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LifeFuel I dont hate women because i never met one



Sep 4, 2023
Honestly if you're a narcissist, youre just a child in an adult body, and you devolve into an OID more than anything.

In previous summaries I concluded that boomers were not actually human beings since they lacked the general characteristics of what it is to be a human, I categorized them as a subhuman cLass

Now Boomers in their consequences, as a subhuman generation would no doubt give birth to a subhuman offspring.

The truest NPCs in life wiminz, (now classified as foids) are going to be in the same category as a boomer subhuman because they will lack the characteristics needed for a humanoid to be human

*long term planning

The Boomer taught the Foids very well on their lazy and parasitic ways of life, but the foid class of sub humans were actually able to outdo the Boomer parasites by weaponizing children against their own fathers.

With the conclusion of most if not AWALT, Foids are subhumans

But the real question becomes when foids are willing to abuse/circumcise/sacrifice/abort their child all together, if they start branching away from a subhuman class, to a hostile foreign parasite class.

Now the way a parasite lives is off the host it attaches to, which in this class would be the homo sapien man (not to confuse homo erectus with stupid smelly niggers).

The foid in all of its ways does not contribute to the mans success whatsoever, at a time I could see an actual race of homo sapien females that would either be a warrior princess or the handyman helper of the homo sapien man (ranging 100-300 years ago for handyman, more warrior princess before that)

The modern femoid does not take on natural looks of a homo sapien female, as makeup was actually a form of witchcraft back in the day. The modern femoid is disgustingly overweight, rude, and has nothing genuine of what ((Yin)) energy is. The modern femoid exhibits more characteristics of a child more than a fully grown human adult. And the modern femoid is HISTORICALLY lazy, with advancement in technology the LARPING housewife does not actually even need to do much when it comes to keeping a tidy household

Ive come to a sneaky suspicion that the femoids we see nowadays are not actually women but some kind of hostile parasitic alien that is giving birth to homo sapien half breeds of humans. The femoid knows its livelihood depends on the government/jews/popular media to survive so that's why it always comes at odds to the modern homo sapien man.

The femoid is most likely a Jew offspring as it main battle plan is to subvert, degenerate, and outright undermine the authority of what is wholesome/righteous to everything that is vile, degenerative, downright evil, while foid demands attention, validation, and outright worship...... Much like the devil of the Bible

Being alone and incel can suck but there are fates worse than being alone. Im sure I would've gone to prison if one of these femoid parasites attached to me and tried draining me of money.

Gentlemen, the incel problem is even deeper than what we thought. EVERYONE is actually an Incel.
"EVERYONE is actually an Incel"

Like I said, the average IQ of the Greycel has severely decreased since 2023 hit... 2020-2022s greys were way more self-aware and smarter then OG posters even...

But now is just one mind-numbingly retarded thread after the other.
The foid in all of its ways does not contribute to the mans success whatsoever, at a time I could see an actual race of homo sapien females that would either be a warrior princess or the handyman helper of the homo sapien man (ranging 100-300 years ago for handyman, more warrior princess before that)

The modern femoid does not take on natural looks of a homo sapien female, as makeup was actually a form of witchcraft back in the day. The modern femoid is disgustingly overweight, rude, and has nothing genuine of what ((Yin)) energy is. The modern femoid exhibits more characteristics of a child more than a fully grown human adult. And the modern femoid is HISTORICALLY lazy, with advancement in technology the LARPING housewife does not actually even need to do much when it comes to keeping a tidy household

Ive come to a sneaky suspicion that the femoids we see nowadays are not actually women but some kind of hostile parasitic alien that is giving birth to homo sapien half breeds of humans. The femoid knows its livelihood depends on the government/jews/popular media to survive so that's why it always comes at odds to the modern homo sapien man.

The femoid is most likely a Jew offspring as it main battle plan is to subvert, degenerate, and outright undermine the authority of what is wholesome/righteous to everything that is vile, degenerative, downright evil, while foid demands attention, validation, and outright worship...... Much like the devil of the Bible
Honestly if you're a narcissist, youre just a child in an adult body, and you devolve into an OID more than anything.

In previous summaries I concluded that boomers were not actually human beings since they lacked the general characteristics of what it is to be a human, I categorized them as a subhuman cLass

Now Boomers in their consequences, as a subhuman generation would no doubt give birth to a subhuman offspring.

The truest NPCs in life wiminz, (now classified as foids) are going to be in the same category as a boomer subhuman because they will lack the characteristics needed for a humanoid to be human

*long term planning

The Boomer taught the Foids very well on their lazy and parasitic ways of life, but the foid class of sub humans were actually able to outdo the Boomer parasites by weaponizing children against their own fathers.

With the conclusion of most if not AWALT, Foids are subhumans

But the real question becomes when foids are willing to abuse/circumcise/sacrifice/abort their child all together, if they start branching away from a subhuman class, to a hostile foreign parasite class.

