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SuicideFuel I don't get the point of existing as a working-class Incel, especially in the united states.



Feb 8, 2019
You spend most of your waking hours toiling your life away so the ruling class can get richer while you get a meager wage, only to give half of your income to some greedy landlord and be left with nothing after paying for your food, utilities, etc. (if you can even afford that in the first place). Whatever money you have left gets taxed to fund american proxy wars in other countries. Your life is a complete dead end and absolutely no one cares. Inflation leads to prices of basic necessities rising while wages fall, and when you rightfully protest against this, the ruling class begins waxing poetic about "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" or some other nonsense. The weekend goes by in the blink of an eye and then it's back to laboring your life away for some greedy CEO.

And when years of being subjugated by a boring dystopia finally push you to your breaking point and you start having thoughts that you'd be better off dead, that's when suddenly people begin to care. They'll spew their empty platitudes like "don't do it, you have so much to live for" and "we care about you" (lies), and instead of addressing the root cause of you wanting to die, they'll tell you you should go to "therapy" and your doctor will prescribe you a bunch of useless pills, neither of which you can afford because all your money was taken by the government and your landlord, but the ruling class don't even recognize that because they're so disconnected from reality. Or perhaps it's intentional, and the ruling class are desperate to keep you alive because they don't want to lose their slaves.

Some people have spouses, children, and/or families who care about them and keep them sane. Some people have a reason to look forward to coming home from work each day. But us? We're completely on our own, and the only people who care in the slightest are our Incel friends on the internet living hundreds of miles away.
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America has good salaries compared to most countries even in Europe, it could be much worse. America just doesn't regulate work much. This allows firing a worker to be very easy, short vacations, long working hours and bad conditions. Relaxed laws for employers mixed with greedy human nature is a disaster for normal people.
Some people have spouses, children, and/or families who care about them and keep them sane. Some people have a reason to look forward to coming home from work each day. But us? We're completely on our own, and the only people who care in the slightest are our Incel friends on the internet living hundreds of miles away.
:feelsrope: :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Some of us don't have access to neetbuxx or free apartments/cars from the government
third world niggers have it so hard lmfao. its eithER suicide or wagecuckdom working your ass off so stacies and chads and chadlites can have a nice easy life fucking each other while your ldar.
There is freedom in hard work.
Save your money and get a place of your own.
Some people have spouses, children, and/or families who care about them and keep them sane. Some people have a reason to look forward to coming home from work each day. But us? We're completely on our own
Yup. If you get into a car accident on your way to work, your boss will replace you in seconds, and your coworkers will forget about you. You are just a number to them. The only people who will care is family. What makes work "meaningful" to normies is their "work-life balance". There is no purpose in working as an incel.
America just doesn't regulate work much. This allows firing a worker to be very easy, short vacations, long working hours and bad conditions. Relaxed laws for employers mixed with greedy human nature is a disaster for normal people.
Also this. The returns on wageslaving in America are generally low anyway, we can't even get our health and rights ensured
third world niggers have it so hard lmfao. its eithER suicide or wagecuckdom working your ass off so stacies and chads and chadlites can have a nice easy life fucking each other while your ldar.
food, utilities
those are very affordable in the USA. do you know what electricity costs in Denmark, Germany etc. because of suicide unilateral climate policy?
Some people have spouses, children, and/or families who care about them and keep them sane. Some people have a reason to look forward to coming home from work each day. But us? We're completely on our own, and the only people who care in the slightest are our Incel friends on the internet living hundreds of miles away.
Probably the truest and most brutal comment yet. No one cares about us and no one will be there with us to weather the storm.
Good Read should Be pinned tbh .

@Fat Link @PPEcel @Dregster @SlayerSlayer @Master
pussy is a basic human right!
Some of us don't have access to neetbuxx or free apartments/cars from the government

I live in Australia whERe NEETbux is available for the unemployed and if you’re homeless, the govERnment gives “temporary accomodation” in a motel room for a month (which you can extend even furthER by a month at the end of evERy month, as long as you wERe on your best behaviour in the previous month and didn’t cause much trouble).

But nevER heard of anywhERe whERe thERe are free cars given to unemployed people, lol that’s just a ridiculous lie.
In Finland and another European country
Maybe if you are completely stuck out in the country side and have no work in rare cases they supply you with a vehicle. But no way is that the norm.
they rther see you die from exhaustion while digging a ditch before giving a crumb of pussy
All very true-
Reason why i NEET.

