Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious I Can't Relate To Anyone Who Feels "Loneliness" (I've Literally Never Felt It)

Pretty standard introvert behaviour if you ask me
Lots of coping being done here
If there's one thing I'm grateful for, its the fact that I'm a "true introvert"

Not the currently trendy "normie trying to sound quirky" kind of introvert, but an actual introvert

I have never once in my life felt what a lot of you guys described, I've never felt bad for not having someone to talk to, or being alone

Even when I was younger I just wanted to be intimate with women, but I never had anything like a "oneitis", any cute girl would do

From a young age I had an extremely active imagination (still do tbh)

I imagined worlds and adventures, I'd spend hours outside in my back yard, with a fucking huge stick (used as a staff lol) and basically play out an entire series all from my mind (of course I'm the MC, I can still remember some of it lol), and it wasn't me forcing it, I'd literally get lost in the story, it felt natural to me

I spent most of my time alone, day dreaming (we did not have cable when I was younger). I'd day dream a lot. When we finally got cable I started watching TV, and when a computer came into the picture I was hooked, anime, gaming, etc

I do remember playing with my siblings too, we did play together a lot, but I was the only one that I remembered that played with themselves JFL (no, don't take that in the messed up way) I mean it as imaginary play

Yes I had friends at school and I wanted them to like me, but its not because I wanted to always be around them, its because it was fun to be around them, but I could have fun all by myself too, so its kind of a "take what you can get" deal with me. I can have fun and hang out with others, but I prefer to be by myself (less stressful that way)

Even though I was socially inept in my teens I still had an awareness of women's lack of attraction towards me and the importance of women being attracted to you, so when friends would ask me out, I'd never go, because I knew they'd invite girls or conversations would drift towards who is dating, etc, and I'd always be the guy left out. So going out with other people when you know you are a social failure, is pretty much you just setting yourself up to face ridicule and shame, its you placing yourself into an inconvenient scenario

A lot of you guys talk about how lonely you feel because you don't have a GF or friends, but for me its the opposite, its when I'm alone that I'm at my happiest, the moments when I felt the most at peace were the times when there were consecutive days where I never had a conversation with another person and I just played games, watched anime, etc all day

I want to be alone and I plan on being alone

I'm the kind of guy that curses when I hear a knock on the door or the bell ring at the gate and I hear a family members voice (someone came to visit), or even if its just someone who came to see someone else in the house, I hate being disturbed by other people

When I'm finished wealthmaxxing I want to do something special, I want to spend an entire week not talking to another human or seeing another human in person, just me, entertainment and food. To me that would be a dream come true. I literally feel calmed down everytime I think about doing this, its kind of part of my dream, I just want a nice week away from everyone and everything.

Truly, you are one of the few men out there who could genuinely get rich, get a small group of close trustworthy man friends and go MGTOW.
You will never wealthmaxx if you're posting here. Just cut the shit. For such a so called "blackpilled" incel you sure have a bluepilled fantasy thinking that you'll ever become rich

Just made 5k on the stock market overnight by investing in Chinese Electric Vehicle Company.

Wealthmaxxing is not impossible if you take risks and gamble a bit.
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If there's one thing I'm grateful for, its the fact that I'm a "true introvert"

Not the currently trendy "normie trying to sound quirky" kind of introvert, but an actual introvert

I have never once in my life felt what a lot of you guys described, I've never felt bad for not having someone to talk to, or being alone

Even when I was younger I just wanted to be intimate with women, but I never had anything like a "oneitis", any cute girl would do

From a young age I had an extremely active imagination (still do tbh)

I imagined worlds and adventures, I'd spend hours outside in my back yard, with a fucking huge stick (used as a staff lol) and basically play out an entire series all from my mind (of course I'm the MC, I can still remember some of it lol), and it wasn't me forcing it, I'd literally get lost in the story, it felt natural to me

I spent most of my time alone, day dreaming (we did not have cable when I was younger). I'd day dream a lot. When we finally got cable I started watching TV, and when a computer came into the picture I was hooked, anime, gaming, etc

I do remember playing with my siblings too, we did play together a lot, but I was the only one that I remembered that played with themselves JFL (no, don't take that in the messed up way) I mean it as imaginary play

Yes I had friends at school and I wanted them to like me, but its not because I wanted to always be around them, its because it was fun to be around them, but I could have fun all by myself too, so its kind of a "take what you can get" deal with me. I can have fun and hang out with others, but I prefer to be by myself (less stressful that way)

