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I can't watch movies anymore

Deleted member 60

Deleted member 60

Nov 7, 2017
The feminist/SJW propaganda is just too much. Terrible writing too.

I saw the new Thor movie earlier...
  • Brb, main villain is a power-hungry whore who is somehow stronger than all the men in the universe. 
  • Brb, Thor and Hulk spend the whole movie beta-orbiting some smug, drunk lesbian slut. Once again, she can easily overpower all the male characters. 
  • Actress who plays Valkyrie is a screeching feminist cunt IRL who constantly tweets about patriarchy and "Believe Women." 
  • Narrative about men being evil liars and femoids being the unsung heroes.
  • Promotion of degenerate behavior (e.g. orgies). 
  • Every male character is a cuck and becomes totally incompetent around women.
The only accurate thing about this movie is the world ending under female leadership. 

saw Kingsman 2 a while ago... same shit.

  • Villain is a post-wall roastie who somehow took over the drug game (JFL) and has an army of whiteknights.
  • Robo-dogpill.
  • Tinder references + promotion of hookup culture.
  • Obvious anti-Trump messages.
  • Useless female gets affirmative action'd into the organization.

2017 has been the worst year for movies. I wish all the cunts in Hollywood would get gassed at this point.
Fun Fact: You wouldn't mind if you weren't blackpilled.

One con of being blackpilled tbh
Weed said:
Fun Fact: You wouldn't mind if you weren't blackpilled.

One con of being blackpilled tbh

yeah man, it ruins every cope. Can't enjoy anything these days
They don't even (have to) let us have unpolitical escapism anymore. It's just totalitarian propaganda. And it will only get worse after the current rape and harassment hysteria against the men in Hollywood. Not that I have much sympathy with Hollywood people (they have blood on their hands), but it will obviously get much worse over the next few years.
I find hard to watch films alone because i know that anybody in my same age would watch that film with someone, probably his gf. At least, anybody can choose if they want to. But not me. For this reason ive been avoiding any kind of films for years. But lately im beggining to watch films again. Of course, they must be films that i know will not remember me how shitty my life is and how much i want to kill myself. Its hard but doable.
I wanted to watch Thor -Ragnorak in the cinemas but this weekend it was too crowded. I prefer watching alone without the popcorn sound from the chads/normans around.
Bladerunner 2049 was good. All the women in that movie are evil soulless whores and the main character is a loner with a digital wiafu, there's even a part in the movie where a prostitute gets mad at the main character because he "doesn't like real women".
My favorite TV Series, Game of Thrones, was ruined by Feminism. Every single episode after Season 4 sucks a big donkey dick.
Didn't even watch this season.
mgtow said:
I wanted to watch Thor -Ragnorak in the cinemas but this weekend it was too crowded. I prefer watching alone without the popcorn sound from the chads/normans around.

I just wait until a good version comes online or buy the bluray if I think that the movie is worth it.
That said, recent movies are trash for the most part.
I think the last one I truly enjoyed was either Sunshine or Interstellar, whichever I watched later. And mostly only because I'm a spacefag who is just craving for any somewhat decent sci-fy movie.
Hollywood is a brain washing liberal machine, stay away from these idiotic rich people making movies for idiotic poor people.
I agree. When you were in school you learned how to analyse movies from multiple perspectives. Now I analyse movies from the perspective of the blackpill. And everything is just rage fuel tbh..
Most modern films are shit. 70-80s is where it's at for movies and music.
>watches a superhero and a comedy movie by no name directors, claims all movies today are shit
lonelyistheworld said:
Bladerunner 2049 was good. All the women in that movie are evil soulless whores and the main character is a loner with a digital wiafu, there's even a part in the movie where a prostitute gets mad at the main character because he "doesn't like real women".

just pirate it, bro. Don't support this cancer

BlackpilledTruecel said:
>watches a superhero and a comedy movie by no name directors, claims all movies today are shit

those were just recent examples. Surely you can agree that most mainstream movies are garbage. It's all blatant left-wing propaganda in 2017.

I'm open to suggestions btw.

lonelyistheworld said:
Bladerunner 2049 was good. All the women in that movie are evil soulless whores and the main character is a loner with a digital wiafu, there's even a part in the movie where a prostitute gets mad at the main character because he "doesn't like real women".

yeah I heard it was pretty blackpill. Gonna check it out at some point

Also, if you are truecel you will boycott the new Star Wars movie. (srs)

Even my sister recognizes that it's all SJW bullshit
fukmylyf said:
just pirate it, bro. Don't support this cancer

those were just recent examples. Surely you can agree that most mainstream movies are garbage. It's all blatant left-wing propaganda in 2017.

