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SuicideFuel I don't get the point of existing as a working-class Incel, especially in the united states.

Okay, is that why you are writing like some pretentious pseudo intellectual retard? :lul:
Again with the "pseudo" escapist shit? Read this argument I made about it and get better at criticizing other people. You don't even know what made you react to my comments at this point, just a mindless kneejerk.
Again with the "pseudo" escapist shit? Read this argument I made about it and get better at criticizing other people. You don't even know what made you react to my comments at this point, just a mindless kneejerk.
lol i'm just messing with you bud have a good day
Some of us don't have access to neetbuxx or free apartments/cars from the government
Brutal, the fact we have no one to come home to is absolute suicide fuel. The ends have to justify the means and we have nothing to justify this miserable existence.
lots of incels are roping. the kike media wont tell you that. bunch of pussies in the media!
I can't afford to neet I must save for my seamaxx
There isn't one, chudreich now
You spend most of your waking hours toiling your life away so the ruling class can get richer while you get a meager wage, only to give half of your income to some greedy landlord and be left with nothing after paying for your food, utilities, etc. (if you can even afford that in the first place). Whatever money you have left gets taxed to fund american proxy wars in other countries. Your life is a complete dead end and absolutely no one cares. Inflation leads to prices of basic necessities rising while wages fall, and when you rightfully protest against this, the ruling class begins waxing poetic about "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" or some other nonsense. The weekend goes by in the blink of an eye and then it's back to laboring your life away for some greedy CEO.

And when years of being subjugated by a boring dystopia finally push you to your breaking point and you start having thoughts that you'd be better off dead, that's when suddenly people begin to care. They'll spew their empty platitudes like "don't do it, you have so much to live for" and "we care about you" (lies), and instead of addressing the root cause of you wanting to die, they'll tell you you should go to "therapy" and your doctor will prescribe you a bunch of useless pills, neither of which you can afford because all your money was taken by the government and your landlord, but the ruling class don't even recognize that because they're so disconnected from reality. Or perhaps it's intentional, and the ruling class are desperate to keep you alive because they don't want to lose their slaves.

Some people have spouses, children, and/or families who care about them and keep them sane. Some people have a reason to look forward to coming home from work each day. But us? We're completely on our own, and the only people who care in the slightest are our Incel friends on the internet living hundreds of miles away.
Stfu gentile give me your $$$$$$$$ give to Israel and Ukraine just wage hard and pay tax you stupid antisemite
If you get into a car accident on your way to work, your boss will replace you in seconds, and your coworkers will forget about you. You are just a number to them
I fucking hate the human race man, those people are like just robots to me due to thier indifferent we just want some love, I would rather do remote jobs then being in a hell environment of a 9-5 fuck those people. That's a hell of earth experience where no body cares about you at work or hate you
America has good salaries compared to most countries even in Europe, it could be much worse. America just doesn't regulate work much. This allows firing a worker to be very easy, short vacations, long working hours and bad conditions. Relaxed laws for employers mixed with greedy human nature is a disaster for normal people.
Inflation though is not making it that great anymore that's what sucks
There is no point in working if you dont have family or even a relationships with people what the point in wage slaving just to come home cope ldar and have thoughts of sui every single day stressed out depressed knowing life is going to be like that forver and nothing will and that your nothing but a money making slave to society's rich corporations.

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