Even though I was socially inept in my teens I still had an awareness of women's lack of attraction towards me and the importance of women being attracted to you, so when friends would ask me out, I'd never go, because I knew they'd invite girls or conversations would drift towards who is dating, etc, and I'd always be the guy left out. So going out with other people when you know you are a social failure, is pretty much you just setting yourself up to face ridicule and shame, its you placing yourself into an inconvenient scenario

A lot of you guys talk about how lonely you feel because you don't have a GF or friends, but for me its the opposite, its when I'm alone that I'm at my happiest, the moments when I felt the most at peace were the times when there were consecutive days where I never had a conversation with another person and I just played games, watched anime, etc all day

I want to be alone and I plan on being alone

I'm the kind of guy that curses when I hear a knock on the door or the bell ring at the gate and I hear a family members voice (someone came to visit), or even if its just someone who came to see someone else in the house, I hate being disturbed by other people

When I'm finished wealthmaxxing I want to do something special, I want to spend an entire week not talking to another human or seeing another human in person, just me, entertainment and food. To me that would be a dream come true. I literally feel calmed down everytime I think about doing this, its kind of part of my dream, I just want a nice week away from everyone and everything.
I can somewhat relate, if there were no explicit benefits to socializing (networkmaxxing/statusmaxxing) i wouldn't really feel the need to socialize.

I can feel -something- when i'm completely alone for months on end but it's probably just FOMO rather than loneliness. Everytime i go out and meet friends or hang out, i quickly start wishing i was alone at home instead.
I agree, it can certainly lead to more indepth conversations, but that is not what 95% of people do

I've been through school, university and the 9-5 job environment, and from what I've experienced most of these conversations do not lead anywhere

Everytime I've tried to steer the topic into more indepth issues, people ALWAYS reign the topic back to surface level shallow chatter and then I'm known as the 'serious boring guy'

The people who want to have indepth conversations are few and far between and its up to you if you think its worth your time to speak to hundreds of people to weed them out

i made a thread about this. its difficult to relate to normies in that sense whihc you why often you'll put on a mask and jestermaxx and act like a clow as ''socializing'' and ''game'' is mostyl just small talk and sex jokes
i made a thread about this. its difficult to relate to normies in that sense whihc you why often you'll put on a mask and jestermaxx and act like a clow as ''socializing'' and ''game'' is mostyl just small talk and sex jokes

Exactly, they rarely lead to indepth conversations that improve/enrich your life
You will never wealthmaxx if you're posting here. Just cut the shit. For such a so called "blackpilled" incel you sure have a bluepilled fantasy thinking that you'll ever become rich

Posting on this forum does not hinder a person's wealthmaxxing abilities
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Posting on this forum does not hinder a person's wealthmaxxing abilities

Dude, most of the guys on this forum are idiotic defeatists, they need to convince themselves that its impossible so they don't feel any regret for not trying, it doesn't matter what you say to them, and its not a coincidence all of the guys replying like that are on my ignore list and I can't see their responses unless I enable it

All these guys do is go around the forum trying to troll people or make people give up, I'm not joking, its like some kind of weird psyop to keep incels poor and powerless
Im "introvert" but im still lonely. I would love a caring and loyal gf
Dude, most of the guys on this forum are idiotic defeatists, they need to convince themselves that its impossible so they don't feel any regret for not trying, it doesn't matter what you say to them, and its not a coincidence all of the guys replying like that are on my ignore list and I can't see their responses unless I enable it

All these guys do is go around the forum trying to troll people or make people give up, I'm not joking, its like some kind of weird psyop to keep incels poor and powerless

Yeah most of them have a defeatist mindset which is fair enough since we've all had a lot of negative reinforcement from society, but we can still choose to improve our mindset and life rather than rot in a poor depressed state forever which makes no sense to me
Well if that’s true I’m jealous. I wish I could escape this hell.
Even when I was younger I just wanted to be intimate with women, but I never had anything like a "oneitis", any cute girl would do

I'm starting to understand this more and more, which is why I'm ok with escortcelling. It's now more about getting physical needs met (like sex and intimacy like hugs/cuddling/kissing), rather than some fairytale oneitis BS that was beaten out of me years ago. As much as I'd like to think that there's possibly someone out there for me, there really doesn't.

I kind of have an imagination like yours where I'll dream up stories, but nowhere near as active. Maybe the fact that you had such an active imagination prevented you from thinking about oneitises and kept your mind constantly occupied, and so there was no need to feel lonely. I think I feel most lonely when I'm bored, so perhaps activity/active daydreaming can help keep loneliness away?
I feel most lonely when I'm bored, so perhaps activity/active daydreaming can help keep loneliness away?

