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I cant tell if @idkwattodowithlife is a women, faggot, trap or just simply a retard

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Nov 7, 2017
He writes like a woman in most of his posts, but I think I remember him writing about his inceldom as well. Every time I see him post in a thread I am not sure if Im dealing with a schizophrenic, woman or a legit retard.

Its kinda fucked up
Why does it matter to you? Do you want to bang him or?
I'm starting to think it's a female which automatically means it's retarded as well.
>I cant tell if @idkwattodowithlife is a women, faggot, trap or just simply a retard
they are all four, because each one of us carries many souls

he has said some very cuckish things in the past, but i dont mind cuz i love all my fellow brocels.

except that faggot framecel, he can fuck right off
each time i see his avatar it gives me a boner
The only way to be sure is to ban him.

If he tries to come back, he's a woman or a cuck troll.

If he stays away, he's probably an incel.
Sounds like a guy to me
It's all just an act.
he is pure fuck you@!! if you have acute girl anime avatar you are NOT supposed to bully
My post about the god of cope got deleted but this is fine? @retarded_dumbshit what a joke
Framecel222 said:
My post about the god of cope got deleted but this is fine? @retarded_dumbshit what a joke
Tell me 1 reason why my thread should be deleted. Lmaoing @ ur life
Using this http://www.hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.php#Analyze and some of their writing they come off as weak male. If you care to take the time and load a ton of their posts into this program you can get a decent idea. It is pretty accurate.


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fagotonabike said:
Tell me 1 reason why my thread should be deleted. Lmaoing @ ur life

It shouldn't, but I had a post removed for something far less extreme. Mods are absolute jokes, but mostly retarded_dumbshit.
The way he articulates himself is quite peculiar at times
reminder that I've been saying this forever. It's clearly a troll.
Alright to  satisfy OP and the others.

Am I retarded? Yeah, I'm kind of retarded, I failed two years worth of university courses. I also have shitty grammar and writing skills. I'm 23 years old, I should've finished university last year.

Am I a faggot? I guess by the others definition, yeah okay I am a faggot... Even though this word isn't applicable to me (and my gender).

Am I a trap? No, I enjoy some of privileges I have... I'm forbidden to say who I am, there's more stuff I'd like to tell you more about myself. I'm very accepting and open of who I am, I'm not always ashamed of hiding myself.

Am I a woman? Well, the only way around incels.is is not to mention you're a woman, even the admin admits this. Yes, they maybe femalecels possibly lurking around incels.is (you and others maybe correct on that), you have the rights to be as judgmental as you want. Its also healthy to be skeptical at times.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Am I a woman? Well, the only way around incels.is is not to mention you're a woman, even the admin admits this. Yes, they maybe femalecels possibly lurking around incels.is (you and others maybe correct on that), you have the rights to be as judgmental as you want. Its also healthy to be skeptical at times.

So you just confirmed youre a whore. I will kindly ask you to fuck off and never come back or else I will be forced to take on harsher measures.
fagotonabike said:
idkwattodowithlife said:
Am I a woman? Well, the only way around incels.is is not to mention you're a woman, even the admin admits this. Yes, they maybe femalecels possibly lurking around incels.is (you and others maybe correct on that), you have the rights to be as judgmental as you want. Its also healthy to be skeptical at times.
So you just confirmed youre a whore. I will kindly ask you to fuck off and never come back or else I will be forced to take on harsher measures.
Look I'm sorry. I'm trying to tone down on some of my posts. Others have told me about this, I'm trying my best to change now.
fagotonabike said:
So you just confirmed youre a whore. I will kindly ask you to fuck off and never come back or else I will be forced to take on harsher measures.

Stop being such a keyboard warrior bro.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Look I'm sorry. I'm trying to tone down on some of my posts. Others have told me about this, I'm trying my best to change now.
How about you fuck off

jagged0 said:
Stop being such a keyboard warrior bro.

nothing personell kid
WarmIncelation said:
Using this http://www.hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.php#Analyze and some of their writing they come off as weak male. If you care to take the time and load a ton of their posts into this program you can get a decent idea. It is pretty accurate.

It really isn't.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Am I a faggot? I guess by the others definition, yeah okay I am a faggot... Even though this word isn't applicable to me (and my gender).

idkwattodowithlife said:
m I a woman? Well, the only way around incels.is is not to mention you're a woman, even the admin admits this. Yes, they maybe femalecels possibly lurking around incels.is (you and others maybe correct on that), you have the rights to be as judgmental as you want. Its also healthy to be skeptical at times.

This is enough evidence for me, personally.