I don´t need fake platitudes and lies to live by.
We have no tribe, they can shove the KIKE jiterapists up their bonghole!
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The natural order of life for an INCEL is to end while sleeping drunk next to other homeless in a sidewalk
You spend most of your waking hours toiling your life away so the ruling class can get richer while you get a meager wage, only to give half of your income to some greedy landlord and be left with nothing after paying for your food, utilities, etc. (if you can even afford that in the first place). Whatever money you have left gets taxed to fund american proxy wars in other countries. Your life is a complete dead end and absolutely no one cares. Inflation leads to prices of basic necessities rising while wages fall, and when you rightfully protest against this, the ruling class begins waxing poetic about "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" or some other nonsense. The weekend goes by in the blink of an eye and then it's back to laboring your life away for some greedy CEO.

And when years of being subjugated by a boring dystopia finally push you to your breaking point and you start having thoughts that you'd be better off dead, that's when suddenly people begin to care. They'll spew their empty platitudes like "don't do it, you have so much to live for" and "we care about you" (lies), and instead of addressing the root cause of you wanting to die, they'll tell you you should go to "therapy" and your doctor will prescribe you a bunch of useless pills, neither of which you can afford because all your money was taken by the government and your landlord, but the ruling class don't even recognize that because they're so disconnected from reality. Or perhaps it's intentional, and the ruling class are desperate to keep you alive because they don't want to lose their slaves.

Some people have spouses, children, and/or families who care about them and keep them sane. Some people have a reason to look forward to coming home from work each day. But us? We're completely on our own, and the only people who care in the slightest are our Incel friends on the internet living hundreds of miles away.

Mine is getting high, I actually care more about that than getting pussy or most anything else.

America has good salaries compared to most countries even in Europe, it could be much worse. America just doesn't regulate work much. This allows firing a worker to be very easy, short vacations, long working hours and bad conditions. Relaxed laws for employers mixed with greedy human nature is a disaster for normal people.

Fuck America.

There is freedom in hard work.
Save your money and get a place of your own.

Can't get a place with bad credit unless you pay a shitload of money for a motel or no credit check furnished apartment.
You spend most of your waking hours toiling your life away so the ruling class can get richer while you get a meager wage, only to give half of your income to some greedy landlord and be left with nothing after paying for your food, utilities, etc. (if you can even afford that in the first place). Whatever money you have left gets taxed to fund american proxy wars in other countries. Your life is a complete dead end and absolutely no one cares. Inflation leads to prices of basic necessities rising while wages fall, and when you rightfully protest against this, the ruling class begins waxing poetic about "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" or some other nonsense. The weekend goes by in the blink of an eye and then it's back to laboring your life away for some greedy CEO.

And when years of being subjugated by a boring dystopia finally push you to your breaking point and you start having thoughts that you'd be better off dead, that's when suddenly people begin to care. They'll spew their empty platitudes like "don't do it, you have so much to live for" and "we care about you" (lies), and instead of addressing the root cause of you wanting to die, they'll tell you you should go to "therapy" and your doctor will prescribe you a bunch of useless pills, neither of which you can afford because all your money was taken by the government and your landlord, but the ruling class don't even recognize that because they're so disconnected from reality. Or perhaps it's intentional, and the ruling class are desperate to keep you alive because they don't want to lose their slaves.

Some people have spouses, children, and/or families who care about them and keep them sane. Some people have a reason to look forward to coming home from work each day. But us? We're completely on our own, and the only people who care in the slightest are our Incel friends on the internet living hundreds of miles away.
Hey there, Time Lord!
Did you know you sound exactly like this Time Lord song called 'Bittersweet Symphony', that one playing everywhere in the 2000s? And you won't get very far with just this one polarity in your personality.

In fact, Sans the Skeleton is also a Time Lord (quelle surprise) who stagnates in a no-win scenario. And he had a TARDIS, all you have are quacks and demons for guidance. I suggest you to step your game up and learn about typology, then 72archetypes in order to have effect in reality, to do SOMETHING about your (lack of) emotions. Also, Elliot from Mr. Robot is... guess what? Time Lord, and he's an insurectionist anarchist. He knows better than you.
Capitalism is hell on earth for incels


those are very affordable in the USA. do you know what electricity costs in Denmark, Germany etc. because of suicide unilateral climate policy?
None of us wage slaves have it good. Unless it can be illuminated that it's two, threefold worse in Europe, it's not something to bicker about or should be a point of contention.

There is a point to be made about the 'good-lifers', as ITV calls them, who's parents fund their life in it's entirety. Even if those good-lifers are legitimately incels, as a wage slave you can't relate.