Actually I think that has a lot to do with it too

I've often argued that humans aren't social creatures at all (which is a cliche lie that keeps getting spread around), were creatures that get bored because we can comprehend our own existence and really feel the passage of time, and boredom leads to depression and sadness. Socializing is just the original form of entertainment.

Before there were video games, TV, etc, literally the only fun things to do involved interacting with other people, so its not that were social, its that we need distractions, we need entertainment, and socializing is the most common and enjoyable form of this (today)

One day tech will reach its peak and people will get lost in virtual worlds, and humans will barely interact in person unless they are living in the same household, and all the news outlets and scientific groups will speak about it like its a new "mental condition", when really and truly its just the obvious and inevitable conclusion

Humans don't really want to socialize, humans want to be entertained, and socializing is just the most "interactive" and enjoyable form of entertainment that exists (for now). Once something surpasses that in terms of interactivity and excitement, a lot of people will spend less time in "real life" and more time in virtual worlds

Imagine you are an incel and you can just put on some VR helmet that will beam your mind straight into an orgy (you already pre-selected everything like the room, the kinds of women, amount of women, their personality types, etc) and everything feels real, touch, smell, sight, even the orgasms, and there's no refractory period after you orgasm

Would you even give a fuck about being incel again?

I wouldn't, many men are going to spend all day in these simulations lol
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Socialising causes me extreme anxiety so I don't crave it in the same way an NT incel would. Also the problem with friendship is that you always compare your life with theirs, when you are a loner you have noone to compare your life to which is a good thing. When I had friends as a teen it depressed me whenever they went to a party or something whereas now I don't even think about my old friends and they are married.
I can relate to what you are describing a considerable amount. I grew up as the only child in my family, and although we had cable I do recall spending a lot of my time simply playing alone with what little toys my parents bought for me.

Ironically, I don't think I began to experience the well-known feeling of loneliness until I had learned the language/culture of the concept (like how it shows up in TV or books, for instance). The angst of that feeling was strongest during my teen years; my best guess being that it was a feeling that was artificially produced based on my expectations of how I should fit-into the environment around me.

During the time that I was wage-slaving in 2019 (when I had substantially more interaction with normies), moments of misery were a lot more common — and I'm almost completely certain that part of it was because I had not fully accepted my status as an incel. I was comparing myself to normies a lot. Today, with the current situation and quarantine, I actually feel much better and haven't felt lonely in over a year even though I haven't spoken to a woman outside my family for months.

The idea that the equivalence of stimulation provided from socializing could effectively be replaced with other kinds of entertainment is something that seemed a bit strange to me at first, but with my experience over the past few months it is beginning to make a lot more sense. I am sure others have felt the same way.
my best guess being that it was a feeling that was artificially produced based on my expectations of how I should fit-into the environment around me

This, all your brain really needs is stimulation and excitement, you don't really care about socialization, its the expectations that are foisted upon you from child hood that makes you feel bad. Though I would say in my case I never even felt that.

If someone locked me in a large room, with a shower, bathroom, and lifetime supply of tasty foods and sanitary goods (along with access to cable and internet), throw in a realistic sex android, and I would spend the rest of my life in that room, I'd feel on reason to leave at all
If OP wasn't affected by loneliness at all he wouldn't be on an incel forum talking to fellow lonely guys, isn't that obvious?
Not necessarily true, you don't have to be lonely to want to have gf, he might literally want to have sex or have kids.
I’m a bit like you I actually find being social exhausting, it’s done bad enough normies have nothing interesting or useful to talk about I literally could predict what they’re going to talk about 70 to 80 percent of the time. They’re like a broken record, and do use my imagination a lot to conceptualise stuff.
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For me I enjoy being alone more than being around other people, but I've always wanted a friend or 2 who I could talk the shit and have fun with. I always fantasized about hanging with a group of people and doing silly stuff. Despite this I never really put much effort into socialising with my peers, I always liked to put my head in the clouds. If I'm ever invited to a party or outing I just end up going on my phone most of the time because I don't have anything to talk about with people. I think if you're with the right people socialising can be fun once in a while, but I prefer my own company most of the time.
That's literally me. I'm very fine on my own, but I always wanted someone to have fun with and share interests. But I'm so far removed from normal people, that I can't find anyone, who I click with. My social skills are also very poor. I never made a friend so far and I also don't know how that works.
Social pressure makes loneliness way worse than it actually is.
Social pressure makes loneliness way worse than it actually is.