See ya o/

EDIT: All of the begging to become mod makes perfect sense now.
blickpall said:
This is enough evidence for me, personally.

See ya o/

Friendly reminder that I said this from the start. It couldn't be any more obvious. 

Hope you'll trust my judgment in the future.
blickpall said:
This is enough evidence for me, personally.

See ya o/

EDIT: All of the begging to become mod makes perfect sense now.

i will never5get u idkwattodowithlife  :'(

He's just fucking with you, ya know. And he's twice as entertaining as most of these "is my chin far enough away from my balls" tinder social media faggots. He gave me shit, but at least he contributed something worth my time.

Maybe there were other problems I didn't know about, but I'd take that sperg over the majority of this circlejerk any day.

Fucking hell mate, baiting cunts into getting banned since 1990.

blickpall said:
EDIT: All of the begging to become mod makes perfect sense now.

I 100% agree
A Good Friend said:

He's just fucking with you, ya know. And he's twice as entertaining as most of these "is my chin far enough away from my balls" tinder social media faggots. He gave me shit, but at least he contributed something worth my time.

Maybe there were other problems I didn't know about, but I'd take that sperg over the majority of this circlejerk any day.

true, idk why they wanted to be mod but they were better than most posters here. bullycels and lowiqcels and fakecels
fukmylyf said:
Friendly reminder that I said this from the start. It couldn't be any more obvious.

Hope you'll trust my judgment in the future.

You were right, but I can't ban people without evidence. This backfires in situations like these, but also protects the rights of others. It's strangely analogous to the false rape accusations leading to real prison sentences issue. Also, should remind you that I was not the one handling your reports for the past month, so it seems the rest of the moderation team is of similar mentality, which I think is a good thing.

A Good Friend said:
He's just fucking with you, ya know. And he's twice as entertaining as most of these "is my chin far enough away from my balls" tinder social media faggots. He gave me shit, but at least he contributed something worth my time.

Maybe there were other problems I didn't know about, but I'd take that sperg over the majority of this circlejerk any day.

Not a good joke if it is one, and somehow it doesn't feel like one especially given their history.

I don't recall anything resembling a worthy contribution from them but I know that they made some "friends" on here so I guess to each their own.

Don't forget that if it they indeed were a woman, they were begging for moderator status - just like the female mods on FA/braincels/etc. That should be enough cause for anyone to have some reservations about posthumously fighting for this poster.
Indari said:
A Good Friend said:
He's just fucking with you, ya know. And he's twice as entertaining as most of these "is my chin far enough away from my balls" tinder social media faggots. He gave me shit, but at least he contributed something worth my time.
Maybe there were other problems I didn't know about, but I'd take that sperg over the majority of this circlejerk any day.
true, idk why they wanted to be mod but they were better than most posters here

I've said it before and I'll say it again; This community can't read shitposting.

(maybe I've never said it before, but there it is)
What was the evidence that got them banned?
Why was this guy banned?
blickpall said:
You were right, but I can't ban people without evidence. This backfires in situations like these, but also protects the rights of others. It's strangely analogous to the false rape accusations leading to real prison sentences issue. Also, should remind you that I was not the one handling your reports for the past month, so it seems the rest of the moderation team is of similar mentality, which I think is a good thing.

fair enough. Just know that I don't make those accusations lightly. It was clearly a troll, even if it wasn't female.
blickpall said:
Don't forget that if it they indeed were a woman, they were begging for moderator status - just like the female mods on FA/braincels/etc. That should be enough cause for anyone to have some reservations about posthumously fighting for this poster.

I have zero reservations about fighting for whatever I want, and my complaint remains. There are very few okayish to good posters, and as big of a fag as that guy was, he was somewhere on that scale. I wouldn't care if he was a woman.

I might even be a woman.
A Good Friend said:
I have zero reservations about fighting for whatever I want, and my complaint remains. There are very few okayish to good posters, and as big of a fag as that guy was, he was somewhere on that scale. I wouldn't care if he was a woman.

I might even be a woman.

Like I said, to each his own. I don't think I've seen anywhere near 100 good posts, in my view, from this user despite them posting 3000, and I read a LOT of this forum. Add to the fact that they were power-hungry and recruiting orbiters with their trappy effeminate posting, and that is a recipe for an undesirable IMO.
blickpall said:
Like I said, to each his own. I don't think I've seen anywhere near 100 good posts, in my view, from this user despite them posting 3000, and I read a LOT of this forum. Add to the fact that they were power-hungry and recruiting orbiters with their trappy effeminate posting, and that is a recipe for an undesirable IMO.