Unfortunately NEETing is not an option for me
I wish I could NEET. I'm going through mental breakdowns every week and dogging shifts so often. And days like today I just feel so strange because the all the few of my options are a loss.
Jew World Order
You spend most of your waking hours toiling your life away so the ruling class can get richer while you get a meager wage, only to give half of your income to some greedy landlord and be left with nothing after paying for your food, utilities, etc. (if you can even afford that in the first place). Whatever money you have left gets taxed to fund american proxy wars in other countries. Your life is a complete dead end and absolutely no one cares. Inflation leads to prices of basic necessities rising while wages fall, and when you rightfully protest against this, the ruling class begins waxing poetic about "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" or some other nonsense. The weekend goes by in the blink of an eye and then it's back to laboring your life away for some greedy CEO.

And when years of being subjugated by a boring dystopia finally push you to your breaking point and you start having thoughts that you'd be better off dead, that's when suddenly people begin to care. They'll spew their empty platitudes like "don't do it, you have so much to live for" and "we care about you" (lies), and instead of addressing the root cause of you wanting to die, they'll tell you you should go to "therapy" and your doctor will prescribe you a bunch of useless pills, neither of which you can afford because all your money was taken by the government and your landlord, but the ruling class don't even recognize that because they're so disconnected from reality. Or perhaps it's intentional, and the ruling class are desperate to keep you alive because they don't want to lose their slaves.

Some people have spouses, children, and/or families who care about them and keep them sane. Some people have a reason to look forward to coming home from work each day. But us? We're completely on our own, and the only people who care in the slightest are our Incel friends on the internet living hundreds of miles away.
Life is useless
Don't forget the amount of your own tax that goes to fund aspects of the lives of sex havers
Not being homeless, money to spend.
some incels with shit paying jobs must work. if they hate it just rope.
Capitalism is hell on earth for incels
This, incels have to do the same, even more than usual normies sometimes since sub5 get more pressure than other for just not being conventional looking and all that for absolutely nothing in return...No wife, no kids, no hope...
Would you say that we need a more socialist system in place?
I think the same all the time, even lower wages in the UK and it's all depressing as fuck!
Would you say that we need a more socialist system in place?
the real solution is to design anarchistic and recursive technologies, namely those which abuse the freedom in the internet, with a communist goal. I for one would go for copyright and intellectual property.
Would you say that we need a more socialist system in place?
Because it would be different doing it that time.

I thought about it. The nihilistic and true answer is that there is no reason. And I don't think it's unreasonable to pose that decades later, when you and I are finally put to rest forever, future generations of incels will be humming the same tune.

I'm still stuck around because I'm scared of what comes after death. My life as it stands currently is staving off suicidal urges and... there is nothing else! That's it. I tried to looksmax in 2021, but I quickly released that my face is irredeemably shit and I would need like five expensive and hard-to-plan surgeries to be seen as human by women, and by the time that I finished and I'm really old, then who knows how high standards will be.

The only motivation for improving my looks that I have now is that I will face less discrimination. But all that time and money and pain just to get an average experience in the West, which we know isn't even ideal, I'm just pondering if its worth sticking around on this planet at all.

I would like more discussion about cope, coping. We as a collective should shift our discussions to be primarily about how to cope as an incel. There must be something to discuss.
There is no point you're just a slave but with a family and a house in your elderly years you'll be bed bound and broke (on a pension if lucky) or on the street corner like a homeless male.
Well done. U have finally found out the truth of life. It’s fucking pointless and a waste of time especially if ur incel. The only way out is suicide
Hey there, Time Lord!
Did you know you sound exactly like this Time Lord song called 'Bittersweet Symphony', that one playing everywhere in the 2000s? And you won't get very far with just this one polarity in your personality.

In fact, Sans the Skeleton is also a Time Lord (quelle surprise) who stagnates in a no-win scenario. And he had a TARDIS, all you have are quacks and demons for guidance. I suggest you to step your game up and learn about typology, then 72archetypes in order to have effect in reality, to do SOMETHING about your (lack of) emotions. Also, Elliot from Mr. Robot is... guess what? Time Lord, and he's an insurectionist anarchist. He knows better than you.
Hey, I have a question for you. Please do not take this personal or anything but are you completely fucking retarded or something? Because it's either that or you are a bot.
There is freedom in hard work.
Save your money and get a place of your own.
Depends, for Millenials like me "pull yourself by bootstraps" just about worked (but less so than previous generations). For Gen Z, I feel like life is much harder.
Hey, I have a question for you. Please do not take this personal or anything but are you completely fucking retarded or something? Because it's either that or you are a bot.
It couldn't possibly be that my knowledge is beyond yours, that's out of question for an arrogant fuck like you.
It couldn't possibly be that my knowledge is beyond yours, that's out of question for an arrogant fuck like you.
Okay, is that why you are writing like some pretentious pseudo intellectual retard? :lul:

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