This is really the core issue here, when you stop caring about socializing, you will stop being lonely

I never went out, or went to parties, or went out with friends, or anything like that, I always enjoyed just being home and browsing the net or playing games, so socialization was never a factor in my life, I never cared for it, so I never felt lonely

The incels who feel lonely are those who got a taste of the "normie lifestyle" but they were never truly "let in" (one extreme end on the incel scale). Or its because they feel like they've "missed out" because they never even had any friends (other extreme end on the scale). I'm more in the middle, I had friends and I never went out or really hang out with them outside of school.
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If there's one thing I'm grateful for, its the fact that I'm a "true introvert"

Not the currently trendy "normie trying to sound quirky" kind of introvert, but an actual introvert

I have never once in my life felt what a lot of you guys described, I've never felt bad for not having someone to talk to, or being alone

Even when I was younger I just wanted to be intimate with women, but I never had anything like a "oneitis", any cute girl would do

From a young age I had an extremely active imagination (still do tbh)

I imagined worlds and adventures, I'd spend hours outside in my back yard, with a fucking huge stick (used as a staff lol) and basically play out an entire series all from my mind (of course I'm the MC, I can still remember some of it lol), and it wasn't me forcing it, I'd literally get lost in the story, it felt natural to me

I spent most of my time alone, day dreaming (we did not have cable when I was younger). I'd day dream a lot. When we finally got cable I started watching TV, and when a computer came into the picture I was hooked, anime, gaming, etc

I do remember playing with my siblings too, we did play together a lot, but I was the only one that I remembered that played with themselves JFL (no, don't take that in the messed up way) I mean it as imaginary play

Yes I had friends at school and I wanted them to like me, but its not because I wanted to always be around them, its because it was fun to be around them, but I could have fun all by myself too, so its kind of a "take what you can get" deal with me. I can have fun and hang out with others, but I prefer to be by myself (less stressful that way)

Even though I was socially inept in my teens I still had an awareness of women's lack of attraction towards me and the importance of women being attracted to you, so when friends would ask me out, I'd never go, because I knew they'd invite girls or conversations would drift towards who is dating, etc, and I'd always be the guy left out. So going out with other people when you know you are a social failure, is pretty much you just setting yourself up to face ridicule and shame, its you placing yourself into an inconvenient scenario

A lot of you guys talk about how lonely you feel because you don't have a GF or friends, but for me its the opposite, its when I'm alone that I'm at my happiest, the moments when I felt the most at peace were the times when there were consecutive days where I never had a conversation with another person and I just played games, watched anime, etc all day

I want to be alone and I plan on being alone

I'm the kind of guy that curses when I hear a knock on the door or the bell ring at the gate and I hear a family members voice (someone came to visit), or even if its just someone who came to see someone else in the house, I hate being disturbed by other people

When I'm finished wealthmaxxing I want to do something special, I want to spend an entire week not talking to another human or seeing another human in person, just me, entertainment and food. To me that would be a dream come true. I literally feel calmed down everytime I think about doing this, its kind of part of my dream, I just want a nice week away from everyone and everything.
I wish they was an experiment done. One person with Unlimited Entertainment, Great Food and Sex. But socially inept for a whole year. One person,with no food,no entertainment or sex but socialises the entire year. I wanna see which person felt the most pleasure.

Because if your really think about it. Normies do dopamine rushing activities together. So apart from conversations which can be interesting(but let's be honest normies rarely have thought - Provoking convos) would normie friend circles even care about eachother or enjoy hanging out with one-another if they were no dopamine, hedonistic pleasurable activities to do together? It would be pure boredom hanging out with eachother,they might entertain eachother with conversation here and there. But it will eventually end and they will feel so bored. Honestly, the dopamine rushing activities is their bread & butter

Its the dopamine rushing activities keeping them together. They have no sense of connection apart from that. The activities is their 'glue' holding their friendship together. Also, notice how 'cool kids' in high school hangout with other 'cool kids' in high school too. All they do is brag to eachother and Jerk Eachother off (not literally). This is because it strokes their ego to be with one another. The alliance of socially dominant kids makes them feel 'cool' and high of self importance. They is no true friendship there. They stroke eachothers egos and do fun activities together.

[UWSL]Another thing is most normie men use these social circles for more access to women. Since having a wide social circle can Introduce you to many foids. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]It all goes back to the stone age times. Everything is rooted in biology and nature. [/UWSL]
[UWSL]We travelled in tribes, in hopes of mating with women,and gaining resources. We traveled in packs to make us stronger. That is the core reason platonic relationships exist. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]TL;DR: Friendship Is Cope[/UWSL]
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I felt it because I'm a human
Also youre posting a lengthy thread on a forum.

95% of the internet is social interaction.

