Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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I did something and now I am being torn apart...

Stand your ground. Remember that she had DOZENS of beta orbiters comforting her, telling her she did 0 wrong even though she did. If you don't back down you'll be a prime example to men finally waking up and rejecting the damning conditions she expects us to live with (giving her validation for nothing). We've got your back here, just don't give up.
why the fuck are you obessing over these female still, holy shit youve been given enough chances to redeem yourself and still havent got over her.

fucking whiteknighting moron.
if you can get a girl to talk to you online and get into a 'long distance relationship' with you're not a truecel GTFO
If this is about Vashta aka that 16 y/o female youtuber who "sympathized" with incels then they may have realized it was you who posted the info because you legit said a few days ago that you knew her and made a thread about it and how you know her info. Hence it was easy to narrow down who did it.
Naive as fuck to start an online relationship to get all the cost none of the reward.
I know, but she seems really devastated by it anyways. What if she commits suicide or something?
How did she find out? Girls don’t browse 4chan and even if she did or her cuck orbiter did why would they be on for the 30ish minutes the thread is still in the catalog?
I think it was posted on IT or r/drama, basically catfishman tried to blackmail her into entering a Long term relationship with him (pathetic as fuck) so she deleted all her videos and some kiwifarms user doxxed catfishman as a result.

Isn't she 16 years old and catfish nearly 30?

What the fuck.
Holy shit, just found out she sent full nudes to another guy.
Just fucking kill me already.
I was literally cucked by a girl younger than me.
I know, but she seems really devastated by it anyways. What if she commits suicide or something?
then you are a cuck

fuck them fun anyone fuck being a good person it doesn't get you anywhere in life. it just makes you be used and stepped till the day you die. Our life is miserable always has and always will be god played an evil trick on us by allowing us to exist. just take joy that you allowed someone the opportunity to feel the way we do, like shit.
OP, lmfao. when I read the first post I thought you caused someone to lose their job or destroyed a marriage or something big. LMFAO, all it is, is you doxxed some cunt and now she will be trolled by 4chan? wtf, lmao, mate. you were worried she'd off her herself over that? fuck her! lmao, have no sympathy for her, she will be fine. you probably got her like a thousand orbiters, way to go lol
"he who seeks revenge should remember to dig two graves."

The trash thot deserves it, but you don't want to be the vessel that delivers retribution. Don't let anger consume you.
holy fuck this forum is cucked.

Just lost a lot of respect for the people on this forum.

Who cares about some dumb bitch who in reality doesn´t give two shits about any of us?!

I feel like I don´t belong here because I actually hate women.

Seriously, most of you are literal cuckolds posing as tough guys to seem edgy. The moment a female would show any sort of interest in you you´d become a submissive white knight and forsake everyone on here.

What a fucking joke this forum is. Nobody here is actually jaded and it´s just tryhard teens trying to one up each other trolling/shitposting.
JFL at caring about an attentionwhoring, orbiter/-recruiting, fake af roastie.
I've gotten over my doubts guys, you can stop calling me a cuck now lol.
So what do you think about this now?
I'm indifferent, really. I was an asshole, but the whole thing wouldn't have happened if she didn't break my trust first.
It was all a tragedy from the very beginning that never should have happened, the result of a depressed and insecure incel falling for an impulsive and unstable person.
You think she would give a fuck about ruining your life for her benefit come on man, fap and see that femoids are nothing more than useless annoying cum dumpsters that have no sympathy for incels/low smv men/genetic trash. Just send her your balls in the mail too pussy.
Holy shit, just found out she sent full nudes to another guy.
Just fucking kill me already.
I was literally cucked by a girl younger than me.

What board and what thread

Post an archive link
Eh. You'll get over it eventually. I'm numb to this kind of shit.
mate who gives a fuck. i've doxxed half the people i know on 4chan over the years
She talked about you a lot in one of her videos, did you know her too?
I have never talked with a girl from 4chan in my life

So no

There was one chick on Reddit who would PM me being l nice and wanting to talk

I was usually nice back but I broke it off because I simply could not trust her

Ended up blocking her
How did she know it was you on 4chan though? Did you tell a friend you were going to post stuff online and he flipped on you? Or was there any giveaways it was you in the post.
How did she know it was you on 4chan though? Did you tell a friend you were going to post stuff online and he flipped on you? Or was there any giveaways it was you in the post.
She lurked on there in an attempt to gain orbiters, lolol.
Also, only I had that particular pic so it was obvious it was me.
holy shit do you people non ironically worship that Youtube whore?

look what fucking happened to ubiquiphile. Let him be an example. Fell for a girl who "sympathised" with Incels, only for her to dump his sorry behind on Valentines Day.
dont worry about it fuck that bitch
holy shit do you people non ironically worship that Youtube whore?

look what fucking happened to ubiquiphile. Let him be an example. Fell for a girl who "sympathised" with Incels, only for her to dump his sorry behind on Valentines Day.
Wait, she dated him?
@Minjaze i need pics. Please
I have never talked with a girl from 4chan in my life

So no

There was one chick on Reddit who would PM me being l nice and wanting to talk

I was usually nice back but I broke it off because I simply could not trust her

Ended up blocking her
It was the same girl, she always talked about how you rejected her on reddit. You were her oneitis for a while I think
It was the same girl, she always talked about how you rejected her on reddit. You were her oneitis for a while I think
How many fucking incels did she get wet over? Needs to be stabbed in the cunt for being so hypergamous.
How many fucking incels did she get wet over? Needs to be stabbed in the cunt for being so hypergamous.
She obsessed over a lot, but MTBL was the first, even before you I think, sorry for being such a fag yesterday btw
How many fucking incels did she get wet over? Needs to be stabbed in the cunt for being so hypergamous.
Dude I warned you didn't I? The only thing this female deserves is death.
She obsessed over a lot, but MTBL was the first, even before you I think, sorry for being such a fag yesterday btw
Damn... This is a whole new level of slutty.
No worries bro, it happens to the best of us.
Depends, was she a bad person?
Dude I warned you didn't I? The only thing this female deserves is death.
Agreed, wish I had known you a year ago.
She not only deserves death, but to be tortured until she practically begs for it.

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