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I don't care about celibacy. What drives me crazy is lookism



Nov 15, 2017
Who else is more depressed/angered by the importance of looks in human societies than by involuntary celibacy?

It drives me nuts to see how handsome people live life on godmode, and how above a certain threshold of ugliness there's almost nothing you can do right except obey and serve without making any noise. Be the Wozniak and let Jobs reap the glory. 

What drives me even more nuts is that everybody acts like it's fair and there is nothing wrong with mankind. 

There IS something wrong with humans. We are fucking primates stuck in the Paleolithic.

How someone looks should have no importance.

IncelTears fucktards accuse people who hate lookism of delusion but they are the same who upvote looks-obsessed posts like "Kim Jong-Un looks more threatening skinny", "Tom Cruise now looks like a middle-aged lesbian", or "What is socially acceptable when you're attractive, but not when you're unattractive" to the front page.

Revolting hypocrites.
I hate how lookism applies to everything. If you're good looking you can earn more money, better job opportunities, more friends. You get just get everything extra.
This so much. Lookism / heightism / faceism is everywhere and it's widely accepted.
It's easily worse than racism and homophobia as it affects EVERYTHING in life.
Humanity is a mistake. We are depraved and irrational species and must be exterminated. Only then we can have justice.
Looks are number one, my friends. Looks are always numero uno in life.
Fontaine said:
There IS something wrong with humans. We are fucking primates stuck in the Paleolithic.

How someone looks should have no importance.



There is nothing wrong with humans , the fact that looks are by far the most important thing in life is normal .
Finally someone who understands it srs.
Pouuop said:

There is nothing wrong with humans , the fact that looks are by far the most important thing in life is normal .


good looking people have traits that were useful for early human.

you CANNOT undue tens of thousands of years of human evolution
CamelBlueFilters said:
I hate how lookism applies to everything. If you're good looking you can earn more money, better job opportunities, more friends. You get just get everything extra.

I'm afraid it's even more sinister than this. 

If you're ugly you will be completely ignored by most people. Ever noticed how no picture featuring an ugly guy or girl ever reaches the Reddit frontpage, unless it's about politics? How those "this is me, 2 years clean from drugs" always feature a pretty mug? How when someone handsome dies it's a national event, but a memorial for an ugly guy who killed himself gets at most 200 upvotes? 

Humanity is fucked beyond all measure.

incel said:

good looking people have traits that were useful for early human.

you CANNOT undue tens of thousands of years of human evolution

The key word here is were

They were useful but are now outdated due to technology and medicine

Zyros said:
Finally someone who understands it srs.

I sometimes feel incel communities are the wrong place to discuss lookism. Too much circle jerking on evil females going on, almost no one sees the forest behind the trees (outdated human emotions).
This is what pisses me off the most. You can fuck escorts, no problem but this lookism thing is the gayest thing on earth and there is no escape. People will always treat you like shit and assume bad stuff about you, if you are ugly. You will go through bullying, lonlieness, all kinds of shit only sub 5 people go through. A life full of pain and despair because of randomness is so crazy and so unbelievable its almost funny. While you suffer alone, people around you have fun and a meaning in life.
Yeah thats why they try to bluepill the shit out of unattractive men, enlightenment makes you wanna e.r.
Fontaine said:
Who else is more depressed/angered by the importance of looks in human societies than by involuntary celibacy?

It drives me nuts to see how handsome people live life on godmode, and how above a certain threshold of ugliness there's almost nothing you can do right except obey and serve without making any noise. Be the Wozniak and let Jobs reap the glory. 

What drives me even more nuts is that everybody acts like it's fair and there is nothing wrong with mankind. 

There IS something wrong with humans. We are fucking primates stuck in the Paleolithic.

How someone looks should have no importance.

cucktears fucktards accuse people who hate lookism of delusion but they are the same who upvote looks-obsessed posts like "Kim Jong-Un looks more threatening skinny", "Tom Cruise now looks like a middle-aged lesbian", or "What is socially acceptable when you're attractive, but not when you're unattractive" to the front page.

Revolting hypocrites.

Because the problems is deeper. Why are fat women accepted? Because they have more balls than the incels. Why don't we make some noise and start shaming women and making them feel bad for their choices. 

We are incels for more than our looks. I can't put my finger on it but there is something more than meets the eye. PLENTY of ugly men have gfs. Even other posters pointed it out.
GeneticDysfunction said:
Yeah thats why they try to bluepill the shit out of unattractive men, enlightenment makes you wanna e.r.
I get chronically depressed every time I think of lookism. When I go outside I legit keep my head down and interact minimally
I just wanna be loved in spite of my looks, man. I hate being an undesirable heap of trash.
> above a certain threshold of ugliness there's almost nothing you can do right except obey and serve without making any noise. Be the Wozniak and let Jobs reap the glory.

Even that will be met with suffering
Straight truth, I would much rather live a life knowing I am good looking than feeling disgusted by my looks even if I have sex a couple times.

Looks are related to everything in life and knowing you look good is the most important thing, having sex or girlfriends is a byproduct.
Digging this mud up.

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