Your schizoid points wont stop you from breaking the first few hours in true solitary confinement
this 100%. I feel the same way as OP at times because I have a tiny social battery and prefer solitude to social situations. But I placate my social needs with a bare minimum of social technology whether it's forums, reddit, youtube, or multiplayer gaming. Take away all those, and anyone would quickly go psychotic in their own company no matter how introverted.
Actually I think that has a lot to do with it too

I've often argued that humans aren't social creatures at all (which is a cliche lie that keeps getting spread around), were creatures that get bored because we can comprehend our own existence and really feel the passage of time, and boredom leads to depression and sadness. Socializing is just the original form of entertainment.

Before there were video games, TV, etc, literally the only fun things to do involved interacting with other people, so its not that were social, its that we need distractions, we need entertainment, and socializing is the most common and enjoyable form of this (today)

One day tech will reach its peak and people will get lost in virtual worlds, and humans will barely interact in person unless they are living in the same household, and all the news outlets and scientific groups will speak about it like its a new "mental condition", when really and truly its just the obvious and inevitable conclusion

Humans don't really want to socialize, humans want to be entertained, and socializing is just the most "interactive" and enjoyable form of entertainment that exists (for now). Once something surpasses that in terms of interactivity and excitement, a lot of people will spend less time in "real life" and more time in virtual worlds

Imagine you are an incel and you can just put on some VR helmet that will beam your mind straight into an orgy (you already pre-selected everything like the room, the kinds of women, amount of women, their personality types, etc) and everything feels real, touch, smell, sight, even the orgasms, and there's no refractory period after you orgasm

Would you even give a fuck about being incel again?

I wouldn't, many men are going to spend all day in these simulations lol

This nigger really supports BORG live in the pod and eat the bugs goy. And he wants to complain about this forum being defeatists when he submits to the JWO. Also it sounds like you have an office job there is no way in hell you are going to corporate moneymaxx as a single introvert just look at the stats on that.

I agree with a lot of your original post though I had a similar childhood.
"You need X and I don't need X therefore I'm better than you"

Am I the only one who perceives this kind of thread as bragging?
"You need X and I don't need X therefore I'm better than you"

Am I the only one who perceives this kind of thread as bragging?
Nobody needs X, you choose to pursue X, because you refuse to accept a harsh reality.
[UWSL]It all goes back to the stone age times. Everything is rooted in biology and nature. [/UWSL]
[UWSL]We travelled in tribes, in hopes of mating with women,and gaining resources. We traveled in packs to make us stronger. That is the core reason platonic relationships exist. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]TL;DR: Friendship Is Cope[/UWSL]

I made a thread about this very concept:

This nigger really supports BORG live in the pod and eat the bugs goy. And he wants to complain about this forum being defeatists when he submits to the JWO. Also it sounds like you have an office job there is no way in hell you are going to corporate moneymaxx as a single introvert just look at the stats on that.

I agree with a lot of your original post though I had a similar childhood.
Wtf are you talking about? What is BORG and JWO? Ans wtf is Bugs Goy?
When I'm finished wealthmaxxing I want to do something special, I want to spend an entire week not talking to another human or seeing another human in person, just me, entertainment and food. To me that would be a dream come true. I literally feel calmed down everytime I think about doing this, its kind of part of my dream, I just want a nice week away from everyone and everything.
I live this dream every week.
I wish I felt like this. I long for affection and human companionship, but I have terrible anxiety when talking to others so I distance myself from people. I wish I didn’t have so much social anxiety and I was more like a “normie”.:fuk:

If I didn’t have a desire for human interaction like you, having social anxiety wouldn’t affect me nearly as much and it would be much easier to cope.
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Wtf are you talking about? What is BORG and JWO? Ans wtf is Bugs Goy?
JWO=Jew world order, that wants us to live in pods hooked up to VR machines that BPP described. Bugs goy means they want eat bugs while living in these pods.
I'm still gonna call cope on this one tho. I mean don't get me wrong. You had some great points in this thread and even I made a thread about friendship being cope. But I still crave having like minded friends to have fun with. We biologically programmed to craves Socialization. Sorry,I usually agree with you. But friendship is necessary for growth.
JWO=Jew world order, that wants us to live in pods hooked up to VR machines that BPP described. Bugs goy means they want eat bugs while living in these pods.
What does eating bugs got to do with it?
You were never truly "alone" you just don't enjoy people's company that much and you can be perfectly fine with yourself, that's miles away from what you're comparing it to. People here don't talk to nobody and have spent literal years without a single friend, i've been friendless for a while and i can say confidently that there's no such thing as being happy alone. That's pure retardation and is comparable to saying that personality matters.

There has been tons of studies on animals that ended up dying because they were lonely, and it has been proven that loneliness can indeed kill you. So if you always have people bothering you and you think you would be "fine" if they weren't there im sorry to dissapoint you, but you would in fact not be okay. Maybe you'll be good a couple of months, then you'll feel miserable for some reason and that reason will be loneliness.

