more likely it'll get legalized, the more likely women will do it, slopes tend to be pretty slippery, the more women are promiscous and actively allowed to monetize their promiscuity the more hypergamy will rise, and the more Inceldom will rise.

Inceldom typically is a result of the offspring from previous generations who were able to breed being put into a culture/scenario where they will have a harder time breeding because of the devolution of culture. Shit's already pretty bad in places like L.A, where I live for example, I have seen 6/10 men, better looking men than me, above average intelligence, unable to get hired, unable to get a girlfriend, and stuck because of it. This isn't natural selection, there's nothing natural about this. This is Marxism, this is the destruction of evolutionary progress.
You don't think that boomer men don't get cucked? Maybe boomer women work more subtly than millennial women? Are you trying to tell me that Schlomo Corporateberg's wife don't get dick from Chad? Or a courtesy tag team from Juan and Tyrone?
Boomer men got cucked a lot less than men in the modern hyergamous west, i'm sure they got cucked a lot more than the silent generation of course, there's a reason why boomers always give such shitty dating advice, "Just buy her some flowers", trash like that, because that actually worked when they were around, when hypergamy was much less rampant. Old boomer idiots simply can't comprehend how bad its gotten, because it wasn't bad for them, their neurological plasticity is so scuffed that are completely incapable of processing something so out of their reality, such as Inceldom.
For a guy that is supposedly blackpilled, you're coping pretty hard right now.
I believe in many blackpills because I know how biology works extensively, however I also know that if a race or a species is on the right path, as we were before (((outside unnatural influences))), it's very whitepilling, you see if you can examine the track the west was going on before it got destroyed, almost all of the bad primitive traits in both men and women would have wiped out from natural evolutionary eugenics, and assisted eugenics aswell, probably by now.
Of course they aren't as 'Escortcel' is in and of itself an oxymoron.
I could agree if you mean regular escortcels that can pay whores many times a week and graphically brag on the forum, but I don't think this post would apply to people that rarely resort to escortcelling due to money shortage.

I can without a doubt say Escortcelling is immoral from an evolutionary perspective, it's helping promote the destruction of thousands of years cultural evolution in the west, the more people who escortcel, the more likely it'll get legalized, the more likely women will do it, slopes tend to be pretty slippery, the more women are promiscous and actively allowed to monetize their promiscuity the more hypergamy will rise, and the more Inceldom will rise.

Inceldom typically is a result of the offspring from previous generations who were able to breed being put into a culture/scenario where they will have a harder time breeding because of the devolution of culture. Shit's already pretty bad in places like L.A, where I live for example, I have seen 6/10 men, better looking men than me, above average intelligence, unable to get hired, unable to get a girlfriend, and stuck because of it. This isn't natural selection, there's nothing natural about this. This is Marxism, this is the destruction of evolutionary progress.

Prostitution has always existed, even in nature, but I do see your point. I think that culture degeneration is mostly because of femoids having rights and increasing them at every turn. The only way to keep in check hypergamy now is really to devise a woman replacement/surrogate, it´s beyond over.

Another good point, Marxism causes the next generations to be unable to breed in sufficient number, with a difficulty grade increasing at every iteration, all of this with diminishing rewards. It's tragic that baby boomers didn't learn anything from history and fucked us up.
It's actually worse,your libido isn't as high as ours and you can live without sex without getting really desperate.Having a high sex drive as an incel is a fucking nightmare.Foids will never have to suffer that.
Escortcelling is good and I don’t know why most of you think that it always implies cucking yourself.

Have you ever heard of girls who are not professional prostitutes but they can have sex with you in exchange of money or other benefits? They exist and it’s useless to say they are rare, there are a lot of them out there.

You will cuck yourself if you will pay an escort with a Chad boyfriend, because you’re enabling a Chad behind your back and being cucked by him.

If you pay an independent woman, you’re enabling her, and maybe for some incels that would mean “supporting the female privilege”.

I think that people like me, who refuse to “man up” and marry a foid are the biggest enemies of the fempire. And people who marry a foid are the true enablers.

Escortcelling is the only way an incel can be partially advantaged over foids, if he doesn’t cuck himself like a lot of escort payers are doing.
they're not incel because real 8/10 prostitutes are the super-expensive, high-class ones who are picky about their clients and reject low-status men just like any other 8/10 stacy.
What are you talking about?