>recruiting orbiters


that may slide by some of these other retards, but you know better
A Good Friend said:
>recruiting orbiters


that may slide by some of these other retards, but you know better


So you're saying that they weren't intentionally showering certain people with effeminate attention, gifs, and posts? Little hearts and "awwwwhs?"
blickpall said:
A Good Friend said:
>recruiting orbiters
that may slide by some of these other retards, but you know better
So you're saying that they weren't intentionally showering certain people with effeminate attention, gifs, and posts? Little hearts and "awwwwhs?"

You mean shitposting for a reaction? Absolutely, and he got it, and is likely laughing at this right now. Whether it fits into some fucked up "orbiter" theory is questionable at best. At the very least, it's a break from the constant "u will never not miss out on roastie ER saintbops slut REEEEEE" fest that is the norm. I don't care how faggy it is.
A Good Friend said:
>recruiting orbiters
that may slide by some of these other retards, but you know better
that person was always acting in a very effeminate way. I am ashamed to say that I was endeared to that person in a very similar way that an incel would get endeared to a woman on the internet even though I thought it was a guy, and I know I'm not the only one. call me what you will, but we all know that this individual was always acting very cutesy.
shit, some of you guys are too easily manipulated. Wouldn't be hard for a female to take advantage.
retarded_dumbshit said:
A Good Friend said:
>recruiting orbiters
that may slide by some of these other retards, but you know better
that person was always acting in a very effeminate way. I am ashamed to say that I was endeared to that person in a very similar way that an incel would get endeared to a woman on the internet even though I thought it was a guy, and I know I'm not the only one. call me what you will, but we all know that this individual was always acting very cutesy.

This isn't Brokeback Mountain, I wasn't endeared to the fucker as much as I welcome a person that doesn't bug the living shit out of me. I've seen just a litany of godawful content, or just dickish bullying, smarminess and apathetic half-posts, also the "celebrities" and those that flock them or discuss them, "so and so mogs me" or whatever. I tend to count anybody who largely stands outside of that categorization as "not worthy of a ban."
A Good Friend said:
You mean shitposting for a reaction? Absolutely, and he got it, and is likely laughing at this right now. Whether it fits into some fucked up "orbiter" theory is questionable at best. At the very least, it's a break from the constant "u will never not miss out on roastie ER saintbops slut REEEEEE" fest that is the norm. I don't care how faggy it is.

Whatever floats your boat.
A Good Friend said:
This isn't Brokeback Mountain, I wasn't endeared to the fucker as much as I welcome a person that doesn't bug the living shit out of me. I've seen just a litany of godawful content, or just dickish bullying, smarminess and apathetic half-posts, also the "celebrities" and those that flock them or discuss them, "so and so mogs me" or whatever. I tend to count anybody who largely stands outside of that categorization as "not worthy of a ban."

I perfectly understand where you're coming from, we do have a lot of low IQ discussions. I hate it. This user, however, was not a quality contributor either, all the gay (?) posting was constantly getting on the nerves of the mod team. I honestly don't remember a single quality contribution that they made to this site. Maybe this user didn't bug you in particular, but they were getting a few of the users upset.

For the record, all the feelings of endearment I felt towards this user would dissipate the moment I remembered that there was (probably) a guy behind the screen.
wishiwasbigger said:
he has said some very cuckish things in the past, but i dont mind cuz i love all my fellow brocels.
except that faggot framecel, he can fuck right off

retarded_dumbshit said:
A Good Friend said:
This isn't Brokeback Mountain, I wasn't endeared to the fucker as much as I welcome a person that doesn't bug the living shit out of me. I've seen just a litany of godawful content, or just dickish bullying, smarminess and apathetic half-posts, also the "celebrities" and those that flock them or discuss them, "so and so mogs me" or whatever. I tend to count anybody who largely stands outside of that categorization as "not worthy of a ban."
I perfectly understand where you're coming from, we do have a lot of low IQ discussions. I hate it. This user, however, was not a quality contributor either, all the gay (?) posting was constantly getting on the nerves of the mod team. I honestly don't remember a single quality contribution that they made to this site. Maybe this user didn't bug you in particular, but they were getting a few of the users upset.
For the record, all the feelings of endearment I felt towards this user would dissipate the moment I remembered that there was (probably) a guy behind the screen.

There's a number of us that have taken refuge on Off-Topic for that very reason. I can't really come up with any earth-shattering content from him, but the thing that cheeses me is the dwindling numbers of non-garbage people.

It's not even a matter of high brow discussion or any of that. It's just a sense of humor is a welcome change from business as usual.

fukmylyf said:
shit, some of you guys are too easily manipulated. Wouldn't be hard for a female to take advantage.

see, annoying shit like this, we could all use a little less of it
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