Literally no one wants to be alone, in HS without friends group projects are so painfull. And so are free time, in uni and whaever work you do also happens. It's imposible to deny the importance of social connections, even if they don't help you getting a job or any opportunities. They'll help your mental wellbeing.
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Nobody needs X, you choose to pursue X, because you refuse to accept a harsh reality.
I'm a bit confused now. It seemed like your position was that loneliness is bad for people in general but you are an exception to the rule.

Now you're claminig that loneliness is not bad even for people in general?

It's pretty generally accepted that loneliness damages people.

I would say the reason this forum even exists is because we need to feel like we are part of a group.
I'm a bit confused now. It seemed like your position was that loneliness is bad for people in general but you are an exception to the rule.
My position is that I just can't relate. But I can't relate because of the experiences that I've had, that shaped the way I look at the world. The thing is, anyone can choose to attain this mindset artificially if they wanted. People just refuse to do so, because they want certain things to "remain sacred" in their world.

I would say the reason this forum even exists is because we need to feel like we are part of a group.
This forum exists because people want to vent their anger and frustrations. I would actually that it REALLY exists because prostitution isn't legal globally. This forum would shut down in two years if prostitution was legal globally starting tomorrow lol.
My position is that I just can't relate. But I can't relate because of the experiences that I've had, that shaped the way I look at the world. The thing is, anyone can choose to attain this mindset artificially if they wanted. People just refuse to do so, because they want certain things to "remain sacred" in their world.
Sounds pretty accurate. I personally like those "sacred" things. Not sure if it would be possible, or even if I would want to get rid of it.

This forum exists because people want to vent their anger and frustrations. I would actually that it REALLY exists because prostitution isn't legal globally. This forum would shut down in two years if prostitution was legal globally starting tomorrow lol.
This one is not true. Not sure if most, but a lot of guys are here because they want to be sexually desired, not only have sex. Since being sexually desired is basically not possible for us, the forum would still exist.

Actually, there are lots of posts of guys who went to escorts and felt even worse. Guys who only want PiV don't have much reason to be here at all, escorts are always available one way or another.

I've read you saying some guys here are "involuntary lonely" instead of "involuntary celibate". I believe the main theme of the forum is loneliness, it's pretty clear by the definition of "incel" applied here ("A man who desires a romantic relationship but is unable to enter one").
This one is not true. Not sure if most, but a lot of guys are here because they want to be sexually desired, not only have sex.
That's just the bullshit that people say, I hope you don't actually believe this nonsense. Most men are people with no path in life who are led, they aren't "leaders" they are "followers". If it became normal and accessible to pay for sex, within a 2 years all the guys talking all of this "love" shit will be paying for sex. They may still come on here to lie and keep up a persona, but they'll be paying.

Humans are really simple, they take the path of least resistance. The guys on here saying they won't pay for sex are only doing so because what they really mean is "I won't make the effort or take the risks required to pay for sex". If it was completely legal and affordable (and legalizing it would make it affordable), most of these guys would go on to pay for it.

Prostitution being illegal merely gives these guys the excuse they need to cling to their pride, they're weak hearted and emotional. The moment that excuse is taken away, in the same way that their emotions make them cling to morality and pride, their emotions will make them pursue the comfort of a woman's warm body.
That's just the bullshit that people say, I hope you don't actually believe this nonsense. Most men are people with no path in life who are led, they aren't "leaders" they are "followers". If it became normal and accessible to pay for sex, within a 2 years all the guys talking all of this "love" shit will be paying for sex. They may still come on here to lie and keep up a persona, but they'll be paying.

Humans are really simple, they take the path of least resistance. The guys on here saying they won't pay for sex are only doing so because what they really mean is "I won't make the effort or take the risks required to pay for sex". If it was completely legal and affordable (and legalizing it would make it affordable), most of these guys would go on to pay for it.

Prostitution being illegal merely gives these guys the excuse they need to cling to their pride, they're weak hearted and emotional. The moment that excuse is taken away, in the same way that their emotions make them cling to morality and pride, their emotions will make them pursue the comfort of a woman's warm body.
Well, I live in Brazil where prostitution is cheap and widely available and incels communities still exist. Guys here don't want to pay for sex because they want to be sexually desired.

You've seen lots of guys here telling you sex itself is not the problem, if you still want to believe prostitution will solve everything (at least for most guys) then Idk what to tell you.

Anyway, I have a question. Your position is basically that guys can "artificially change their mindset" so they no longer care about being sexually desired.