I rated low every woman that most of you rate “8” because of fakeup and photomaxing. I’m not lying if I say that GL hookers do exist.

Just try to search them, look for them by yourself.

A “high class” prostitute is just one pickier than others with their clients. There are people who pays 2k for a Frenchkiss, because they can. And “premium escorts” are just a myth, they are average foids that are just smarter than other escorts or they can have access to higher paying clients unlike streetwhores.
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Anyone can escortcel,as long as you're not dirtpoor.By your logic,no one on this board is an incel.
I agree, if you are able to have sex with females regularly that means you have money, and status isn't that downstream from money, and we know what attracts a female is Looks, Money, and Status. If you have a decent amount of any, you're not Incel.

Sometimes I wonder if people just larp as escortcels so they can humblebrag about sex. I mean there are posts about people talking about excessive escortcelling, etc.

"How do you do fellow Incels just had sex 8 times with week", an Escortcel. It's a joke at this point, doesn't matter how many people point out this hypocrisy, nothing will change unless there's massive pushback, and many Incels are too high inhib, and hedonistic escort"""cels""" will be vocally against them being removed despite them being the biggest braggers on this website.
I agree
Anyone can escortcel,as long as you're not dirtpoor.By your logic,no one on this board is an incel.

To say an escortcel is not an Incel (IMO) disregards everything the black pill states and conforms more to red pill ideologies that status and money triumph everything.

Now this is not factoring in the magnitude of Escorts one is seeing.
If someone can spend upwards of $500 a week on escorts and still live a comfortable life, as someone implied earlier ITT the correlation between money and status is quite strong and I'd say not one of those traits is independent of the other.
I'd be fine with escortcelling if it was like $20, but they're paying hundreds of dollars for something they should be getting for free.
I'd be fine with escortcelling if it was like $20, but they're paying hundreds of dollars for something they should be getting for free.
That’s why escortcels are incels.

I never kissed a girl for free, never fucked for free. Of course I prefer to be Chad than incel. Chad is better because he don’t need to pay and sometimes he is payed.
Escorts. Don't. Count.

They were meant for incels and if you don't use them, an escortcel could just as easily call you volcel
If someone claims to have fucked an 8/10 escort, they're either lying, or, if they really did fuck her, they're not incel because real 8/10 prostitutes are the super-expensive, high-class ones who are picky about their clients and reject low-status men just like any other 8/10 stacy.
Not necessarily
Me neither. They're sex havers. Plain and simple. You can make the paying for sex argument for most men in a beta bux relationship.
Fucking sex-havers OUT
Celibacy means no sex or relationships. You’re paying for a service. Not having a female like you and want to have sex with you. And there’s a big difference. If you have a job or some way of income, you could easily save up 50-100 bucks for a hooker. If escortcels aren’t incels, then everyone here is a volcel unless you’re a retard with no way to make money
I don't really have any issue with them, but at the same time I have a difficult time relating. Sex doesn't even seem real to me tbh.
It's actually worse,your libido isn't as high as ours and you can live without sex without getting really desperate.Having a high sex drive as an incel is a fucking nightmare.Foids will never have to suffer that.
While I'm neither an escortcel nor do I have a high sex drive, what makes you think that everyone here who has a high libido is an escortcel?
I agree if you are not a virgins then you cannot be an incel.
Escorts are a cope. Disabled people get sex workers once or twice a year in some places.

Its like calling a rapist a fakecel.

It just doesnt exactly count
If someone claims to have fucked an 8/10 escort, they're either lying, or, if they really did fuck her, they're not incel because real 8/10 prostitutes are the super-expensive, high-class ones who are picky about their clients and reject low-status men just like any other 8/10 stacy.

Wrong. While it's true that most of escorts are on the 6/10 mark, there are exceptions.

I frequent only one escort (after i've tried many) which is a smoking hot 23 years old brunette with a stunning skinny body. She's a "masseuse" so she's not especially expensive but after some encounters i've managed to slip in some sex.

Also, while escortcels are not technically "cels" (because they pay for sex) they suffer the exact same problems as incels (no validation, rejections etc.) so i really do not see the problem.

Other than that, a lot of "true virgins" here (aka non escortcels) are probably younger, i've started to use escorts now in my 30's. I refused to do that before because of many reasons (also, of course, because i didn't have money).
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Escortcels aren't incels in the literal sense, but they are still incels in spirit. The term escortcel implies you can't get laid for free no matter how hard you tried.

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