I'm open to suggestions btw.

yeah I heard it was pretty blackpill. Gonna check it out at some point

Also, if you are truecel you will boycott the new Star Wars movie. (srs)

Even my sister recognizes that it's all SJW bullshit

the majority movies that come out are shit, no matter what year they're made in, unless the year is 1999. yes 2017 has been shit so far, but i havent seen Dunkirk or It yet. in 2016 good movies that came out are: nocturnal animals, split, Conjuring 2, manchester by the sea, patriots day, snowden. im looking forward to American Made and All the money in the world and the disaster artist this year aswell as Dunkirk/It. I dont think any year will match 1999 in movie quality
Hollywood is owned by the Jews. This is enough to know how much they are degenerates.
mgtow said:
I wanted to watch Thor -Ragnorak in the cinemas but this weekend it was too crowded. I prefer watching alone without the popcorn sound from the chads/normans around.

I went to see the last showing in a nearby town a few weeks ago. Besides marvel and the odd blockbuster i normally don't bother with the cinema anymore. I always go after the film has run to the last showing that finishes at like 01.00 in the morning.

I really enjoyed it by the way. You should go see it.
I agree.

That, and they've become more boring and more oriented towards SJW propaganda. Never trust a rich, Zionist filmmaker.
fukmylyf said:
The feminist/SJW propaganda is just too much. Terrible writing too.

I saw the new Thor movie earlier...
  • Brb, main villain is a power-hungry whore who is somehow stronger than all the men in the universe. 
  • Brb, Thor and Hulk spend the whole movie beta-orbiting some smug, drunk lesbian slut. Once again, she can easily overpower all the male characters. 
  • Actress who plays Valkyrie is a screeching feminist cunt IRL who constantly tweets about patriarchy and "Believe Women." 
  • Narrative about men being evil liars and femoids being the unsung heroes.
  • Promotion of degenerate behavior (e.g. orgies). 
  • Every male character is a cuck and becomes totally incompetent around women.
2017 has been the worst year for movies. I wish all the cunts in Hollywood would get gassed at this point.

Sounds like a pretty typical roastie to me.
Thor and Hulk don't really orbit. They're just taking their time and stretching out some time for the plot.
Fuck that cunt.
Only the blokes come back from defeat even Loki and kick her arse and she gets slaughtered by a giant fire monster
Yeah well.
Not really. Hulk still smashes some shit. Loki is bad as. Thor is just Thor.
commander_zoidberg said:
Thor and Hulk don't really orbit. They're just taking their time and stretching out some time for the plot.

Not really. Hulk still smashes some shit. Loki is bad as. Thor is just Thor.

lol I disagree, but whatever. 

I HATED that Valkyrie cunt more than anything else. Ruined the whole movie for me
fukmylyf said:
The feminist/SJW propaganda is just too much. Terrible writing too.

I saw the new Thor movie earlier...
  • Brb, main villain is a power-hungry whore who is somehow stronger than all the men in the universe. 
  • Brb, Thor and Hulk spend the whole movie beta-orbiting some smug, drunk lesbian slut. Once again, she can easily overpower all the male characters. 
  • Actress who plays Valkyrie is a screeching feminist cunt IRL who constantly tweets about patriarchy and "Believe Women." 
  • Narrative about men being evil liars and femoids being the unsung heroes.
  • Promotion of degenerate behavior (e.g. orgies). 
  • Every male character is a cuck and becomes totally incompetent around women.
The only accurate thing about this movie is the world ending under female leadership. 

saw Kingsman 2 a while ago... same shit.

  • Villain is a post-wall roastie who somehow took over the drug game (JFL) and has an army of whiteknights.
  • Robo-dogpill.
  • Tinder references + promotion of hookup culture.
  • Obvious anti-Trump messages.
  • Useless female gets affirmative action'd into the organization.

2017 has been the worst year for movies. I wish all the cunts in Hollywood would get gassed at this point.

Nothing wrong with this. :D
fukmylyf said:
lol I disagree, but whatever. 

I HATED that Valkyrie cunt more than anything else. Ruined the whole movie for me

You know i probably wasn't as critical as you because i was just enjoying the Hulk/Thor banter so much and thinking about how epic Avengers/GOTG: Infinity War is going to be. Its pretty much the only thing I have to live for really. I get what you're saying though. A lot of movies suck terrible these days. Last thing I saw before this was the Alien: Covenant abomination and before that i think it was GOTG:2 and before that I think it was Spectre.
I didn't mind Ragnarok, Thor kicked everyone's ass in the end, learned to be awesome without the hammer and got a badass eyepatch. Odinforce, bitches! (Anyone old enough to remember that?)

Hela is an old character, getting mad at her is like getting mad at Wonderwoman, she's been there forever, established canon and all that shit. And she got fucked anyway.

The valkyrie WAS annoying as fuck though, clear giveaway to the SJWs. Especially since in the comics every Valkyrie so far has been white and blond. Oh fucking well.