Have you ever thought about artificially changing so you no longer care about sex? Like asexual people? It would be one less limitation in your life. It seems like you would be capable of doing such a thing.
Well, I live in Brazil where prostitution is cheap and widely available and incels communities still exist.
This is very vague, what do you mean by "incel communities"?

I doubt there are well known public groups and you guys have meet ups and shit lol. So how the hell would you know if all those guys saying that shit aren't paying for it anyways. Like you said, it's cheap and widely available.

Also, the danger might be the problem. Brazil is a pretty crime ridden country, and last time I checked it has the highest murder rate on the planet.

I actually want to go to Brazil because of the women and legal prostitution, but the murder rate is the reason why I would never visit.

Even though it's legal, prostitution there is definitely under the control of the criminal element. So going to the places in which you could buy sex would be very dangerous, outside of something like the world cup being held in the country, where there's a lot of foreigners, press, news, etc, which would make the criminals tone down their actions.

A clueless foreigner like myself who doesn't speak spanish would be a prime target to be robbed and/or murdered under normal circumstances.

Guys here don't want to pay for sex because they want to be sexually desired.
Most women want to marry a man that's 6ft tall, but that's only 15% of the US population, so do you know what happens?, women settle and marry regular guys.

Most people had a dream of what they wanted to be in life, but most people never achieve that dream, so do you know what happens?, they settle and become wage slaves for the rest of their lives.


This will be no different, all these guys saying this shit online ARE ALL TALK. You really think some pathetic fucks talking about having a "oneitis" even have the backbone to resist paying for sex once it's legal and available? (these guys are emotional and mentally weak to begin with).

It's easy to say shit when you don't have the option. It reminds me of the "red pill" guys that say they would never marry Kim Kardashian because she's "used goods" and they are trying to "sound alpha". These guys are fucking lying, and it's easy to think that way in the moment when you don't have a chance with a woman like that to begin with.

If she randomly messaged me somehow and proposed, I'd accept it on the spot lol. I could fuck her for a while, and then divorce her and get a good chunk of change to go about and live the rest of my life. Any guy saying otherwise is lying to himself, you have nothing to lose by marrying her.

You've seen lots of guys here telling you sex itself is not the problem
I go by biology, not rhetoric. People like to say a lot of shit, but at the end of the day peoples actions show that the are at the mercy of their biological imperatives.

People settle all the time, and people take what they can get.

Once again, our ancestors didn't give a fuck about any of this, men were raping and pillaging left and right, and that's because it's not rooted in our biology to want to "feel loved" or "feel desired" by women. We simply just want to fuck them, mutual attraction is like the cherry on top, but it's not the cake.

Men like you were just raised in peaceful times where you can afford to prioritize insignificant shit like that, and worse, times in which you are indoctrinated to value yourself ONLY if you can attract women, and to stake your entire sense of self worth and value on it. That's why you guys consciously value "feeling desired" over sex, but your subconscious doesn't give fuck about that.

If you are walking by a legal red light district and you see a 10/10 bitch at a good rate, you are going to fuck if you are horny enough at that moment. All that shit you are saying is just talk.


Anyway, I have a question. Your position is basically that guys can "artificially change their mindset" so they no longer care about being sexually desired.

Have you ever thought about artificially changing so you no longer care about sex? Like asexual people? It would be one less limitation in your life. It seems like you would be capable of doing such a thing.
You can change your mindset (your perspective on something), but you can't change biology itself.

For example, many people become vegan after they learn about the "suffering of animals" or whatever the fuck makes them feel bad about eating meat. Their perspective on meat as a food changed, so they stopped eating meat. They are making a CONSCIOUS decision to refuse to eat meat. But that doesn't change the fact that meat tastes good, and SUBCONSCIOUSLY their body knows that and still craves meat (which is why "meat substitutes" are common among vegan diets)

There's a reason why vegan food aisles are filled with all these "fake meat" products. You can change your perspective BUT YOU CAN'T CHANGE BIOLOGY.

In fact the mindset that you and the guys you mentioned have is proof of that. I bet my life that if I put you or any of those guys alone on an island with a 10/10 woman, you are going to rape her within 2 years of being on that island alone with her (assuming you don't do it in 2 weeks lol). Your social programming (laws, values, morality, religion, etc) has trained you to CONSCIOUSLY resist those thoughts and to not rape women, but your biological programming (libido, urge to reproduce, etc) will SUBCONSCIOUSLY push you to do it.

Same this with paying for sex. What you guys need is the means and opportunity.

Are there exceptions to the rule, sure. But most men would pay for sex if given a risk free and affordable opportunity to do so.
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This is very vague, what do you mean by "incel communities"?

