We should have an incel convention to meet up so can can have some IRL friends. But how do we do it without getting mocked even worse than Bronycon? This may sound like a joke, but really we all need a better support system than just this place.
I have same issues besides cutting. My family hates me but idc because I hate most of them. Some are just assholes, some were outright abusive, the rest live on other side of country and don't even really know them. Unfortunately it's either live here of be homeless for the time being.
I wish I could just make my own family, get a wife and kids, and basically cut them off for good. I'd be a terrible father though so I wouldn't have the conscious to create life even if I had the option. If there's any chance they could end up as tormented as I have, I wouldn't want to incflict life on a person. Still the idea of having a family and a solid friend group that I also consider my family- is all I want from life.
Being incel/having bad luck with women is just one of my issues. I come here for fun and to get a laugh every now and then but it's really least of my worries
I'm not even 30 and I'm developing arthiritis because of my obesity, I've lost 200 pounds but too little too late. I'm still in the obese range just to give you an idea how fat I was. My asthma has been getting much worse, get flare ups all the time. Not sure if it's even just asthma. I have several other medical issues, some are quite embarrassing but really more serious than my weight. I don't smoke but cough more than a chain smoker.
I'm currently NEET and I have no experience. My social anxiety is crippling. To put this in perspective just calling to order a pizza or make a doctor's appointment, I have to mentally prepare myself for it for 20-30 minutes before actually doing it. So even just being a cashier or something, I'm not sure how I'd deal with it. Especially if there's some sort of issue with a customer. I had a job in highschool but it required very little interaction with people other than coworkers who I had a chance to get to know and get comfortable with. The few friends I've ever had I've mostly lost contact with. I probably have more than just Social Anxiety Disorder, probably something closer to Avoidant Personality Disorder.
I live a very isolated existence so even if I ever get out of this hole, I'm not sure how I'd talk or relate to people. I'd imagine there'd be psychologically very little difference between someone like me and someone who spent 20 years in complete isolation.
I do go out to the gym, which I actually do like because there are people but doesn't require much interaction or anything. But I want to lose all the body fat I can before moving on to other issues.
Sometimes I think about just LITERALLY LDARing for life. Just finding an empty spot somewhere and plank until I die. Don't get up for anything, just stopping. Don't get up for food, don't get up to pee, just lay there forever. Maybe I could bring my bed with me out in the middle of nowhere so it's a little more comfortable. If it's in the woods the birds chirping will at least be relaxing.
I'm afraid to die but want to at the same time. I have fantasies of being in a coma or something so I can be alive but not really having to experience all of this.
I wish I had some sort of clear guide of what to do. Because it's not that I haven't been trying, it's just I always fail. I've never really succeeded at anything in my life at all, unless you count the weightloss. But all that's just correcting bad habits, not really achieving something.