Strange to see people mad at Kingsman 2... The US president was more like Bush or MAYBE Pence, not Trump. The roastie villain was ridiculous AF, and her white knight Chad army and robo dogs got fucked up by 3 British dudes. Nothing wrong there. Halle Berry's character gets affirmative action'd in... Ok, that is annoying, but fuck it (also, she will probably die horribly on her first proper field outing, just like Lancelot did).
Speaking of which, the Max Payne movie could have been so much better had they stuck to the game plot.
commander_zoidberg said:
You know i probably wasn't as critical as you because i was just enjoying the Hulk/Thor banter so much and thinking about how epic Avengers/GOTG: Infinity War is going to be. Its pretty much the only thing I have to live for really. I get what you're saying though. A lot of movies suck terrible these days. Last thing I saw before this was the Alien: Covenant abomination and before that i think it was GOTG:2 and before that I think it was Spectre.

I hear you. They had some good bantz, ngl. Keeping my fingers crossed for the next movie.

RichCel said:
Strange to see people mad at Kingsman 2... The US president was more like Bush or MAYBE Pence, not Trump. The roastie villain was ridiculous AF, and her white knight Chad army and robo dogs got fucked up by 3 British dudes. Nothing wrong there. Halle Berry's character gets affirmative action'd in... Ok, that is annoying, but fuck it (also, she will probably die horribly on her first proper field outing, just like Lancelot did).

the whole impeachment thing + having that blonde woman locked up (and portraying her in a positive light) were obvious digs at Trump. But aside from that, it was just a crappy movie IMO. Lots of filler, weak story, lame new characters, plot armor, etc. The first one was way better

BlackPill47 said:
Speaking of which, the Max Payne movie could have been so much better had they stuck to the game plot.

yeah, video game adaptations usually suck.
fukmylyf said:
BlackPill47 said:
Speaking of which, the Max Payne movie could have been so much better had they stuck to the game plot.
yeah, video game adaptations usually suck.

Yeah. I had such high hopes and then of course it sucked balls totally. Even though they had the cast and budget to make something much better. Hollywood can't really do anything right. It would already be over if it wasn't for comic book movies.

I heard they want to make a Kane & Lynch movie where Lynch has to be black... for some reason. What a load of balls. Then you have the low budget video game movies that suck balls even more. Only half decent one i remember is the one with Jason Statham where they steal his heart and he has to keep his artificial one charged. I suppose Hardcore Henry was ok. Its kind of difficult to watch though.
That sucks to hear about the new Thor. Sounds shit
fukmylyf said:
The feminist/SJW propaganda is just too much. Terrible writing too.

I saw the new Thor movie earlier...
  • Brb, main villain is a power-hungry whore who is somehow stronger than all the men in the universe. 
  • Brb, Thor and Hulk spend the whole movie beta-orbiting some smug, drunk lesbian slut. Once again, she can easily overpower all the male characters. 
  • Actress who plays Valkyrie is a screeching feminist cunt IRL who constantly tweets about patriarchy and "Believe Women." 
  • Narrative about men being evil liars and femoids being the unsung heroes.
  • Promotion of degenerate behavior (e.g. orgies). 
  • Every male character is a cuck and becomes totally incompetent around women.
The only accurate thing about this movie is the world ending under female leadership. 

I saw Thor Ragnarok today. I see what you are talking about. Still thought it was better than Thor: The Dark World,  The Avengers 2, Iron Man 3 and Ant Man

BlackPill47 said:
Speaking of which, the Max Payne movie could have been so much better had they stuck to the game plot.

That was trash. I really liked the first two games (3rd was okay), and then they just make some shit plot for the movie where everyone has loon hallucinations from Valkyr and occasional references to the game
Battlefield3cel said:
I saw Thor Ragnarok today. I see what you are talking about. Still thought it was better than Thor: The Dark World,  The Avengers 2, Iron Man 3 and Ant Man

yeah, I thought those were pretty mediocre too. Iron Man 3 was particularly disappointing.

I actually enjoyed Ant Man though - it was much better than I expected. Might be one of my favorites from the MCU films tbh. I realize this is an unpopular opinion, lol
fukmylyf said:
yeah, I thought those were pretty mediocre too. Iron Man 3 was particularly disappointing.

I actually enjoyed Ant Man though - it was much better than I expected. Might be one of my favorites from the MCU films tbh. I realize this is an unpopular opinion, lol

Ive only seen ant man once and dont remember much from it. I thought Jeff Goldblum was terrible in Ragnarok. I liked the general style of the movie. Some of the humor was pretty corny.  There was a trailer for Black Panther before the movie started, u gonna see that?
Battlefield3cel said:
Ive only seen ant man once and dont remember much from it. I thought Jeff Goldblum was terrible in Ragnarok. I liked the general style of the movie. Some of the humor was pretty corny.  There was a trailer for Black Panther before the movie started, u gonna see that?

yeah, agreed.

And maybe, lol... I'm not falling for the hype yet. Can't really see Michael B Jordan as a villain tbh

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