I doubt there are well known public groups and you guys have meet ups and shit lol. So how the hell would you know if all those guys saying that shit aren't paying for it anyways. Like you said, it's cheap and widely available.

Also, the danger might be the problem. Brazil is a pretty crime ridden country, and last time I checked it has the highest murder rate on the planet.

I actually want to go to Brazil because of the women and legal prostitution, but the murder rate is the reason why I would never visit.

Even though it's legal, prostitution there is definitely under the control of the criminal element. So going to the places in which you could buy sex would be very dangerous, outside of something like the world cup being held in the country, where there's a lot of foreigners, press, news, etc, which would make the criminals tone down their actions.

A clueless foreigner like myself who doesn't speak spanish would be a prime target to be robbed and/or murdered under normal circumstances.

Most women want to marry a man that's 6ft tall, but that's only 15% of the US population, so do you know what happens?, women settle and marry regular guys.

Most people had a dream of what they wanted to be in life, but most people never achieve that dream, so do you know what happens?, they settle and become wage slaves for the rest of their lives.


This will be no different, all these guys saying this shit online ARE ALL TALK. You really think some pathetic fucks talking about having a "oneitis" even have the backbone to resist paying for sex once it's legal and available? (these guys are emotional and mentally weak to begin with).

It's easy to say shit when you don't have the option. It reminds me of the "red pill" guys that say they would never marry Kim Kardashian because she's "used goods" and they are trying to "sound alpha". These guys are fucking lying, and it's easy to think that way in the moment when you don't have a chance with a woman like that to begin with.

If she randomly messaged me somehow and proposed, I'd accept it on the spot lol. I could fuck her for a while, and then divorce her and get a good chunk of change to go about and live the rest of my life. Any guy saying otherwise is lying to himself, you have nothing to lose by marrying her.

I go by biology, not rhetoric. People like to say a lot of shit, but at the end of the day peoples actions show that the are at the mercy of their biological imperatives.

People settle all the time, and people take what they can get.

Once again, our ancestors didn't give a fuck about any of this, men were raping and pillaging left and right, and that's because it's not rooted in our biology to want to "feel loved" or "feel desired" by women. We simply just want to fuck them, mutual attraction is like the cherry on top, but it's not the cake.

Men like you were just raised in peaceful times where you can afford to prioritize insignificant shit like that, and worse, times in which you are indoctrinated to value yourself ONLY if you can attract women, and to stake your entire sense of self worth and value on it. That's why you guys consciously value "feeling desired" over sex, but your subconscious doesn't give fuck about that.

If you are walking by a legal red light district and you see a 10/10 bitch at a good rate, you are going to fuck if you are horny enough at that moment. All that shit you are saying is just talk.


You can change your mindset (your perspective on something), but you can't change biology itself.

For example, many people become vegan after they learn about the "suffering of animals" or whatever the fuck makes them feel bad about eating meat. Their perspective on meat as a food changed, so they stopped eating meat. They are making a CONSCIOUS decision to refuse to eat meat. But that doesn't change the fact that meat tastes good, and SUBCONSCIOUSLY their body knows that and still craves meat (which is why "meat substitutes" are common among vegan diets)

There's a reason why vegan food aisles are filled with all these "fake meat" products. You can change your perspective BUT YOU CAN'T CHANGE BIOLOGY.

In fact the mindset that you and the guys you mentioned have is proof of that. I bet my life that if I put you or any of those guys alone on an island with a 10/10 woman, you are going to rape her within 2 years of being on that island alone with her (assuming you don't do it in 2 weeks lol). Your social programming (laws, values, morality, religion, etc) has trained you to CONSCIOUSLY resist those thoughts and to not rape women, but your biological programming (libido, urge to reproduce, etc) will SUBCONSCIOUSLY push you to do it.

Same this with paying for sex. What you guys need is the means and opportunity.

Are there exceptions to the rule, sure. But most men would pay for sex if given a risk free and affordable opportunity to do so.
brazil is not what you think, you'd do fine escortmaxxing here
friends are useless most of the time, no point in it, not even one is trustworthy to have; i never ever had friends (my info comes from what i know about people and what i see), but this is not a problem since friendship is based mostly on interests and status; having a social circle is good because of status and, above all, the possibility of having a female friend-with-benefit, otherwise friendships are useless, only girlfriend is important more than anything. Even if you dont care about having friends, caring about your involuntary celibacy is enough to be considered loneliness.
brazil is not what you think, you'd do fine escortmaxxing here
With my luck a stray bullet would fly straight through my skull before my feet could even touch the ground in Brazil as I get off of the plane lol.

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