Now the way a parasite lives is off the host it attaches to, which in this class would be the homo sapien man (not to confuse homo erectus with stupid smelly niggers).

The foid in all of its ways does not contribute to the mans success whatsoever, at a time I could see an actual race of homo sapien females that would either be a warrior princess or the handyman helper of the homo sapien man (ranging 100-300 years ago for handyman, more warrior princess before that)

The modern femoid does not take on natural looks of a homo sapien female, as makeup was actually a form of witchcraft back in the day. The modern femoid is disgustingly overweight, rude, and has nothing genuine of what ((Yin)) energy is. The modern femoid exhibits more characteristics of a child more than a fully grown human adult. And the modern femoid is HISTORICALLY lazy, with advancement in technology the LARPING housewife does not actually even need to do much when it comes to keeping a tidy household

Ive come to a sneaky suspicion that the femoids we see nowadays are not actually women but some kind of hostile parasitic alien that is giving birth to homo sapien half breeds of humans. The femoid knows its livelihood depends on the government/jews/popular media to survive so that's why it always comes at odds to the modern homo sapien man.

The femoid is most likely a Jew offspring as it main battle plan is to subvert, degenerate, and outright undermine the authority of what is wholesome/righteous to everything that is vile, degenerative, downright evil, while foid demands attention, validation, and outright worship...... Much like the devil of the Bible

Being alone and incel can suck but there are fates worse than being alone. Im sure I would've gone to prison if one of these femoid parasites attached to me and tried draining me of money.

Gentlemen, the incel problem is even deeper than what we thought. EVERYONE is actually an Incel.

I've been saying for a long time now women aren't actually real, so girlfriends or wives can't be either.

Our entire social concept of "woman" as we see it does not actually exist in reality.

The reality is parasitic organisms who respect nothing but their own immediate self interest. Not the fantastical image of "woman" that most people have in their heads.

It's all an illusion. Everything that makes females appeal to simpletons is fake. It's akin to how cats manipulate humans with neoteny, emulating babies' faces and cries but at bottom they are devious and cunning creatures who probably wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
"EVERYONE is actually an Incel"

Like I said, the average IQ of the Greycel has severely decreased since 2023 hit... 2020-2022s greys were way more self-aware and smarter then OG posters even...

But now is just one mind-numbingly retarded thread after the other.

Whatever you say taco nigger Shitskin

Stop following my every move then and go run a train with your homies on your cousin

That's what yall are best at.
I've been saying for a long time now women aren't actually real, so girlfriends or wives can't be either.

Our entire social concept of "woman" as we see it does not actually exist in reality.

The reality is parasitic organisms who respect nothing but their own immediate self interest. Not the fantastical image of "woman" that most people have in their heads.

It's all an illusion. Everything that makes females appeal to simpletons is fake. It's akin to how cats manipulate humans with neoteny, emulating babies' faces and cries but at bottom they are devious and cunning creatures who probably wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
Foids have no human characteristics and are actually a subcategory of alien parasites

Debate me you coward lol
Yeah they are missing a y chromosome they are just the baby creation vessels, and males are the genetic experimentation vessels and violence machines with more variability.

That's how life is though, it's not alien when it's how things have been set up forever.
it's actually far worse than some cope of how alien women are, when you think about it because we are actually just somewhat self aware beings imprisoned in our bodies which are just a mechanism for the self replication of our genetic material. there is no sense or direction in evolution, no cosmic grand plan, or even any guarantee that the point we have arrived at now won't extinguish itself in the future once conditions change and we fail to ada[t. We are just a fucking retarded chemical-molecular wind up toy of ATP, DNA, amino acids and lipids that will never be able to transcend the utterly absurd and pointless biological existence we are born into. We may as well all be aliens, we ourselves are the aliens.
Yeah they are missing a y chromosome they are just the baby creation vessels, and males are the genetic experimentation vessels and violence machines with more variability.

That's how life is though, it's not alien when it's how things have been set up forever.
it's actually far worse than some cope of how alien women are, when you think about it because we are actually just somewhat self aware beings imprisoned in our bodies which are just a mechanism for the self replication of our genetic material. there is no sense or direction in evolution, no cosmic grand plan, or even any guarantee that the point we have arrived at now won't extinguish itself in the future once conditions change and we fail to ada[t. We are just a fucking retarded chemical-molecular wind up toy of ATP, DNA, amino acids and lipids that will never be able to transcend the utterly absurd and pointless biological existence we are born into. We may as well all be aliens, we ourselves are the aliens.
Im not in the same boat as niggers, kikes, or women so lets not wrap this up into

((we all are)) ((we may ad well be all aliens))

The fuck we arent.

Biology, looks, genes determine who's happy in life, who reproduces, how fucking likely a liquor store is going to be shoot up

SENTIENCE is ability to self actualize, self reflect and the other terms live listed that

WIMINZ as stated do not have the same genomes as me, nor do they even have the same spirit or Morales as me. And cannot express human characteristics therefore making them an alien species

Your paragraph was pseudo science at best sorry

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